
Chapter 10: Heated Rescue Pt. 2



I entered the church basement. As soon as I closed the door. Goddess comes jumping after me with her hands outstretched. "Beeeeeeellllllll."

I side stepped to the left to avoid her as she ran into the door and fell to the ground. "Owwwwww." She held her head. "Why did you do that Bell?"

"Goddess you said all unnecessary contact is forbidden." I looked at her with smirk.

"I didn't mean me." She pouted.

"I am also upset about what you did to Eina and how you treat them Goddess." I said suppressing my anger.

Goddess stood up with her hands on her hips. "Look how they treat you, Bell. Almost killing you and throwing a minotaur at you. What else have they done that you haven't told me?" She stared up at me both angry and sad.

"The minotaur was an accident and Hod was just desperate and deranged. I have had a few problems with the werewolf that kicked me out of their familia a month ago. I don't believe that outweighs all the positive help that's been keeping me alive. I didn't think it was worth mentioning because you overreact sometimes, Goddess."

"I do it to keep you safe and keep the innocent boy I first met." She teared up.

"Safe from what, friends. I don't want to remain a helpless boy, goddess."

She walked up and squeezed my hands. "I love you very much, Bell! You're just so cute, I can't help it. I want to live with you forever, always be by your side…I don't want anyone else to have you!" Her fingers shook. "What do you think about me?" (4)

"You are a goddess. I revere you."

"That's not what I am talking about!" She yells in my face causing my shoulders to fall. (4)

"Goddess you already know what I want? P-please stop!" I begged. The hope faded from her eyes as she started to tear up. "Can I get a status update?"

"It's only been a few days. No unnecessary contact. Hmpf." She stormed off to her bedroom.

I let out a long sigh. Start removing my armor and cleaning up before bed, barely making a noise.




(Day 19)

Eina was walking by the fence of the manor at 7am. Nervously wondering if she should enter or not. By the main gate, Ais was waiting staring off into the sky as the guards failed to chat her up. When Ais noticed Eina, she walked up to her. "Morning Eina."

"M-morning Ais. Hope you weren't waiting long."

"No, you're on time and I promised no mean people would bother you, today." She spoke casually causing the guards shoulders to slump knowing they would fail before they could even try. "Follow me to the roof."

"Okay Ais." Eina smiled and followed the blonde knight through the manor.

Ten minutes later the two women were in secluded courtyard above the second floor. It had a great view of many towers of the manor and the city walls. The courtyard was surrounded by a well-kept vegetable garden. "Wow I didn't even know this was up here." Eina looked around surprised.

"I come up here for some privacy."

"Thank you for taking time to help me get better, Ais."

"Not a problem at all. I want you to be able to defend yourself. Wish I befriended you a couple years ago. Maybe that incident could have been avoided or helped you recover, Eina." She said with a pained smile.

"It's not your fault at all. I wasn't strong enough to face it myself." Eina shook her head.

"What changed?" Ais tilted her head to the side.

"Bell." Eina smiled. "His drive to keep on going regardless what horrible thing is in his way is inspiring. He helped me take a few steps away from complete fear of monsters and the dungeon. I want to continue to support him."

"His progression has been incredible. Really wish I knew how he is doing it so fast." Ais wondered allowed in a soft voice.

"More like terrifying. Been so worried about him that I ignored orders to help him." Eina replies.

"Wasn't he the reason you lost your job?" Ais leaned her head back confused.

"Who told you that Ais?"

"Lefiya said he was the reason." She looked down a little disheartened.

Eina took a deep breath to calm herself. "I don't understand what Lefiya's problem is with Bell. No, it was not his fault. It was my own and his obsessive goddess's fault."

"She did seem a bit controlling like Loki." Ais looked up to the highest tower where their goddess room was located.

"Multiply it by being the only person in his familia." Eina said agitated.

Ais's eyes goes wide. "Poor Bell."

Eina giggled. "Where would you like me to start? Ais."

"I think for the first half hour. I want you to do practice swings against an invisible opponent, so I can see your form. You need to gain a familiarly with your weapon again. Then I would encourage you to practice that on your own as much as possible."

"O-okay." Eina hesitantly pulled her blade out and started swinging.


Like a rock-climbing rabbit. I continued scaling the battlements to the northside the wall. Jumping side to side as fast as I could motivated to sweat out my frustrations.


Eina started glistening with sweat as she continued her sword drills. She was starting to get fatigued and wondered how much time had passed. She looked over to Ais. Ais was staring off to the north in a confused like trance.

"Ais." Eina stopped and walked up to the blonde knight. "Everything o….kay." She stopped to watch the white-haired outline grappling the battlements and jumping. Eina stared in silence for a few moments before shaking her head. "That's just weird."

"He really is a bunny." Ais smiled as radiant as the rising sun.

"Does appear so." Eina chuckled before yelling out as loud as possible. "BELL!"


I stumbled when reaching out for the next parapet and fell to the ground. I shook off the pain and stood back up red faced looking for the familiar voice. Until I locked on to the two beautiful figures on the roof of the twilight manor.


Both women winced when he fell, before he jumped back up. "Is it weird that I know he's blushing from here?" Eina giggled beside the smiling Ais, before waving to Bell.


I nervously waved back to Ais and Eina. Before taking a quick bow and racing off to the west embarrassed.


"He's getting faster." Ais pouted with a tinge of admiration not wanting to stop watching.

"You should see him in the dungeon. He literally bounces of the walls and handles hordes by himself. Though I guess it might bore a first-tier adventure." Eina smiled at the dazed knight. "Everything alright Ais."

"I wanted to thank him for the jacket and see how he was doing. Feel like something is always forcing him away or he's in a hurry to get away from me. Hope he doesn't hate me." Mini Ais eye's glazed over as the blonde knight expression remained neutral.

"He doesn't hate you at all Ais. He's just really shy around women. In fact, he had a hundred questions about you and Riveria when you rescued him from the minotaur." Eina smiled widened seeing Ais surprised face.

"Really." Mini Ais started jumping in celebration.

"Yep. He wanted to learn everything about you and Riveria. You two can both be a bit overwhelming at times with your reputation alone. Let alone your looks." Eina smirked seeing a light blush appear on Ais's face.

"Riveria rescued him. Wonder what would have happened if I went left?" Ais was lost in thought.

"Probably would of ran embarrassed and covered in blood not ice." Eina chuckled. "He will probably try to push floor 9, if you want to track him down later."

"Think I will. Let's start the real training." Ais smiled before pulling her rapier out of its sheath and placed it along the wall. She held up the sheath towards Eina.

Eina's eyes went wide. "A-are you sure Ais?"

"Yes. Your fear is making you hesitate and that is making your form sloppy. I will try to hold back as much as possible. Still not use to my level up and you're not wearing armor, but you need to not fear pain." Ais stated.

"Pain!" Eina started to break out in a nervous sweat.

"You aren't use to physical pain. I will feel a lot better about you going into the dungeon when you can learn to read and avoid my attacks."





Thunderous footsteps of a horde of irontusk boars start charging at extreme speed to catch up to me. I was jogging at a moderate place in front of them with a big grin on my face. "I think that's enough to be a challenge. I don't want to force them on somebody else."

I turned around to face the stampeding horde. Determined to succeed. "Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt." I aimed at the ground in front of the boars with multiple fire spells to halt their advance. Shrapnel and shockwaves interrupted the charge of the front row. The two rows of iron tusks behind them weren't expecting the charge to come to abrupt stop and collided tusk first into the backside of the boars in front of them.

The floor was consumed with a thunderous crash and dozens of squeals of pain. I jumped on top of the wounded leader of the formation to get a higher view.

Swish. Swish. Swish. Swish.

Arrows flew to the boars on the flanks that were able to freely move. Before I fired an arrow downwards directly into the skull of my mount. The boars in the center were trapped by the wounded and dying masses of flesh blocking the perimeter of the formation. They were disoriented, injured and feral. Thrashing around wildly to get free.

I placed the bow back inside its case on my back and pulled out my minotaur knives and jumped into the middle of the mayhem. Impaling two irontusk skulls on the way down to the ground. One of the boars in front kicked backwards into my armor sending me into a nearly uncontrollable dive into the tusks of another in the back. I spun out into cartwheel, as the irontusk raised its snout into the air. My fists were balled up still holding onto the knives. With all my strength, I launched myself into the air escaping the tusks intent on impaling me. Before landing crotch first mounting the boar like a horse.

"Eh" I winced at the impact as the boar tried to buck me off its back. I finished it off by jamming my knives into its eyes. Its body went limp. Only a few more boars were holding onto consciousness. "Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt." I sent jets of red electric flames into their sides and backs. "My status hasn't been updated. My magic is still too weak unless I force more mind into them.

I jumped up and pulled my knives out of the skull of the boar and ran around the circle of death and finished each boar off within a minute. Until the only sound was the crackling flames.

Sniff. Sniff. The smell of seared pork filled the dungeon. "Not gonna lie that smells good but I probably shouldn't eat it." I chuckled to myself and retrieved my bag and started bringing out my lunch from Ryu on top of my throne of bacon. I savored the tastes of the well-crafted sandwich remembering her smile when I took it. I washed the sandwich down with a potion to restore my strength and a small canteen of water.

"Dam." A burly young dwarf with a modest beard stumbled into the room. "Nice one kid." The dwarf smiled at me. "Sorry won't bother you." He waved up to me.

"Come on Chandra." A grayish black-haired human yelled out for the dwarf.

"Keep your pants on Zanis." The dwarf rolled his eyes. "Hate that asshole." The dwarf trailed off and turned around to meet up with seven other members of his familia.

A tall racoon animal person was dragging a small prum girl with a chained collar. "Come on. Little Lily."

"Lily doesn't like this, Canoe." She cried out. Unable to break free of the group.

"Ah shut up Little Lily. Were gonna have some fun and make a lot of money." The racoon man knocked her out with his fist and carried her over his shoulder.

My eyes widened in shock. I left my pack and lunch on the mound of irontusk corpses and peeked around the corner as the group descended to the tenth floor.

'Lily what happened?' Everything in my mind was screaming danger if I followed. I smacked my face to center myself and took a deep breath. "I have to see this through." Slowly I snuck after the group I believed to be Soma familia. Trying to remain out of eyesight and not trigger the senses of what I believed to be higher level adventurers.




Ais was sitting with her back up against a rail on the rooftop courtyard. She was staring off into the blue sky as her hand stroked through the soft brown hair of the half elf unconscious in her lap. She imagined the soft white hair of Bell running through her fingers.

Riveria exited out into the roof courtyard and shook her head and smiled at the sight of the two young women she adored among all others in the familia. She walked up to the resting duo. "Did you have to knock her out, Ais?"

"Sorry Riveria." Ais looked down embarrassed. "Her form was a little reckless."

"Guess it is better to refine her swordsmanship here than in the dungeon." She let out a grin. Riveria sat next down to Ais where Eina's head was located. "I hope you're not knocking her out so you can continue to stroke her hair Ais."

Ais looked guilty. She stopped stroking Eina's hair. "Sorry."

Riveria covered her mouth and chin with her left-hand giggling. She shook her head noticing Eina's cheeks reddened and eyes opened.

"Ummmm. Ais. Lady Riveria." Eina stared up nervously.

"Here I was hoping to get use to you finally dropping the Honorific. How's your head Eina?" Riveria smiled down at her.

"Like it was split open by a sheath." Eina held her head and attempted to get up but was immediately held down by Ais. "Eep."

"One more minute." Ais requested to Eina's embarrassment.

"I suppose I do feel a bit woozy." Eina stated.

"You want to rest in my room, Eina. We're going to leave soon." Riveria offered.

"I couldn't." Eina rejected.

"Don't worry about it. I can wake you after our operation is done in the sewers." Riveria insisted.

"If, you're sure." The three women rested for another minute as cool breeze blew by them. "Should we get going before that pervert gets the wrong idea."

"Loki is actually in talks with Lord Dionysus, but yes we should get going. We have a reconnaissance by force mission in the rest of the sewers again to look for those plant monsters." Riveria noticed Ais face. "What's wrong Ais?"

Ais pouted to Riveria's surprise. "I wanted to go check on how he's progressing on floor 9."

Riveria smiled. "Can't deny a level one soloing floor nine worries me too. Interesting that your so worried Ais, do I need to bring a bunny home to make my girls happy?"

Eina joked in a sarcastic whisper. "Momma elf will probably steal the rabbit."

"What!?" Riveria stared at Eina.

"N-nothing." Eina jumped up fast. "Must have got hit hard. I am gonna go rest." She said with a mischievous grin.

Riveria and Ais stood up. Riveria approached Eina a little angry. "Eina -." Her voice was drowned out by a siren.

A female guildswoman's voice rang out from magic powered loud speakers around the city. "Emergency. Do not go into the dungeon. I repeat do not go into the dungeon, until further notice. Loki familia assemble for an operation. Further instructions will follow."

The three Loki women's eyes bulged wide. They raced downstairs to find answers. Thirty minutes later, the whole familia was once again sitting in the dining hall.

"What they got for us Finn?" Loki was kicking her feet sitting back on the table.

"Riviria is currently under attack by a horde of monsters. We are to push them back to floor 24 where they have been rumored to originate from and find out what is causing the disturbance on that floor." Finn stated the mission to the familia.

"Why is there a mission for a bunch of weak level 2-3 monsters?" Bete folded his arms and put his feet on the table.

"This is pretty serious Bete. These monsters are moving in herds of hundreds away from floor 24. Something stronger is disturbing the natural monster spawning of the dungeon. Currently the threat is spilling out on floor 18. It is being contained by residents of Riviria and the Hermes familia that was sent down to investigate, but there has been over a dozen deaths and many casualties so far." Finn announcement shocked the familia.

Riveria spoke up. "Could this be connected to new species and the tamer?"

"My hunch says yes Riveria. My finger hurts." Finn tapped his spear on the ground to quiet the familia. "All level 4 and above with exception of Raul and Narvi, will be going down to investigate. We will be taking Lefiya and couple level three supporters as well. Gareth and Riveria will lead the vanguard to clear the way. Ten minutes later I will lead the second group. We will meet at Rivira and start our push to floor 24 together."

Riveria was worried and showed on her face. "Are they evacuating the dungeon in case it gets worse?"

Gareth leans into her. "Sure, you boyfriend with be fine."

Finn chuckled at the angry high elf. "The upper floors should be evacuating right now. We leave within the hour. Get your equipment ready for the dungeon. Raul keep them in line and on alert."

"Yes Captain." Raul stood up and tilted his head. The familia started to get up and prepare for the mission. Noncombatants helped prepare three days of rations and potions.

"Hey Finn."

"Yes Loki." Finn turned around to the goddess.

"Dionysus wants to send two of his along."

"Can they keep up Loki?" Finn stared at Loki with a raised brow.

"Not sure. One is a level three. The other is a level two. You could always ditch them in Riviria if they aren't keeping up." Loki shrugged. "There in the lounge awaiting your response."

"Alright but were not slowing down Loki."




For an hour I quietly stalked from a distance, after the eight people I believed to be Soma familia. Five humans, a dwarf, the prum Lily was being carried by a male racoon animal person, at least three of them seem to be level two by how they were clearing out monsters.

Floors ten to twelve were very different from the upper floors. They were about thirty feet high. The ground was covered in grass like a prairie with a mist that blanketed the floor. The floors looked like a foggy dark countryside littered with dead trees. The nine-foot-tall pig-headed orcs grabbed hold of the dead trees and ripped them out of the ground with their giant muscular arms and wielded the tree like a club.

The imps were three-foot-tall black demon like monsters with wings and tail shaped like an axe. They preferred to swoop from above or under the heavy fog in small packs. Small swarms of imps harassed the Soma familia constantly, as orcs barred the way with their massive bodies and makeshift clubs. The Soma familia level two executives made short work of the monsters as the level ones in the middle were wide eyed in fear.

The bigger orcs and the majority of imps and bad bats were drawn to the larger group. I was able to pursue them relatively unmolested. Two imps broke off from the swarm and charged down at me. One landed a gash across my cheek with its axed shaped tail. It let out a sinister laugh at its small victory and retreated to attack from another direction. They were a lot faster than the irontusk boars and were able to fly allowing them more directions of attack.

Slowly I started understand their method of attack and adjusted to their speed. With both knives in hand, I went on the offensive. One imp came charging down on me from the roof. I dodged its claws by side stepping back left and brought my right knife into a uppercut and sliced the stone in its chest in two. The imp disappeared into ash, I noticed the other dive into the mist. I couldn't see its body at all but noticed a line of fog being forced to each side as it flapped its wings. I rushed forward and stabbed downward into the mist at the same time it lunges out, impaling its skull into my knife.

I could barely see the Soma familia group, I raced after them pulling out my bow when a giant five-foot-wide bat noticed my position.

"Keep up Canoe." Zanis shouted from the vanguard.

"Bad enough I have to carry this little brat but those imps are trying to chop my head off." The paled faced racoon man continued to walk after the human captain while supporting the struggling Lily on his shoulder.

The dwarf Chandra wanted to be anywhere else than working his captain's new demented money-making scheme. He was in the rearguard protecting the formation. He noticed a white tipped arrow fell a bad bat. Its body fell from the sky. 'Interesting that kid followed us from the ninth when he heard Lily's screams. I didn't want to be part of this plan in the first place. I won't rat him out but neither will I risk myself to save him.' Chandra ran into the back of canoe not paying attention.

"Ahhh." The shaken racoon man jumped at first. Relieved it wasn't a monster but turned to anger quick. "What the hell Chandra? Watch where you're going."

"Shut the hell up Canoe or I will leave you down here. This plan is already turning my stomach." He clenched his fists pissed off enough to make Canoe start moving faster. Chandra locked eyes with the crying lily and turned his face in shame.

"Please let Lily go." She screamed out.

"Pipe down Erde." The captain turned around. "Were almost to the end of the twelfth floor. If you do your job right. You will be rewarded. Who knows, I might even welcome you to my bed to celebrate."

"Lily would never sully herself with you." Lily screamed back until she was punched in the side by Canoe.

Chandra rolled his eyes. "Like you could even make a prum smile with a gallon of aphrodisiac or a barrel of Soma, Zanis. Not gonna let you do anything like that to her."

"Ah no fun as usual Chandra." Zanis quickly dispatched two imps with his rapier. He held up his hands and flashed a sinister smile. "I control the familia. Our god doesn't care what I do. We will use her to make my dreams a reality."

"This plan is more than likely gonna get you killed and then I will take over the familia and lead it properly." Bellowed the angry dwarf.

"You lack vision Chandra. We will be rich if we catch one and she will be one of many in my harem." Zanis cackled out loud and stopped. "We shouldn't be bothered this late in the afternoon. I think this will be a great spot to setup."

Two of the level one humans started hammering a plate in to the ground with metal pool and a tie off loop attached. Canoe tied Lily to the poll. "Don't bother trying to run. That collar will adjust to the size of your neck even if you become a dragon or small like a mouse."

The level twos started damaging the walls to slow down the spawn rate of the floor. "Erde transform into a needle rabbit and start howling out for help." Zanis ordered.

"Lily thinks this plan is stupid. The only thing that's gonna answer back are murderous monsters." Lily shouted back at the human captain.

"I have some intel from a friend that there are many interesting things lying in dungeon. Now transform or I will feed you to a silverback." Zanis ordered as Chandra cut down a silverback with his axe.

Lily had tears in her eyes as she started to chant. "Stroke of the Midnight's Bell, Cinderella." Slowly her female prum features disappeared as she started growing white fur, rabbit ears, a small horn and red eyes. She started howling out the best she could like a rabbit for thirty minutes. Only hungry orcs and imps approached to try and eat her but were quickly killed.

"This isn't convincing enough." Zanis was annoyed and walked up from his hiding spot. "Lily if you transform. I will kill you myself."


Zanis raised his foot and brought is full strength to bear on one of the rabbit legs. Fracturing the bone. "We will heal it later. Ha-Ha-Ha" His maniacal cackling filled the cavern until he went back to his spot.

Lily felt the very real pain and cried and moaned at the top of her rabbit lungs could muster. The fur around her face was soaked with tears.




The Loki familia vanguard were rushing through the upper floors. Ais and Riveria were scanning for signs of Bell. When out of the corner of Ais eye, she saw something that made her skid to a stop on floor nine.

"What's wrong Ais?" Tiona came up to her. "Woah that is a big pile of piggies."

"To bad their poisonous to eat." Tione stopped behind her. "Why leave all their corpses here and not collect the loot?"

"Arrgh let's get going. Were in a hurry." Gareth ordered.

Riveria entered the room to the surprise of the group and jumped on top of the hog pile and found a half-eaten sandwich and empty vial of potion next to a backpack. She went up to one of the dead boars and pulled out one of the arrows. Her eyes went wide seeing the white tipped arrow the smith said was made from the boars' tusks.

"Everything okay Riveria." Ais spoke up.

"He was here. Something made him drop everything and leave."

"Probably scared by a herd of other weaklings evacuating." Bete said annoyed that the rabbit shows up again.

"No, he left his bag here too. He went d-deeper." Riveria started to get worried noticing fresh tracks on her way out of the room. "Let's go."




Another thirty minutes passed, the only sounds were the walls repairing themselves and Lily's painful cries filling the floor. I was close to my breaking point shaking with clenched fists in my hiding spot. Nothing I could do against seven people as a level one, especially since a few of them were level two. The sight was tearing me apart as I felt helpless to save her.

A rustling noise came up from the thirteenth floor. A wary Al-miraj rabbit was slowly approaching Lily's transformed and injured needle rabbit body. Unlike a normal monster, it wore a small blue overcoat, probably from a fallen prum sized adventurer.

Lily was still whimpering and dizzy from pain. She thought she was seeing things. I stared at the rabbit confused. 'That is weird.' I ducked back down to avoid being spotted.

The Al-miraj approached within a few feet of Lily. It was squeaking like it was trying to communicate.


A metal threaded net fell down on the rabbit as the soma familia raced out to capture and pummel the shrieking Al-Miraj. "Hah. We actually tricked one."

"Congratz you caught an Al-Miraj. Big woop Zanis." Chandra rolled his eyes as he approached everybody else.

"Oh, please Chandra. This one displayed intelligence and curiosity about Lily. The other monsters wanted to kill her. You might be worth keeping around Erde." Zanis start laughing with pride, before kicking the captured squealing rabbit monster.

"Errrrrrrrrrrrrwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooo." A loud howl rang out from the depths. A hell hound came racing out of the middle floors. It looked completely normal with the exception of a pink bow.

"Ready boys to catch another -." Zanis was cut off.

The hellhound already began charging its flame. It was a bigger ball of fire than any have seen unleashed from a hellhound before.

"Raawwwr." A powerful flame erupted from its mouth. Two of the level one humans were incinerated as the captain was burned and scarred on half of his face. Zanis was rolling around holding his face in pain putting out the flames that were scorching his clothes.

The hellhound raced forward and used its teeth to rip open the net. The Al-Miraj jumped out of the net onto the hellhounds back and squealed into its ears. Again, the flames started erupting from the hellhounds mouth. "Raawwr." The hound aimed the flames at the roof of floor 12.

A large explosion impacting the roof forming a crater that shattered part of the stone ceiling. Large boulders came raining down on Soma familia. One of the boulders crushed one of the human men. The hellhound raced down to the middle levels with the Al-Miraj, ignoring the rest of the adventurers.

"Let's get out of here." Zanis screamed out.

Chandra went to check on Lily. She was huddle back in her prum form, but was blocked by Zanis and the other level two. "Screw it Chandra. Monsters party is forming from the walls. Loud crackled was splintering the walls in multiple locations. A dozen monsters were summoned, orcs, silverbacks and imps.

"But Lily." Chandra yelled out.

"Canoe drop it." Zanis yelled out. As another executive offered him a potion to help him recover.

"Sorry little Lily." The racoon animal person pulled out a cloth and unwrapped a monster lure. Dropped it at Lily's feet. "We need a decoy, Supporter." The monsters smelled the bloody sack of meat and were driven by an animalistic lust to consume the lure.

"No." Lily cried out still chained to the pole.

"You can't be serious." Chandra new he had no choice. He would die and not be able to drink all the alcohol that motivated him to come to Orario and join Soma familia.

"Its done. Move or die with her." Zanis ordered. The remaining four members of Soma familia raced out of the dungeon. Zanis supported by a level two executive bolted for the upper floors. As Canoe raced to catch up. Chandra hated himself as he high tailed it out of the dungeon preferring to save his own life. He noticed the white-haired kid running the opposite direction like and angry rabbit.

Quickly Chandra overcame Canoe and raced past the racoon man to catch up to the others. Canoe was screaming in terror being all alone as a level one on floor twelve. "Wait up Zanis, Chandra. Save me."

A few imps peeled off to chase after Canoe. "Waiiiiitttttttttttt fo-." An axe shaped tail embedded itself into the skull of Canoe. He dropped dead to the dungeon floor as the imps celebrated their victory and started eviscerating the corpse.




Lily was terrified. Her death was fast approaching as hungry silverbacks and orcs closed in on her position. The floor shook with the heavy footsteps of the giant beasts. They sky around her were full of a dozen imps ready to swoop down on her. She knew it was the end for her and her death was not gonna be quick and painless. Her tears continued to flow down her cheeks. "Lily deserves this, Gods why did you make Lily this way?"

The first of the imps was almost upon her. Reaching out to kill her. Swish.

An arrow pierced the skull of an imp. Its body fell right next to Lily. She jumped in surprise. "LILY!" My anger had boiled over. I moved forward ignoring any fear that was gripping at my heart. The only thought it my mind was to save her. Free her from this fate. Firing arrow after arrow. I downed imps left and right.

The horde roared to face the new challenger. The first to approach were two silverbacks. One jumped high in the air and tried to obliterate me with both of its fists in a downward smash. I jumped back into a cartwheel. Swish. I fired my last arrow throw its skull. "Firebolt. Firebolt." The next silverback shook off the weak flames that singed its fur and continued to try to crush me.

I threw my bow to the ground and ripped my knives out. I barely blocked its strike with both knives. Blood spurted from its hand as the sheer might sent a powerful jolt down my arms as I was punched back ten feet.


I rolled left and right to evade the land forms that were wailed at the ground. Each leaving mini craters from powerful orcs that wielding them like clubs. I rolled back to the first orc still lifting its body up from slamming its club at the ground. I impaled my knives into its right foot and scooted my body in between its legs and around to its back before it collapsed to its knee. Quickly I jumped to my feet and stabbed both of its arms from behind to limit its movement.

The other orc ran behind the wounded orc and brought its landform up into the air ready to crush me. I gripped and twisted my blades to make the wounded orc move to my command.


The wounded orc head was pulverized by the landform. I aimed my hand at the second orc. "Firebolt." I threw a flame at his head to disorient it before jumping on the dead orcs shoulder and ran up the landform weapon. By the time it shook off the impact from the magic. My blade was impaled into its skull. I jumped off its body and was instantly cornered by the silverback.

"RAWR." The bloodied paw silverback. Jumped with all its might and landed around me. Forcing me to the ground as its body envelopment mine. It tried to chomp on me with its sharp fangs. Failing that trying to pummel me with its fists.

"Firebolt." I blasted a flame at its feet. It jumped a little allowing me a gap to exploit. I scooted threw its thigh gap and severed both of its tendons. Bringing the ape to its knees. I jumped back up and raced to slit its neck.

"HELP! PLEASE!" Lily was pinned to the ground by an orc paw. The beast threw the landform to the side to rip into the chained up prum girl with its own teeth.

"Firebolt. Firebolt." I sent searing flames that scorched the orc's hide. The orc dropped Lily and came stomping after me. "Firebolt." Again, a blast at its face. I ran over and cut off one of its right hands. Squealing in pain. The orc kicked me into the chest with its massive foot. I fell back to the ground on all fours. The armor held up to the to the kick but I still felt the shock.

On the ground to my left, a landform laid. I rolled over and scooped it up in my arms and wielding it like a two-handed sword. My first attack I swung its right side too into the orc's knee. Bringing it down on its knees. I raised it up into the air for an overhead strike. The orc raised its arm up and caught the landform in its remaining hand. For a few seconds we had a tug of war match over the landform. My strength was a match for his single hand.

An imp came flying up from the mists. Its axe shaped tail impacted my left shoulder pauldron. Another came swooping down from the sky. And clawed my arm. Still holding onto the landform. I jumped upwards to avoid another slash from an imp. "Firebolt." I incinerated it from the back. The other imp charged. I jumped off the ground being supported by the landform being held by the orc. With my free aimed for the top of the imp. "Firebolt."

"Raawr." Another Orc spawned at the wall. The wounded orc grip finally broke the landform. Leaving a splintered end and a sharp end like a spear. "Firebolt." At the wound orc I spun the splintered landform around and threw it with all my might at the spawning orc. It impaled the orc against the wall below the neck. I turned around to the wounded orc and raced off to cut off its remaining outstretched hand. It fell forward on all fours as I pulled my knife back out and impaled it in to the back of its head.

Sensing no more monsters. My body was exhausted as I went to pick up my weapons and stumbled over to Lily. I took a knee in front of her to recover from that very strenuous fight. Panting to catch my breath.

"Why? Why did you come for Lily? You're gonna die down here with me." She cried a mixture of joy and terror. Realizing the first threats have been dealt with but both of them were injured and exhausted on floor twelve as level ones.

"I don't want to see you in pain. I could not live with myself knowing they were forcing a girl down here against your will. I want to protect you." I panted out. I reach into my pocket and pulled out a potion and drink it to help me recover my strength.

I bent down to the chain and tried to rip it out but it was hammered in very well and the chain was too strong for a level one to break. "Dammit."

"J-Just l-leave Lily. Save yourself Master Bell." She pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"L-Lily when we get out of here. You are stopping that silly Honorific. Give me a few minutes to recover my mind and I will try to melt it." I tried to calm my breathing and close my eyes to focus. "Keep an eye out for any spawning mons-."

The wall started crackling louder than ever. A big fissure raced up the far wall twenty feet from the thirteen-floor entrance. Something way bigger than an orc or silverback was coming out.




The Loki familia executives in the vanguard formation were racing through the eleventh floor and just arrived at the twelfth-floor entrance. Most in the group were frustrated and worried.

"Told you he probably left with the other weaklings. He is definitely not down this far." Bete barked out.

"Shut the hell up Bete. Use that nose of yours for something other than a pillow or your asshole." Gareth yelled back. "We found another arrow.

Two humans jumped out of the entrance and were surrounded by the Loki familia. "Run." Zanis yelled

"Did you see a white-haired boy?" Riveria asked.

"I don't give a shit." Zanis yelled back as he ran away from the Loki familia. The executives noticed the Soma emblem and were about to give chase, until Chandra came out of the eleventh floor a few seconds later.

Gareth held out his hand to stop the surprised dwarf. "Yir ath othok scared Eron?" (What are you scared of?)

"Kavir nar shame." Chandra replied. (Death and shame)

Gareth walked up to Chandra and grabbed him by the collar and lifted him into the air. "Othok ival E rabbit boy." (You see a rabbit boy)

"Yes." Chandra looked terrified. "I noticed him following us. He raced in to save one of ours from that evil man's scheme. I doubt either are alive."

"Tell us where or you will never leave the dungeon." Gareth threatened.

"End of the twelfth." Chandra broke out in a nervous sweat.

"Raaaaaaaawwwwwwrrrrrr." A loud roar came out from the depths of the twelfth floor.

"Move!" Riveria yelled out.




"Raaaaaaaawwwwwwrrrrrr." The wall gave way to a massive thirteen-foot-tall infant dragon. Its roar filled the cavern and sent chills of terror down both our spines.

"Run master Bell. Please save yourself. Lily is useless." She pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"You are not useless. We will get out of this alive."

"Raaaaaaaawwwwwwrrrrrr." The dragon spotted us. In the middle of the rock formation and started to charge.

"Stay hidden and try to get free. I will keep it distracted." I pulled two arrows out of a few imp corpses and put them back into my quiver and jump onto of the nearest boulder. I strung an arrow and aimed for one of its eyes.

Swish. CHOMP.

It wasn't fast enough. The dragon saw it coming and bit down on the arrow. The dragon planted its feet, as its throat starting going red hot summoning its strongest flame. "Firebolt." The flames met my spell. All it did was bye me a second. The dragon's flames overpowered the spell and torrent of flame spewed out toward me. I dived off the rock to the ground. Rolled and pushed myself back up to my feet with hands and start running as the dragon continue to arch its head in my direction. Long trail of flame burning everything behind me.

The dragon started to race after me. Baring its teeth wanting to eviscerate me. Again, it starts to prepare its flames and open its mouth. I jump backwards and shot an arrow into its open mouth. Piercing the roof of its mouth threw to its snout. It hurt the dragon but it was very much still in the fight. The dragon shook its head and used its tongue to break the arrow.

I took the opportunity to race in for one of its front legs and landed a huge gash with both blades on its front right leg. "Raaaaaaaawwwwwwrrrrrr."

"Firebolt. Firebolt." My weak flames deflected off the soft underbelly without so much as a scratch. The dragon backed up onto its hind legs in order to smash me into oblivion against the ground. I rolled under its body and to its back left leg. Just as smashed the ground behind me causing a crater.


Shaken by the impact. The dragon bent low on its front leg that was wounded and I was thrown a few feet. I got up and raced in for its back left leg. Narrowly jumped over its tail and impaled my knives against the back leg. The dragon roared again and mashed its teeth and reached back with its long neck to try and bite down on me.

I side stepped to the right and rolled under to slit its long neck. My gash was short and narrow. The dragon had enough and prepared its flame and aimed it at the ground to barbeque everything knowing that he would take minimum damaged. With a loud roar the dragon bellowed its flame. I raced out from underneath its right side. Landing another gash against the same front leg as the flames licked at my heels pushing out in a ten foot diameter around the dragon.

Escaping the flame but was instantly nailed by its tail and sent flying into one of the fallen rocks. Barely able to move. The chest piece saved me from the crushing blow but I felt at least one broken rib as blood left my mouth. My bow was thrown far from where I fell and my body was exhausted and in pain.

The dragon stumbled a little from all injuries to its legs. It wanted to kill me now. For the last time the dragon summoned its flame and unleashed the torrent of flame towards me.


Repeatly, I focused all my mind into each blast. The torrent of flame inched closer and closer as my spell only temporary stalled the flame each time. Like trying to dam a raging river with pebbles. I felt my mind slipping as the intensity of the heat was getting closer and closer.




The Loki familia raced down floor twelve as fast as possible. Ais noticed the body of the dead animal person. "Awaken Tempest." Ais activated her wind enchantment and raced down the corridor slicing the imps and orcs in her path.

Riveria saw the barrage of fire spells peppering a torrent of fire from the dragon. "That magic is too weak for that." She knew Ais would not reach him in time. She gripped the arrow in her hand and threw it with all her might. The arrow picked up near supersonic speeds being thrown by a high level six adventurer.

The arrow pierced the thick hide of the dragon's body and sent it toppling over on its left side. Ais raced up and finished the dragon off with a downward sword thrust into its magic stone. The dragon disappeared into ash. As I collapsed against the boulder into a mind down.

"Dam the boy survived. I like this kid." Gareth laughed.

"Shut it you oof." Her heart was beating fast not out of exhaustion but anxiety and worry.

"Master Bell. Are you okay?" Lily screamed from the other side of the rock to the amazement of Loki familia.

"What kind of sick shit were they doing to you Lass?" Gareth noticed the chained up prum. He crushed the collar around her neck.

"You shouldn't move on that leg." Tiona peeked around towards them.

"Is he okay?" Lily pleaded.

"He's alive. He's injured and, in a mind down right now." The angry high elf approached the broken prum. "You must be the supporter Lily I heard about. I don't know why he bothered to risk his life for you after you tried to kill him." The Gareth and Tiona's demeanor instantly change to near hostile.

Lily's was terrified of the elf's aura. She screamed out. "I don't know either. I am worthless and terrible."

"Gareth set the bone. I will heal it. We will settle this at another time." Riveria warned.

"Sorry Lass. Its gonna hurt." Gareth gripped her leg and push the bone back in place. CRUNCH.

"Ahhhhhh." Lily moaned out loud from the excruciating pain.

"Heavenly light, I beseech you Lux to mend the bodies of the broken – my name is Alf. – Luna Aldis." Riveria's spell mending Lily's leg. "Next time you try to kill him I will break both legs out of spite and toss you down here myself." Riveria threatened.

"Lily promises." She yells out in fear at the high elf.

Gareth chuckles at Riveria's expense.

"Don't make me burn this whole floor Gareth."

Gareth ripped the pole out of the ground and threw it at an orc. "Why did they tie you up little one?"

"Something about capturing intelligent monsters and selling them by using Lily's magic. Still don't believe it but a hell hound caved in the roof and killed three of them in order to save an Al-Miraj rabbit." Lily informed the Loki vice captains.

"Hellhounds aren't that strong alone. You sure it wasn't the dragon." Gareth asked.

"What I saw? The dragon didn't come until after they left Lily to die and Master Bell rescued me."

"Dam he put in some work." Tiona smiled.

"How the hell did this kid pull this off?" Bete looked around the cavernous room. Littered with dead monster bodies.

Ais spoke up. "The dragon was injured too." She was sitting on Bell's right side.

"Seriously Ais." Tione laying on top of the boulder looking down.

"Yes." Ais shook her head. "Legs, throat and snout."

Tiona sat down next to Bell on his right side. "Amazing for a new guy. We just seen him kill his first goblin maybe five weeks ago. Man did you underestimate him Bete."

"Aw shut up." Bete screamed back.




Ten minutes later I woke with my back against a boulder. My eyes started flickering as my conscious came back to me. I stared out into the empty floor. "Where's the dragon!?"

"We killed it." Ais soft voice rang out beside me.

"Ehh." I jumped in surprise and landed against another woman. Flat chest amazon Tiona. She held my head and looked down at me.

My face was going redder by the second as I noticed another amazon above us lying on a boulder with her head peaking over her chest. "Aww he's nervous." Tione spoke.

"So cute." Tiona helped sit me back up.

Ais pushed my shoulder with a fist bump. My face got even redder witnessing her golden beauty next to me. "Sorry Ais, w-wasn't expecting to see you."

She let out a small smile. "How did you make it all the way down here to floor twelve, in a month?"

"I-I don't know. I just f-followed them down." I said nervously, unsure how to answer her question.

"I never considered using a landform like a spear." Tione spoke down to us. "That's an interesting choice."

"Had to improvise." I said embarrassed.

"Might have to break out some hero books when we get back and see if your name is in there." Tiona winked at me and held on to my arm.

"I am not a hero." I shook my head.

"You did save the g-." Tiona was interrupted by Lily racing around to see me.

She stood there angry and yet crying at the same time. "Why did you save Lily after everything I did to you?"

"I didn't want you to get hurt."

"Lily is a bad person. Just a piece of shit prum. You'd just save any woman wouldn't you." I sank back a little against the rock. "You're an idiot and a pervert."

"Bit much to accuse the person that saved you from being eaten." Tione yelled down at Lily.

"Then Why?" Lily had tears in her eyes.

"I didn't want you to disappear. I don't need another reason to help. Talk to me if you're in trouble. I am an idiot and won't know unless you tell me." I reach over to pat her on the head as she released her tears and cried out loud.




"This needs to stop Bell." Riveria walked up to us.

"Stop." I tilted my head.

"You trying to throw your life away. I am angry that you keep blindly throwing yourself at things not even caring what happens to you. Were gonna have a long discussion about this in the future." Riveria stared down angrily clenching her fists.

"Sorry Riveria." I bowed my head and looked side to side. "P-please don't tell Eina."

"Ha-ha. Scared more of women than a dragon. She's gonna find out boy. The both of them might chain you down soon." Gareth joked as my face went pale.



"What are you all doing here?" Finn entered the room with the main body of the familia.



Twenty minutes later, Gareth and Riveria relayed all the information to the familia captain. "Crazy, but we have to bench it for another time. We have a mission to complete."

Riveria looked over to Alicia. "Mind healing him up Alicia."

"Sure, Lady Riveria." She bent down in front of me and started her chant. "Sacred light of Mani, cleanse the broken and wash away the corruption that afflicts them. – Ithildin's Blessing."

Alicia shook her head. "Starting to lose track on how many times we find him near death."

"Too many." I whispered back. "Ow." Alicia slapped me. "Sorry."

"That was a bit mean, Alicia." Ais pouted.

"He deserves it for worrying us." Alicia stated.

"Alright. Alright. We have to get going." Finn ordered. "We have a mission to complete. Aura can you escort these two out of the dungeon. I don't think a level two will keep up and this mission is time sensitive."

"That's fine Braver. Probably safer to avoid partying with the banshee anyways." Aura was a beautiful white-haired elf dressed in purple and red battle dress with a rose staff. She tossed her hair in the direction of the black-haired elf Filvus wearing a white and blue trimmed coat.

"Alright let's move out." Finn commanded. The Loki familia started to descend to floor thirteen.




Myself, Lily and Aura were all that remained. "Let's go." Aura ordered visibly Agitated.

Slowly we made out way through the upper floors of the tenth through twelfth with the elf woman leading the way. The way was relatively clear from so many upper-level adventurers clearing it out. "Are you okay, Miss Aura?"

"Huh just agitated that Filvus gets special treatment from Lord Dionysus. She gets to go on a mission and snuck out for a date with him earlier." She pouted.

"Are you talking about that other elf woman?" I asked.

"Yes, she uses sympathy to monopolize his affections." She sounded annoyed.

"Why bother with the affections of a god, Elf?" Lily responded. "They are useless, unchanging and care little for mortals apart from entertainment."

"Why should I listen to Soma brat and a boy about my love life?" Aura stopped and turned around fuming at Lily.

"Just saying. He probably gonna use you to get what he wants and discard you. Gods rarely care." Lily stared back at her.

"I thought the love of an elf was eternal. Don't you want to be a mother someday." I spoke up.

Aura eyes blinked fast and stared over to me. "You're a weird one to thinking of kids at your age, human."

"I will be sixteen soon. I will be technically a grown man." I smiled back at her.

"Lily thinks you already are Master Bell. Every other grown man left Lily to die."

"Thank you." I blushed.

Aura rolled her eyes and smirked. She turned around and continued walking. "So how close are you to level three?"

"I still have to get level two yet." I looked over to her confused.

"You killed all those monsters alone as a level one." She stood at me bug eyed and just shakes her head. "I am not even sure I could as a level two."

A half hour later we passed the room where I killed all the boars. It was barren and scavenged. Not even my pack remained. I let out a long sigh.

"What is it?" Aura looked at me.

"Just all my hard work is gone." I shook my head.




After a few hours we surfaced out of the dungeon. Lily ran off immediately. I was hoping to talk with her more. "Lily" I reached out for her, but I was too tired to give chase.

"Just leave that ungrateful prum." Aura stopped me.

"Oh." I held my head and turned to the beautiful elf woman. "Nice to meet you Miss Aura. Thank you for helping us get out." I bowed to her.

She stood back looking a bit surprised. "N-no problem. What is your name anyways?"

"My name is Bell. Bell Cranell of Hestia familia."

"Interesting. I got to go and report to Lord Dionysus. Nice to meet you as well. Good night." She smiled before walking off in the direction of her familia home.

'Wow this city has a lot of beautiful elves.' I shook my head and walked home to the church.




(Day 20)

The next morning Lily was standing against a wall with a new pack outside of Babel. Looking down as all the adventurers ignored her. She was lost in thought about what to do now.

"Miss Supporter. Are you looking for an adventurer?" She looked up confused seeing me standing in front of her in full armor.


"You look confused. This is pretty simple. I am just an adventurer in need of a supporter. I want to buy your services." I offered my hand out with a smile to the teary eyed Lily.


"Lily I wanted to sit you aside and talk with you before that incident. I want to help you and I need your help in the dungeon."

"But I am useless."

"Far from it. You are amazing at your job. If you need proof, you should see how poor I am right now." I laughed holding my head with my other hand.

"Yes please." She reached out for my hand and our friendship was reset.




Eina woke up in the early afternoon, lying in Riveria's bed. She was up all-night worrying. "I slept too long." She got up to straighten the comfy bed and looked around the decorative elven princesses room. Almost 28 years of collecting items, books, maps and drop items filled the room. She spent some time admiring it all until she noticed something peculiar on her desk

A picture frame was faced down holding a piece of paper. She slowly walked over to the desk and hesitantly picked it up. "Bell!" She unfolded the tapped together piece of paper showing his Loki familia application. "Does Riveria have feelings for Bell?" Eina covered her face.


"Eina baby you in there." Loki's voice called out from the other side of the door.

"One minute." Eina placed the picture back down on the table and walked over to open the door for Goddess Loki.

"Hello Goddess Loki. Is something wrong?"

"Yes. Just glad you're here, Eina."

"Why what's wrong goddess?"

"I can't let you leave the manor. Hod escaped!" (May retcon in another chapter. Unsure)