
He Owns my Hotel ??!!..

I had heard this name many times from my friends Park mi so and Bong sa ra who were always talking about how handsome and sexy he is and how much they loved his music, they were his hardcore fan girls . Whenever we met most of the time this was their chosen topic for talk which I heavily ignored and thought was a waste of time. But now that I think of it , I think it was not that much of a waste of time as he was really worth it. He was a true eye-candy for highschool girls and a perfect dating material for women. But one thing was still confusing to me , as he looked cheery , sweet ,cute and a gentleman in the interview , completely different from what he was when I saw him in the plane, so I didn't know which side of him was true . Did he have split personality disorder? or does he have two sides - one for on the screen and other for behind the screen? If it was the latter one, then he was a person I think should be kept away from you. I came out of my thoughts and sat in the taxi and went to the hotel. On my way I received a call and saw the caller ID - Park mi so . I picked it up. Park mi so - Hey girl , where are you ? when did we last hangout? me - Hii , I am apparently in Seoul because of one of my patients and I am sorry I didn't inform you, everything happened so fast. I promise we will hang out asap. Park mi so - It's ok but make it sure to share everything with us I mean me and sa ra (Bong sa ra) , we are bffs remember. Anyway, you are in Korea girl, I can not believe it, do you know for how long I have been longing to go there to meet my sweetheart. me - yeah, about that, you know your sweetheart was actually my seatmate on my flight to Seoul. Park mi so - WHAT?! Are you serious right now? If you are joking, stop that. me - No, I am drop dead serious. I too actually now got to know that the person who was sitting beside me was the world famous idol Do Kyung seok. Park mi so - Why does this never happen with me..aah? I am coming boarding the next flight to Seoul to you . Tell me where are you staying. me - Ok if you have decided then , I am staying at the Royal Inn. Park mi so - I am not seriously coming but Did you just say the Royal Inn? me - ya I think it is the name of my hotel. Park mi so - God just take me , I don't wanna live here anymore. me - Why ,what happened? Park mi so - You are living at the hotel which is made by Do Kyung seok. me - What ? (at the same time my taxi enters the hotel compound and I see the board displaying hotel's name, it had his name beneath it), yes , I think I am apparently. Park mi so - He has opened a chain of hotels wherever he has done a concert and wish to do one .( He is a billionaire).Why did you choose that hotel , this was way out of your budget? me - I didn't choose it. I am sorry but can we talk later actually I have just reached my hotel and tomorrow is my appointment so gotta rest. Park mi so - ya sure but don't you think you can get away like that. I got out of the car and saw a huge excited crowd of girls and some boys too who were shouting someone's name while their face glowed with happiness , they all looked like hardcore fans . Though their was enough security to clear that crowd but they instead let them be there while clearing the way for entrance , not being too arrogant with them. I just stood there still seeing the craziness of the people in crowd . When..