
Product 56 - Cliche Novel

The days of my life as Lee Young-jin.

In other words, it's the story of when I was learning about computers at the orphanage.

As I mentioned briefly earlier, the computer specifications were terrible, and they mostly ran old games. So, the first thing I did when I started living in a one-bedroom apartment was to invest in a high-quality computer and go all-in on D/Z SAGA.


Among the games I could play there, there was one featuring a blue hedgehog.

That classic masterpiece, famously known as an incredible game right from the start. If you play Sonic 3, you'll encounter a red-haired mole-like creature named Jemclez.

Later on, Jemclez Di Wooganda, who becomes an ally in part 3, appears as an annoying villain.

He steals the seven gems that function as a super move. He constantly interferes, brings down the protagonist Sonic, and creates chaos. Then, he escapes with a big laugh. As a child, I really wanted to defeat him.

So, every time I encounter this 'mischievous trickster boss who always manages to escape,' I feel a strong urge to take him down first. He's incredibly irritating.


I did attack her. Not for any particular reason.

Just because I was curious.

I'm sorry it ended up like this. Please understand.



Anyway, I commanded Patrasch to charge and bite.

A high-pitched scream echoed, and he took a couple of steps back.


A defensive spell pushed Patrasch away, and with a snap, Patrasch was thrown off.

"He wouldn't usually be thrown off like that… it must be because my magical power is lacking."

But this should suffice.

Patrasch has done his part.

In this brief moment,

Here, the most talented, rational, and divinely gifted genius has grasped the situation, adjusted the course, re-strategized, and is prepared to strike her down.

I had explicitly instructed Eve to 'hit with the most powerful spell all at once.'

And Eve faithfully followed my command.

Whoosh. Swoosh.

Mana is transformed into light. All the wills around are subdued by the divine magic. Magic fills the atmosphere, but only someone with strong magical power and a strong will can control it.

So, how strong is Eve now?

With a bag of popcorn hidden in the back seat, I focused on her attack.

Magic Level.

18 is beyond human,

19 is nothing short of a god-given genius,

20 is a monster,

21 will be remembered in history as a grand sorcerer.

Eve Von Roengreen.

A wizard with a magic level of 22, the greatest talent since the first emperor.

On her right hand, she lightly condenses mana, transforms it into light, shapes it into a spear, and prepares to launch it.

[Holy Spear: Single Shot: Maximized: Guaranteed Hit: Stun]

A holy spear infused with sanctity.

A single shot with maximized magic. It ensures a clean hit and has a stunning effect.


Oh, even the lines are impressive.

Right after, Eve's Holy Spear soared toward 'that person' and struck her accurately.


She managed to block it with a defensive spell somehow. What's her magic level? Well, it's lower than Eve's. Her robe may be a tier-6 magical tool, but it had limitations against withstanding all of Eve's power.

"Hmm. It's neither a piercing nor a critical hit."

If it were Aila, she could have easily pierced through and struck the person.

The spear didn't pierce her but sent her flying.


Her body soared and crashed through the cabin, rebounding and smashing into the mountain behind.


Several trees fell, and dust and wood chips erupted from the fallen giant tree.

The continuous sound repeated, resembling that of a broken music box. Something was thrust into the tree, collided again, then flew off. The ensemble playing the Canon Variations once again struck, collapsed, thrust, pierced, and elicited a crumbling sound.

The chaotic noise, using people and the audience as makeshift percussion instruments, soon subsided. How many trees must have fallen like that? Now, her screams could no longer be heard.

"···Phew. Snap out of it! We need to pursue her since she took my hit!"


Following Eve's command, the other student council members quickly followed suit. Eve, after exhaling, turned her gaze in my direction.

"I told you to deliver a full-force blow in a single strike, didn't I?"

"Did you not see it? That's my maximum capability within the limited time frame I have."

A casting time of 8 seconds and 5 measures?

"I understand."

I nodded in agreement. Eve placed her hands on her hips, snorted, and grinned confidently. Not bad. A bit slower than Aila, but certainly more powerful.

However, I had a question.

"There's something I'd like to inquire about."

"What is it?"

"Sacred chant, single-shot, maximization, sure-hit. Up to that point, I saw a firm intention. It was the perfect combination for a one-strike takedown. But then…"

"But then?"

"Why didn't you include vital penetration at the end? Was stun necessary?"

"Are you a devil? If I added that, it wouldn't have been a strike but a deadly stab!"

"Wouldn't that be lethal too?"

"···It shouldn't be? I made sure it shouldn't. Probably."

As she said this, Eve turned pale and looked at me.

As expected.

The growth itself isn't bad, but this kid is too kind and lacks a killer instinct.

At this rate, I'm not sure if she can overcome Act 5 of that hell. In the original work, she shattered Wolfram's jar with a sacred chant or something.

"I see. Understood. However, let's discuss it after assessing the culprit's situation."

"Can't we take it slow? I used up a lot of magic."

"Hmm. Handling it with just the student council members could be challenging, or she might have escaped, so you should join quickly."

"Run away? After taking that hit? It's unlikely. She even fainted!"


It doesn't seem like she'd be caught that easily.


Subsequently, everyone rushed toward the site of the wreckage. As they cleared away the debris from the fallen trees and approached where the holy spear had struck, the student council executives who arrived first began searching the area.

"How did it go?"

As Eve approached Sylphia and inquired, Sylphia knelt on one knee and bowed her head apologetically.

"I'm sorry···. She got away."

"What? Re, really?"

"She vanished without a trace. It appears she used spatial magic."

"Is there a chance that Eve's attack was so powerful that she disintegrated?"

"What are you···No. Hmm. I see."

Sylphia was almost about to get angry at my question but then entered deep thought, while Eve looked pale and glanced at me. After a brief moment of contemplation, Sylphia shook her head and conveyed her conclusion.

"No, that's not possible. If she had disintegrated, there would have been a 'bang!' during the process."


Upon hearing Eve's slightly surprised reaction, Sylphia bowed her head apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Eve. Anyway, if she had disintegrated, something from inside him would have to spill out. However, there wasn't a single 'bloodstain.'"

"A reasonable deduction. So, she escaped?"

Even if the body weight is 45kg, 70% is water, and most of that water is blood. So at least 30kg of blood should have spilled, right?

It's horrifying. Thank goodness I didn't witness it.

"Either she possessed an artifact for complete defense or had some stats resistance. Shock absorption, maybe. She must have been equipped with an artifact featuring multiple protective spells for spatial transfers."

I nodded in agreement with Sylphia's explanation.

So, the absence of penetration led to this outcome.

In video games, defense penetration or bypassing defenses would be the ideal choice, but it appears that there are constraints on enhancing spells in the reality these kids inhabit.

Sylphia's reasoning was logically sound.

Sylphia's reasoning made sense as well. Despite her eccentricities, she excelled at deductive reasoning. Her somewhat peculiar personality might make her a suitable guardian knight for Eve.

"….Missed, huh."

Eve lowered her head deeply. Amongst us, Eve was undoubtedly the most affected by the situation. Did she believe that her attack had failed to connect?

"…If it had been more than just a stun and had been a vital hit, she wouldn't have been able to escape. I made a careless miscalculation, and it led to everyone taking a futile step."


Eve forced a wry smile, and I chuckled.

"If you had done that, you might have actually killed her. Are you a demon?"

"You pointed out that it should be a penetrating hit!"

"Yeah, but what you're saying is quite amusing."

"What's so funny? I'm being serious."

Isn't that humorous enough?

"If it's not possible to capture her, should have prepared to kill instead? Is that your approach? Are you ready to take someone's life?"


Eve sighed audibly.

After a prolonged period of contemplation, she opened her eyes with clarity. They were steady, resolute eyes.

"Yes. I'm not prepared to kill anyone. I only mentioned it out of regret. I genuinely don't want to kill. I don't want blood on my hands. I care for Jephryn. I hope no one dies during my tenure. So, I only attempted to subdue, and I failed due to my lack of ability. …Is that acceptable?"

"Yes, that's sufficient."

"Next time, I'll craft a radiant spear for subduing purposes only."

For the first time in a while during this expedition, I could smile contentedly while looking at this individual.

Yes, this is Eve von Roengreen.

She makes frequent errors, can be anxious, is emotionally vulnerable, and struggles to control her emotions when provoked. She clings to her preconceived notions tenaciously.

However, when she acknowledges her mistakes, she immediately reflects and devises a plan for improvement on the spot.

That's why she's the main heroine of this game, and though she wasn't the top choice in popularity polls, her stats remained high, and those known as Eve's supporters always considered themselves her loyal followers.

Kelters points out Eve's mistakes and supports her growth as they vie for the throne, ultimately becoming a formidable Hero of light.

In this episode as well, thanks to Kelters, Eve regains her focus and Kelters receives an invitation to the student council. Yes, this mission, probably initiated by Act 2 Scene 1, served as a turning point.

"Wolfram… Wolfram von Roengreen."


"To be honest, you're a really unlucky person, annoying, and it's irritating that your name is listed just above mine in the family tree."

"Are you picking a fight?"

"Please hear me out. The perspective you've shown on this mission is colder, more rational, and more accurate than anyone else here."


"I'll cut to the chase. Would you consider joining the student council under me for this term?"


"It's my offer. I'll serve as your shield. If you think I'm wrong, correct me."


Sylphia remained silent, and everyone around widened their eyes. However, there was no strong opposition.

"Hmm, Wolfram right now is… "

"I'm honestly very skeptical, but…"

"Can he be trusted?"

"This mission was successful thanks to Wolfram, after all."


No one present vehemently opposed Wolfram von Roengreen's entry into the student council. It wasn't just because Eve proposed it; I myself guided them, led them, and supported them, so it's a privilege I've earned.

Life in the student council under Eve von Roengreen will be quite enjoyable. There's the fun-to-tease Sylphia, and witnessing Eve's growth will be fulfilling. I might have to bid farewell to the convenience store, but I can transition into mainstream society.

Hmm, the student council. I don't need to ponder it too much. Eve waited for my response with a smile, and I looked at her and returned the smile.

"Haha, if you're talking nonsense to this extent, you're really something, little sister. Why should I join under you?"

"I thought you'd say that."

We laughed and raised our middle fingers at each other.


That's not all, you know. These are the words one should say to a sibling… what a big brother should say. Hmm.

"Ah, and one more thing."


"If you ever stray down the wrong path, don't think it's only your family mate's nature to come and confront you. Even if you wander off course later on, I'll track you down without you having to say a word."


I patted Eve's shoulder and grinned.

"So, I'll be savoring the sweets at the convenience store, while you take charge of the hundred thousand Jeffreys. Why should I join the student council now? Are you crazy?"

"…Just you wait. If you evade even a single cent of tax at that convenience store, you're going to get expelled!"

Oh my. Threatening an elder sibling who offered you good advice with something so dreadful?