
Heaven's King Last Bride

Abigail is forced to ask some neighbors to thwart the work of Arfando, the man she believes to be her son who left her twenty years ago, and makes Arfando have to lose the opportunity to marry Abigail because of his failure. When she was restless knowing that Arfando left the village while continuing his tantrum, a handsome man wearing a royal crown came and protected her. Who was this man and what was his purpose in coming into Abigail's life?

arie_riyan · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

8. Mysterious Cat

Anthrophy and Sofia looked to the source of the sound. They widened their eyes to see a beautiful cat falling from the slightly open window. Anthropy immediately chased the beautiful cat out of Sofia's house, but Sofia deftly reached out to grab the cat to avoid Anthropy's smacking.

"Please don't you ever touch that cat! I know who she is and what she came here for."

"Don't act like you're being mean to this innocent cat. I'll be the first to help a creature that's being abused by other creatures. This cat is a weak animal. If you try to harass her, we'll be enemies from now on."

Anthropy cooked his face roughly. He knows the cat currently in Sofia's arms is the incarnation of Sarah's men who can harm Sofia whenever and wherever she is. The thing that makes him sad right now is that Sofia has protected the beast and it is very difficult to tell that the animal that she considers weak is the most dangerous animal on this earth.

"You can be angry with me Sofia. But you must know that the cat in your arms is the weak cat of Sarah's wizard crew, the one who turned your husband into a wolf at that time."

Never make false news especially to people who clearly didn't do anything. Do you have evidence of the crime of this cat? You and I are both humans who live on this earth so you have no right to judge the witch Sarah who you say is a creature from the kingdom of heaven. "

"Oh God forgive me, after all I am a person who understands more than her about various things including that cat which is considered a weak creature. But how can I tell Sofia that the cat is really very dangerous for you and me too? God please give me your instructions to get the cat to leave and get away from this house!"

Anthropy fiddled with her hair in frustration, making the cat in Sofia's arms give a faint smile. The cat was really happy because he was able to trick Sofia and make them both fight for the umpteenth time.

"Miauw," the cat in Sofia's arms rubbed its head against the beautiful woman's hand, causing Sofia to look at the cat with a smile and pet it gently.

"You take it easy, sweetie. Don't worry because I will be the one who will always protect you. He is a rude man who is always angry with me and also at you. We will fight together to get him out of my house and we can be friends. Do you agree?"

The cat in Sofia's arms nodded its head making the girl frown, not believing what she was seeing. She was really surprised to see that the black, white and orange cat could communicate and even seemed to understand the language spoken by Sofia.

"Never promise to be that cat's best friend, Sofia. I really don't like seeing you with her. You'll get mad when I tell you to stay away from her but when one day you find out about her cunning, you'll thank me."

"Get out of here and don't ever interfere in my business because you are nobody in my life. I don't like anyone else interfering in my affairs, let alone that which includes my friendship with anyone. You know I am a good woman, a loving woman and will never make enmity with anyone. If you already understand me, you will never ask me to throw this cat away or be hostile to him or even hurt him because of my carelessness."

Once again Anthropy brushed his hair. How many times he let out a rough breath before he finally stepped out of Sofia's house.

"Finally you went too, arrogant man. You really shouldn't be here and bother us. If you know I've been living alone all this time, allow me to be friends with this cat that you think is evil. Don't ever get in my way because I will make myself comfortable living without you and your distractions."

Anthropy, who had really given up on failing to remind Sofia, finally could only give up. Several times he tried to find the whereabouts of Sarah's mirror which he gave to Sofia secretly. He was sure that the three-colored cat had come to look for the object and Anthropy did not want the sacred object to fall into the cat's hands and be handed back to Sarah who could eventually make the world and everything in it chaotic and messy.

After disappearing from Sofia's sight, Anthropy then crossed his legs under the table where Sofia had placed her food. After confirming the mysterious cat Tu doesn't know its whereabouts, he mumbles a spell to find the whereabouts of the magic mirror that is still in Sofia's house.

Antropy really couldn't believe it when he found out that Sofia put the magic mirror among the things she didn't use at all. The things that he no longer uses he uses to cover the mirror so that no one knows the existence of a mirror that is really a bone of contention in the kingdom of heaven.

"Is this your stupidity or is this your intelligence, Sofia. You keep magical things like this in things that are of no use at all so they don't make others suspicious of their existence. Or do you think of this thing as something so ordinary that you don't feel the need to store it properly? I hope my second assumption is wrong."

After a monologue Anthropy then stretched out his hand and lifted it up. He made several moves to attract the attention of the mirror which was still lying in the middle of the pile of unused objects and then he used his strength to pull the mirror into place.

Several times he tried to take the sacred object but several times he failed. The mirror seemed reluctant to follow him and this made Anthropy confused. He didn't know what had happened to the object so far that made it difficult for him to take it directly and save it from Sarah's cat.