
Heart _Broken

Have you ever fallen in love? That sensation when you realized you love them... That urge of never wanting to part... That utter fear of them figuring you out... That dread and terror when they do... The small flicker of hope that sprouts in your chest as you await their answer... The sheer numbness that comes after with rejection. Love truly is as cruel as it is precious.

User388 · สมจริง
1 Chs

Chapter 1, Love

Anyone who's fallen in love should know what it feels like, to want to hold somebody and just slowly drift away together.

The passion that goes into your every action for them, trying your best to please them, hoping in your little heart that maybe... just maybe they'll love you back.

The first time I saw him was unforgettable, I'd like to think I had 'fallen at first sight' as they say. We met at an arcade downtown, he was with a girl and trying to win the claw machine to get a doll for her. I don't really remember as much about then as I should, but I do remember him. They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, I didn't really get the meaning of it but I think that he was the one to show me what it meant, albeit unintentionally. They were alike orbs of magic, burning with life, gleaming with determination.

It contained countless other emotions that I can't possibly write down all. I felt hypnotized and stared on until he ultimately was rewarded for his efforts. He was positively glowing with happiness as he gave the girl the doll. It wasn't anything special by all means, I remember it being average, something you could buy from just about anywhere. It shouldn't have been anything special...

It was just a normal dol- ah, a teddy bear if I remembered correctly.

There were countless stores that offer much better gifts.

Yet, the girl seemed so.... bright.

They were each alike reflections of the other, both just blindingly glowed with joy, I could see that I wasn't the only one staring at the pair. Others seem to behold the sight as well.

'so this is what love does to you', I thought.

It seemed to make everything just perfect.

That thought seemed to have haunted my mind on the way home. They were so perfect, what right do I have intruding in on their paradise. My mind had gone in circles countless times before I had come to the conclusion that I should just try to ignore the pain in my chest whenever I thought of him with her.

That night was filled with sleepless dreams.

The next time I saw him at the arcade had changed my views, I remember him staring into space absentmindedly as he sat down. Nobody else was paying attention to him, even those that had seen him previously didn't pay him any mind.

No one took notice of the stench of alcohol he emanated.

Nor his messy attire.

Nor the bags under his eyes.

Nor the dullness where there was once joy.

I couldn't stand it.

It was wrong.

Where was the boy who glowed with happiness?

Where was the girl who's smile only made his brighter?

Where had it gone wrong?

I couldn't stand it, so I didn't. In retrospect, it probably wasn't the smartest decision I had made in my life. I didn't give it much thought if any at the time. Before I knew it, my legs were carrying me to where he sat.

I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

My heart was pounding so loud, I was afraid he would hear it if I came any closer.

My pace slowed down as I approached him, before stopping completely.

The loud noises commonplace in an arcade were ignored.

I could feel every breath I took, every beat my heart made.

My hands were dripping with sweat.




....I bit my lip and decided not to hesitate.

I walked straight to him, it felt much longer than it was.

When I was in front of him, he still hadn't taken notice of me.

I couldn't figure out what to say.

I didn't even know what I was doing at that point.

My mind had completely blanked, it wasn't helping that he seemed to have taken notice of me.

Curious yet dull eyes met mine.

Rushed for words, my mouth croaked the first thing that came to mind.



Sometimes when trying to help someone, the best thing to do is to get to know them first. You could bother with forming pretty and elegant words in an attempt to not offend them, or you could just say 'Hi'.

User388creators' thoughts