

Discover how the young man of the modern world transmigrated into the ancient world. See how he handle his life after becoming the empress into the cultivation paradise.

Callahannnnnn · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Chapter 25

The sky becomes more darker so as the rumbling thunder and lightning.

" Yu'er, go inside the room and protect your husband. This thunder doomed is way too strong for his promotion, he might not handle the strike of these lightning. I'll stay right here to protect the door" The empress dowager noticed the different pattern of the sky so she send xiao yu inside to atleast aid his husband.

She know that even xiao yu was forcefully put into that marriage. His son trusted him so much and she know that xiao yu won't use this time at his disadvantage to harm his son. That's why she trusted him.

" Yes, imperial mother. Take care of yourself" xiao yu being a good child pitifully agreed and went inside.

The emperor is in a cultivation position. A strong spiritual power encircled him for protection so as to minimize the effect of the thunder as much as possible. Cultivators tend to chant some runes for protection upon breaking through to the next level. Other's used talisman and or spiritual weapons.

The sky is roaring louder and louder. Not long, unmeasured volts of lightning perfectly hit Zhao xianlan. Because of his outstanding power it didn't affected him that much. But soon another two lightning descended from heaven simultaneously and are more stronger than the first. The blows caused Zhao xianlan to puke blood directly. His prowess was overpowered by the lightning causing him to unstable his balance and weaken his concentration.

" You're majesty!" The undefined feeling of xiao yu caused him to call the emperor after seeing the blood. He don't know why, but he felt so scared and terrified that the emperor may failed to overpower his doomed and die.

To over power the doomed at the golden phase. A cultivator must surpassed six strikes of lightning before successfully promoted.

A few silver 8 to 9 cultivators emerged outside the room and killed some of the shadow guards. Though shadow guards are powerful and strong , but being attacked by two to three silver 8 or 9 cultivator at once they died.

The empress dowager slaughter most of the enemies using his soil core. Since she is a flat golden phase cultivator added by her good in martial arts she defeated most, but unfortunately got wounded on her shoulder. Despite how many they've killed, the enemies still outnumbered them. The empress dowager don't have the time to think which forces attacked them this time, because she is already so busy fighting and guarding his son.

Unfortunately, some sneak upon her sight and managed to enter the room.

The only thing into xiao yu's mind right now is to protect the emperor. He don't why, but he just want to.

Eight silver 9 cultivator managed to break in. They point their long sword towards xiao yu.

" Be gone this instant or I will assure you, that you will regret this chance!" One of the assassin said.

Xiao Yu have no time for these people especially that another tremendous strike of lightning is forming above.

The assassin noticed that xiao yu is unwilling to go so they directly attacked him.

While xiao yu is fighting, another two magnanimous lightning accompanied by a horrific thunder launch into Zhao xianlan and he puke another mouthful of blood after. His energy is depleting and may no longer handled the last one.

" Zhao xianlan! You rather not die or I will kill you!" Xiao yu shouted while he himself busy with the attackers.

Zhao xianlan just smile seeing how his empress protected him.

" Ice calamaty, mega frozon!" Using his internal force xiao blown the eighth cultivator and turn them into an ice!

As he look at the sky, it become darker and darker compared earlier. He scan Zhao xianlan and judging by his current state, the power of that thunder may unendurable for his body.

Not minutes had gone and the last strike come.

" Bloodline Ice bloosom, inferno!" Without a second thought. Xiao yu jump above Zhao xianlan to met the last thunder strike. If he will endure the last one, none will die and Zhao xianlan will break through. But the pain is unimaginable.

" Xiao yu, no!" The emperor shouted but it's too late already.

Two layers of ice blossom instantly appeared and there's a fire barrier before it. Which means, the thunder will first broke into the fire barrier, then into the ice blossoms.


The thunder amazingly broke all the barriers including the impenetrable ice bloosoms and directly landed to xiao yu. Xiao yu already anticipated this will happened knowing that even Zhao xianlan that is way more powerful than him gotten seriously injured, how much more him.

When thunder hit those barrier, it weakened it's power bit by bit .So when it landed to xiao yu, though it's still so powerful but just enough for him to puke some blood and injured the surface of his meridian.

After xiao yu struck by the thunder. Zhao xianlan's body glowed golden white, which means he overpowered his doomed.

His strength was back and even much more powerful. Xiao yu who fall down from the impact and on the peck of passing out, was directly catch by him.

Zhao xianlan can't believed, that xiao yu will shield his body for him. He can't ignore the happiness inside him. He hug xiao yu tightly up until they landed into the ground .

Xiao yu directly spit blood the moment he was released by the arms of Zhao xianlan.

" Xiao yu! Are you okay? Does anywhere hurt? Why did you do that! Soon I don't want you to risk your life again, understand?" Worried is he is after he saw xiao yu's blood. Most specially that it happened because of him.

" I'm okay your majesty, beside even if it were anyone else I'll still going to save them!"

"...." Zhao xianlan.

The emperor just didn't said anything and lift xiao into a bridal style and then go. The way xiao yu called his name still lingering into his mind. He just love how xiao yu say his name.

" Starting today, you will call me by my name, okay"

"..." Xiao Yu.