
Product 7 - Cliche Novel

I, Jin, a self-proclaimed aspiring convenience store owner, or rather, the current owner, viewed the convenience store as a space filled with dreams and hope.

Admittedly, I was aware that it was a subject of criticism and condemnation. Dealing with annoying customers could be tough; some of them made me want to grab them by the collar. Especially that lunatic who demanded a refund a month after purchasing an expired triangular gimbap. He was unforgettable, whether I liked it or not.

Nevertheless, the convenience store held its charm.

First and foremost, there was the allure of expired food.

I couldn't resist it. It was simply irresistible.

Expired triangular gimbaps, sandwiches, lunch boxes, milk, beverages, refrigerated bread with sausages, and even hamburgers wrapped in rolls.

The three convenience stores I frequented discarded their expired items at 10 a.m., 2 p.m., and 3 a.m., respectively. If you established a good rapport with the store owners, you could survive a day on expired food. It was quite advantageous if you had several favorite convenience stores in the neighborhood.

Putting that aside…

The item distribution in the game D/Z SAGA was surprisingly favorable. Buying a potion anywhere in the village didn't cost much.

However, the price of a healing potion was set at a staggering 10,000 Rin per bottle.

Were they out of their minds? Who would spend that much money on healing potions? In this game, there was a technique called potion-drug abuse, where players could rely on potions to navigate dungeons in the absence of healers. But that tactic only worked when healing potions cost 100 Rin. If it were 10,000 Rin, no one would dare attempt it.

You guys from Jephryn, aren't you spoiled?

Anyway, when I came to Jephryn and decided to run a convenience store, I had made various calculations.

Firstly, there was the expired food. Then, there was the monthly income of around 3 million Rin.

If business went well, I could hire three part-time workers for 800,000 Rin a week, and I would only need to manage the store on weekends, living off a monthly income of approximately 500,000 Rin. Additionally, I could take on a side job.

But there was one problem—there was nothing to sell.

Maestro's hands were constantly producing weapons and armor, but high-grade equipment didn't come out as frequently.

Yggdrasil was nothing more than a fledgling club. Were these guys insane? Nevertheless, the fruit seeds sold quite well. I liked that.

The magic merchants dealt with good word regeneration and healing potions. By spraying a mixture of water and healing potion on plants and uttering good words of regeneration, the plants would grow rapidly. Was it science or magic?

Regardless, the distribution network in Jephryn was abysmal. It seemed hopeless.


In this mediocre world that had regressed to the Middle Ages, where the concept of convenience stores didn't exist, and the headquarters only exploited its goods, I became the sole convenience store owner.

A convenience store that couldn't order goods.

A convenience store that had to display homemade goods.

Wow. Just wow.

"Isn't that pretty awesome?"


It did seem quite remarkable.


"Um. Hehehe."

"Ms. Eve?"

In the student council office, Eve Von Roengreen leisurely perused the documents, turning her head at the sound of the secretary's call. The secretary tilted her head and sniffed the air within the student council office, trying to identify a pleasant fragrance.

"What's the matter?"

"Don't you smell something sweet in the student council office?"


"Indeed… I detect the scent of some kind of fruit."

"Hehe. You're acting strange. It could mean that someone brought snacks into the student council office."

"…Could it?"

"Yes. You know how luxurious snacks are in Jephryn, don't you?"

"Indeed, I do…"

The secretary scrutinized Eve, but Eve remained unfazed.

Eve had her own concerns as well. She couldn't simply let the top-grade candy melt slowly in her mouth; its scent was too overpowering for that.

It was too exquisite to be swallowed immediately, so Eve tightly closed her eyes and took a brief moment to apologize to the candy in her mouth.


"What's wrong?"

"…Oh, it's nothing."

She discreetly pushed the candy, which had definitely cracked between her molars, down her throat and casually faced the secretary, who tilted her head in confusion before returning to her work. Eve breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for not being caught, and offered a silent apology to the candy for not being able to savor it properly.

But the secretary was also the type to have a weakness for sweet things. Especially those who used their brains extensively tended to have a sweet tooth.

Yet candy was considered a luxury food item.

Eve nodded as she counted the remaining candies she had received from Wolfram. Seven pieces. There were plenty left. If she ate one each day, they would last for a week.

She had no idea where Wolfram acquired these candies, but if he used up all of them, his finances would surely be depleted.

'Let's save these for a while. After I've consumed all these candies and exhausted your assets, that will be your downfall, Wolfram.'

Eve secretly popped another piece of candy into her mouth.


Now there were six left.

The end was approaching.


"What's the next seedling we need to prepare?"

The convenience store in Magic Castle District 8 still didn't have a sign, but it had one unique feature: a small garden.

Why was there a garden outside the entrance? Was this truly a convenience store, or was it an enchanting rural life in disguise?

But Wolfram didn't have the energy to enjoy such a rural life. Regardless, I planted the fruit seedlings received from Yggdrasil, sprayed a mixture of water and healing potion infused with nutrients, and played the Good Word Music Box.

[You're doing great!]

[Hang in there! You've got this!]

[There's a break during this lecture!]

[The professor assigned less homework!]

[You'll earn your PhD this semester! Keep pushing!]

The Good Word Music Box.

It was the epitome of eccentric pseudoscience.

Remember the experiment where onions grew larger when exposed to positive words?

As a child, I pondered, "Does an onion have a central nervous system to understand Korean?" It seemed like such a foolish experiment.

Of course, it was pseudoscience. It was akin to claiming that water possessed knowledge.

But when magic was involved, it actually had a "positive effect."

This self-hypnosis happiness circuit music box, initially utilized as a tool for mind control by magic graduate students, turned out to be a genuine hidden gem that made plants grow "bigger and tastier" when played to them.

I ordered this Good Word Music Box through the graduate students and made excellent use of it.

I picked the fruits, crushed them, filtered the juice, boiled it down, mixed it with edible slime.

Then, I hardened the mixture in molds and individually wrapped each piece with cut paper.

These candies were worth a thousand Rin each, and considering the labor involved, there was no better side job. I had finished preparing the candies to sell the next day.

"Hu… huh… hu."

Making money was enjoyable, but I might genuinely collapse like this.

"Hold on, you stubborn body."

If I could endure, I could conquer the world.

Trembling on the floor of the convenience store, I silently prayed to the world.

If only I had at least a pitiful stamina of 23…

"…What are you doing?"

At that moment, the door of the convenience store swung open, and someone sneaked inside.

A customer. Damn it. It was embarrassing to greet them while lying down.

"I don't know who you are, but I can't conduct business like this. I apologize."

"No, I mean… why are you in such a state?"

"I'm like this because I've run out of stamina."

"…Should I help you up?"

A voice I had heard somewhere before.


I swallowed hard.

Wouldn't it be a one-shot opportunity for her to strike when I'm defenseless like this?

Damn it, frustration surged through me as I trembled, unable to move.

But soon enough, Aila's hand reached out, gently lifting me up.

"Are you alright?"

"…I'm fine."

And so, like a baby Wolfram, I fell onto the sofa, with Aila sitting across from me.

"I've given you the explanation, so what brings you here?"

"Heh. I was so impressed by your plan that I found myself coming here without even realizing it."

"Ah, I see. Right. The plan. Yes."

"Yes. Absolutely. It was an incredible plan."

"…So, that's it, huh?"

"Yes. That's it."

"I see."


We looked at each other and burst into laughter.

So, a plan.

…What was it again?


Fortunately, before I could even ask, Aila let out a joyful laugh.

Aila, the ambitious witch, recounted each of my actions.

"I heard you made the students of the magic academy your first customers. Heh. It's remarkable. You've garnered quite a positive reputation among them."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. They're the type to latch onto a professor's project once it receives recognition. Those who risk their lives for a monthly salary of 2 million Rin. They aren't interested in how society operates; they only move at the professor's beck and call. Having a good reputation among them will greatly assist you on your journey."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. You've established strong connections with the future scholars of this country."

"Is that so?"

"Heh. You genuinely seem disinterested since a while ago. Alright, I understand. Your ambition is…greater than this, isn't it?"

"Is that so… You've caught on. Impressive."

Unbeknownst to me, I was on the verge of following her line of thought. If I did, I would be pierced by her spear. Truly.

Anyway, once I admitted it, Aila chuckled and nodded.

"What do you think I am?"

"A lady of ambition. A wielder of black magic."

"Heh. I like that. Wolfram, as long as you don't disappoint me, this place is truly yours. I promise you that as the owner of the building."

"I'm extremely grateful for that."

From a tenant's perspective, there was nothing wrong with maintaining a good relationship with the building owner.

"But could you clarify one thing for me?"

"What is it?"

"How did you manage to win over the graduate students? They should only be concerned with graduation, assignments, and papers… Is this some kind of costly secret?"

Ah, that?

"Well, it's not that difficult."

I stood up from my seat and handed Aila a piece of individually wrapped candy.

"What's this?"

"You'll understand once you open it and taste it."

At my words, Aila unwrapped the candy and placed it in her mouth. And then…


"It seems you like it."

Her eyes widened, she let out an exclamation, and then looked at me.

"C-Candy? This tastes like it should be reserved for the royal family… No, even better. How on earth did you…?"

"That's my secret weapon."

"Did you manage to acquire a stockpile of candy before leaving? No, that wouldn't be much of a secret. Either you have connections with candy suppliers, or you…"

As she mumbled, I shook my head. I didn't know how far she would take this misunderstanding. She might end up saying something like, "You're connected to the underground organization of the empire and planning a rebellion!" Really, ambition is just a step away from becoming a middle-schooler's delusion.

"I made it myself."

"What did you say?"

"If I have the ingredients, I can make this anytime."

"I see. So this is one of your 'skills.'"

Please don't emphasize the word 'skill.' It's embarrassing. I remained silent, and Aila continued.

"I won't ask for the recipe… as long as you're my fiancé and on my side. Because you're someone who can be of assistance to me."

I appreciate that.

"Heh. I'm happy too, Wolfram. Despite being pushed to the brink of hell, you will rise higher than anyone else and spread your wings of rebellion."

No, that's not it.

It's really not like that.

It sounds quite cool when you hear it directly.

Aila's eyes sparkled as she spread her arms wide.

"Is there anything you want from me?"

"Something I want?"

"You've shown me something wonderful, so I want to repay you."


I nodded. There was something I desired. The most crucial item for an adventure.

"I need a map of the eastern forest near the academy. There's something I need to obtain there."

"Even if you had the map, wouldn't it be challenging with your physical strength? Should I send someone with you?"

I genuinely appreciate your kind offer. Truly.

"…It's a covert operation."

"I see. Understood. I'll keep an eye on what you're planning. I'll bring you the map by tomorrow."

With that, Aila stood up from her seat, and I contemplated the eastern forest.

I'm sorry, Aila.

"There's an item hidden in the depths of the eastern forest."

So I can't give up on it.

I need to eat and survive, don't I?