
Product 66 - Cliche Novel

"Count Glass, what did you just say?"

"When will the two of you have the wedding ceremony? That's what I asked."

What in the world…

"Count Glass, just to let you know."

"Dad, Wolfram and I don't have such plans yet."

Aila swiftly interjected before any further discussion could take place.

"Uh, um? Aila?"

"Dad, Wolfram is currently undertaking a significant task. It's truly a momentous endeavor. It will undoubtedly greatly benefit our Tristar family."

"That's correct. So…"

"However, I don't think that should be the determining factor for our relationship."


"Are you rushing the marriage because of the family's 'matter,' aren't you?"

"Correct. You are well aware."

"Yes, I also understand that it is extremely urgent."

"Uh, um. Then."

"But that should not be the deciding factor for the two of us. Not at all."


I tilted my head in confusion at Aila's explanation.

So, to summarize, Count Glass wanted to expedite the marriage with Aila, considering me the person he needed to apprehend after hearing about my accomplishments.

However, Aila firmly asserted that our relationship should not be influenced by external factors. Is that the gist of it?


I see.

I don't comprehend everything.

But pretending to be informed is also a skill, isn't it?

"Well, it's not like we can hold the ceremony while we're still enrolled at Jephryn. Couldn't we discuss it after graduation?"

"Um. Understood. I was too hasty."

With that, Count Glass bowed his head deeply.

After the conversation had concluded, Aila's gaze turned toward me. She stared at me intensely, as if she had something she wanted to convey, so I nodded to acknowledge her.


That night.

Sitting on the terrace of the designated room on the third floor, I gazed at the night view. The mansion was quiet except for the occasional chirping of insects, and the moon shone brightly, giving the garden the appearance of a painting with a deep blue filter. While savoring the exquisite scenery, a soft voice reached my ears from below.

"Wolfram? Are you awake?"

Something floated gently towards me and drew closer. To be precise, Aila Tristar was levitating through the air towards me, as if stepping on an invisible platform.

Levitate. A high-level magic of at least the 5th tier.

"You can use levitation magic?"

"Huh? Ahaha. No. I created transparent crystal stairs below."


That's indeed a remarkable application of magic. Crafting transparent crystals with magic circles in the air and using them as steps.

"That's clever. A brilliant use of magic."

"Hehe. Isn't it?"

Aila beamed and then conjured a chair made of black obsidian on the terrace and took a seat. She hesitated for a moment, then smiled and continued speaking.

"I'm truly sorry about the dinner. My father… ahem. My dad must have been in quite a hurry."

"It's okay."

Well, officially, we are engaged.

Parents can say such things.

"Actually, I have something to discuss with Wolfram because of what my father mentioned earlier. Thank you for recognizing my signal and coming out."

"What. But couldn't you have used the stairs?"

"I did use the stairs? …Just kidding. I came this way because I have something confidential to share with you. The servants would make a commotion if I wandered around the mansion."

"Hmm. I understand."

That also makes sense. Considering the number of servants in the Tristar household, that would be likely.

"Anyway. What I wanted to talk about is not a big deal; it's about what my father said earlier today."

"The wedding discussion."


Aila scratched her cheek and smiled awkwardly. Then she laughed again and continued.

"Actually, I've thought a lot about it… Was our engagement arranged when I was 8 years old?"


I don't know.

That's something 'Wolfram' would know.

But upon self-reflection.

There are a few things I could understand.

"It was quite urgent. Aila Tristar wanted power, and…"

"Wolfram von Roengreen was a prince on offer."

"...Yes. That's right."

Eve von Roengreen has no fiancé.

This is because she has proven her value as a member of the royal family on her own.

Precisely, it is because her bride price is so high that the value of a political marriage as a bargaining chip cannot be measured.

The shift of power could become serious.

However, Wolfram is not like that.

He is just a discarded piece with good lineage. A worthless prince.

"But at that time, I only thought, 'Ah, so I'm going to marry this person.' My family only congratulated me on marrying a prince. I thought it would just go on like that, that I would live my life that way."

"Is that so?"

"···It's not that I dislike it. It's beyond liking or disliking you, Wolfram?"

"Go on."

"Uh-hum. Yes. It didn't seem right. It's not rebellion, is it? It's not a path I chose for myself, right?"


"Rebellion is about throwing off all shackles that block your path and choosing your own life, isn't it?!"


Even if you seek agreement like that… I really don't know.

So that's Aila's rebellion. So there was such a standard.

I really don't know.

"In fact, I realized it after seeing Wolfram."

"···Me? I ignited your will to rebel?"

"Yes! Exactly!"

Don't say it so joyfully.

I don't have a clue.

"···Okay. In what way?"

"When you relinquished the position of student council president and pursued what you wanted. When you cast aside the privileges you were born into and forged your own path."


"One's own path is chosen by oneself. The captain steering the ship of life."


That helm might lead to ruin, though.

Anyway, that's it.

That Wolfram is really something.

I'd like to meet him too.

"I was moved. Do you understand this feeling? It's a very challenging life!"

"Is it? Isn't it your own life?"

"No. For a noble, it's about the environment, power, and politics. But… Wolfram will do it, has done it to some extent, and is doing it!"

"···That, that's right."

"So… I also want to live my life in that way. So, Wolfram. Can we postpone deciding our answer for a bit?"

"···We'll postpone it."

"Yes. When we can completely disregard the external factors around us. When we have seized control of our own destiny. When the rebellion has succeeded. Then, Wolfram and Aila will provide their own answer."

Aila said this and extended her hand. I clasped her slightly trembling hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"For now, we are friends, connected by trust, credibility, and faith. Someday, when fate brings us together, we may become more than that."

"A comrade in your rebellion, as you put it."

"Yes. ···Do I complain too much?"

"No, I think it's good, too."

"Thank you."

Aila's smile, illuminated by the moonlight, radiated warmth. Someone who doesn't want a life dictated by others but seeks to find her own path.

Despite hailing from the power-hungry Tristar family and being forcibly engaged to a seemingly worthless prince, she genuinely considers her counterpart, reflects on her own life, and suggests that they understand each other and find their own answers.

"So it's a rebellion."


"You're remarkable, Aila. I also admire the way you live your life. When we can provide our own answers, we can revisit this story."

"Crossing paths might not be too bad, though."

A strong wind blew, and I couldn't catch Aila's final words.

"···It's getting cold. Go inside and rest."

"···Yes. Goodnight, Wolfram."


The following day.

The grace of royal blood, indeed, allows one to maintain elegance in any situation. So, I woke up early, completed my grooming, and was contemplating the morning schedule when there was a knock on the door.

"It's open. Come in."

"Yes. Excuse me, Brother."


There's no one in this world who could call me that. The day Eve von Roengreen refers to me as 'brother' is only when she's about to thrust the holy spear into my abdomen, saying something like 'Farewell. It's been a pleasure. Brother.'

Otherwise, she wouldn't use such a term.

So, this 'brother' was exceedingly… exceedingly unexpected. So unexpected that my brain momentarily stopped functioning.

And the person who entered the room was a miniature version of Aila, in other words, a child who resembled a shrunken Aila. It was Spica Tristar.


"Yes, Brother. I came to meet you. You're happy, right? Revolutionarily happy."

"Of course."

"Hehe. As expected of a brother who understands revolutions."



If Aila doesn't cause trouble in Act 3, hypothetically speaking.

In that case, she will be enrolling at Jephryn next year, right?

And the sisters would be a pair, both talking about rebellion, revolution… chatting incessantly beside me…


I don't like this.

Should I consider dropping out?

"Come on, let's go. Brother. Father is waiting for you."

"Understood. But why did Spica come to meet me?"

"That's because… Hehe. Do you remember our conversation last night? Sister talked a lot about your life story!"

"I remember, but…"

"I was incredibly moved. When you stepped down from being the student council president. Ah, I thought it was a big deal… But to think it was even part of the plan… You are truly a fitting partner for a revolution!"


"So, Brother. Since sister has rejected that path, wouldn't it be revolutionary if I took it? To seize what rightfully belongs to her. Just thinking about it is thrilling… It's revolutionary!"


With that, Spica smiled contentedly.

I don't understand. Or more precisely, I don't even want to understand.

This house is a nest of sorcery. With that thought, I flicked off a few mental switches, ready to respond reflexively to whatever came next.

"So where are we headed? It doesn't seem like it's toward the dining room."

"Ah. To father's office. He said he has something to discuss with you. Would you like to have breakfast first?"

"No, if Count Glass has something to say, let's hear it first."

Eventually, we arrived at Count Glass's office, and as Spica opened the door upon his invitation, Count Glass was standing there.

"Wolfram von Roengreen, Your Highness."

"Hmm. Count Glass."

"I'm truly sorry about last night!"

In a situation where I didn't know what to say,

Count Glass bowed deeply at a right angle to apologize.

Why so suddenly?


I don't understand, so let's just pretend to.

In this house, where I don't know anything—or rather, don't want to know anything—it's best just to act as if I'm drunk on the atmosphere, as if I'm diluted with water.

First, I sat on the chair prepared for me and accepted Count Glass's apology.

"Please raise your head. It makes me uncomfortable."

"Do you forgive me? I thought it was a great rudeness…"

"Yes, of course. It seems that Count Glass himself is aware of some wrongdoing, isn't he?"

"···Yes. The marriage between His Highness Wolfram and Aila is a matter of great importance to the royal family. My remarks last night… seemed to disregard the royal family… I'm truly sorry."


Ah, so that's how it's interpreted.

So, if my marriage were to happen… it would certainly be a royal event. No matter that the bride's family is just a count's household, it could look like 'a mere count's family is influencing a royal event.'

"I will let it slide. Moreover… as Aila said yesterday, this matter will be resolved by the two of us, and we would appreciate it if you could wait for the outcome, whatever it may be."

"Thank you."

At my words, Count Glass appeared visibly relieved.

And… Spica also clenched her fist and seemed happy.

Why are you happy?


The subsequent conversation was quite relaxed and comfortable.

It mainly revolved around how the upcoming field study would be conducted.

However, the more questions I asked, the stiffer Count Glass's expression became.

As if the site for the field study was not prepared.

Hmm. I thought it would be about learning the overall direction of the mine, hearing about the site's management a few times, and conducting a mine inspection.

Looks like this is not the case.

"…Is there a problem with the mine?"

"······Unfortunately, yes."

"Hmm. May I hear what the problem is, Count Glass?"

"In a large mine owned by our family nearby, monsters have appeared. They've even nested, so the site inspection is a bit…"

"I see."

Ah, that's disappointing.

I thought I'd relax at the Tristar mansion and then go.

Ah, truly disappointing. It's a shame not to learn anything from the field study.

"…Now that I think about it, I've heard that Your Highness Wolfram is skilled in monster hunting. You've been successful in several expeditions,"

"Me? Well, it's just basic knowledge for a student."

"Hmm. I hesitate to ask, but if you could lend us your expertise to hunt this monster…"

Ah, it's annoying.

I typically don't accept such requests. I don't want to.

I just want to rest, you know? I don't want to do it.

"If it's effective, we will reward you generously. Of course, we intend to reward you even if it's not."

"Very well. Let's see the site."

"Indeed! You are His Highness, the Prince!"

"Wolfram Brother!"

"We should help each other, shouldn't we? Please don't worry about it."



Can't help it.

It's not about the money, but there's a problem with Aila's family mine, right?

If one has loyalty, one must help, right?