
Product 70 - Cliche Novel


The hub of education for the entire Roengreen Empire.

Essentially, it encompasses 'talented commoners,' 'children from merchant families,' 'nobles or royalty,' and 'members of the imperial family.' All of them are individuals who are generally respected in their respective hometowns.

While it has been publicly declared that all social classes are equal, except for the most esteemed imperial family, can the world truly operate so straightforwardly?

In essence, the hierarchy in the Roengreen Empire places the nobility at the top, followed by the royalty and nobility from neighboring vassal states or the offspring of merchants spanning the entire empire, around whom various factions are formed.

This is quite natural. The undergraduate period at Jephryn lasts only four years. Once they step out into the world, they confront a harsh society where they must survive for decades, and the factions established at Jephryn serve as a solid safety net for their future.

As a result, they create factions based on geographical region, interests, and majors, expanding their influence and monitoring each other's power.

Nevertheless, all these factions eventually yield and submit to the faction 'established by the Roengreen imperial family.'

Currently, there are two members of the imperial family enrolled as undergraduate students at Jephryn.

One of them is Eve von Roengreen. The faction led by the princess, who is currently in her second year at the Magic department, is, in fact, hardly a faction at all.

To be more precise, her central faction is the student council executive board, and they pledge their allegiance solely to Eve von Roengreen.

Eve herself treats all other factions without discrimination, making appearances at various gatherings and, when unable to attend, either sending a representative or personally penning congratulatory letters.

For each faction, it is a great relief that Eve von Roengreen does not favor one group over another.

No, it would be preferable if she took a side, similar to the previous student council president who sowed discord among them and required them to pay tribute to gain his favor. If she had done the same, it would have been truly chaotic.

Hence, the former student council president who created that chaos and seemed to have vanished into history is now rumored to be reemerging here and there in Jephryn. What is Wolfram von Roengreen up to now?

"Have you heard? It appears that President Wolfram is forming a faction again."

"What? Really?"

Indeed, rumors are circulating that he is assembling his own faction.

So, who exactly is part of that faction? While most of it remains speculation, there are a few individuals who have been definitively identified.

The second-year knight of belief, the third-year black Obsidian, the abyssal dagger, and that Mage merchant. Isn't he also in communication with the spirit knight?

Most of them are individuals with titles attached to their names.

However, as rumors about Wolfram's faction spread among the students of Jephryn, particularly the current sophomores to seniors who experienced Wolfram's era, something unusual appears.

"What's that? A carriage? But why is there a wolf driving it? And even sitting in the driver's seat…?"

A carriage pulled by a wolf, a wolf seated in the driver's position.

No, it was far too massive and colossal to be referred to as a carriage. It was covered in steel plates on top, with black metal or black Obsidian adornments.

The emblem of authority that could send shivers down one's spine with a mere glance. The eight-wheeled behemoth resembled a black dragon, evoking an instinctual fear in those who laid eyes upon it.

In front of this colossal steel machine, how feeble and frail a human being appeared. It stirred a sense of one's own insignificance and a different kind of yearning, yet no one dared approach the red wolf's carriage.

The carriage. No, it wasn't something as feeble as a horse-drawn carriage; it was a 'Wolves Carriage', and it soon captured the attention of the entire school district.

That was because it was boldly emblazoned with the words, 'Wolfram von Roengreen's convenience store.'

Simultaneously, everyone had the same thought:

[That's the steel colossus reserved for Wolfram von Roengreen's associates.]

[Those permitted to ride are all renowned enough to command respect.]

Black Obsidian. Student council president. Knight of Belief. Abyssal dagger. They were all talents who lacked nothing to be part of the imperial faction.

As they observed them riding the massive wolf-driven vehicle, most onlookers felt a mix of fear, awe, recognition, and envy.

Yet, within this group, one or three individuals stood out who simply couldn't be accepted.

"Hey there, Mr. Wolf. Are you headed to the convenience store?"


"I see. Alright, take care. He says we're going. Let's get seated quickly."


"Mille-feuille, can you actually communicate with the wolf? That's impressive. Yogurt, weren't you surprised?!"

"Vanilla, this isn't just any wolf. It's something… significant. Yeah, something like that."

"Not everything, but I think I can vaguely understand what it says through magical means. Mr. Wolf, I believe we can depart now."


"Indeed, Mr. Wolf. Let's not waste time! Our Mille-feuille can't wait to meet her dear senior… No, not senior, but dear… Ugh. Yogurt! Why'd you hit me?!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Mr. Wolf, let's go. We're all ready."


The choice of these individuals was puzzling to everyone. They were first-year students from the general school department, three distinct chicks.

"…Why are they even riding?"

"Are they part of a faction too?"

Without resolving the many questions among the Jephryn students, the wolf-driven steel behemoth set off with the three chicks on board.


On that day, the three chicks paid a long-overdue visit to the convenience store.

"Senior! Haven't you been making donuts lately?! I want some donuts!"

"Um… sorry. I'd like a donut too."

The yellow chick was perpetually boisterous, with the green chick calmly accompanying her.

"Ah, senior. Hello. …Ehehe."

The pink chick blushed and then lowered her head.

"Please have a seat. I'll start making the donuts now."

"Really?! Wow! Waaaah!"

"Vanilla, you're too loud. Ah, senior. If there's a new flavor, I'd like to try it."

"Thank you. Ehehe…"

It took some time for the oil to heat up, but after placing a donut in each of the chatterbox chicks' mouths, I sat down. While Vanilla and Yogurt enjoyed their donuts, Mille-feuille caught the my eye and asked:

"How have things been lately?"


"Yes, that's right. Anything unusual?"

"No, nothing particularly noteworthy."

"What's the overall atmosphere like among the first-year students? I haven't heard the full story since you dealt with Kelters."

"Um, well… there is something related to Kelters…"

"Go ahead, tell me."

Kelters, as the main character and central figure of the story, could jeopardize the academy with every move he made. I sat up with interest and asked Mille-feuille to continue the story.

"Kelters… for various reasons related to his reputation, has been removed from his position as the top student, and everyone is now focused on who will become the next top student."


So, Kelters is no longer the top student…


What did you say?


"That's not all. Well… it's not an ordinary matter!"

"Right… I'm quite exhausted. The three of us came here today seeking advice on what to do."

While I was in shock, Vanilla and Yogurt, who had been engrossed in their donuts, joined the conversation.

"What kind of advice do you need? What's going on?"

"It's a big deal for Mille-feuille! She's right in the middle of the turmoil! It's chaos! Seriously!"


Vanilla seemed to possess a level of verbosity comparable to Rudika. No, Rudika is a concept… Anyway, I considered it Rudika-level in the sense that it was hard to comprehend, and I looked at Yogurt, urging her to provide more details.

Yogurt, after glancing between Vanilla and me, let out a deep sigh.

"I apologize for my friend's rather unsightly behavior, senior."

"Your apology is accepted. Now, please continue with the story. What exactly happened? Starting from the point when Mille-feuille defeated Kelters, give me a brief, chronological account."


Yogurt, who produced a pair of large glasses from somewhere and put them on, began to explain calmly.

"Yes. Thanks to the assistance of the senior, Mille-feuille managed to defeat Kelters, who held the top student position for our grade. Following that, there were discussions about reassessing the top student position due to Kelters's interference with student council work and his declining grades. That was somewhat debatable, but then… one night, he was caught by the dorm supervisor while sneaking out to buy snacks…"

"That's quite a misdeed."

"Yes, indeed. As a result, he was stripped of his top student status. Naturally, he applied for a reevaluation to regain his title as the grade's top student. The real problem emerged afterward. While the top student position was vacant, the second-ranking student in our first-year class declared his intention to compete for the top spot this time."

"…Gale Strike."

"Yes, that's correct. He's the eldest son of the Strike family. But he's also begun taking an interest in Mille-feuille."


"He believes that by bringing Mille-feuille into his faction, he can have the person who defeated the former top student on his side. In other words, he wants to use Mille-feuille as a pawn to undermine Kelters's reevaluation application."

Hmm, I see.

Gale Strike was quite a troublesome rival even in the original story.

Well, anyway.

"You seem to be well-informed. That's valuable information."

"…He's a candidate for the next student council position. Hehe. A capable first-year."

"Good. Have some more donuts."


"Ah! I was going to say that too, give me some too!"

"Alright. You can have some as well."


After offering more donuts to the two chicks, I turned my attention to the pink chick who was looking at me with an awkward smile.

"It appears you're in a challenging situation."

"Yes… I don't intend to join any faction…"

"But being in a faction can be beneficial. There's no harm in joining one."

"No, it's because I already have a faction in mind."

"…Is that so?"

"Yes. It's a really great faction. I intend to stand by the side of its leader."

She said this with a flushed face, casting a brief glance in my direction and murmuring.

Supporting the leader of a faction, regardless of which faction it is, is going to be a challenging task.

"Alright. I'll back you up."

"Do you really mean it? Will you genuinely support me? Can I truly stand by the side of that faction leader for life?"

"Well, I may not know which faction it is, but if that's your wish, I'll assist you in achieving it."

"…Ah. You, you don't know. Haha, …sigh. You have no idea which faction, do you."

Somewhat unexpectedly disheartened, the pink chick glanced in my direction once more, puffing her cheeks slightly, muttering things like 'That's why… Aila-senpai too…' 'Or rather, if no one else has accomplished it…'

"Wow! Those donuts were delicious! Anyway, that's the reason we came to see you, senior! We want you to help Mille-feuille!"

"…We can't take on Gale Strike on our own. Senior, is there any other way?"

Hmm, a way to defeat Gale Strike.

The most effective means of declining a faction offer is to demonstrate one's strength.

But I wonder if Mille-feuille desires that.

Does she wish to engage in another fight?

"Mille-feuille. Even if you defeat Gale Strike, do you want to turn down his offer?"

"Yes. Absolutely."

That was a resolute response.

And despite her smile, it was so icy that it sent shivers down my spine.

"…Uh, hmm? Is that so? I see."

"Yes. I hate spreading strange rumors. I hate the idea of being a target. I hate it all. I really… really hate it."

"Understood. I'll assist you."

Perhaps I want to help her more because she's somewhat like me, someone who was supposed to exit the story early on.

Well, it might be fascinating to witness a chick's journey to becoming a full-grown chicken.


"Starting tomorrow, I'll devise a strategy, just as I did when you defeated Kelters."

"Really? Wow…! Yes. I'll come to see you every day, senior!"

"…You don't have to come every day."

"I'll come every day. Thank you!"

With that, the three of them departed from the convenience store, laughing and each carrying a box of donuts. Just how much do they adore donuts?

Anyway, Gale Strike is proving to be an intriguing and bothersome adversary.

As I pondered countermeasures against him, Patrasch walked past me, curling his lips.

"Do you know?"

"Know what?"

"A hawk snatches its prey swiftly. A master hunter."

"I'm aware."

"Heh. But you see, from my experience in hunting, I've learned that young hawks and chickens look quite similar."

"What's the relevance of that?"

"If you mistake a young hawk, which might eventually prey on you, for a chick and feed it, you might find yourself becoming prey one day. Something along those lines."


What is he talking about?

As I puzzled over this, Patrasch chuckled and sauntered away.