
Heartless Immortal

Eastern Fantasy
Ongoing · 468.4K Views
  • 68 Chs
  • 4.4
    24 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Heartless Immortal

Read Heartless Immortal novel written by the author Heartless_Qi_ on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Eastern Fantasy stories, covering reincarnation, dark, cultivation, immortal, historical. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


The desire to become immortal is something that is felt by many people. Whether it's a desire for eternal life, or just a longing for a world where you can be the master of your own destiny, you cannot deny that this wish has driven people to do great things. No heroine, No harem, No romance, No system, IQ online, dark stream, benefit stream,

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Cirrus69 · Fantasy
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1 Chs


天歌系列之四:百里凤凰花盛放一代妖娆御尊vs生性多情泣能出珠海天圣女 * 遗落天地万万年的金溟圣珠现世,海天水域将迎来最为尊贵强大的圣主。 何时?何地?何种方式出现? 不知。 北古天第一美河古御尊连眼皮都没舍得抬给身边说话的掌事神君沧湟,什么主来着?比他好看?比他厉害?比他派头大? 不可能! 沧湟:“御尊大人,我觉得往后在海天水域还是低调一点好。” 河古眼皮微微挑了下,慵懒无比,“你高兴就行。” 沧湟:你你你!说的是你!不是我!我可从来都是低调做人,踏实做事,没干过什么出格的事! 一,有缘千里来相会: 河古:哪里来的少见识的东西,竟然说本尊长得不过尔尔,哪里来的回哪儿去治治眼睛吧。 锦袖轻挥,一道金光闪过,世界清静了。 事后,知道真相的沧湟大惊失色:大尊主啊,你灭的那是降世不久的海天水域圣主啊!这把与整个天地水域的梁子结得可真够惊天动地。 二(超字数,请看正文) 三,无缘对面手难牵: “河古御尊,您的酒量是多少啊?” 河古:“百坛瑶光醉,或者千杯琉璃梦,亦或是……” “亦或什么?” “某人的一个微笑。” 四,给次机会行不行: 四海六道八荒,远到天外天,见过他真身的从未有活下来的。 “北古佛身显,天地无灵音。” 有一天,例外发生了。

伍家格格 · General
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196 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :10000 GENERATIONS
Volume 2 :Volume 2


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great, shsuebeussjevsuxjbdbshehshsjsjejjejejsjshshshsnsjjsjdjejdjrhdhdhsitzktzktzktzktxlyslyslyzktzktzktxkxktyxlyxlyxlxotxlxkxocotxlu7_65, 350%58


well evil mc and ı say it again evil mc but ı like evil mc and extremly evil mc well evil mc is good how many words has ıt been evil mc evil mc


Reveal spoiler


You asked for honest feedback, so I have been quite candid in this review. This does not mean I did not enjoy your story, or finds it immensely lacking. I am simply trying to help you progress by giving you some pointers. Firstly, your dialogue comes across as wooden and unnatural. I believe it would help if didn’t put as much exposition in your dialogue. Secondly, there is an absence of rhythm in your writing. I miss a cadence when reading your story. It does not necessarily withhold me from immersing myself, but it would help pull in your reader. Lastly, and this one is more personal, but as a reader I wish for more texture. What are the surroundings like? How is the air? Does it smell? Is it clear? Is the sun blinding to the eyes? I want to feel like I am there with you characters. Give me the cracks in the pavement and the chipped paint of shop signs. Give me the feel of the wind and the smell of spices in the air. That’s what transforms a story from good, to great. And that’s what pulls in your reader. Overall, I believe this story has a lot of potential. It has a clear storyline with good characters, and writing. Well done!


The story follows an evil MC, which is my kind of thing. This genre is quickly becoming popular as the plethora of cookie cutter goody two shoes MCs are becoming stale fast. The author does a good job of portraying the evil acts committed by the MC as being logical and driven by personal gains and not as being cartoonishly evil. This makes the reader question what is right and what is correct, is a act driven by self interest right even if it's not always morally correct? I personally can't wait to follow Ying Zheng on his journey. PS. Also the *snafu* *snafu* are quite hot


To be honest, there are two things you need to fix. Firstly, the use of punctuation for some of the dialogues, it'd be better if you insert commas. Secondly, you always repeating the action but also including it in your dialogue e.g. He sighed. "Sigh..." In this situation, if you already wrote the character's action, you don't need to express it in the dialogue because readers could tell the character was sighing


Hey, I am the author of the book, and I would like to shamelessly promote my book. The protagonist in the novel is an evil mc and will get a lot of character development in the future


Amazing book love the writer's amazing how much I love the idea of a new era of villains and the updating speed is amazing and I love it keep up the good work 💼


This is the author's second account as you can tell I post dark mtl novels on this account with 5 chapters a day forgive my shamelessness for giving myself 5stars while it deserves 1 star




Wow. This book is such a mind blowing... As i read Synopsis I was forced to read the few chapters. Amazing work! keep writing !


Amazing book loved it fun to read great character design and development great world building fun and easy to enjoy and lose yourself in. The characters feel alive and love/hate the villain mc


This book is amazing just not my cup of the tea. I am still reviewing it to let you all know this book for those who read these types is amazing. I hope you have best of luck author.


Wow. Just wow. I have absolutely no words. The author was incredible with the descriptive writing, I almost felt like I was there. Well done, keep up the good work.


well, the story passes the message but I would say a great job to the author, managing to get all characters in place and hoping to see more work than this in the future.


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


Could be so much better


I am currently enjoying the story although it’s still at it start if it goes on and develop i think there is a chance for this to become the new big thing. An importan thing that destroy many stories with “evil” mc is that the author becomes afraid and bit by bit turn him into a generic good guy. [img=fp]


The story line of this book is all over the place. It isn’ constant at all.


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