

The old Sea Beast's eyes glowed with excitement, "Do it"

The jade slip glowed and the message was sent.

The old man leaned back in his chair, with the razors retracting into his body to avoid destroying the furniture.

This is the old elder ancestor of the Razor Eel Race, and all around him were Sea Beasts of different races.

After Sheng Tian had let the Razor Eel Race's talent go, the old elder called for all of their forces to retreat back into their domain. Naturally, the Sea King was not happy when he found out, but could not do anything as they had allied themselves with all of the peaceful and neutral races.

Since then, they have only sent out scouts to probe the outside situation and have not left their settlements. 

An old sea beast with the features of a crab leaned forward in his chair, "Have they found him?"