
Product 54 - Cliche Novel

Fact. I was exempt from military service.

Well, that's true. Orphans are not required to serve in the military.

However, it's a matter of choice to be exempt. Conversely, if you volunteer, you can enlist.

So, I chose to enlist. It was during a winter draft, and I became a labor soldier.

The reason for my decision was simple. I figured I'd be working on a construction site for the rest of my life anyway, and they mentioned that labor soldiers could earn an extra 10,000 won a day working in the office.

Anyway, it was a winter draft, so I experienced extreme cold during my time as a private first class.

And then, I experienced something else.

Underestimating a night in the mountains can be deadly.

It's no joke; it's a painful experience that might make death seem easier. My feet felt like they were about to fall off, and my nostrils froze when I inhaled. I could feel frost forming on my eyelids, and if I kept my eyes open for too long, I feared my eyeballs might freeze. It might not have been just a fear.

In any case, mountains are perilous. Sleeping in the mountains is even riskier.

Yet, the reactions of our proud Jephryn student council members were quite diverse.

"Wouldn't it be really cool to start a fire and gaze at the stars at night? Right?"

"Yes, we'd have a great view of the stars."

And then, it actually happened.

"Now, everyone, sleeping in the mountains is a place where real monsters come out, so don't take it lightly. Understood?"



They heeded Eve's advice as if they were listening to a teacher before a field trip and responded in unison. It felt just like when we were in the sixth grade of elementary school.

"It's genuinely risky…"

"Don't worry too much, my lord. We, the members of the Jephryn student council, can take care of ourselves."


"Please trust us."

"No, truly. This is my fault. How can I make amends…"

"My lord. The next expedition will be a few months later due to various circumstances."

"Uh, um, uuuuuuu…uuhh…"

Eve's head seemed to release steam and broke down.

"Eve von Roengreen."


"This expedition, if it indeed happens, is perilous. This is no joke. You understand that, right?"

"I do."

"Then why don't you put a stop to it?"

"There's no budget. No time. We don't know when we'll be able to gather again next time."

Well, that's how administration goes.

"Then why is everyone wearing uniforms and shoes? Weren't we heading to the mountain?"

"We are the student council at all times. We wear appropriate attire."

"Isn't there a knight faculty within the student council? Even if there were a third-year from the knight faculty, they would have established a uniform."

"It's the professor's directive."

According to Eve's brief explanation, gathering for this expedition was nearly impossible. Obtaining professors' approval, gathering information about the Black Flag hideout, timing the expedition, covering the costs for the members, and coordinating the schedules of all students—all these factors converged for this unique opportunity.

After the explanation concluded, I could draw one conclusion.

"Why the rush? The Eve von Roengreen I know wouldn't proceed so hastily. You didn't even push back against the professor's words?"


Eve clenched her fist and trembled. A complex sixteen-year-old, huh? Anyway, the budget shortfall is partly my fault. I'll need to consider whether to offer assistance or not.


An exciting adventure began with approximately twenty student council executives.

They all aimed their weapons at me, the one who they had removed from the student council president seat. They ascended the mountain road in a cart, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Wolfram…? Why?"

"Shh. Don't make eye contact."

That's right, don't even make eye contact, don't pay attention to me.


"What's so amusing?"

When I chuckled, Sylphia started speaking. She's the type who chimes in whenever I speak.

"No, I was just thinking about how interested the students are in me."

"Do you realize your own situation? How can you be so bold…"

"Situation? I understand. I'm an external guest who has been granted permission to join the expedition under Student Council President Eve von Roengreen, am I not?"


"Don't forget that how you treat a guest reflects on Eve von Roengreen, your president."

"Don't act so superior, Wolfram!"

"Is this how the current cohort treats guests?"

"…Ugh. Fine, we'll treat you that way for now. But understand this, we haven't forgiven you. We don't even think you'll be helpful on this expedition!"

"Watch out for the rocks ahead."


Sylphia nearly stumbled, but She quickly grabbed my rear carriage and steadied herself. I chuckled.

"It seems you've received assistance from me, huh?"

"… This won't happen again!"

"What if it does?"

"… I'll bet my life that it won't!"

Great. That's a good attitude.

I hope so. Really.

"Don't mind being against me, but don't unnecessarily drain your stamina."


"If you underestimate the mountain, you'll really die."

"What are you talking about?"

Well, you'll understand when you experience it.

Let's see. Eve said that the hideout is quite deep inside, and we'll probably arrive by lunch tomorrow.

So, today, it's mandatory mountain climbing for the next four hours?

"… Hee. Hic."

"Phew… Huff."

"Ah… Ugh!"

Mountain climbing. And everyone is doing it wearing enameled shoes and shiny white uniforms for four hours.

One by one, the students who had been eyeing me lost interest and instead looked up at the hill in front of them with even more resentment.

Even if you're walking on a path created by the great ancestor himself, the difficulty level is no joke.

"Phew. Heu…"

Sylphia Evergreen Grove isn't speaking either, but it's no exaggeration to say that she's nearly dying. According to her official background, she is the eldest daughter of a noble elf family in the city, so this is probably her first mountain climb.


I understand the difficulty of climbing a mountain while wearing uncomfortable enameled shoes, all because of some crazy professors.

So, I sincerely comforted them.

"I told you not to underestimate the mountain."

"Shut up… you're going comfortably…"


Well, that's true.

Patrasch's performance is excellent. He's pulling me along well. Even though it's a paved path, he's doing a great job.

Of course, this is thanks to the lowest grade magic stone placed on Patrasch's waist.

The durability of the magic stone is probably around 100, and its output is 1 per hour. So, Patrasch receives 1 unit of magical power for 100 hours. It's an expensive item, but I bought it for today's expedition.

It's like a salaried worker doing overtime while receiving an IV drip.

"…The day I end my contract with you, I might kill you, Master."

"Hmm. I look forward to that day."

I hope that day comes, right?


There's a saying: When you say you're dying, you're still alive enough to say it.

Students gradually lost their words, and only irregular breathing remained.

The gaze that once despised me for riding on Patrasch's rear carriage changed to envy and jealousy. Then they averted their gaze as they realized it was futile. As they were truly exhausted, they lost their words.

So, three hours into the mountain climb. We encountered monsters for the first time.

It seems we've gone much deeper than when I climbed with Nephty and Rudika. The number of monsters has significantly decreased. I was curious about the reason, and then I heard a voice from somewhere.

"They fear the dagger! Get close to them while chanting spells and thrust the dagger!"

…Was there such a pattern?

I pondered for a moment and then nodded.

"It makes sense since Rudika has killed so many. It's only natural."

The mountain of corpses she piled up has given the monsters psychological trauma and ended up helping the student council.

Anyway, we defeated a series of monsters. No one was injured, but the students' faces were filled with fear.

We have a long way to go to reach our destination, and it's already too late to turn back.

"Can we make it?"

"We just succeeded, didn't we? We just need to keep succeeding!"

"We have Eve, you know? It's… It's okay!"

This isn't good.

They might lose the courage to continue. If we hesitate and collapse here, we're in serious trouble.

"…Eve, get ready for camping."

"What? But still…"

"Wolfram. What do you think you know?"

Sylphia interrupted, but I shot her a sharp look.

"Keep quiet, kid. You know nothing about the mountain. Moreover, you don't have a say in this matter. Right now, I'm talking to Eve von Roengreen."

"What did you say?"

"Eve. The students are restless. Prepare the camp, have some food, and boost their spirits and confidence. Otherwise, everything will truly fall apart."


"The mountain night falls early. Once the sun sets, it's impossible to set up camp. Now is the right time."

"You're right, Wolfram. I'll start preparing for the camp."

"Miss Eve…"

Sylphia looked at Eve as if she couldn't trust her decision, and I gave her another stern look.

"Sylphia Evergreen Grove."

"…Why are you calling me?"

"Stop being so obstinate. Are you opposing for the sake of opposing? Was there anything wrong with my reasoning? Listen up, and keep quiet if you have nothing to add."


"As Eve's knight, you should consider Eve's goals and what you need to do to achieve them."


"Eve doesn't need an incompetent servant. If you show such disgrace again, I will have you removed from your position as a knight."

"Any objections?"


Sylphia clenched her fists and bowed her head deeply.

She listens well.

She's obedient.


Anyway, we started preparing for camp, and as expected, it was challenging.

"We somehow made it. Really…"


Even though we began setting up camp while the sun was still up, by the time we finished eating, it was already midnight. After dinner, setting up tents, and lighting a campfire, Eve gathered everyone to provide further instructions before heading into the tents.

"And so, after a night's sleep, we will reach the Black Flag headquarters tomorrow."

"…Tomorrow is going to be a real battle, huh?"

"Yeah, it seems that way."

"…What if we're tired from encountering monsters along the way, and then Black Flag starts a fight?"

Someone voiced that concern, and someone else agreed. Anxiety quickly spread. Gathering like children, facing real monsters, and possibly fighting villains who disregard school rules tomorrow.

"Everyone, calm down. Tomorrow will surely be fine."

Eve said the same. 'Tomorrow will surely be fine.' A leader shouldn't say that before a battle.

"…It's chilly."

"Even with the campfire? …I'm feeling a bit cold too."

Of course, it's cold. It's a mountain night, after all.


I really don't want to intervene, but if the kids are anxious, isn't it an adult's job to reassure them?

"Are you feeling overwhelmed?"

"Uh, no, I'm not."

"Eve von Roengreen, hand over the speech. I'll wrap it up nicely."


"Give it to me."


Eve stepped down from the platform, and as I stepped up, the audience looked at me with lifeless eyes.

I gazed down at them. Wolfram is an adult, and it's his responsibility to reassure the kids.

With that in mind, I looked at them. It feels new.

Aren't these the faces I encountered when I first woke up in this world?

They chased me away, persecuted me, and I almost starved because of them.

And now, I'm here to encourage them….

"Is this the generation that pushed me out and took power? It's really something to see you all gathered together, crying for your mothers, you little fledglings."


Why would I?

"It's only been four hours of mountain climbing, and you've already lost your spirit just from encountering one monster? Don't even think about facing Black Flag. Head back to the dorm, freshen up, and rest for the next opportunity."

With my words, the students looked even more disheartened. Some hung their heads low.

"But, at least Eve von Roengreen and I will head to Black Flag's headquarters tomorrow morning. Right?"

"…Yes, I'll go even if I'm alone."

"I'll accompany you."

As I glanced at them, Eve immediately responded, and Sylphia followed.

"So it's just the two of them. Both are well-liked and respected, but are you planning to send only those two to the battlefield? Is this what this year's student council is about?"

Other students were still hesitating. They wanted to go, but fear held them back.

This is the turning point.

The moment when I have to speak convincingly.

[Royal bloodline activated!]

"[Let me dispel your fears all at once.]"

In an instant, all eyes were on me.

"Do you see that rear car? What do you think is in it? My camping gear? No. If you're a student council member, you might have heard the rumors. It's [performance-enhancing snacks sold by Tristar Corporation]. I've brought them here."

The atmosphere intensified. They had heard of it. Yes. The rumors began to circulate. Why Wolfram? Isn't he engaged to the Tristar heiress? Yes, that's right! These words were echoed. Thank you, Aila. You've made it easier.

"This snack was directed by Eve von Roengreen, produced by Aila Tristar, and personally delivered by me. With this snack, [you will definitely win], [maintain mental stability], [enhance your abilities], [it's delicious], [and you won't gain weight]. This snack will lead you to [victory]."

The students' expressions started to relax. Suddenly, the idea of winning seemed possible. Yes, we can win! More people started echoing this sentiment.

It's working. It's really working.

This is the power of harnessing royal bloodline. It's almost like brainwashing, activating strong and memorable statements.

"But that's not all. Mountain nights are cold. But I've also brought items to keep you warm. Look, it's a heat pack!"

Saying so, I handed a heat pack from my pocket to a student in front. They passed it around, feeling its warmth. It's hot. It's comforting.

"With this heat pack, you can endure the cold, even the [chill in your hearts]."

Well, it doesn't actually have that function.

"At the same time, [if you eat these snacks, you'll gain courage on par with the elite guard who walked alongside our great ancestor in tomorrow's battle.]"

It would be too much if that were true.

"All the factors that could lead to your defeat are now gone. So, [are there still those who want to go home crying like mama's boys and girls?]"

I scanned the crowd. Someone clenched their fist.

"Can we win? With this, can we secure victory?"

"It's not 'can we'… We will win. We can win!"

"We will definitely win! Let's show Wolfram who's boss!"

"Damn it, Wolfram! Can we really let him belittle us like this?! He's the one we once kicked out! What does it say about us if he's better?!"

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"Aaaah! We're going to win! We are going to win!!"

Students clenched their fists and raised them toward the sky.

Yes, this is the right mindset. Thanks to young kids like you protecting Jephryn, Wolfram, who was expelled, can sleep peacefully.

I stepped down from the stage and faced Eve.

With slightly bloodshot eyes, she walked toward me.

"Was the speech worth listening to?"

"Wolfram, wait—"

Before Eve could say anything, I interrupted her.

"Ah, Eve, I forgot to mention."

"Um. Hmm. Huh. Yes. What is it?"

"I'll bill the student council for the cost of this speech too."


"Don't worry. I accept payments via the central bank card in installments too."

Did she even have a card?

Well, never mind.



"Go to hell."

"I have no intention of going to hell until I see how far my lower-tier registered mate can exploit the student council."

And so, we smiled and raised our middle fingers at each other.