

Discover how the young man of the modern world transmigrated into the ancient world. See how he handle his life after becoming the empress into the cultivation paradise.

Callahannnnnn · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Chapter 32

Inside the realm, time is not the same as the outside. One month inside, will only be equal to one week outside.

Xiao yu looked for more convenient place to stay for the time being until the realm will open again. He found a cave not far from the graveyard. He carried xianlan at his back beside his exhausted body.

Because xiao yu spend most his Qi to heal xianlan as he is unable to cultivate, his own wounds was left untreated. He set up a barrier at the mouth of the cave just to ensure their safety as well as to further aid the condition of xianlan.

Unfortunately, xianlan is still unconscious. Time by the time he will feed xianlan with his spiritual qi to nourish his body as well as to maintain his mainland stable. Due for this, xiao yu's strength decreases by fold. His wounds are healing so slow and he can't even restore any spiritual power at all to replenish his strength, since he is giving it all to xianlan.

He even already suffered from internal breakage especially when xianlan's qi will go wild, because he need to fully used his remaining strength to settle it down.

" something is wrong! " xiao yu become agitated after sensing the powerful aura that breaks the barrier he created at the entrance. By his condition right now it will be difficult for him to win.

He flew directly at the cave's entrance while holding the jade sword. He found a white clothed man with a wolf demonic beast beside him.

When it saw xiao yu, it howl showing it's long pointed teeth.

" Me I know this gentleman's name? And what is his purpose for breaking my barrier? "Asked by xiao yu that is now observing the two figure in front of him.

The man seems like on his golden flat stage in cultivation, while his beast are most likely be on his infant level ten phase.

This two is powerful indeed. Xiao yu is starting to doubt his ability. If only his strength wasn't affected, he can win this fight confidently. But today, it is hard to tell. He is just hoping that this two is an ally.

Xiao yu maintain his dignified posture upon asking. He is neither arrogant nor humble.

Fiddling his finger " I'm Gu yunrang. Give me the emperor. If you can give him to me... I might let you go. "

' fuck this xianlan! How can he offend a lot of powerful people! Isn't he afraid that this people will kill him! '

" the emperor is currently resting and it is inconvenient for you to visit. If you have something to say, you can say it to me. Rest assured I'll deliver it to his majesty. " xiao yu wanted to pretend that he don't know the emperor, but knowing this man's cultivation he is sure that he already know the presence of the emperor.

Xiao yu think that this guy might know that the emperor's foundation gotten damaged. Because, by this man's level he can't be too arrogant enough sending his life to a level 5 golden cultivator.

" HAHAHAHA, give him to me or I'll attack and by then I will show you no mercy! "

" Then I'm sorry to disappoint you." Even the fact that xiao yu might not be able to win this battle, he just can't let this guy take the emperor.

The guy form his lips into a smug, definitely looking down xiao yu.

" Kill him for me " he give the command to the beast who obediently attack xiao yu.

This demonic is an ice wolf. It's claw is so sharp and contains poison. It can also spit ice.

The wolf jump into xiao yu. Xiao yu, dodge and use his sword to blocked the attack every time the wolf use it claws to cut him. The wolf is becoming impatient and gotten angry. It's speeded it's movement and scratch xiao yu's left shoulder.

He hissed in pain as he can feel the poison rushing to his vein. Xiao yu reprimand himself not to use his power as he might not be able to last long. That's why his agility becomes slow.

The guy laugh and look xiao yu with mockery. " so weak! "

The wolf seems so proud and attack xiao yu in front.

" Blazing fire, inferno! "

The wolf failed to avoid the fire. Thus, it was burnt alive and only ashes left. Xiao yu thrown a mouthful of blood and his fire core gotten damage.

The clouds gather above where xiao yu was. A purple lightning are glimmering. Xiao yu's Qi is bustling into his mainland.

' no, not this time! ' xiao yu is about to promote. Yet, this time is unlucky. He is too weak for the tribulation. Moreover, there is an enemy in front of him.

The man is surprised seeing his beast turned into ashes " how dare you to kill my beast! I'll kill you! "

The man flicker and appears in front of xiao yu and stab him by a long sword. Because, xiao yu is already weak added by the poison, the sword successfully stab his abdomen.

Xiao yu use his original being to froze the man. The man withdraw his sword but he still got frozen.

If a cultivator use his ' original being ' it will severely injured his cultivation and his spirit might perish.

Xiao yu know this, but he can't defeat this guy if he wouldn't use it. Either way, he might also be killed.

He felt overwhelmed. He throw several blood. His spirit is also breaking apart after he used his original being.

" I summoned the zodiac capricorn, protect the emperor even if I die. You'll only be released to the time the emperor will gain his consciousness. "

To summon a zodiac being requires a strong force and qi. He forcefully summoned it and now both his fairy and fire core is about to broke. If he will use it again, it will completely broke into pieces and will never be restored.

He can feel that if this tribulation is as strong as xianlan he will surely gonna die. Most especially that only his water core left usable. That's why he summoned the zodiac capricorn to protect the emperor if ever he will die.