
Product 60 - Cliche Novel

Another significant conflict has come to an end.

Well, it's a bit of a stretch to label it as a conflict, but when you phrase it that way, it seems like everything has been resolved and settled.


After the midterm exams, the tension generally eases, and everyone becomes more relaxed. That's expected. The exams concluded yesterday, and the final exams are still quite some time away.

There are classes in between, but at Jephryn, which follows a credit system, you can advance to the next grade with relative ease if you perform well in mandatory courses and complete a few electives.

In my case, I excelled in a mini-test and achieved the highest score in the course on Magic and Social Development. So, unless I completely fail the final exam, this semester will pass without much trouble.

"···I don't really need to worry about tuition."

Considering the money I earned from the student competition and the legitimate income I've gained from my involvement with the student council, it's like adding wings to a tiger.

Yes. The current Wolfram is like a soaring tiger.

Anyway, with all that money, what am I doing now? I'm renovating the convenience store.

If you're wondering why in the world I would renovate a convenience store, the answer is that this place was never 'ordinary' to begin with.

Wooden counters. Dilapidated walls. Worn-out linoleum on the floor. I got rid of all of that.

I procured materials with the help of a skilled worker and used Patrasch. Since this guy can use [Telekinesis]​, I even re-wallpapered the place.

I also worked on-site, satisfying my hunger at a fast-food joint. When my instructions and Patrasch's labor align, the result is nothing short of perfection.

And for Patrasch, I promised three days of vacation, while I myself succumbed to muscle soreness. Muscle soreness now feels like a familiar companion. I'd find it even more concerning if it arrived late.

Having shaken off the fatigue, I began stocking the shelves of the convenience store.

In the fridge, there are cream puffs and beverages. On the counters, there are basic healing potions and stats-enhancing potions, arranged according to my recollection. Additionally, there are toys crafted by a skilled worker and snacks from Magical Patissier.

I didn't forget to include beverages made from beans grown through potion cultivation, either. While it may not be perfect, it doesn't fall short of a modern-day convenience store.


As a result, my proficiency in Magical Patissier has advanced to a high level. If I reach the highest level, I can become an 8-tier Shining Patissier.

And my proficiency with skilled work and potion manufacturing has reached an intermediate level.

Now, if only customers would come.

This convenience store still doesn't have many visitors, except for a few regulars.

"Maybe it would be more profitable to supply goods to stores in Zone 1 or sell the rights to Aila."

No, no. I didn't open this convenience store with such a defeatist mindset. I'm going to be the king of convenience stores!

"But the fact that customers aren't coming is something to ponder."

Hmm. Sipping a smoothie through a straw, I contemplated once again. How could I attract customers? While I was focused on that…


A loud noise came from a distance.

"Senior! Seniooor!"

"You again?"

Oh, Nephti.

Just be quiet and get back to work.


Nephti came in wearing work clothes instead of a school uniform, breathing heavily.

"Did you come from a work site again?"

"Yes, this time it was an outsourced job from the student council! The daily wage is good, and they strictly adhere to quitting time!"

"···Hmm. It's a national request business, after all. Just remember, if you don't follow safety guidelines, you could get expelled immediately."

"···You know it well, senior?"


Well, I've had my own experiences too.

"Anyway, I was inspecting the bleachers under the student council's instructions this time!"

"Hmm. So?"

Nephti lowered her head slightly and whispered to me.

"I think I've stumbled upon a significant money-making opportunity. We could strike it big."


Is it that same old routine?

Her eyes are gleaming, and her voice is filled with excitement.

"What is it this time? Did you discover a real treasure instead of another one of our great ancestor's treasure maps?"

"No, why would you say such foolish things? If there was something like that, wouldn't I have found it myself?"


I wanted to smack her but held back. I'd lose if I fought with this girl.

"So, what is it? Get to the point."

"···Ehehe. You really want to hear? Fine then. Ehehe."

"Just get on with it; I can make enough money without you."

"Ah, wait a moment! Senior! I'm serious. It's really a big deal!"

"Then stop stalling and tell me."

"Um, yes. Let me see, you're familiar with the academic schedule, right? The midterms are over, so what's left is…"

"Sports festival and external experiential learning."

"You know it well? Ah, right. You used to be the student council president."

What does she mean, 'used to be'?

"So, get to the point."

"Do you know about the Jephryn Sports Festival?"

"Isn't it a festival where the Magic Department only provides funding, and the Knight Department competes and have fun?"

"Yes. The Magic Department has the Demonology Festival in the second semester instead, and it's essentially a festival where only freshmen and the Knight Department participate."

"Because the Magic Department folks have money and don't like to participate."

"Yes. And the significant difference with the sports festival from other events is…"

"External visitors can enter for a limited time."


For Nephti, this is quite a thoughtful idea.

"In other words, let's take advantage of that time. When the number of external visitors increases."

"Exactly! Especially since you have experience running a stall, let's make a fortune! We're going to become rich!"


Not a bad idea.

Let's make a substantial profit by doing business for the tourists during the sports festival.

After Jephryn's midterms, the sports festival unfolds.

In some sense, this event symbolizes blessings.

Once you overcome the challenges of the entrance ceremony, skill verification, mini-tests, and midterms, fewer students get expelled from Jephryn than you might think. A sort of selection process.

Unless Eve messes up, and everyone gets expelled, there are practically no students getting expelled. And Eve is doing better than expected, albeit a bit shaky.

Therefore, Jephryn's sports festival is a celebration for the students who have become part of the prestigious academy, and it's also a stage where parents can witness their children's first growth.


"···Cotton candy at the amusement park costs seven thousand won each. If you add bear ears, it's ten thousand won."

"What are you talking about?"

"It exists. So, are you suggesting we make money with that? Setting up a stall or something?"


"What do you want in return? It's not information fees. If we partner up, you probably don't have the capital."


With that smile, Nephti grinned broadly.

"I understand even if you don't say it. Supplying the goods, renting the stall, and sharing the sales profits. You also want an hourly wage?"

"···Wasn't the insight skill a legendary one? Senior, when did you acquire such a skill?"

Indeed, I didn't want to know, but your greedy face told me everything.

However, this information was more helpful than I thought, and compared to the dud map she brought last time, realizing this profit would be straightforward.

"Fine. I'll do everything as you wish. The hourly wage is 20,000 rin. I'll prepare the goods; you only have to handle the customers flocking in. Any complaints?"

Nephti kneeled on one knee and extended her right hand toward me.

"Loyalty. Devotion. Integrity. I swear eternal loyalty to you, my lord, with these beliefs."

"Very well. My knight. Knight of faith, Nephti. Now you have a task to do. There will be no contract if you refuse."

"Give me your command, my lord."

"First, promise to keep secrets at the risk of your life."

"My sword and heart are yours."

"Good. Then you'll need to make a quick visit to the black market. I'll provide a black robe for you; wear it and cover your face with a mask."

"···I'm sorry, what?"


Behind the 4th Knight Department building, there's a black market.

Everyone at Jephryn Knight Academy knows about it, but not everyone frequents it.

In fact, they make sure to warn incoming second-year students not to venture there, emphasizing the existence of the black market.

"···Is it really okay? Will we be fine?"

"It's alright. It's just a black market."

"Uh, uh-uh···. What if we get expelled?"

Nephti seemed more nervous than I expected.

"Hmm. Just so you know, it's highly unlikely you'll get expelled."

"···Wh-what do you mean?"

"Do you know why this black market was established and how it operates?"

"Well, I don't."

"Allow me to explain."

In Jephryn, all goods can only be sold or consigned at 'authorized stores.' However, due to the excessive taxes and consignment fees, people created the black market to save a few pennies.

"The first black market in Jephryn's history was akin to a bazaar. Even the student council at the time couldn't do much about it."

"···So, it's primarily for tax evasion?"

"Initially, yes. The real issue is the Black Flag."

"···Those who have been expelled but haven't left Jephryn. The ones hiding in the shadows."

"Exactly. And that history goes back more than a century."

Some of those who received expulsion notices had no face to return to their hometown. They chose to remain here and conceal themselves in the shadows of Jephryn.

"But why won't we get caught? Isn't it risky if they find out we came here?"

"No, it's not. This black market, despite its rough appearance, is quite clever."


"Just follow me."

We headed to a stall in the 4th zone where a student was selling fruit.

"What will you buy?"

Here, we put to use an item we acquired on our last expedition with Eve.

'Black Market Entry Pass'

'Secret Code Scroll'

No need to speak here. I wrote the secret code on the paper and briefly displayed the Black Market Entry Pass.

"···Proceed inside. Do you know how to use it?"

I nodded and walked past the stall alley, where two guards were stationed.

One appeared to be a typical warrior, and the other seemed like a mage.

Both wore stern expressions, suggesting they meant business.

"If you're just purchasing, pay in Rin."


Here, we put into play another item we acquired at the mountain lodge.

It's the 'Black Flag Officer Token.'

As soon as they saw it, both of their faces turned pale, and they lowered their heads.

"It's an honor to meet a superior."

"What can we do for the cause?"

I pointed at the masks that Nephti and I were wearing, and the woman who appeared to be a mage nodded.

"Whom should I transform you into?"

I didn't say a word but wrote 'Iron Wall' on the paper.

On the other side, I wrote 'archenemy' and handed it to her. She chanted the spell with a smile.

[8th-tier magic Fake Face is activated.]

[8th-tier magic Fake Voice is activated.]

[Wolfram von Roengreen's face becomes Iron Wall Leon Weiss.]

[Wolfram von Roengreen's voice becomes Iron Wall Leon Weiss.]

[The duration is two hours.]

[Caution: The magic is weak and may be dispelled by strong shock!]

"The duration is two hours. Avoid sudden movements."

"I understand."

"All for the greater cause."

"The black flag aims for the sky."


Nodding in agreement, Nephti and I left the waiting room and entered the black market. We continued to walk down the quiet alley. When I casually checked my compact mirror, my face had undeniably transformed into that of Iron Wall Leon Weiss. And behind me, Eve looked noticeably healthier.

"Huh, what? This isn't my voice… Wait, is this Eve's voice?"


"Senior Iron Wall? What?"

"It's one of the privileges that black flag officers enjoy in the black market."

"Were you a black flag officer?"

Nephti eyed me cautiously, and I nodded.

"I recently obtained an officer's badge during an expedition with Eve."

"Really? So you authenticated using someone else's badge? If you get caught…"

"There's no need to worry about getting caught. To anyone observing, I'm a black flag officer."


Nephti kept tilting her head.

"The black flag doesn't keep records of its officers. In fact, there's hardly any horizontal connection among the officers. They often don't even know each other."


"About eighty years ago, there was a major crackdown on the black flag by the student council. It happened because one captured officer spilled the beans on the others. Since then, the structure of the black flag has completely changed."


"Don't cross the flags."


"It shifted to a policy of distrust among its members. Badges are produced in limited numbers and distributed to the strongest. Being a black flag officer is ultimately only confirmed by this badge. If it's stolen, then the person who lost it is a fool."

"So, if it's duplicated, can anyone become a black flag officer?"

"It's not something easily replicated. The top officer at that time created only 20 precious items through 4th-tier magic."


"Questions later. We've arrived."

"Ah, the end of the alley… Huh?"

As the alley ended, light suddenly burst forth. It was the darkest part of the black market located at the end of the 4th zone of the knight department.

"It's cheap! Poison fruits for just 100 Rin!"

"Hey there, customer! How much do you know? I'll give you a special deal!"

Although it seemed like this in the game, visiting it in person was like a true flea market. But what really caught Nephti's attention wasn't just that.

"This is the black market. Is it your first time?"


What's even more intriguing is the faces you see among those who wear black robes to conceal their identities.

"Is that Senior Aila? … Wait, isn't that Eve? But I'm supposed to be Eve. And Senior Regina is here too?!"

"I told you, no one can recognize us."

8th-tier skills: Fake Face and Fake Voice. They deliberately mimic the faces of 'prominent figures in broad daylight' to use as disguises. Consequently, there are dozens of identical individuals here.

"Everyone does it, adopting the visage of a title holder. You might even come across the appearance of a Knight of Faith."

"…Yeah, even the Knight of Faith… eh heh."

Selling goods. People. Identities. It's all a sham. But in a street where you can't be sure if they might be genuine. Nephti whispered softly, gazing intently at the people around her.

"Iron Wall. Strong Sword. Black Obsidian. Magic Merchant. Student Council President… Ah, really, there's the Knight of Faith. Eh heh heh."

"Isn't it fascinating? It's like a masquerade."

"But it's peculiar."

"What's peculiar?"

"No matter how much I look, I can't spot the former Student Council President's face."


"So, you weren't that well-known?"



It's possible.

Do you have to be so negative about it?