

David_Forgive · วัยรุ่น
4 Chs

CHAPTER TWO:What is this feeling

He noticed her mood change but he didn't get scared. It rather intrigued him.He saw her as a forbidden book but he was ready to go through the pages not fearing the danger that might come with his actions.He wanted to know what lay hidden underneath the cover of a twelve year old girl who he feared might have gone through some though times.

"Maybe her parents always abused her and she ran away" he thought.

Coming back to his senses, he realised she was no longer standing Infront of him. He tried looking for her everywhere but to

no avail.

He decided to go back home and pray faith will bring her to him again. He doesn't know why but he felt connected to her,like he had known her all his life.

She was standing for one hour straight, engulfed in the darkness. She was clenching and unclenching her fists.

Just when she was trying to forget everything that happened, he came and reminded her.

She imagined herself strangling the pretty boy and a bitter smile escaped her lips.

She regretted going to the park, she thought going there could help her forget some of the hurting images that frequently hunted her but she had been wrong.

For a fleet second,she felt something, was it happiness or bliss? She had this feeling when the pretty boy smiled but it was just for a fleeting moment... 'I can't allow myself feel,I can't '. She said with bitterness

...…to be continued