
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · สมัยใหม่
116 Chs

Morning Whispers

A-ri's eyes fluttered open as the first rays of morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle warmth across her room. Unlike Eun-tae, whose early start was dictated by his work, A-ri enjoyed the luxury of a slower morning routine. She stretched languidly under the covers, her mind still caught in the hazy realm between dreams and reality.

After a leisurely moment, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stretched once more, a contented sigh escaping her lips. She padded her way to the bathroom, splashing cool water on her face and brushing her teeth. As the refreshing feeling of wakefulness settled in, she found herself gravitating toward the kitchen.

The soft hum of the refrigerator greeted her as she entered the kitchen, and a faint, tantalizing aroma wafted through the air. It beckoned her closer, her curiosity piqued. As she opened the lid of a covered dish on the counter, her eyes widened in pleasant surprise. A plate of grilled bacon and a sandwich lay nestled inside, wrapped carefully in clear plastic.

A small note slid beneath the plate caught her attention. She picked it up and read the words that Eun-tae had penned. He explained that he had used some ingredients from the fridge to make her breakfast as well, hoping she wouldn't mind. The simplicity of his words warmed her heart, and a soft smile graced her lips.

As she savoured her breakfast, a thought flitted through her mind. Why had Eun-tae left a note instead of just texting her? It could have been a simple message on her phone, informing her of the breakfast he had prepared. But the note, with its handwritten words, carried a touch of personal care. Maybe it was a small surprise, a subtle way of brightening her morning. The idea brought a hint of a blush to her cheeks, and she found herself appreciating Eun-tae's thoughtful gesture even more.

Eun-tae's gesture had an endearing sincerity to it, and A-ri couldn't help but appreciate the effort he had put into preparing breakfast. She took a seat at the kitchen table, the plate before her inviting and comforting. As she bit into the sandwich, she couldn't deny the satisfaction of a well-cooked meal. It was nothing too elaborate, but it was made with care, and that made it all the more delightful.

As she savoured each bite, A-ri's mind wandered to the unspoken layers that seemed to unfold between them. It was moments like these that made the uncharted territory of their contract marriage all the more intriguing, a canvas painted with unexpected colours and shared meals, with notes that held more than mere words.

A-ri finished her breakfast, her heart warmed not only by the meal but also by Eun-tae's gesture. With her plate cleared, she made her way back to her makeshift art studio, determination filling her. Today was a day to dive back into her painting, to let her creativity flow freely onto the canvas.

She stood before her painting, her eyes tracing the intricate details and the ethereal landscape she had created. As she dipped her brush into the paint, she felt a surge of inspiration, a rush of excitement that propelled her forward. But as the hours passed, she found her thoughts drifting away from her art, consumed by the memory of yesterday.

To think that she had suggested sleeping together, even if it was just sharing a bed, sent a wave of conflicted emotions crashing over her. A-ri's brushstrokes became more hesitant, her hand less steady. Was she crossing a line by even considering such a thing? They were married, a contract-bound union, and yet the implications of her suggestion weighed heavily on her mind.

Her brush wavered on the canvas, and before she knew it, a stray stroke had disrupted the delicate balance of her painting. Panic surged through her, and she scrambled to fix the mistake, blending colours and shapes in a desperate attempt to salvage her work. But the more she tried to cover the mistake, the more it seemed to spread, transforming her carefully crafted scene into an abstract mess.

Defeated, A-ri lowered her brush, her shoulders slumping as she let out a frustrated sigh. She took a step back from the canvas and collapsed onto her bed, the exhaustion of her emotional turmoil catching up with her. As she stared at the ceiling, her mind began to churn, wrestling with her thoughts.

The contract marriage had brought financial stability, a relief from the burdens that had once weighed her down. Yet, it had also introduced a new set of complexities, emotions she hadn't anticipated. Her connection with Eun-tae had become a dance between practicality and sentiment, and she couldn't help but feel entangled in the midst of it.

As she lay there, her thoughts swirled in a whirlpool of uncertainty. She thought about the moments they had shared, the genuine smiles and shared meals. Was it so wrong to find solace in companionship, even if it was born out of necessity? She was torn between what she thought she should feel and what her heart whispered to her in the quiet moments.

A-ri's gaze drifted to the painting once more, her unfinished masterpiece marred by her doubts. With a sigh, she closed her eyes, allowing herself to rest and reflect on the tangled web of emotions that seemed to intertwine with every brushstroke she made and every step she took within the mansion that had become her temporary home.

As the day progressed, A-ri found herself unable to shake off the weight of her thoughts. The painting that had once been her sanctuary now stood as a testament to her internal struggle. With a sigh, she pushed herself off the bed and decided to channel her restlessness into something productive.

Even though the mansion was already impeccably clean, she found herself going through the motions of dusting and tidying every corner. The quiet hum of the vacuum cleaner filled the air as she meticulously cleaned the floors, the sound becoming a rhythm that matched the cadence of her thoughts.

Her actions were driven by an impulse to busy herself, to keep her mind from wandering into the labyrinth of uncertainties that the contract marriage had unearthed. She rearranged cushions on the couch, fluffed pillows, and straightened picture frames, even though they were already perfectly aligned.

A-ri's hands moved with a determined precision, but her mind was far from the task at hand. She was acutely aware of the bedroom upstairs, where Eun-tae would be sleeping. The notion of him being in her home, even if it was technically his family's mansion, carried a sense of intimacy that was hard to ignore.

She couldn't help but wonder what he thought of her transformation of the guest bedroom into an art studio. Did he find it odd? Or did he appreciate her dedication to her passion? Her mind flickered to the mention of the master bedroom, their awkward exchange yesterday now echoing in her thoughts.

As the day wore on, the sun began to dip towards the horizon, casting warm hues across the mansion's interiors. A-ri stepped back from her cleaning, her hands resting on her hips as she surveyed the gleaming surfaces. A pang of satisfaction accompanied her exhaustion; at least the mansion was spotless now.

Just as she was about to finally allow herself a moment of respite, the doorbell rang out, cutting through the quietude. Startled, A-ri's heart skipped a beat. She wasn't expecting anyone, especially not in the evening. A curious mix of anticipation and trepidation welled up within her as she made her way to the front door, wondering who could be standing on the other side.

A-ri opened the door, her surprise evident as she found Eun-tae's parents, Mi-young and Seok-ho, standing on the other side. Their smiles were warm and welcoming, but A-ri could feel her cheeks flush with a mixture of embarrassment and unease. She hadn't expected company, especially not Eun-tae's parents, and she felt a sudden pang of self-consciousness about the state of the mansion.

"Hello, A-ri dear," Mi-young greeted, her voice gentle as she regarded A-ri with kind eyes.

"Good evening," Seok-ho added with a warm nod.

"Good evening, Mrs. Park, Mr. Park. Please come in," A-ri quickly composed herself, pushing aside her surprise to offer them a polite smile.

She stepped aside to allow them entry, and they walked in with the ease of familiarity. A-ri couldn't help but feel a bit flustered, realizing that she was still dressed in her comfortable paint-splattered clothes from her earlier creative session.

"It's been a while since we visited here, hasn't it, Seok-ho?" As they stepped into the spacious dining area, Mi-young looked around with interest.

Yes, indeed. The mansion looks well-kept, A-ri," Seok-ho nodded, his gaze also scanning the room. "

A-ri's heart raced. Well-kept? Was it really? She had been so engrossed in her thoughts and cleaning that she hadn't even registered the impression the mansion gave. She hoped that they didn't notice her sudden anxiety.

"I'm glad you think so," A-ri replied, hoping her voice sounded steadier than she felt.

"Is Eun-tae around?" Mi-young turned her attention back to A-ri, her smile warm.

"Um, he's not here at the moment. He still at work," A-ri blinked, her mind racing. Eun-tae had left for work this morning, and she hadn't expected his parents to show up.

"Ah, I see. Well, we didn't mean to interrupt. We just thought of dropping by to say hello," Seok-ho nodded in understanding.

"Of course, you're welcome here anytime," A-ri's discomfort was palpable as she tried to hide her surprise.

"Thank you, A-ri. Is everything alright?" Mi-young's gaze softened, her intuition picking up on A-ri's unease.

"Yes, everything's fine. Please make yourselves comfortable," A-ri forced a smile, her cheeks still tinged with pink.

As Mi-young and Seok-ho settled at the dining table, A-ri's mind raced to come up with a plan to make their unexpected visit as comfortable as possible. She mentally reminded herself to prepare some refreshments, even though she hadn't planned on having guests today.

As she headed to the kitchen, A-ri couldn't help but wonder how Eun-tae would react when he found out that his parents had dropped by. The mansion was clean, but her appearance was far from presentable. She couldn't help but wish she had received some warning or had taken more care with her appearance.

With a determined resolve, A-ri began preparing tea and some light snacks, all the while hoping that Eun-tae would return soon. She knew that despite her initial surprise, she needed to make the best of the situation and ensure that Eun-tae's parents felt welcome and comfortable in their family mansion.

Oh, by the way, I should be straight with this. Both story that competed in the August WPC was the kind of story that I had thought, generated and plotted that might not be for the long run. It will pass the 100 chapters mark but more than that, I can't see how I will expand the story much longer than it needed to be. Well, I have and can expand it but it will serve no purpose to the overall plot and would just be unnecessary expansion. So, I apologise here first if this won't be a long story you trying to enjoy and read. Still, it would take 2-3 months for this original to complete if I follow this chapter-a-day schedule.

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts