

The 17-year-old girl with a heart of ice and blue but dull eyes, why does she have a heart of ice? Why don't His eyes have any more light? hides so much suffering? what happened? but something changes when she meets him His same blue eyes a weird guy full of tattoos will get along the two of them are opposites to each other, share some pain together? Will it be hate or love between them? Isabel: I say goodbye you have to live without me, this is your journey, your path, you are your support, you are the story of tomorrow, believe in yourself. criss 19-year-old boy handsome to death blue eyes and lots of tattoos, he is scary the question and why? Criss: Has anyone finally accepted me? I have found new emotions which gives moments of peace to the soul. she lights up my life she makes me forget my pain, she is teaching me to live again. why does this heart have to remain alone? Why do I feel broken? i was in the dark and you brought me to the light now i came back alive as an incomplete being i am a punishment for myself.

iuby2010 · วัยรุ่น
11 Chs

the past


I hear that he is not hungry then he gets up and goes away.

Isa: what got it now?

Uncle: I understand it is not easy for him Isa: and why what happened to them do I see him alive and well?

Isa: we all have a past that we have to face from time to time and it is not easy I take your example if it came back to knock on your door how would you feel ?.

Isa: not good indeed ....

Uncle: at the point the same thing happened to him today he found his past in front of him and I'm sorry for him I know when it makes him feel bad.

I look at him and see that he is crying, my uncle is crying for .....

Uncle: She didn't deserve everything that happened to her as you don't even know you two are very similar.

Isa: what? You have a painful past, you don't like to talk, you don't show me that you are sick and you don't ask for help but every now and then you have to let someone be close to you together and easier.

Isa: and true I will stay close to them.

Uncle: Thanks

Uncle went to sleep it is 2 am and he has not yet returned he has not gone home because my uncle told me that he is wrong and that I have to wait for him he will arrive, it is 3 am and then I feel him next to me I look at him and see the sadness in his eyes and also the pain I feel him saying sorry but I don't care after a while I take him by the hand and take him into the room I get on the bed and turn my back to him I feel him undressing then but he doesn't come close to and he lies down next to me we look at each other for a while then I kiss him I don't know why but I do it he deepens the kiss and I don't pull back, rather I hold him closer to me and he does the same thing we stop and I feel like he holds me close to him I tell them I do not escape that I am there for him I draw him to me and he puts his head in the hollow of my neck after a while i feel something wet these are tears god how sorry i'm really sick i had to understand when he came to pick me up from work he kissed me and said he needed me but i am stubborn as i am and proud i didn't notice i know how bad it feels when the past comes back and I know it does not have a good past my uncle mo said it is worse than mine so no questions strange near them when he wants he will tell me what happened to them.

I feel very hot so I try to remove the sheet but I can't I am motionless then I see his arm his arm then his face is now serene I feel like smiling I try to remove my hand but he attracts me more and he also puts a foot mo the air is missing.

Isa: criss ???

I can't breathe anymore He doesn't give up anything so I decide to wake him up in another way I know I'll regret it but I don't care, slowly I hug him too I feel him relaxing then I caress his face with my hand I see a smile.

Isa: criss ????

I hear him murmurs something but nothing does not wake up, then I kiss him a kiss to mold, I see that he opens his eyes and smiles Criss: Good morning so I want to be woken up for my whole life

Isa: don't get used to it I try to move but he holds me close to him again.

Criss: Thanks so much for yesterday

He gives me a kiss to the mold and gets out of bed I remain a bit stunned but I recover immediately.

Criss: Thank you for everything but next time please don't wait for me you'll make me feel guilty.

Isa: and who says it will be next time? He looks at me angry then gets dressed immediately and before going out he tells me Criss: And true to reason it won't be a next time.

He closes the door hard but he seemed pissed off but I don't understand why what did I say? Who understands maybe ... I leave it alone, I get dressed and go to the terrace where I find him and my uncle as soon as I sit down he greets my uncle and goes away without saying goodbye to me, my uncle looks at me.

Isa: I swear I didn't do anything this time. Uncle: are you sure?

Isa: let's see what I did?

Uncle: you said who said it will be next time right? I don't think ..... Well you know .....

Isa: wait, what does he understand? I said so because I hoped not to feel bad about his past that's all but what did he understand? Uncle: with everything else.

I get up, greet my uncle with a kiss and go to work.

All day I thought about him who knows if he was still sick then we didn't talk about the kiss we gave each other okay I gave them first but he ..... I'm going crazy and I don't understand why maybe a little bit yes but I don't want that to happen I don't want I have to get away from him even if I'm so sorry I have to do it. I finish the job and go home I see everything closed on the terrace I call my uncle and he tells me that he is at work I go to help him. Being a waitress is not my strong point but my uncle is not well that's why I have to do it are some guys who bother me and I can't break some bones here I will wait for them outside after I always finish if they are still there, one of mine put my hand on the cradle but I can't turn around that I hear a noise and I am speechless., criss is beating him to my uncle tries to hold him but he can't then I get in the middle of it I won't hurt me, as soon as I get on in front of him he stops with his fist in the air in front of my face. Isa: enough for fate enough, let's go I take him by the hand but he stops me and removes his hand from mine.

Isa,: come with me criss I hear him laughing he's holding his belly but this is crazy ..... And he's not crazy he's drunk that's what he's got.

Criss: so you like it I thought it would bother you if someone touched you so you made me understand but I was wrong I thought you are a saint but I see that it is not so in fact you like it eeee

Uncle: criss ... I hear him raise his voice to my uncle

Criss: here you see him too now with me since you came you have changed my life I thought ... Last night ..... Aaaaa as .... Forget someone like you don't I want and better ...

Uncle: that's enough now

My uncle pushes him and I hold his hand and signal them to stay calm

Isa: let him talk let him vent for good.

Uncle, ': but Isa .....

Criss: here is good now also to your uncle you feel good but who do you think you are aaaaa ????

In the care of your uncle, you always work you do not go with friends, I know that you hide something I was interested in but now you are no longer like the others you are one .... I get a slap he remains motionless in front of me, he doesn't look me in the eyes, I raise my face and look at him Isa: look at me He rolls his eyes

Isa: I don't know what the fuck in that head and from now on I don't even care anymore even I thought you were different but now I'm wrong and then about me you ....

It's not worth talking to you but don't dare to offend me you don't know me here you can't do it in front of me and my uncle.

I see that they are sorry he tries to speak but I stop him with one hand.

Isa: There's no need not to, listen, let's pretend that nothing has ever happened.

I turn around and go to my uncle's friend Isa: I'm so sorry I will pay all the damages that to fate in the club not to take anything from my uncle or from him when it comes to what is in bad shape it was necessary because he does not behave like this with a girl.

I'm going to my uncle.

Isa: are you okay? He nods

Isa: well now go to rest see you tomorrow morning ok? I leave the room and go to the rock I lie down and look at the steles. After a while I go home and find him sitting on the ground near the door.

Isa: why didn't you come in?

He gets up he doesn't stand up well so I help him and put him slowly on the bed I make him lie down, then I change.

Andreea is not there and then there is darkness he will not see me changing.

Criss: I don't deserve this place.

I get in bed and turn to the wall so I give them my back, at a certain point I feel his hand that wraps me slowly and squeezes me to his chest.

Criss: forgive me

I didn't understand anything anymore I was drunk and what you said to me this morning annoyed me and then that .....

He holds me closer to him

Criss: He shouldn't have touched you like that don't .....

Isa: ssssshhhh, sleep now let's talk tomorrow. Criss :. I'll be forgiven.

Isa: ok now sleep

Criss: Will you give me a kiss ??? I stay a bit like that but then I turn around and give them a kiss on the edge of Labro I don't have time to turn around that he blocks me and kisses me with desire I don't reciprocate I feel stiff but I don't care.

Criss: This is not a kiss like the one last night I don't ... Something changed and my fault I'm sorry I didn't want to ..... But I'm so I lose my temper right away I'm a jerk. He puts his head in my crook of the neck and sighs.

I fall asleep like this. I wake up with guilt but the more I remember that today I have free day I realize that I am alone in bed and better this way.

I take the clothes I go to the baglio I wash and I get dressed I go to my uncle on the terrace. Isa: day

Uncle: day hear today why don't you go to your aunt?

Isa: okay I leave the terrace and see him leaning against his car and try to pass by him without speaking.

Criss: I'm sorry ok?

I know I didn't have to do what I did or even say those words to you I don't stop he takes me by the arm and stops me și puts him in front of me.

Isa: I don't have time now I have to go

Criss: I'll take you I move it and go forward then I feel myself being taken and put on its shovel I do not move because I know it will not leave me, opens the door and puts me down and puts my seat belt on.

I relax and then I look at it.

Criss: You owe me, I don't like that you go alone and then I have to be forgiven right? I snort and signal them to go I show them the way to my aunt's house.