
Heaven's Tower (dropped)

Towers are an existence only found in novels, they bring about great change to life. Gifting power only dreamt of, making humans into godlike beings. As a solar eclipse came by, Max like many people stared up at the sky. As the moon fully blocked the sun many simply smiled. As the minutes passed, these smiles soon turned into frowns, and then into fear as the moon simply stood there unmoving. That's when the system appeared. [Congratulation's Humanity, your bodies have evolved enough to intake mana] [As such Earth will become part of "The Tower" and earthlings will be given the right to climb if they see fit] [Watch out though, even if Earth's one of the lowest it will still be crawling with monsters, and one last thing] [Have Fun] Just like that Max's world turned upside down. Climbing the tower, becoming stronger with each battle. Will he gain the power to control his fate and become a ranker of the tower, or will he die and simply become someone else's stepping stone?

Dr_Insane001 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

The Great Change

Max Leonius sat on the park bench staring at the sun with his special glasses much like everyone else. Everyone knew that a magnificent event was about to take place, a great eclipse with the moon completely blocking the sun and only a little light piercing through. What made it even more perfect was the clear sky, not even the birds were chirping as the moon slowly came into view.

To Max, each second felt like an eternity, with the moon slowly covering the sun everyone stared at it with excitement. Max took a big breath of air, savoring the once-in-a-lifetime moment he was about to witness. As the moon fully took over the sun, people began taking pictures, making sure to capture the moment. Max simply smiled adjusting his glasses a bit, making sure they were comfortable.

A minute passed and the moon stood still, not moving an inch. Seeing this people began to grow worried. Another minute passed and the once vibrant smiles turned into frowns as the moon simply stood still. Even Max started to worry a bit, getting up from his bench. Taking his phone up he tried searching for any possible explanation for what was happening. Yet every time he typed something in, it didn't load as if it was frozen like the eclipse. After the 3rd minute passed, a green screen appeared in front of Max. Not just Max everyone even children and babies as well. Max looked over and read it.

[Congralgulations Humanity your bodies have evolved enough to intake mana]

[As such Earth will now become part of "The Tower" and earthlings will be given the right to climb if they see fit]

[Watch out though, even if Earth's is one of the lowest it will still be crawling with monsters and one last thing]

[Have Fun!!!]

Just like everyone's world was turned upside down as they felt a major earthquake. Max fell to the ground trying to steady himself at the same thing he felt his stomach ack. He went into the fetal position, holding onto his stomach for dear life as a weird blue substance began going into him. Looking around others were either in the same position as him or even worse. The sensation slowly went away and Max stood and looked at the sky.

He looked horrified as the sky had turned a dark blue with the eclipse now replaced with a dark orange sun. Max then felt a searing headache, grabbing his forehead he began crying out in pain as a word was repeated over and over.

"System, System, System."


Max shouted into the sky, and the same green panel from before opened up.

[Name: Max]

[Exp: 0/30]

[Age: 23]

[Class: Null]


[Points: 30]

[Talent: Core Eater]

[Strength: 13]

[Dexerity: 10]

[Constitution: 12

[Intelligence: 6]

[Mana: 20]

[Skills: Null]

Once the screen appeared the headache in Max's head was gone almost instantly and he stared at the green screen. Moving his left finger towards the talent part he clicked on it and a larger screen appeared before him.

[Core Eater: This talent allows the user to devour the cores of monsters, for right now the user can only intake 25% of the total mana inside a core, and by devouring a monster core the user has a possibility of gaining a skill]

Seeing this Max's frown from the current predicament soon turned into a smile as he looked around. All the other people around them were also looking at green screens, except for the babies. But it soon turned into a panic as mothers quickly took their babies out of their stroller and ran away from the park, alongside others. But Max didn't follow then instead he kept looking at his statues screen and was particularly interested in the points it showed.

"System what are these points for?"

[Simply put it's for the shopping function, or you can exchange 5 points for 1 stat upgrade]

"System open shop."

Immediately a much large green screen appeared in front of Max, revealing various different items, and skills. Seeing so many of them at once, Max put his hand on his chin looking at the various items and skills available for purchase.

"System can you show me the things I can buy?"

Immediately the catalog was shortened to about 10 items, with the most expensive one being 25 points. Looking at the options available to him, Max clicked on two of them immediately emptying out his account.

[Host has purchased basic mana usage for 15 points]

[Host has purchased a basic iron sword]

Max immediately began swinging around his new blade testing out its strength. Feeling satisfied with the weight, he began exploring his new skill "basic mana usage" he began imaging a small blue ball in his left hand. Closing his eyes he began to feel strange energy leave him, immedaitly he felt exhausted and opened his eyes back up. In his left palm, he saw a small blue ball of pure mana. Max smiled and started jumping for joy celebrating his first and successful try at using mana.

"Yes, yes, yesssss!"

He began to cry tears of joy and immediately stopped as he looked around and saw not one soul in the park.

"I must be a weirdo for getting s used to this so quickly."

[Host is not a weirdo, the weirdos are those who immediately try and kill each other]

Hearing that Max began rubbing his head contemplating what the system just told him.

"I guess that going to be happening soon, although I am surprised no monsters nothing yet where are they?"

[Host the monsters have already begun spawning the moment the announcement began, it's just that host has not encountered any yet]

Hearing that Max began walking out of the park trying to find any of these monsters and get the proverbial party started. After exiting the park, Max looked around at his old city.

"Des Moines, it used to be such a beautiful place to live in, but now it's completely empty!"

Immediately a wide echo dispersed through the entire city and Max had a bored look on his face as he looked at the crashed cars, and broken lights.

"This might take a while."

Second Book, and hopefully it has a better start than my first one. Hope you enjoy :)

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