
Reunion (Part 2)

Wang Rui suddenly asked Lin Yingshi seriously, "Yingshi, there have been many outstanding boys pursuing you for so many years, but you have always been single. Are you waiting for Qiao Yi?"

Yingshi was stunned for a moment and told Wang Rui seriously, "We are best friends, and I don't want to deceive you. Since I first met Qiao Yi in high school, I have been attracted to him. But the main task in high school was studying, and there was another important reason. I could feel that your feelings for Qiao Yi were also different, so... "

"Yingshi, first of all, thank you for your honesty. Whatever happens, we will always be the best of friends. Actually, I also admire Qiao Yi very much. We both went to the same school in high school, and I know Qiao Yi very well. I also understand that I may not be the type of girl he likes. Because I don't want to lose our friendship, I have always maintained a good friend relationship with him. But now, we have both grown up, and we can compete fairly."

"Wang Rui, then let's make a deal. We will be lifelong friends. Regarding Qiao Yi, we can compete fairly. I won't go easy on you, haha." By the way, I brought my new book for you to read. You can take a look. This book is based on our high school years, and maybe it can help us find the feeling of youth again. I'm preparing to negotiate with a film and television company recently to see if it can be adapted into a movie. If our Ruirui can play the female lead, it will definitely be a big hit."

As they reminisced about their high school days and sipped tea, they spent a delightful afternoon before reluctantly parting ways.

On the day of Lin Yu's return, Lin Yingshi and Wang Rui went together to the airport to pick him up. Wang Rui was fully equipped with the standard celebrity trio of hat, sunglasses, and mask to avoid being recognized.

When Lin Yu finally appeared at the exit, both Lin Yingshi and Wang Rui were shocked by his handsome, sunny appearance and the mature aura of a business elite. Several girls even asked for his WeChat along the way.

Despite Wang Rui's disguise, Lin Yu immediately recognized her and loudly called out their names. Wang Rui gestured for him to lower his voice, afraid that someone might recognize him. Lin Yu ran over and excitedly hugged Wang Rui, while Lin Yingshi felt like a big light bulb and was pushed away by Wang Rui, who was angry. Lin Yingshi joked, "I just came to be a spare light bulb." Lin Yu said, "How could you not come? I brought a big surprise for you guys, but it's confidential for now. Let's go find a place to have dinner first."

They went to a restaurant and found a private room to catch up on old times. Lin Yu said, "It's been so long, and Lin Meimei is still so beautiful. I read all your books, and I remember you said in an interview that you wanted to write a book about youth. I'm so looking forward to it, and I wonder if any of us will be in it."

Wang Rui joked, "You don't need my connections anymore, do you? Ying Shi has already given me your book. I just haven't finished reading it yet. I'll lend it to you after I'm done."

"Oh, by the way, the big surprise is almost here. Are you guys ready?"

"Don't keep us in suspense."

"Then you better be prepared."

As he spoke, Qiao Yi appeared at the door of the private room.