

what happens when a normal man dies, does he enters the karmic cycle of reincarnation or does he go to heaven or hell, or does he just disappears into eternal darkness for David it was a bit of everything, as he dies he is reborn as a baby into the world of cultivation, where he finds just how cruel and magical this world is as he is forced to grow just to survive to live...............................................................................................................this is my first work ever so forgive me for any inconvenience my mc in the start will be aimless when he slowly develops he will find aim and goal in this second life

JDSin97 · แฟนตาซี
65 Chs

Chapter 3

A massive crowd of people was gathered at the foot of an enormous mountain in front of a giant 50 story tall giant red pagoda, contrasting with the green mountain background.

As one looked up toward the mountain, all one could see was the pagoda and a thin snake-like line distinctly visible on the side of the hill. After a certain distance, the mountain was completely covered in clouds; nothing was visible after a certain point.

There didn't seem to be any policing, monitoring, or directing going on, and the crowd was creeping forward quietly.

Even with this huge crowd, no one was speaking. There was no noise except scuffling the feet against the marble road that led toward the Giant red pagoda.

The vast crowd was filled with all sorts of people, young and young, but the vast majority of the public consisted of children while the youngest was barely 5-year-old and the oldest looked more than 12 years of age.

Amidst the crowd, a pair of an old man and a young girl was struggling to keep moving mainly because the old was too weak with a bent back. He was only able to proceed with the help of the small child with bright red hair in contrast with the sea of blacks. They were highly noticeable, but being a small child.

"Grandpa, will the gods really help us?" the little quietly whispered in the ear of the old man.

"OH, Lin-Lin they will the gods are all-powerful and all-knowing once they see of magnificent my daughter Yao Lin really is they will accept you into their celestial city," the old man said with great confidence radiating in his the weak voice.

The little girl smiled happily at that, but soon her smile was replaced by a frown on her small face.

"But will they help grandpa get better," she asked In a murmur

"Stupid girl, grandpa is already 82 this year, even if the gods can help me, I won't live for a long time," the old said in a quiet voice

"beside grandpa only concern is his little Lin-Lin living a carefree and happy life" the old man caressed her head

Suddenly there were many exclamations and gasps all around the pair

the little girl tried to raise her head to see what the commotion was all about but try as she may, she couldn't see Infront of her through the sea of crowd

There was a sudden tap on her head as she turned around to see a tall, middle-aged man; the man smiled and pointed at the sky

The little girl turned her head to look up and to see and saw a man and a woman floating in the clear sky

"GODS" she gasped

The woman was wearing a bright red Hanfu dress with black embroidery on her entire dress was as the man was wearing blue Taoist robes; both of them seemed to be very ethereal and beautiful with skin pure as milky white. Before the girl could further notice any detail,

A voice appeared in her head; all children from the age of 5 to 8, please come forward to be tested.

She was stunned, standing still and not knowing what to do

Without her noticing, the old removed himself from her support and pushed her

"Go, stupid girl," he said

Yao Lin came to her senses, and she started to move toward the red pagoda

As she moved forward, the crowd seemingly opened her, making it easier for her to move, but she stopped and turned to call for her grandpa, and he had disappeared into the crowd

Yao Lin felt fear for her grandpa. She started to look around for her grandpa, not finding him, Yao lin became more flustered, and tears were threatening to break from her eyes

"Hey girl keep moving or move aside" a scared face man looked at her and said fiercely

That was the last straw that broke the Yao Lin, and she started to cry and wail loudly, causing a huge commotion

Seeing the girl crying and causing a stir, the man standing in the air looked at his companion, waiting for her instruction

The woman's eyes were closed, and without any other movement, she told

"Go and check."

The man nodded once and floated toward the crying girl

"Stop crying," he said in the mind of the girl

The girl was again shocked and turned toward the sky to see the god standing in the air above her.

Seeing the man girl saw some

"God please help me find my grandpa, he is lost."

The man looked annoyed at that request; he looked contemptuously at the 15- or a 16-year-old petite girl.

"Is your grandpa lost, or are you?" he asked.

The girl looked stunned and didn't know what to say

The man seemingly turned, "go back you are too old to start cultivating now."

"But I'm five," the girl mumbled to herself.

At this comment, the man stopped and abruptly turned around

"What did you say" he shouted at the girl

The girl was scared to tears once again and started crying

"don't cry don't cry if you tell your age to this seat, this seat will help search your grandfather" the man tried to control his action and said in an affectionate manner

Yao lin continued to cry but hearing the god will help her search for her grandpa, he quickly shouted

"God I'm five."

"don't lie to this seat girl" the man was again irritated

"I don't lie," Yao Lin replied angrily at the man she had all but forgotten the fear she felt moments ago

The man was stunned at the sudden outburst, but he still looked at her with doubt but suppressing the doubt, he sudden joined his hands in seal and his eyes, which were normal just a moment ago, suddenly burst into golden flames and stared at the girl

Seeing the scary flames, the girl was once again scared, and she tried to shrink

The man's eyes turned back to normal, but there was evident shock registered on the man's face. He waved his hand in the air, and Yao Lin flew up in the air, and if an invisible had picked her from neck, this even further scared her further, and she remembered the stories of monstered who used pick little children and eat them

"No, NO, don't eat lin-lin, lin-lin doesn't good, please god don't I'm sorry" Yao lin started to struggle fiercely and started to shout

The man funnily looked at the girl in disbelief

Without saying anything, he flew straight up back to the lady in red who still had her eyes closed

the man came in front of her, with at most respect bowed

"Custodian Shu, I have discovered a top-grade talent," he said with some excitement evident in his voice and movement

Custodian Shu opened her eyes finally without a word he turned toward struggling Yao lin, and here normal black eyes burst with white radiance

"Earth-element root with a strong vitality and earth essence present in the bones and meridian, the great earth body," the woman said in a light voice

And she floated towards the girl, and without and effort, she took the scared girl into her embrace

"let's look for your grandpa," she said in a sweet motherly voice

Hearing this Yao lin become entirely still with a look of worry on her face, she nodded

With that, there was a burst of white radiance, both the Yao lin and woman disappeared

Leaving the stunned man still bowing, he stiffly raised his head at the place where the custodian Shu and girl had been moments ago


A tall man dressed in white Taoist robes came out of the shadows, followed by a young-looking man dressed in a green Confucian shirt.

The tall had a huge pot belly, but he was not fat has both his hands and legs were skinny. It looked as if he was pregnant, but his face was full of various scars.

The Confucian scholar was a handsome man with great posture, and as he moved, the air around him shimmered. It looked like he was at an eye of a storm; he was carrying an ominous-looking plain black box.

The pair came to a halt a few feet from a figure standing on the edge of a balcony.

The figure was a man with a man's face in his early 20, but his hair was all gray, including his eyebrows.

"Congratulations are in order brother Liu" the man with a potbelly looked at the man standing on the balcony.

The ma turned around and looked at the potbelly man

"Brother Han and this must to the famous scholar wang, to what do I owe the pleasure I haven't done anything noteworthy to warrant your presence with a congratulation in person," the man said in a bored voice without any change in his face

"Liu Tuan, are you dumb or acting dumb" scholar wang looked at the head of the Liu family of the red star mountain sect

The potbellied man waved his hand, and scholar wang backed

"Congratulation on brother Liu for giving birth to a great hero of this generation," the potbellied man bowed and said in a sincere tone

"What are you talking about?" Liu Tuan said in a perplexed manner

The smile on the potbellied man never once faced

"I'm talking about your son, who has awakened 1st-grade spiritual root of single attribute water," he said

"That not noteworthy for congratulation in person if it was a special grade or top-grade then maybe it would be praiseworthy then" Liu Tuan dismissed the potbellied man.

"Then what about the new disciple of custodian Shu, the girl with the top-grade root" the potbellied man continued with a disgusting smile still on his face.

Liu Tuan's face changed.

"Han lei are you looking for a fight."

"No, no brother Liu."

He took the black box from scholar wang and presented it to Liu Tuan

"Just a normal congratulations"

With that, without waiting for an answer, he turned and left with scholar wang hot on his heels.

Liu saliently looked at the plain black box

Suddenly he called out

"Did the investigation conclude"

A shadow rose out of the corner of the balcony

"Yes master, the day before yesterday the clouds gathered, and spiritual rain befell on the city of the red star, and along with shower the sun also came out shining brightly there this considered a heavenly blessing,

on this day, 398 infants were born; three of the children were born to Liu wen and princess Xing.

One of the infants was born with yellow eyes containing spirituality."

"Good, good, good," Liu yuan muttered.

"Good job you may leave," Liu said out loud and turned and went toward the balcony looking at a bright moon.

"Good, I will have to wait till she leaves."

He said quietly to himself, and then he lifted in the air and flew up in the sky, disappearing entirely in moments.


As I regained my consciousness, I didn't feel any pain whatsoever. Whatever they were giving me must be some top-notch drugs cause, the way I remembered before, everything in my body was broken in the accident.

I tried to open my eyes, but it was extremely tough.

I could hear voices around me saying things I couldn't grasp any of it,

I kept on trying to open my eyes and finally, I succeeded I felt like somebody had turned on every possible light in the room and somehow aimed it at my face.

I was dazzled by the strong light, and light completely filled my vision nothing but bright white light

I had narrow my eyes into slits to reduce the discomfort but not closing them so that they could quickly adjust to the brightness

once I could see, the first thing I could see was an old woman face inches away from my face Asian if I had to guess

she must be my doctor

I could hear very loud crying

babies, I thought maybe I was near the maternity ward

"@#%&!$%^#*!" she said

"WHAT," I screamed, but no words came out of my mouth

what the hell did she say?

"*&^@^&^&#%%^#%^&&&^#@!$@#^%%$" came another voice female.

I think I couldn't see this person.

"wait a second feelas speak in English i can't understand you" I tried to speak, but all that came out of my mouth was

" ah ah -----" great, the accident messed up my mouth

"!%@%@$#^$%$@*&^@" came another voice, a sweet voice best I've heard so far

I tried to raise my hands to get their attention.

First, I wanted the old lady out of my face but couldn't.

I could feel my entire body, my hands, my legs but couldn't move them

the old lady started to move, and she neared some sort of bed structure and then placed me down

wait a goddam second, did she just place me down? even I don't weigh much,

I'm still near 60 kgs

she just put me down, which means I was in her arms, so an old Asian woman just picked a 60 something, man, no problem

I must be dreaming yep must be dreaming

as I was placed down, I rolled automatically with complete violation of my will, and as I turned around, I saw a baby lying next to me crying

this must source of the crying that had to cause the migraine to develop in my brain

and then I saw my own hands, my own baby hands


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