
First day III: Amazing teaching of life

Wyatt and Lauren wandered around campus until they found the sports fields. People seemed to be training there. It was made of various disciplines fields, but only the football one seemed to be used right now. Lauren turned to look at the players and just sighed while keeping her track. Wyatt was barely focused on his surroundings, his thoughts were driven to his phone. He got another text from his father saying he will have to be absent...again.

This situation was really pissing him off. He just frowned a bit and replied with a thumbs up emoji. It was true that his father job was really important, could even be considered great to the world but...what's the point of helping people when you yourself are dying slowly. Wyatt knew if this kept up, his father might not last long.

For now he could manage to overwork but with the years, he has accumulated too much stress and fatigue on his body and mind. This is not healthy. Wyatt was thinking about getting a job so his father could retire early and rest. But he was still too inexperienced, he gritted his teeth in frustration and a low growl escaped from his muzzle getting Lauren's attention.

Lauren: "hey buddy, you okay?" (*concerned*)

Wyatt got out of his thoughts and sighed before replying.

Wyatt: "yeah It's okay...I just need some rest is all"

Lauren: "we should hurry then, the sooner you eat the more time you will have to rest before next class"

Wyatt: "...yeah"

They went silent after that and after a minute the spotted the mall. It was 3 floors building with tainted glass on the front. At the top the name of the college written with gold. Aside from the front door that seemed to be quite fancy with all this wood carvings, there wasn't much to say about the building itself. There walked in and the fresh breeze of the AC tickled their snouts.

Lauren: "so uh I read that they have a fast food chain here, hmm over there on the first floor"

Lauren pointed upwards at some place. Wyatt just followed her without saying a word. Once they reached it. It was kinda cool. It was called the "Tavern". Wyatt raised an eyebrow at the name he was reading.

Wyatt: "huh...doesn't it sound like they sell alcohol here?"

Lauren: "and? Isn't it even better if so, I mean I am totally down for a margaritas before next class"

Wyatt: (*scratching his chin*) "nah, I will pass on alcohol for now. I don't want to pass out. Just food will be enough"

Lauren: "lame."

They went in and were greeted by some nice barbecue smell. Spices and grilling meats were sending so many signals in their brain, they started drooling a bit. They went to take a sit next to a window leading outside. The view was actually nice, they could see the town. The busy traffic, the many people walking down streets. Yet no noise from the outside. After just a minute, someone approached their table.

It was a waitress, a sheep with white cotton candy fur and gorgeous pink eyes. She was wearing a plain blue dress shirt mounted by a black jacket with black pants. A badge on her uniform made clear of her name "Suzanne". As she took out her pen to write down the orders, she smiled and her tiny voice went out

Suzanne: "Welcome at the Tavern, what would be your orders?"

Lauren and Wyatt got through the menu and Lauren was the first to speak.

Lauren: "may i have a KBBQ with fries and a sprite please"

The waitress took it down and Lauren asked

Lauren: (*leaning towards the waitress and glancing left and right*) "do you sell alcohol here?"

Suzanne: "I am afraid we don't. This is an establishment controlled and supervised by RASAC administration."

Lauren: "oh i see...thanks" (*slightly disappointed*)

The waitress turned to Wyatt and he ordered.

Wyatt: "The King menu please"

She took it down and smiled before going to the reception desk.

Lauren took out her phone and captured Wyatt's face. He was looking grumpy.

Lauren: "Dude, you sure you okay. Cuz ain't no way you keep this grumpy face when we're about to eat"

Wyatt: "I'm sorry...it's just (*paused for a second and looking at the city*) I need a job"

Lauren: "well that's an unusual request. Well, considering the fact that you have classes pretty much every day till noon and knowing you have less to no experience if i ain't wrong, well I guess you can only apply for a side job. Like a waiter for instance"

Wyatt: "how much does a waiter make?"

Lauren: "well, I did waitress back in high-school but it was a side job just to get extra money. It was paid 18 to 23 dollars per hour. I worked for 4 hours a day so that was around 72-92 dollars per day."

Wyatt: "hmm...I wonder if they take applications here"

Lauren: "Let's wait for the waitress. Besides, why do you need a side job anyway...is it complicated at home. Sorry if I seem to pry"

Wyatt: "it's ok...no it's not, well it is complicated but what I mean, is my father is pretty living at his job office and overworks everyday. He can barely get any rest and ...(*sigh*) I want to help so he can rest"

Lauren: "such a sweet boy...but what is your mom (*looking at Wyatt expression saddening*) oh ...I see...I'm sorry"

Wyatt: "it's fine, I live alone with my father since she and my elder brother passed years ago"

Lauren: "I am sorry Wy. Well, with only a side job such a waiter you would barely be able to make like 2288 to 2688 dollars per month...hm sounds like a good push, but you know life in this city is expensive, I you have to deal with all the expenses and taxes for your home...you will be in debt. (*thinking*)"

Wyatt: "...sounds like impossible...that's if I only work 4 hours a day during the week and 6 during weekends...can't I work more than that?"

Lauren: "Dude, even if you were to work ten hours as a waiter it won't be enough to totally take in charge home, taxes, school and anything that is food or supplies...at best you can lift a bit of weight on your father's shoulders..."

Wyatt: "I just want him to rest a bit..."

Lauren: "you should talk with him about it...it's important he knows how you feel about this...so if he agrees to take a rest you could help him to buy groceries and stuff with the money you made. It's not big but it's enough for that. Considering your father must have a bank account and all of his money is not just spent, some must be kept aside. Which means he could take a month to rest while not be that much bothered"

Wyatt: "thinking about it that way, i guess if he wanted to rest he would have...I know he makes enough to do that...so it means he just wants to work? But why?"

Lauren: "I dunno man, but you get to talk with your oldman"

Wyatt: "...(*sigh*) thanks"

Lauren: "you're welcome bit don't get ahead of yourself it will soon not be free" (*grinning*)

Wyatt: "oh and how do you like your payment"(*grinning*)

Lauren: "I want Cash" (*laughing*)

Wyatt: "(*laugh*) go find yourself a sugar daddy or something"

Lauren: "I'm not that greedy" (*chuckle*)

They laughed as the waitress came back with their order. They enjoyed the tasty food before paying and heading out.

Wyatt looked at his phone, "1:02PM". Less than half an hour till next class. Wyatt pocketed his phone as they walked past the fields again. The fields were more crowded. They walked to the Art facility again and headed towards another classroom. This classroom was upstairs on the first floor. It seemed to be a huge white room. No desks just chairs placed in circle around the center. That was pretty weird. Wyatt and Lauren didn't mind it and just sat. They dropped their bags just beside them as they waited. Wyatt caught the occasion to take a little nap. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.





"Du.." (*mumbles*)

"Duud..." (*faint*)



Wyatt jolted and woke up. His eyes still a bit tired. He opened them and saw the room was almost full and students were mumbling and talking. Lauren was chuckling.

Wyatt: "what ?"

Lauren: "it's soon time, wake up"

Wyatt: "(*sigh*)"

Lauren: "and probably gett off this dude"

Wyatt looked at her confused before realizing his leaning on another student, an alligator. He had darker scales than other of his species and his stare could make someone shit his pants. He had his arms crossed and his sleeveless shirt exposed his toned arms. His tail was lying on the ground behind him, it was massive and had spikes from the base to the end. As Wyatt realized he had probably been sleeping on this dude he quickly got off and his ears fell down as he started apologizing.

?: "hey, no problem mate. You seemed really exhausted. "

Wyatt was confused. Lauren then spoke from behind him.

Lauren: "Wyatt, this is Matthew Adams"

Matthew: "Hi mate"

Wyatt was so confused he forgot his manners and just stood there silent. Lauren then sighed and said.

Lauren: "Wyatt, say hi"

Wyatt: "H-hi"

Matthew: "I don't bite (*chuckle*)"

Wyatt: "I'm confused, what happened?"

Lauren: "well you started sleeping, so i got on my phone but then you seemed quite agitated in your dream. You were mumbling a name and you seemed stressed. I couldn't let you like that so I started patting your head. Then you fell on me and i was literally crushed under your weight. And by the way i wasn't aware you were heavy like bitch the fuck? Anyway, i couldn't get you off me until Matthew came in and saw this. He lifted you off me and made you lean on his shoulder instead. He saved my life (*sniffing dramatically*) he is a hero" (*dramatically posing*)

Wyatt blushed a bit embarrassed.

Wyatt: "I'm sorry..."

He then turned back to Matthew and said "I'm sorry you had to deal with that"

Matthew: "I don't mind. Besides, you looked like you needed a rest." (*smiling*)

Wyatt just gulped and looked down before sitting correctly in his chair. He then turned to Lauren.

Wyatt: "oh my God, I am making a fool of myself on the first day...that's so embarrassing"

Lauren looked over his shoulder to look at the alligator who had his phone out now. Then she looked at Wyatt again.

Lauren: "nah, it's fine. I woke you just before people entered. So it's fine. Besides, Matthew over there is apparently a writer too. I was reading one of his book right now. It's really good. Here look" (*showing her phone*)

There was an e-book she was reading, "The life ahead of us". The story of a little boy who got in the marine forces because of war and had to fought battles that were too dangerous for him. During a mission, he will find out a way to end this war, but he fell for the person he was supposed to kill. Now both fugitives, they had to disappear, but how can two people known for their records just vanish during such a critical war, discover it by reading "The life ahead of us" by Matthew Adams.

Wyatt: "damn i want to read this"

Lauren: "I know right"

Just as Wyatt was about to take out his phone, the lecturer came in. It was a female owl,probably in her mid 60s. She had beautiful cream feathers and big golden eyes. She was wearing an unusual dress quite large, almost like she was a librarian from an old castle. She was quite eloquent. Her voice echoed through the empty room, getting everyone attention.

?: "For centuries, people have strove to understand the fabric of the world. Many great people through the ages have figured laws and theorems about the creation. Some people have said the world to be purely mathematical while others thought of it as a subjective perspective. All of this to a quote from our headmaster Artem Reeds "Life is but a canvas, everyone has one but we all paint differently" so what is life? How did art helped the greatest minds of this planet in their understanding of the world. I am professor Irina Vinogradova and I will guide through our course on the History of Art"

Everyone was in awe after her presentation leaving everyone speechless. After that, she told them, that this course was particular. She will tell the course as a story and students will pair in groups of four to give a summary at the end of the course. Everyone took out his computer and she laughed saying it was not necessary, as a story is but what one mind understands, taking notes will just remove the nature of the message. They got confused but quickly followed the instructions.

The next 4 hours were full of amazement and wonders. They learned about the pioneers of Art and that it seemed to be way older than civilization itself. Throughout the course, Wyatt and Lauren were really focused and from time to time, Wyatt would be glancing at Matthew who seemed in his element. He answered the questions with ease and even got a praise from the lecturer, he would also often smile while looking in Lauren and Wyatt direction.

The course ended with students filled with a bit of history on what they are about to learn in College. It was an over-all great day.