
Chapter 15: Awakening


(Day 28 past midnight)

"F-F-Freya." Hestia backed up to the water's edge. She was immune to all affects from Freya, but to be cornered by the strongest familia in the middle of the night sent goosebumps up her arms.

"He-he-he." Freya let out a cute laugh with her knuckle against her lips. "Dear Hestia if you want to go for a swim. I have a better place to take a dip."

"I-I am not hear to swim. J-just upset." Hestia was shaking in fear, but still was able to clench her fists by her side. "Y-you're not gonna send me back to Tenkai and take my Bell, are you?"

"Huh." Freya twisted her head pretending to be confused. "Why would I want your child?"

"Loki says you steal people's children." Hestia was shaking with a tear in her eye.

Freya rolled her eyes. "I don't steal children, Hestia."

"Whew." Hestia sighed in relief.

"However, if they desire to convert to my familia and they meet my standards. Then I will accept them with open arms." Freya softened her eyes and tilted her head when she seen fear creep back into Hestia's face. "I know were not the greatest of friends, Hestia. However, I never thought you and Loki were so chummy."

"I am not. I can't stand that washboard."

"Yet your child seems to always be involved with Loki's girls, according to Hedin anyways." Freya nodded her head to the right and shook her shoulders.

"He told you." Hestia tilted her neck backwards.

"Of course. Hedin is my child. I been hearing Loki's kids have been bullying a new adventurer. Hedin told me the boy is yours. He is really happy that your child saved Riveria from Loki's prank, but he was a bit offended with your insult toward elves. Especially towards his betrothed."

"They won't leave him alone. I don't want to lose my Bell." Hestia pouted.

Freya found a nearby boulder and took a seat. She patted the side for Hestia to sit. "Sit next to me, Hestia. I won't bite…. unless you ask me." Freya chuckled seeing Hestia halt her movement. "Kidding, please sit. You're immune to me anyways."

"O-okay." Hestia nervously walked up and took a seat next to Freya, still keeping a wary eye on her. "Why are you out here alone, Freya?"

"I could say the same thing to you. Though I am not alone." Freya pointed in two directions. "Hogni is on that roof over there and Allen is acting like I don't see him in that back alley." The shadow vanished as soon as Hestia noticed. "I can't go anywhere alone."

"Lucky. At least they care for you." Hestia crossed her arms pouting in jealousy.

"Fu-fu-fu. Has the virgin goddess Hestia finally fallen in love after refusing others for Eons? How Romantic?" Freya teases shifting back in forth against Hestia shoulders to mock her.

Hestia stared down to the ground. "Bell doesn't care about my feelings."

"Oh no. Why is that?" "Freya covered her mouth

"Bell isn't interested in any woman other than elves." Hestia leaned her head to her chest.

"Elves, again?" Freya smirked. "Well, you won't have to worry about Riveria. She is a princess so that is impossible. Plus, my Hedin is working tirelessly to earn her affections. Are you sure elves are really after him, they are quite picky and prideful?"

"Yes, there's always another elf woman hounding him. He almost threw his life away to go rescue one that half elf. He threatened to leave Orario, if I didn't let him go. I knew something horrible would happen. They brought him back nearly dead until I…" Hestia eyes flared wide

"Until?" Freya eyes narrowed as she scanned the Loli goddess's face.


Freya's brow raised. "Is he gonna recover?"

"Yes, Bell will recover according to Airmid, but he was SO close to death." Hestia held her hand over her heart.

"Why are you not by his side, Hestia?"

"She won't leave his side. Especially now." Hestia tensed up getting angry.

"Need help." Freya rested her chin on her hand. "I could suggest for her to leave him."

"No, please don't use your charm." Hestia begged pulling on to Freya's arms. "Bell would hate both of us, if he ever found out."

"Alright. Alright Hestia." Freya pulled herself away. "I won't, but if you need help keeping Loki familia away. All you have to do is ask."

"I don't know." Hestia hesitated. "Why would you want to get involved?"

"Loki is my nearest rival. Why should one of her girls get your man? What can a boring elf girl do that a goddess can't a thousand times over?" Freya smiled wide.

"He wants…. a family." Hestia's chest sunk. Freya's interest was piqued. "Not like we can give birth."

"True." Freya nodded her head. "How old is he?"


"Well, that's a bit young to be thinking long term. Plus, there are other options." Freya smiled at Hestia's dumbfounded look. "I visit an orphanage run by sister Maria a few times a month. It's located in a church on Daedalus Street. Could always take him during sometime."

"That's an amazing idea. Thank you." Hestia was so excited she hugged Freya.

"No problem. He-he-he. So nice to see you in love." Freya patted Hestia's head.

"Really!" Hestia smiled back.

"I am the goddess of love, Hestia. It is my duty to help with the matters of the heart. Let me know if you need help with other aspects of love…. or sex." Freya winked. Hestia eyes went wide like saucers, she backed away. "Kidding. He-he." Freya stood up from the boulder and turned back to Hestia. "I have to get back home before the bars let out. My aura doesn't allow me to get out much."

"Must be tough. Thank you, Freya."

"Good night, Hestia." Freya waved before turning away from Hestia. A huge grin curled up on her face as she walked toward Babel. 'Oh where could I find an elf to sire his children.' Freya giggled as Hogni and Allen appeared behind her.

Allen cleared his throat. "Wouldn't it be easier to deal with her now my lady?"

"This is so much more fun Allen. Besides, I have learned more about my Odr in the last five minutes than the last five weeks. He-he-he." Freya chuckled, walking towards Babel flanked by her guards.




Riveria was standing alone in an endless white void. No matter how far she walked the void remained devoid of shape and empty. "Where am I?"

The gentle voice of the elder elven chief Cirdan caught her attention, he stared up from a firepit. "The hero will rise to challenge the heart of our people. He might even reach out for yours." The old wrinkled face curled up into a smile.

"Heroes are nothing but fairy tales." Riveria chest sunk.

"Then why are you waiting for one." Riveria looked up to find her child self petting a rabbit on the log next to Cirdan.

"I…" Riveria couldn't argue with herself. She just stood there like her strings were cut while the elder and the child gazed upon her.

Another apparition of the massive dwarf walking over toward the log. Gareth was carrying two mugs, handing one to cirdan. "Ha-ha-ha." Gareth laughed out affectionately and raised his mug. "Hero in the making in my book."

Riveria has trouble breathing, she rested a hand on her chest. "I can't. Besides I am too old."

Suddenly she lurched forward holding her head in pain. She turned around to see a jealous pouting Eina. "He fell for you the second he met you." Eina shook her head and giggled at the red face Riveria, before disappearing. Riveria turned around to see the other four disappear.

The campfire still remained. It started burning hotter and hotter until the void itself became a white flame all around her. The flames were intense but did not burn her. Two slits opened up in the fire before her, revealing a pair of red eyes. Riveria watched the white void that surrounded her faze away into a green wooded tree line during the evening sunset. She turned back to the red eyes of Bell who was leaning towards her. She was frozen still as Bell continued to lean in toward her face. Her arms felt too weak to raise them, her mind was blank, and her body warmed over, as her lips were melded with his.





A boulder was tossed into the lake at the bottom of the great falls. Riveria was stirred awake from her daydream, alarmed by the loud noise. She felt warmth rising from her rapidly beating chest and embarrassed that she fell asleep during their mission.

"My lady, are you okay?" Alicia was bent over staring Riveria in the eyes with a look of worry on her face.

"Y-yes I am fine Alicia. Thank you for watching over me." Riveria managed a nervous response. "More tired than I thought."

"Your face is red, are you feeling sick." Alicia's eyes narrowed sensing something was wrong. She was about to press for answers when a loud noise distracted both elves.


Gareth kicked another boulder into the lake, crushing a surfacing blue crab. "Is this dam scaley bastard gonna show up soon?" Gareth was getting agitated leaning on his axe, staring at the bottom of the waterfall on floor twenty-seven.

The water capital consisted of three floors combined into one from twenty-five to twenty-seven. The great fall was a huge four-hundred-meter-wide waterfall that flowed through the whole water capital. Moss covered stone bridges adorned the sky above, each connecting to passageways on different elevations. Gareth and Finn were standing alone in front of the grand lake. The rest of the familia was clearing out as many monsters as they could so Gareth could focus on the floor boss. Riveria had her back to the wall behind them, trying to suppress her emotions.

"Just calm down, Gareth. Time of its last death could have been misreported. Were the only ones down this low currently." Finn was leaning against a nearby stone pillar.

"Bahhh." Gareth scowled toward the direction of the raging waterfall. "I hate waiting. I want to get this fight over and check on the kid."

Finn smirked up to the dwarf. "Bell has really made quiet the impression on you."

"You did see the fight, Finn."

"I did." Finn nodded. "Was an incredible feat and that's not taking into account the prior fights we didn't see. Still, we only just met him recently."

"Yet he's already having quiet the impact on our familia."

"He-he-he. That he is without evening trying too." Finn chuckled.

"Hoping the kids awake." Gareth stroke his beard. "Like to take him out for a pint. Maybe test out his level up."

"Think he's a bit young for alcohol and Airmid is pretty strict about her patients." Finn smiled seeing this renewed energetic side to Gareth.

"True, but I have seen grown men wet themselves over less. Kid deserves a pint after rescuing Eina." Gareth shrugged his shoulder. "Probably not too far off from adulthood anyways."

"Maybe." Finn thought it over. "Sure, would like to know how he's doing it."

Gareth looked side to side to make sure nobody would overhear them. The dwarf spoke in a hushed tone. "Look I know that kid may have some wacky skill, but he's gone from fighting goblins to minotaurs and dragons in less than a month and half."

"Doesn't even sound believable when you say it like that." Finn scratched his temple. "That is some crazy skill."

"That is more than just some skill." Gareth stared sideways annoyed at Finn. "Most would have gotten themselves killed with such growth. Especially if they pushed as hard as he has been. According to Eina, he is absorbing lessons from every floor like a sponge and mastering them at a dizzying pace. Kid is pushing himself to near death on a constant basis. I can think of half dozen times off the top of my head."

"That many!" Finn eyes were wide in shock.

"Three dragons, saving the elf in the alleyway, Hod, his prum supporter tried to kill him at one point."

Finn's brow rose high at the mention of a prum. "That girl Lily that's sleeping at the manor."

"Yeah." Gareth nodded his head. "Yet the kid still rescued her anyways and hired her back I think."

"Wonder why?"

"I don't know. Ask him?" Gareth shrugged his shoulders. "Wouldn't doubt the elf knows more times he's pushed himself to near death."

"I think most people would give up after one or two close calls. Especially going in alone."Finn stared out to the water's edge; the rushing water was the only noise being heard.

"Kid got a fire burning strong enough to mold Orichalcum. He's desperate to reach something."

"Wonder what?" Finn stared up at Gareth with a confused smirk.

Gareth nodded his head to the side still resting it on his axe. "Could be a who?" Gareth stuck his fingers out from her ears. "Elves?" Gareth chuckled not knowing they were overhearing him.

"All that just to get their attention. Seems a bit much."

"You only care about your race prum." Gareth rolled his eyes. "Like you know anything about Romance. Ha-ha-ha"

"And you do dwarf?" Finn was starting to get annoyed.

"More than you pipsqueak." Gareth grinned wide.





The whole water capital started shaking to announce the coming of the floor boss. The rest of the familia started closing ranks and rushing over to the captains. Bete jumped off a bridge and landed on a siren, collapsing down two stories to the shore with his knife deep into the female monster's gut. He punched out the crystal and threw it to a supporter. "Alright time to see what your made of old man. Steel or fat."

"Steel doesn't float well. Wake the elf up." Gareth growled towards the wolf.

*RUMBLING* The tremors intensified; loud cracking noises were coming from the great falls.

Finn stepped backwards and shouted to the dazed high elf. "RIVERIA WAKE UP! ITS HERE!"

Riveria shook her head and jumped to her feet with Alicia. Her mind was still spinning. "Harbinger of the end, the white snow." Riveria paused for a few seconds seeing the white hair flash through her mind.

"RIVERIA hurry up." Gareth shouted while twirling his hands in circles to get her to continue.

Riveria clenched her teeth and tightened her grip around her magic staff, trying to focus her mind. "Blow with the wind before the twilight. Closing light, the freezing land. Blizzard, the three severe winters – my name is Alf."


The waterfall exploded outwards, sending huge jets of water beating down on the cavern like a pounding rain. The water wrapped around the huge white form like a smokey mist.

"Wynn Fimbulvetr!" Riveria held her trembling hand out towards the floor boss. The seemingly powerful blast of ice magic froze the lake's surface over, the floor boss was covered in a thin layer of ice.


"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The dragon shook off the ice magic like it was nothing. The massive two headed white scaley amphisbaena stomped around to loosen its body up from the ice. Both heads scanned the floor mashing its teeth in anger that its mother has been defiled by their presence.

Loki familia has faced the Amphisbaena floor boss dozens of times, but the level five monster categorized as level six in water is still not to be underestimated. The Amphisbaena from dragon head to snake head is over sixty-five feet long and twenty feet wide. The dominant head sat a massive dragon skull with blue eyes, that could eject a napalm fire attack that can even burn on water. Instead of a tail the Amphisbaena had a second head of a snake with red eyes. The snake head's neck was almost three times longer than the dragon's and could spew out a anti magic mist.

"OOOOOOO." The dragon head barked orders at the snake. The snake flicked its tongue out and engorges its throat. A few seconds later the snake exhaled the red mist all around the floor boss's body.

"Alright!" Gareth shouted lifting his grand axe into the air ready to fight. "Time to level up!" Gareth crouched and pushed off the ground into the air towards the Amphisbaena.

"GARETH, WAIT!" Finn shouted to late with his hand up in vain as the dwarf was overeager to start the battle.


The over excited Gareth landed on the ice twenty feet in front of the Amphisbaena, expecting the magical ice to hold his weight like usual. Unlike the past the ice cracked, Gareth eyes widened to their limits, within a second the dwarf lost his balance and the ice gave out underneath him


"Ah fat ass old man." Bete palmed his face, grimacing in disgust.

"Enough." Finn shouted. "Tiona. Tione. Rescue Gareth! Bete Ais and myself will lure it away. The rest provide cover fire and keep monsters off us."

"Yes Captain." Loki familia responded in unison.

'Oh no it's my fault.' Riveria leaned against her staff. Her mind was so distracted during her chant, that the magical power was reduced.

Gareth was a terrible swimmer, compounded even more by the fast currents, heavy armor and axe weighing him down. He was frantically trying to keep afloat until he saw the red eyes of the snake slithering along the ice above his head. "Ssssss." The snake lashed out pushing Gareth down the hole. Gareth barely managed to deflect the fangs with his axe, but was pushed down deeper into the water, Gareth's momentum was sending him towards the seabed. The snake head repeatedly lashed out against Gareth underwater.


The snake lashed out underwater faster than Gareth could keep up. The great axe was flung from his hands and the snake neck constricted around Gareth. His fists status and fists were the only thing preventing being squished to death. The snake head hovered over top of Gareth's head with his mouth open ready to strike.

Tione and Tiona were racing to the hole in the lake. Their caramel dark skin shaking back in forth between their skimpy undine cloth bikinis. Ais, Bete and Finn were racing up the right side of the beast.

"Guess I will level instead." Bete grin with a wide fanged smile.

"I don't care just bring it down and give the twins and opening." Finn commanded.

"Awaken Tempest." Ais activated her wind enchantment.

"Oi this one is mine Ais." Bete growled.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOO." The dragon lurched its neck backwards, its throat glowed a bright blue from its flames. "FUOOOOOOOOOOO." The dragon unleashed his flames towards the trio. They scrambled out of the way as fast as they could with the blue flames licking at their heels, obliterating the ice layer. The dragon rotated its neck forcing the twins to back off.

"Ssssss." The snake's fangs opened wide. It lunged itself toward the struggling dwarf toward in its grip. Gareth managed to push the tail out and dive between.


The snake bit its own neck from above. Gareth was free, he started kicking his feet trying to propel his body upward and aimed his horned helmet, impaling it into the snake.

"SSSSSssssssssss." The snake was enraged and in pain. It slammed the full mass of its body into Gareth, sending the dwarf flailing down to the seabed. "SSSSSS." The snake called out to its mother. Many cracks and fissures appeared underwater.


Dozens of bubbles were spewed out from Gareth's mouth. His torso was bleeding as a ten-foot-long aqua serpent had its jaws around his abdomen preventing him from holding his breath. His armor and status prevented the wound from being deep, but the aqua serpent was dragging him down further to the floor of the lake.

The snake head pulled out of the water and focused on the amazon twins. It lunged forward at full force toward the amazons. "Ssss"


Riveria grabbed Alicia's bow and unleashed two arrows at the snake's head right in front of the twins. The snake recoiled in pain and backed around the massive body of the dragon.


Tiona and Tione dived into the water, darting through the waters faster than any underwater creature, by combining the effects of their dive developmental abilities and undine cloth. Each able to hold their breath for several minutes, they dived deeper rushing to free the struggling dwarf at the seabed.

A school of raider fish, each one meter long with razor sharp teeth, block the twins' path. Still these level three monsters were outmatched by the twins diving experience. The water was a flurry of knives, sharp teeth and blood as the twins sliced each raider fish apart with their back up knives. Tiona was a little slower lugging Urga along with her. However, every time they killed one fish another would spawn to replace it.

Gareth's felt his body impact the seabed, he was fast losing consciousness, struggling for air with the aqua serpent's teeth piercing his armor and skin. "URGGGHHHH." *Gurgle* Gareth had enough, he focused his mind on stopping the aqua serpent. He gripped his hands around the serpent's head and pull its jaw out of his side. Gareth crushed down on its skull with one hand and the other founds its tail. He squished the fish serpent inwards then pulled the serpent outwards, tearing the monster into two pieces. *Gurgle* The air in his lungs was empty, he tried kicking off the floor but found his foot stuck between some rocks. He started to lose consciousness.

Tione and Tiona rushed down to save the Gareth, severing the raider fish with each slash. Tione pointed to Tiona then to Gareth. Tiona understood and dived deeper while her sister kept the raider fish off them. She swam down to his feet and struggle to get leverage to release the dwarf from the rock.




"FUOOOOOOOOOOO." Another torrent of blue flame pushed back Ais and Finn.

"Time to die scaley." Bete started racing across the splintered ice islands, trying to find an opening. He dodged overtop of the snake head to find an opening.

"BETE! Iguazu swarm!" Cruz finished off a harpy and noticed movement along the cliffs around the waterfall. Bete looked up to up to see a dozen red birds jump off the cliffside, flying downward at incredible speed towards him. Bete barely managed to avoid the suicidal charges of the birds. Their bodies ricochet off his knives and shattered the island he was standing on, sending him into the water.

"Riveria start your shield spell. Ais take it down." Finn raced off to rescue Bete who was climbing up another ice island.

"FGOOOOOO." The Amphisbaena focused its fire on Ais. Her wind enchantment pushed the fire around her body, melting the ice island she was on. Ais felt water by her feet, old trauma started to flare up and she quickly jumped back toward Riveria.

Riveria started concurrently chanting her shield incantation as she swung her staff directly into the abdomen of light quartz rock monster while avoiding its beam attack. The light quartz was slammed to the ground, shortly after Riveria smashed its skull and turned to kick a blue crab into a wall. "Dance around spirits of the atmosphere, lord of light. Contract the guardian of the forest and envelop us with the song of the land. Surround us become a great barrier of forest light and protect us – my name is Alf."

"Sssssss." The snake head lashed out repeatedly at Bete, missing the wolf narrowly as he dodged underwater. Finn batted and ice island over to Bete with his spear. The ice island collided with Bete pushing him out of the path of the snake.

Finn jumped to the island and over top the snakes head and smacked it into the ice. Finn and Bete managed to get to another ice island, just as the dragon reared its head toward them.

"FGOOOOOOOOO." Finn and Bete raced towards Riveria's magic circle, with dragon fire following around the lake until they got to the shore where the high elf stood.

"VIA SHILHIEM!" Riveria shouted out, a translucence green bubble incased Loki familia just as the blue flame impacted the shield spell.


"Hold on Riveria." Finn shouted as the dragon didn't relent its flame attack. Loki familia was completely surrounded in blue flame. Riveria was started to strain her mind usage.

"The hags gonna choke again." Bete scowled. Riveria ignored the taunt and started pushing back.

"Awaken Tempest!" Ais nodded at Riveria. "RAGE TEMPEST!" Ais shouted focusing her wind toward the dragon fire. Riveria cut off her shield spell as the wind took the brunt of the fire. Ais focused her magic forward, pushing the fire back into the dragon. The dragon recoiled in pain, singed by its own attack and backed away. Ais focused her powerful wind into the water in front of the Amphisbaena. A loud rumbling was heard as the sea was split open in the middle exposing both amazons and dwarf among a school of raider fish flopping around not able to survive out of water. Ais strained her mind to hold up the walls of water.

Red eyes appeared in the water wall behind Gareth. "Sssss." While the dragon was still recovering from the magic attack. The snake slithered down into the water, behind them. The snake opened its mouth and lunged forward barring its fangs down upon Gareth.

"GARETH!" Tiona shouted, with the water split opened she was able to wield Urga. Gareth dodged forward to avoid the spear like fangs of the snake. Tiona side stepped around the snake head and swung Urga down upon the its neck with all her might. The snake head was severed and collapsed to the ground.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOO." The amphisbaena recoiled in pain losing its other half. It backed up to the waterfall and started swimming up the torrent of water.

"Hurry up and get out of there. Ais can't hold this up long!" Finn shouted down to them. "Alicia cut him off."

"Freezing binds, chains of winter – Niflheim's shackles." Alicia aimed her magic at the Amphisbaena's back legs. Ice spikes came out of the waterfall, impaling its legs enough to make it slip and fall.


The floor boss fell to the seabed right as Tione emerged from the water wall with Gareth's axe. "Catch gramps." She threw the axe to the now angry dwarf.


"Dam this water." Gareth was fuming mad staring at the floor boss recovering from the fall. The wind magic was dying down and the water walls were closing in on them. "Ancestors of stone, lend me your steel." Gareth raised his axe high with both hands as the floor boss stood up, the twins backed away behind him. "The enemy is crossing the bridge, collapse this passage and throw them into the black chasm - Earth Raid!"(1) Gareth slammed his grand axe into the ground at the same time his magic activated. A massive crater carved out the seabed in front of him.


The strain was too much for Ais to maintain leaning on the edge of a mind down, she cut her wind magic off. Loki familia watched the water consume all four them when the waves collapsed inward. For a few seconds nothing happened, the water remained calm. Then like a swirling drain, the water of the of the lake formed a whirlpool, draining the water completely from floor twenty-seven through a hole Gareth created with his attack. Tiona and Tione were holding onto a boulder with one hand and gripping onto a purple chain activated by Tione's List Iorum magic. The chain was wrapped around Gareth's midsection with his axe impaled into the ground. The torrent of water swirled in front of the dwarf, dragging every monster beside the floor boss down to floor twenty-eight. After a minute the lake was empty besides the steady stream from the great fall.

Gareth's eyes were piercing into the Amphisbaena's soul, the floor boss shuttered feeling the dwarf's anger. Its partner was dead, its home was drained and his minions gone.

"I am angry now, scaley." Gareth shouted pulling his axe out of the ground. The Amphisbaena looked up at the waterfall at its only way to even the fight. The dragon lunged for the water and climbed the rapids. "Like hell you are." Gareth threw his axe into the cliffside and raced off to the falls. He jumped onto the axe handle and jumped up again to reach the escaping dragon.


"Foou." The dragon stopped. His headless tail was being crushed in the hands of the dwarf.

"I am done swimming." Gareth threw his weight around rocking his body along the tail and hit the wall with his feet. He leaned all his weight downward pulling the dragon out of the waterfall and throwing the massive monster rex into the seabed. It rolled end over end from the bone crushing impact.


Gareth fell down and pulled his axe out of wall. The dragon lashed around with its only remaining weapon. "FOOOOOOOOOOOO." Gareth wasn't prepared for such a fast fireball.

"Assemble breath of the land – my name is Alf. Veil Breath." Riveria summoned her defense second tier defense magic to heal Gareth and increase his magical resistances.


Gareth started rotating his axe as fast as he could while backing into the waterfall. The blue flames crashed into spinning torrent of water. The napalm set the falls on fire.

"How long can he keep that up?" Tione stared on as the dragon flame wouldn't relent.

"I am going." Tiona started charging the dragon.

"Wait." Tione shouted out. "Ah crap Gareth's gonna be pissed."

"FOOOOOOOOOOOO." The floor boss intensified its flames, desperate to kill the dwarf. "OOOF" The flames stopped, Tiona severed a tendon in its back right leg. Tiona jumped backwards to avoid the tail.

Gareth emerged unscathed from behind the fall. "Dam amazon. I am fine."

"Sorry Gramps." Tiona rushed back and hid behind her sister, holding onto Tione's shoulders looking out nervously.

"Dam it all." Gareth gripped his axe with one hand and raced forward to the injured dragon.

"FOO." The dragon was too slow to with his fire breath. It went right over Gareth's shoulder and was stopped instantly when its front right leg was cleaved in two. The dragon collapsed down onto its face A second later the Amphisbaena looked up to see the massive axe raised high above the dwarf's head.


Gareth's grand axe came crashing down on the neck of the dragon, decapitating its head from its body. "Hu-hu-hu-hu." Gareth was breathing hard more out of anger, his eyes randomly squinted as his face twitched with rage staring between Tiona and Riveria. "Clean this dam mess up!" Gareth hopped down the newly created hole in the floor as the dungeon started repairing itself.

Finn shook his head. "Glad we pulled out of that one. Gather the drop items and let's go save Tiona."

"Yes Captain."

Finn winked up at pale faced Riveria. "Might want Ais as your bodyguard tonight." Loki familia collected the drop items from the floor. They made camp on the flooded floor thirty-eight, avoiding irritating the angry dwarf.




Many hours later, Loki familia were walking casually through the tree labyrinth in the middle floors. The level two insect monsters were batted aside with ease as they continued through floor twenty. They noticed a large group of adventurers up ahead, each with the emblem of the sun on armor.

"Apollo familia." Tione greeted them.

"Surprised to see you all down here, thought your grand expedition was in a few days." Hyakinthos the captain of Apollo familia addressed the tired looking Loki familia.

"Just cleared out the floor boss." Gareth growled, intimidating the apollo familia regulars as he passed.

"Guess that means we can reach our goal and proceed to the water capital." The apollo familia captain boasted.

"You runts should avoid getting yourself killed." Bete followed after Gareth.

Hyakinthos clenched his fist but held back his temper. He knew he couldn't do anything to first tier adventurers. Finn rolled his eyes. "Just ignore him. The amphisbaena is down. Be careful down there."

"Will do Braver, Sir." Luan was standing at Hyakinthos side, he bowed to the Loki captain.

"Stop trying to kiss the Braver's ass, Luan. Move out." Hyakinthos ordered his familia to follow him to the water capital.

Loki familia starting moving on, but noticed Riveria was scanning across the Apollo familia ranks as they walked bye.

"Lady Riveria. Are you coming?" Alicia responded from behind her.

"Just checking something Alicia." Riveria didn't find anybody that matched her attacker. She sighed out loud. "Huuuuuuu, never mind." Riveria shook her head looking in vain for the elf that fit the description of her attacker. "Let's get up to the safe point and set up camp." Both elf women followed after the rest of Loki familia to floor eighteen.

A few minutes later, Hyakinthos came racing back alone. "Lissos you there?"

A one-eyed blond elf man, dressed in green wearing a red scarf around his face; came out from between some rocks. He shook off the dirt and stood up straight. "Yes, just had to relieve myself, captain."

"Uh-huh sure." Hyakinthos rolled his eyes. "Let's go already. Need to test out your new level up in the water capital."

"That I do." Lissos nodded his head in agreement. Both level threes ran off down the path to meet the rest of their familia.




(Day 29)

The early morning sun was peaking over the horizon. Breathing and snoring was heard from three sleeping people inside the hospital room. Hestia was leaning against wall on her chair. Eina shifted around between two chairs, not being able to sleep long in such an uncomfortable position, beds were reserved for patients. Her feet slid off the chair to the floor. Still exhausted she pushed her bag of books and clothes to the corner and moved her chair up to the hospital bed, not caring about Goddess Hestia's warnings. She laid her head by Bell's hand and closed her eyes. "Please wake up Bell. Zzzzzzzzz."

My eyes opened hearing her voice. I looked around the dark unfamiliar room. The sunlight was creeping through the blinds, shining on the beautiful half elf at my side. "E-e-e-a." My throat was dry and I felt weak but I managed to say her name, still confused where I was and why she was sleeping next to me. "E-e-e-a"

"Mmmhmmmm." Eina rolled her head lightly back and forth in front of my hand.

I reached out lightly to try and shove Eina awake. I couldn't control my arm that well and it jettisoned outwards to her head. I managed to stop my hand a centimeter above her face. "Whew." I sighed in relief, avoiding hurting the sleeping beauty. 'What is going on with my hand?' I shook my head. I tried to pull it back and accidently touched Eina's cheek.

"Mmmhmmmm." Eina smiled in her sleep under the warm touch. She grabbed my hand and rolled her head pinning my hand under her face.

"E-e-e-a." My face was red feeling her warm face cuddling my hand. I took a deep breath. "E-Eina."

"Zzzzz, Bell go back to sleep. Zzzz." Eina mumbled out in her sleep. A few seconds there was silence in the room. Then Eina's eyes opened wide. She lifted her head up slightly seeing the makeshift pillow was a hand. She followed the shuttering hand up to my red face. Her eyes glazed over with tears. "BELL!" She jumped up and gripped me into a hug.

My face went even redder feeling her warm embrace. Her head laying on my shoulder, her chest resting on mine, wet side of her face touching my neck. "E-E-Eina."

The noise woke the goddess. "What is going on Eina?" Hestia replied still tired rubbing her eyes. She started getting mad seeing Eina hugging Bell. "How dare you force yourself on him. Get off." Hestia pushed Eina off of me and taking Eina's place.

Eina fell to the floor agitated. "Goddess Hestia he's awake."

"Huh." Hestia blinked rapidly towards Eina and lifted herself off of me. "BELL! You're awake." Hestia held me tighter. "You're safe now."


"Yes Bell."

"W-wa—ter." I pleaded to soothe my dry throat.

Hestia backed away looking around the room. Eina stepped forward with a glass of water and leaned it up to my lips, helping lift my head off the pillow to drink it. Hestia was shaking in anger that she was one upped by the half elf. "Drink slowly Bell, you been in the hospital for three days."

"PFFT." Surprised I spit up a little water.

"Shhhh, Shhhh, just calm down and drink up." Eina was smiling ear to ear. I nodded my head and continued to drink up. I gently raised my hands to lift the glass myself.


The glass snapped in my hands as soon as I touched it and the water splattered onto my hospital gown. "S-sorry."

Hestia grabbed a rag and dabbed it on my clothes and started cleaning up the glass. "Bell, take it easy until you can control your knew strength. You leveled up."

I flipped my hands back and forth and looked for any injuries. Not even a scratch on my skin. "Wow."

"You were banged up so bad that you were practically dead. The only way to save your life was for me to level you up, mister."

"S-s-sorry goddess." I bent my chin to my chest feeling vulnerable.

Now was Eina's time to get angry. "He put all the effort to level up."

"Urrrgh, He almost died without my blood." Hestia's brow narrowed in angry toward Eina.

Eina stood up in front of the goddess, vein about to burst in her temple. "That's debatable. All you had to do was cut your finger. He's the hero."

"It's your fault in the first place that he risked his life." Hestia growled. Eina and Hestia were at each other throats.

"STOP! P-please." My eyes darted back and forth between the two angry women. They both calmed down. "It's not Eina's fault, goddess, nor is it Loki familia's fault. It's mine."

"Huh." Both women stared at me utterly confused.

Eina held her hand over her heart. "There is no way to predict a minotaur and a wyvern showing up randomly on an upper floor Bell."

"It was a man from their familia, that set a trap for you."

I shook my head. "I-."


The door swung open. The doll like silver haired healer Airmid stood in the doorway, her face twitching in anger. "Another word and I will throw you both out for disturbing my patients."

"Sorry, Miss Teasanare." Eina bowed her head. "Bell's awake."

"Oh." Airmid's face instantly change back to normal. "Glad that you chose to stay on Gekai, Mr. Cranel."

"T-Thank you." I stuttered out. "For everything."

"I have only been monitoring your condition. Riveria healed you, your level up definitely helped, but you fought to stay alive every second." Airmid gave a light smile towards me. Her brow narrowed again turning her head between Hestia and Eina. "You two step out for a while. I will tend to Mr. Cranel." Eina and Goddess Hestia were forced out of the room, while Airmid checked my vitals and my reflexes.




Eina and Hestia purchased breakfast from the snack hall and ate across the table from each other. "He's awake now. You can go back home Eina."

"No, I want to talk with him. I can't allow my hero to think this way. I care for him too much."

"It will never work out between our familias." Hestia crossed her arms. "Bell is mine."

"The only reason I am back with my familia is because of you, goddess." Eina pointed at Hestia, Hestia eyes widened in shock. "Sure, I went for a visit for the first time in three years because of him, but I would still be at the guild full time. At first, I was trying to push away my feelings and remain neutral as his advisor, but I couldn't. I will fight for his heart."

"I will not allow it." Hestia gritted her teeth. "I will help you get your job back, if you stay away."

"Too late, goddess Hestia." Eina took a bite of her food.

"Huh." Hestia was outraged.

"I am not going to work for that pig of guild head again. I will help bell in the dungeon. It should be much easier to earn a living now since we both leveled up."

"I will not allow you or Loki to have him." Hestia stood on her chair leaning over the table.

"Loki would never take Bell from you. I don't even know if Bell would want me. He's busy chasing after her. Soon Bell will find out about your lie." Eina shoulders dipped, even Hestia backed away out of hesitation. "Even so I don't want him to die. The four of us should make a competent team in the dungeon. You do want him to survive right?"

"Of course, I do." Hestia sat back down and started eating her food. 'Bell's too shy to ask her. Hopefully Freya's elf is successful. He will be too heartbroken to go near Loki familia.'


"Hmmm." Hestia stared up to see the blue haired god Miach, tailed by Lily who was holding a small box. "Miach."

"Good morning, Hestia. Miss Tulle." Miach nodded to Eina. "Lily told me the extent of what happened. We went to the church and you weren't there."

"How did you know to look here?"

"Miss Lokolite recognized Lily at the store yesterday and told us you were here at the adventurer hospital."

"Line Arshe." Eina brow furrowed. "I thought they usually go to Dian Cecht."

"Well our knew potion might be getting us some more customers of late. Lily, would you show them. Please." Miach turned his head to Lily. She put the small box on the table and pulled out an orange vial.

"Orange potion?" Eina studied the vial.

"Thanks to Bell and Lily's hard work. Naaza was able to synthesis a double potion that restores both mind and health. The store has been busy of late."

"Wow that's amazing." Eina smiled widened.

"Glad my Bell could help you Miach."

"I owe him a lot, but enough about that. Where is the hero of the hour?"

"He's being tended to by Airmid."

"Is Master Bell, okay?" Lily eyes were full of worry.

"He almost died, but he woke up a little bit ago." Hestia replied.

"Can Lily see him?"

Eina stood up. "Sure, I can show you to the room Lily. Hopefully Airmid will be done soon." Eina escorted Lily out of the cafeteria.

"I need to get back in there Miach." Hestia stood up to leave.

"Actually, I was wondering if you could come along with me to see Ganesha."

"Now, my Bell needs me."

"I may have my issues with Dian Cecht, but Airmid is a masterful healer. Now that Bell is conscious, I think he is out of danger, Hestia."

"I can't allow that half elf to get closer to Bell."

"The desires of mortals can't be overshadowed by will of us gods Hestia."

"I thought you were my friend, Miach." Hestia pouted.

"We will always be friends Hestia. Airmid won't let anything happen in her hospital and this issue with Lily can't wait much longer." Miach watched his friend sink lower unaware that their conversation was being monitored. "Hestia all hope isn't lost."


"If it's meant to be than it will be. The best way to appeal to his heart is to help him. If not then you will always be his goddess."

"Okay." Hestia smiled. They made a quick stop at the room to drop off the reward before leaving the hospital towards the Ganesha familia compound.




Sometime later both gods arrived at the gates by the huge elephant statue. "Halt! State your busine-." The elephant masked guard realized he was talking gods. He bowed in front of them. "Please forgive me my lord and lady."

Miach raised up his hand. "It's of no consequence. We are seeking an audience with Ganesha.

"Hmm that might be difficult."

"Is he not here?" Hestia asked the young man.

"He is my lady. Gaining an audience might be difficult at this time."

Miach stared into the man's eyes. "Is he alright?"

"Not really. Maybe I should get our Captain to explain." The young man turned to a passing member in the courtyard. "Raza go get Shakti."

"Alright." The young man ran inside. A few minutes later the azure haired woman came walking out of the compound looking absolutely angry.

Miach and Hestia looked at one another before confronting the Ganesha captain. Miach greeted the disgruntled woman. "Morning Shakti, Is everything alright?"

Shakti bowed her head. "I am sorry Lord Miach. Lady Hestia. Lord Ganesha is not well enough to take any visitors today."

"Something wrong. Maybe I can help improve his condition."

"Afraid this is an aliment of the mind." Shakti bluntly confessed her worries. "He's an idiot. Our lord prioritizes his crotch over his familia." Miach and Hestia were even more confused at Shakti's answer.

"We have an urgent matter to petition for your lord's aid."

"It might take a few days until he recovers. He drank enough alcohol to fell a real elephant. I can pass along your message and setup a future appointment. Perhaps after Denatus."

"We need help getting Lily out of Soma familia."

Shakti looked down at Hestia. "Are you talking about the prum we had detained for hurting your child, Lady Hestia?"

"Yes." Lord Miach nodded his head. "Lily has been subject to many abuses from her familia. We wish to free her."

"I see. If I recall, the guild took over that matter. I will let Lord Ganesha know if he recovers. In the meantime, I will notify the guild."

"Thank you Ankusha." Miach and Hestia started walking west. "I hope we can continue this ruse until he recovers."

"Me too. Bell would feel horrible if he brought trouble to you."

Shakti walked back inside the compound, all the way up to Ganesha's penthouse. *Knock. Knock. Knock.* There was no response, Shakti gritted her teeth and forced open the door. "Smells absolutely rank with alcohol in here." Shakti pinched her nose and entered the dark bedroom. She carefully stepped over the many shattered alcohol bottles. She passed many destroyed statues and stained furniture on her way to the bed. "Pull yourself together you horny bastard."

"I am Ganesha…." The elephant mask tanned god toasted meagerly toward the ceiling with a goblet.

"No shit." Shakti clenched her fists. "It's your own fault for being seduced by her."

"I am Ganesha…." Ganesha took a sip.

"Urrrrghhhh, I thought you cared for the people, for you familia. Did you not care for her?"

"Ganesha cares for all."

"Then what about Sri you blockhead!" Shakti stood over top her god. She smacked the goblet out of his hand, before storming out of the room.

"I miss her." Ganesha passed out on his wine-stained linens.





"Watch the dam door Gareth!" Loki's muffled voice came through the opposite side of her bedroom door.

"Whatever!?" Gareth growled back from his side. He shook his head before stomping away from Goddess Loki's room. At the bottom of the stairs, he saw the familiar green hair of the high elf leave her room. Riveria could feel Gareth's anger as he approached.

He stopped right in front of her. "Dam elf cost me my level up."


"Were you trying to sabotage me?" Gareth's growled through gritted teeth, trying to control himself.

"Of course not. Why wouldn't I want you to level up Gareth? I am sorry. Please forgive me." Riveria bowed her head.

"Ahhhhh. Get your shit together for the expedition." Gareth stormed off down the east dormitory.

Riveria rubbed her temple with two fingers. Ever since they started their ascent from the water capital Gareth was in a foul mood towards her. Riveria looked up to find Alicia coming up from the breakfast hall. "Everything okay Lady Riveria."

"I am fine Alicia."

Alicia squinted her eyes not believing the princess. "Are you sure my lady? You seem off for the last couple of days."

"Don't worry about it, Alicia. I am gonna go up to talk to Loki."

"O-okay." Alicia watched Riveria ascend the tower to Loki's room. "He did something. I know it." Alicia waited a few minutes before sneaking up the tower after Riveria.




*Knock. Knock. Knock*


"Come in mama." Loki voices rang out from the other side. "Just don't break the dam door." Riveria opened the door and closed it gently behind her. "I figured you would be on your way up soon."


"Call it a hunch." Loki replied sarcastically with a deadpanned face.

"Come on sit down." Loki patted the chair in front of her bed. "I can make you feel better."

"Nice try." Riveria rolled her eyes

"Fine!" Loki snickered. "How about a status update? It has been two weeks."

"Okay, but one finger out of line and the door won't be the only thing you need replaced." Riveria sat down in front of Loki and exposed her back to the goddess.

Loki reached back for her knife. "So why is Gareth blaming you for not leveling up?" *Swish* Loki cut her finger and a droplet of divine blood fell to the high elf's back. The falna glowed as Loki took her time rolling the excelia into Riveria's stats.

"Huuuuuu." Riveria stared up at the ceiling and let out a sigh. "I lost concentration during my chant before I froze the lake over for Gareth. Long story short he fell through the ice and almost died because of me."

Loki stopped writing copying the stats to her paper right before the magic slot. "That's not like you. Why?"

"I l-lost concentration." Riveria closed her eyes and rest her chin on her chest.

"Are you gonna be honest for once and tell me what happened with the rabbit?" Loki eyes bored into the back of Riveria's head. Riveria's ears were going red, she was shaking all over. "Sometime today mamma."

"He…. He k-k-kissed me." Riveria's confession stunned Loki. A variety of emotions surged through the trickster making her head spin.

Before either could respond. "HE WHAT!" Alicia's scream was heard all the way down to the breakfast hall. Riveria and Loki's eyes bulged to their limits. Before either could respond, Alicia bolted down the stairs and out the manor, ignoring all familia members in her path.

"I need to go save him. Hurry up Loki." Riveria was shaking, preparing the cover herself up.

Loki finished rolling the magic stat. Her eyeballs felt like they were gonna fall out. "Are you done Loki?"

"Yes, but…."

"No time. She's gonna kill him." Riveria covered herself up and rushed out of the bedroom. Riveria rushed down the stairs to the rooftop courtyard and jumped to a roof of a nearby house.

Loki watched her race off along the rooftops from her window. Then stared down at the paper in her hands. "What…. is this!?"

Riveria Ljos Alf

Level: Six Age: 99 Race: High Elf

Strength: G286.….F320 Defense: F305…..F308

Dexterity: C678…..B701 Agility: B715…..B752

Magic: S997…..SS1015 Mage: E Treatment: G

Abnormal Resistance: G Spirit Healing: G Magic Resistance: H




"Lily I am glad your s-safe too." I stuttered in feeling her the tiny prum form hugging my chest.

"Lily is sorry for sending you down there." Lily still wouldn't relent her hug.

"Its fine Lily." I patted her head. "Just glad that I am the only one in the hospital and nothing worse happen to either of you."

Lily looked up into my eyes. "Lily should of went to Loki familia from the beginning."

I held Lily at arm's length. "There is no telling what Hod might have done if Loki familia was sent after him."

"You almost died, master Bell."

"What did I tell you about the whole master thing? We are friend's lily." I smiled down at Lily. "Besides we dealt with Hod pretty easily. The dragon was scary."


"Don't forget about the minotaur." Eina entered the hospital room.

"Minotaur….. Dragon." Lily's head spun around fast between us terrified and in disbelief. My brow raised as I leaned my head sarcastically remembering the ordeal.

"The dungeon had other plans, but my hero faced them all." Eina giggled. My heart started beating rapidly in my chest as the beautiful half elf slowly walk up to my side with the tray of food.

Lily's chest sunk; she could feel my heart rate pick up as Eina got closer. Lily sat up to allow Eina room. She shook her head and smiled knowing she was losing. "Miss Eina has been her for three days."

"Ughhhh… uh…ah." I was speechless as I stared into Eina's red face.

Eina smiled timidly and placed the tray of food across my lap. She sat down on the nearest chair with her ears red. "I think I will sleep on a real bed tonight. When is Miss Airmid going to release you?"

"S-she s-s-said I could leave t-tomorrow." I stuttered out staring at the flustered Eina.

"Great maybe we can go report our level ups to Rose tomorrow."

"You leveled up!" Lily's mouth hung open in shock.

I nodded my head. "Having trouble controlling my body."

"Same here." Eina giggled. "I accidently tore one of my books in half."

"Dungeon's gonna be much easier now." Lily smiled.

"Don't underestimate it." I scratched the back of my head, before digging into my eggs.

"Do you want to go into the dungeon with Lily tomorrow?"

"I can't Lily." I shook my head. "My gear is shattered, gonna have to somehow convince Welf to make me something new."

"Oh." Lily puffed out at her cheeks.

"Well, that might not be that difficult. Gareth and the twins gathered all the drop items and put them in that box over there, next to the Naaza's potions."

"What's in the box?"

"Two minotaur horns, a wyvern fang and a large minotaur monster crystal and a few irontusks drops. Your quiver is intact, but your weapons and armor were smashed to oblivion."

"Wow." I smiled staring off at the boxes. "Have to talk to Welf tomorrow then."

"Lily doesn't believe the shops will be open tomorrow, because of the festival."


Eina replied. "You're still new to Orario. Lunar festival is held during the first full moon of summer. Represents life and endless opportunities for growth." Eina cheeks started reddening again.

"Lily is gonna step out for a bit." Lily hopped off the hospital bed and exits the room towards the bathroom.

Sensing Lily left for a reason, my heart rate started climbing again. The room was silent for a few minutes as I slowed my breathing. Memories of that night started flooding over me as Eina watched over me confused. "E-Eina."

"Yes Bell." She tilted her head confused.

"W-will y-you?" I hesitated to get the words out. Eina smirked seeing my nervous state. "Would you… be able to show me around the festival?"

"Like a date." A smile curled up on her face.

I nodded my head up and down. "Y-yes."

Eina stood up and leaned against me wrapping her arms around me and bringing me in for a hug. "I would love too, Bell."

"Really." My face instantly brightened up as I stared into her emerald eyes.

"On one condition." Eina poked my nose. "You tell me what happened that night. Why on Gekai would you blame yourself, Bell?"

My eyes strained and my brow narrowed. My heart rate slowed and my chest sunk as I tried to avoid her stare. Eina's eyes softened not expecting such a reaction. She was about to question why when the door slowly creaked open, drawing both of our stares.




(Few minutes earlier)

"Looks like Lily lost. He-he-he." Lily giggled to herself as she continued walking down the hall towards the rest room.


Lily froze hearing a familiar voice behind her. She slowly stared over her shoulder. Her eyes went wide in fear. Standing before her was a grey haired human man with glasses, a devious smirk appeared on his half scarred face. Lily started backing away from the soma familia captain. "Well all be, you actually survived. Resourceful little prum aren't you."

"L…. I have know idea who you're talking about." Lily's façade was transparent as her body trembled at being caught.

"I didn't believe Lord Soma when he said he didn't feel you die. He would be happy to see you, Lily."

Lily started looking around for the exit. 'I can't drag master bell or Eina into this.'

"Come on Lily time to go home." Zanis stepped forward.

"No Lily refuses. I hate Soma familia." Lily bolted it towards the door as fast as her small legs could carry her.

"He-he-he." Zanis found it easy to keep up with her. His hand was outstretched ready to catch her at the exit. "You don't have a choice."


Zanis was sent flying to his backside from a smack to the face. Lily continued running out of the hospital, morphing into her elf form around the corner. Zanis stared up at the intruder. "What's the big idea…. Silvan?" Zanis backed up a little fearful of the angry level four adventurer before him.

"Get out of my way creep." Alicia walked past Zanis without so much as a second look and continued down the hall towards her target.

"Ahhhh." Zanis jumped up and raced outside. The streets were busy with adventurers and townsfolk and there was no Lily in sight. "I will capture you, Lily." He clenched his fist before searching the streets for her.




The door slowly creaked open to the hospital room. "Yes Bell. Tell her what happened." The sight of the scary beautiful blonde elf entering the room, barely containing her anger sent goosebumps up my arms. Felt like my heart was sweating as my body shuddered in fear, the door slammed behind her.

"Alicia, what's the meaning of this? Why are you angry?" Eina was scared for me feeling the aura of the level four elf.

"Quiet Eina." Alicia warned through gritted teeth, flashing an angry glare towards Eina. Alicia walked to the edge of the bed as Eina stood up. "Tell her."


My chest sunk deeper. "I….. I k-kissed her."

Eina covered her face in shock. "How did she respond.…?" Riveria gripped the door handle and stopped to listen.

I stared up at both women with glazed over eyes. "Badly. I am the reason Hod was able to get to you."

"Bell noo!" Eina looked heartbroken.

"I have no right to be near either of you." My head sunk. "I had no right to try."

"Yet you did it anyways. I knew I should of put an end to this a while ago. You will pay for what you did?" Alicia screamed in anger. She cracked her knuckles and walk directly up toward me full of rage.

"Stop Alicia." Eina held her arms out wide.

"No, he deserves punishment for his actions!" Alicia pushed Eina out of the way. She raised her fist and stepped forward to swing.

Eina jump up fast and grabbed Alicia around her midsection. Alicia was surprised for a second by Eina's new strength. I pushed my burning backed up against the hospital bed. The food tray slipped from my lap to the floor. "Let go Eina." Alicia broke Eina's guard and lunged forward right as Riveria barged open the door.


"Ahhhhh." Alicia's was momentarily distracted. Her boot slipped on the pile of food. She tripped forward, hitting her head against the wall, landing on top of me.

All I could see was darkness as golden strands of hair blocked my sight. The warm curvy body of the beautiful elfess resting on top of my chest. Her flowery perfume was making me dizzy. "Uhhhhhh, what happened?" Alicia slowly shifted her head back and forth. Her lips contacting something soft. She heard the familiar drum beneath her. Her eyes bulged wide, she lifted herself above me. She stared down at my tomato red nervous face, then held two fingers against her lips. "You monster!"

"You literally fell for him." Eina giggled

Riveria was speechless as she watched Alicia squirmed around on top of me trying to get off. My hands were at my sides not trying to touch her but something else was making me unresponsive. "Let me go!"

"He's not even touching you, Alicia." Eina was giggling at the awkward sight.

"GET OFF OF HIM!" Goddess Hestia rushed into the room. Her eyes went wide when she seen Alicia on top of me. Hestia wrapped her arms underneath Alicia's armpits and hoisted her off. They fell to the floor with Goddess on the bottom.

"Why are you touching me!? Get off." Alicia was trying to get out of her grasp without hurting the goddess.

"No." Hestia held on tighter. "I can't even go a day without an elf woman forcing herself on him." Alicia stopped unable to comprehend that sentence. Riveria covered her face with her hand. Her piercing jade eye locked onto my red ones. I dipped my head to avoid her stare.

"Why is it always this room that's making all the noise!?" Airmid rush past Riveria. She was angry staring down, at the pair of women on the floor. Her hands resting on her hips. "I am done. There will be no more visitors for Bell until I release him tomorrow."

"I am his g…."

"I don't care goddess Hestia. This is my hospital; I will not be entertaining this love triangle any longer. You can all wait to do whatever tomorrow when he is released from my care." Silence filled the room as each woman stared at Airmid.

Airmid rolled her eyes. "Out! I need to check his…." Airmid's froze staring at me. Her face scrunched up nervously, her eyes blinking rapidly. The other women followed Dea Saint's nervous gaze. They each raised a hand to block out the nervous rabbit's tented blanket. "Welp, I guess I don't need to check your blood pressure."

Alicia jumped to her feet. She was shaking in anger as she stared my nervous face. "You pervert I thought that was your leg."

"Silvan it's the morning and that is a natural bodily function. All of you get out! Go!" Airmid covered her eyes and pointed to the door. Each woman filed out of the room slowly, Eina hesitated to pick up her bag on the other side of the room. "Today Eina!"

"Uh-huh." Eina rushed out of the room.

Airmid chuckled while holding her temple. "I will release you in the morning Bell. G-get some rest." She closed the door behind her, leaving me alone in the hospital room to my thoughts.




The three elves were walking up the north road. "Despicable human." Alicia muttered to herself.

"Oh, great we got another Lefiya." Eina replied sarcastically.

"Even after what he did you defend him." Alicia was outraged.

"Not like it's been a secret. He's rather transparent about his feelings. Though I didn't expect that to happen." Eina smiled up to Riveria.

"Not in public." Riveria warned her with a flash of her eyes. They turned up the street towards the manor. Sounds of a confrontation were happening at the gate. "Oh no! What have you done Loki?"

"Le-t go of m-ee." Raul was struggling for oxygen as he was being lifted into the air by his neck. A large angry muscular man with brown hair was choking him. Another guard was on the ground by the gate.

"One of you little perverts forced yourself on my little girl. I will smack the life out of you until I get answers." Ethan was seething in rage. Many in the courtyard were rushing to Raul's defense.


Aina's hand rested on Ethan's outstretched arm. "Husband release him already before you cause a bigger disturbance."

"I want answers about our daughter!"

"Well, why don't you turn your head and ask her yourself, dear." Aina pointed down the road.


Ethan dropped Raul to the ground. "If I find out it was any of you; I will earn my level five on your scrawny ass."

"I-it wasn't m-ee." *Cough. Cough* Raul was hunched over against the gate trying to regain his breathing.

Ethan stomped down the road towards the three alarmed women. Eina tensed up and lurched backwards. "Father!"


Ethan picked up Eina and held her tight to his chest in a bare hug she had no hope of finding an escape. "You're coming home with us, Eina."

"P-please Father, I want to stay."

"I am not letting another man touch you. I will kill the bastard who attacked you."

"Hod is already dead."

"Urggh." Ethan held Eina at arm's length. "Did he hurt you?"

Eina shook her head. "Hod was not successful. Bell saved me." Her face blushed crimson.

"Bell again. He-he-he." Aina walked past Ethan's side and brought Eina in for a hug. "I would like to meet him."

Eina broke apart from her mother's embrace. "Momma. Papa. What are you doing here?"

Aina smirked. "Loki sent us a letter. Your father just got back this morning and well he is a bit hot headed."

"Did you have to hurt the guards, Ethan?" Riveria stared annoyed at Ethan. "I am sure they would have let you in."

"I went to go search the apartment and that sad excuse for a level four was flirting with my wife. I am in no mood to think rationally with my little girl being hurt, Riveria."

"I am fine really, father."

"Where is your boyfriend?" Aina asked.

"He's not my….." Eina hid her red face. "B-Bell's in the hospital, he just woke up this morning."

"Can I visit him?" Aina asked.

"No, we kind of got thrown out." Riveria stared at Alicia.

"That creep deserves to be put back into a coma." Alicia outraged drew suspicious stares from Eina's parents.

Riveria took a deep breath. "Let's take this inside somewhere more private." Riveria turned to the small gathering of members in the courtyard. "Get Raul and Kalos some medical attention and replace the guards." The group responded to their vice-captain and Riveria led them all inside.




Twenty minutes later most were seated inside Finn's office. The twins opened the door and joined the group. Loki sat up on top of Finn's desk. "Where is Ais and Bete?"

Tione answered the goddess. "Ais is getting jaga-maru with Lefiya. Wolf is asleep."

Tiona went up to the sofa behind Ethan. "Who is this hunk?" Tione stood at the other side of Ethan.

"Girls he is my husband." Aina smirked over to the nervous Ethan.

"Oh, wow a second Riveria. He-he-he." Tione teased.

"She's got bigger boobs." Tiona sighed in defeat.

"I see Eina hasn't been the only one growing since we last met." Loki was standing beside Aina.

"Don't be a pervert again Loki. Just one of perks of child birth." Aina rested her hand against Eina's cheek.

Ethan cleared his throat. "You touch her and Finn's office is gonna get wrecked."

"Ah no fun." Loki walked back and took a seat on Finn's desk. "Did you ever think about knocking, Brontios?"(2)

"I did knock Loki. Just used a few skulls to do it." Ethan smirked crossing his arms, towering over Eina next to him on the sofa. Eina was boxed in by her parents.

"He-he-he." Gareth chuckled resting his mug down. "Probably gonna get Raul more motivated seeing a real level four's strength."

"Haven't really been trying the last fifteen years to level up. My girls mean the world to me."

"We know dear." Aina smirked towards her husband. "How was this man allowed to hurt Eina?"

*BURP* "Excuse me." Gareth hit his chest. "Little bastard escaped during our last mission. We been trying to track him down, but he was hiding in the pleasure quarter."

"Why wasn't this brought up before Eina?" Ethan stared down at her.

Eina shifted in her seat between her parents. "I knew you would overreact, father. I wasn't allowed to leave the manor and he was after Bell."

"Why?" Aina asked.

"Rabbit boy embarrassed him in a duel in front of the familia. Level two losing to a level one is a rarity." Loki was kicking her legs back and forth avoiding Ethan's bug-eyed glare. "Hod has been obsessed with Eina since she came back to the familia. We were keeping them apart. Then he escaped. We had guards watching Bell and Eina was here until that night. Hod found an opening and kidnapped Eina to force him to go into the dungeon."

"How did he get to my girl?" Ethan was struggling to keep his emotions in check.

Loki stared over to Riveria. "You gonna answer mamma. Sure, Gareth would like to know why you been so distracted of late."

Riveria was embarrassed being the center of attention. Alicia stepped forward. "That perverted rabbit touched her."

"Alicia." Riveria's warning came to late.

"How so?" Aina's eyes were boring into Riveria nervous face.

"He….He kissed me." Riveria confessed.

Aina snorted. She chuckled staring at the flustered Riveria. "He's a brave one."

"How can you say that? He should be beaten to an inch of his life and sent to the Alf Forest for judgement." Alicia yelled outraged.

"Alicia I am not allowing anybody to hurt him nor am I going to have him executed." Riveria shouted at the blond elf.

"Anybody else confused." Tiona raised her hand.

"Yeah, I am lost too." Tione stared confused at her sister.

"Me too." Gareth shook his head. "What else did he do? Did he grab you or use his fingers to…." Gareth motioned with his hands.

"Nothing. Nothing like that." Riveria shouted getting red in the face.

"So you're seriously suggesting that all of us nearly died, because of one kiss." Gareth stared at the speechless Riveria. "Must have been some kiss elf. Ha-ha-ha-ha."


Gareth fell over in his chair, spilling his drink and holding his gut laughing hard. Many snickered along with him. "You wacky elves. Ha-ha-ha."

"I don't find it funny Gareth." Ethan clenched his fist.

"You aren't strong enough for the majority of the people in this room husband. Eina is safe and it's not like he's the first to surprise a high elf with a kiss." Aina winked at Ethan. A guilty smirk appeared on Ethan's face.

"How can you all be serious?" Alicia shouted. "That was her first kiss!" Alicia was shaking angry.

"Serious!" Gareth's sat up, his hands supporting his massive body as he stared at Riveria. "But you're almost a hundred."

"How was it?" Tione asked.

"Brief." Riveria closed her eyes. "I kind of punched him into a tree and ran directly here."

"Why did you do that?" Tiona pouted. "Bet he enjoyed it."

"He-he-he." Aina shook her head. "The reason Riveria is acting this way and Alicia is angry is because elves only have one partner in our long lifetime. Our love is eternal for those that we find worthy."

"And she's, our princess!" Alicia added.

"Not like she's in love with him over one peck on the lips." Eina spoke up. "Or are you falling for him too Alicia. You kissed him on the hospital bed."

Feeling all eyes on her. Her face went red. She closed her eyes and shook in place. "I fell."

"Some fall." Tione shook her head. "Gonna have to try it out around the captain." Finn's eyes went wide in fear.

"He should be punished." Alicia shouted getting even redder.

"If you hurt him. I am gonna tie you to his hospital bed until he recovers." Gareth threatened. "If anything, Riveria wanted it."


"Then you explain how a level one snuck up on a level six." Gareth with his hand outstretched toward Riveria. "Were you hammered again elf."

"No…." Riveria stared up at the ceiling. "He kind of... distracted me."

"Riveria were both level six. I can hear an ant take piss from a hundred feet away and I am not even animal person." Gareth mocked the high elf.

"We were talking about something delicate and I wasn't in the right mindset. Just drop it." Riveria ordered burying her face into her palm.




Eina shook her head with a grin on her face. "I don't blame either Riveria or Bell. I blame that creep. He wasn't successful, because of Bell. Hod's dead. It's over with."

"Lucky." Ethan muttered. "Was it at least painful?"

"Bell beat the crap out of him on floor nine. Then Hod was bisected by a minotaur." Eina said casually.

"That doesn't make sense at all on so many levels, daughter. How does a level one defeat a level two? How does a minotaur show up on level nine? They spawn on seventeen."

"Well then you're really not gonna believe me when he killed the minotaur and a wyvern. They all seen the wyvern. I helped him with the minotaur after running back for him a few minutes later. He's level two now." Eina shrugged her shoulders.

"How did he survive?" Aina nudged her daughter.

"I passed out when I saw him in the dragon's mouth." Eina rubbed her eyes. Aina and Ethan faces were going pale watching their daughter.

"He managed to wedge himself out of its mouth and seared his wounds shut with his magic." Riveria interrupted.

"Oh…oh. Oh. Don't forget about chopping off its tail and bashing the wyvern in the face with it." Tiona chimed in.

"Yeah, there is definitely something weird going on with that kid." Loki head was bobbing up and down slowly. "Still trying to figure out the extent to what itty-bitty is hiding. Oh well I don't want anybody going near him."

"Is that why you brought my parents here so you can go back on your word?" Eina stood up. "You promised me, Loki."

"It won't matter if Hedin finds out." Alicia crossed her arms. "He will probably kill Bell for touching Riveria."

"Nobody is telling him, Alicia. This is not leaving the room!" Riveria threatened.

"Oh, Bell won't have to worry about Hedin." All eyes focused on Loki. She rocked her head back and forth. "Freya's after him."




The room remained silent as everybody stared at the goddess dumbfounded by the news. "Again, no more playing with the rabbit. It will only start conflict with Freya and were not strong enough to deal with her. Nor am I willing to start a war over itty-bitty's child, especially if he thinks he can just steal all my women."

"He doesn't think that and you know it, Loki." Eina shouted.

Riveria cleared her throat and calmly asked. "How? How do you know Loki?"

"Besides Freya trying to butter up and manipulate Hestia. You don't think it's weird that a minotaur just happens to show up on floor nine and Ottar got caught up in the floor collapsed on floor ten. Ottar was even training the minotaur and Freya is paying their hospital bills." Loki formed air quotes with her fingers.

"That's not enough…." Riveria trailed off.

"Let's see Hod was linked to Ishtar. Ottar was attacked by Amazons. Hedin has been sniffing around here trying to gain information about Bell. What I think is minotaur was meant to kill Hod and Eina, so that it would push Bell over the edge?" Eina fell back into the couch. "Win. Win. Bell would probably quit Hestia's familia, avoid us and Freya would scoop right in to pick him up. You didn't think it was weird that a black wyvern showed up immediately after. The same one Ais killed eight years ago."

"You think a goddess of beauty has a hit out for my daughter because of Bell." Aina stared at the goddess worried.

"Yes. Me and Hestia felt something unleash all the way from the manor. I think Freya has been manipulating them both to test him. Eina wasn't suppose to survive and she's getting in Freya's way."

"Loki that still doesn't sound like her." Riveria spoke up.

Gareth scratched his beard. "She usually just takes whoever she wants with her charm."

"Sorry I don't believe it." Riveria shook her head adamantly.

"Monsterphilia." Riveria's eyes widen their limits at that single word.

"What!?" Riveria's eyes went wide.

"Freya confessed to unleashing all the monsters except for the dragon and plant at Monsterphilia."

"Why haven't you told the authorities?" Finn questioned.

"Freya kind of has one over on me with something I borrowed in Tenkai. Plus, she said if I do, that she would try harder to take Riveria."

"Hah. Guess you can't get away from the rabbit, elf." Gareth laughed and sat back up on his chair.

"Enough Gareth." Riveria stared at Loki. "So you think she's testing him. Still doesn't explain why she hasn't snatched him up yet."

"Oh, that would be Itty-Bitty. Virgin goddesses are immune to goddesses of beauty. Hestia is a first generation goddess, created by the old man. Me and Freya are third generation, so Hestia has the strength to subdue us both with her powers."

"Wouldn't that send her back to Tenkai?" Ethan asked.

"Yes. Hestia would drag Freya with her first. Freya isn't gonna risk going back to Tenkai early. Especially because she's in love with Bell!"