
Evanna's Birthday

Was she mad enough to try and escape via this exit?


Suddenly a sharp pain hit the side of her head, and Evanna clutched at the area and immediately felt the throbbing of a headache coming on. With a wince, she tried to gently rub the pain away. Still, it only seemed to make it worse, shooting out an intense heat through her body. She gripped onto the wall and at her head as she tried to breathe through it.


"Lady Evanna, is everything okay?" Anwel's voice was laced with concern as he peered at her on one side while Cedric came into view on the other. She waved them off and forced a strained smile, one that did not reach her eyes. Turning around, she looked at the palace and saw it starting to wave from side to side as black spots began to dance in her vision.

