
Product 53 - Cliche Novel


Sylphia Evergreen Grove.

Messenger of Yggdrasil and guardian knight of Eve. A senior-year student at the Knight's Academy, ranked second in her class. Renowned for her silver ponytail and extraordinary connection with nature, she holds the title of [Spirit Knight].

She widened her eyes in response to her liege, Eve von Roengreen's command. It was a mistake unthinkable for a servant who should exhibit unwavering loyalty to the royal family.

Yet, Eve's order was so unexpected that Sylphia couldn't resist seeking clarification.

"What did you just say?"

"I said Wolfram will also join us in the upcoming Black Flag Expedition."

"Wait a moment, my Lord. May I inquire about the reason behind your decision?"

"Um, well…"

Eve hesitated.

To question one's lord and induce hesitation! An act for which a servant might consider honorable self-disembowelment.

Without awaiting her lord's response, Sylphia deduced and reached her own conclusion.

"Ah, I understand fully."

"You do? How?"

"Because I am your sword."


Raised in a forest of evergreens, Sylphia was far from embodying the literal meaning of her name. Born into a noble family and brought up in the city, she could discern the harsh realities.

She had realized the murky political struggles within the royal family, understanding why a regular student like Wolfram should be with Eve!

Royal lineage.

The contrast between Eve von Roengreen and Wolfram.

And intricate politics.

"Is it due to pressure from the royals?"


"It's inevitable. But we should etch this humiliation into our hearts and move forward."


Though a question mark hung over Eve's head, Sylphia nodded, a tear even welling up in her eye.

"I swear in the name of Sylphia Evergreen Grove. I'll remember this humiliation and tread the path of glory with you, my Lord. Until the day you conquer all."

"Um… thank you, Sylphia."

Eve wasn't entirely certain, but it seemed she was convinced.

"Ah, so should we include Wolfram von Roengreen in the expedition team?"


Sylphia responded with a troubled expression.

"As you know, my Lord, this is our first expedition."

"Yes, I'm aware. We've always patrolled within the campus but never knew there were bases outside."

"And in the midst of that, we need to bring in Wolfram, an unpredictable element… Isn't his stats also dreadful?"


In a way, Sylphia had a point. Wolfram von Roengreen's stats was unquestionably unstable. Worthless, some might even say. But that didn't necessarily define Wolfram's potential.

"That won't be a problem."


"Yes, Wolfram von Roengreen joining won't pose an issue."


Upon hearing Eve's words, Sylphia nodded.

There could be no mistake in the path her lord had chosen.

But if her human lord were to make an error, it was her duty as a servant to assist as much as possible.

Sylphia intended to respect Eve's decision. As long as it wasn't a major mistake.

Leaving the student council office, Sylphia murmured.

"Please, don't cause any more burdens for Eve, Wolfram von Roengreen."

She genuinely hoped it wasn't a significant mistake.


A thrilling expedition day with those who once banished me!

Wow! Today, we have Wolfram von Roengreen, whom we personally banished!


They wouldn't suddenly throw a surprise execution party for Wolfram von Roengreen, would they?

No way, Eve wouldn't commit such a terrible act. I trust my sister.

But what if the Black Flag kills Wolfram, and they retrieve his body, claiming he was slain by monsters, implicating everyone in the student council!

"…No. It's an unanswerable question. I'll only find out by experiencing it."

Though I'm nervous, Eve is inherently bad at lying. If she says she will watch over me, she truly will.

"Besides, I remember this expedition. There's nothing to lose by participating."

I tried it from Kelters's perspective, and it was an Act 2 Scene 1 event, with some significant items dropping.

An item I must obtain to fulfill the great task of Wolfram von Roengreen.

Especially since, apart from this episode in the main story, it's hard to acquire.


This camping event really feels like it's going to be exciting. The students under Eve who dislike Wolfram, and the only person on my side is my sister, Eve.

"Come to think of it."

Originally, the second act was called "Exciting Academy" or "Flirty Academy" by the users.

"It applies to me in another sense as well."

Well, if my heart's going to race,

Isn't the adrenaline from feeling the threat of life and death more intense than that from love or a fling?


And the following day.

It's been a while since I visited the forest street where the Yggdrasil Elves conduct their trade.

Was the last time I visited here to sell clothes? It's been some time.

"···Wolfram? Ah, darn it."

"Ouch!! Wolfram! What's going on?!"

Well, thanks for the warm welcome. And what's with hiding at the end?


Anyway, ignoring their sideways glances, I walked down the forest street. On one side, new buildings were being constructed using modern methods. On the other, traditional wooden structures.

City Elves and Forest Elves. This street where the past and present of Elves coexist was complex yet harmonious, bustling yet orderly.

Novels often describe it beautifully, but to sum up my feelings,

"What a mess."

That's the simplest way to put it.

It feels like Dongdaemun Do-ddeok-gi Market where construction is in full swing on one side…

Anyway, I have things to buy today, so let's quickly get them and go. As I thought this, I spotted a figure.

"Hey, it's lunchtime! Grab something to eat and get back to work!"


······Why is she here?

Nephty sets down the H-beam she was carrying with a thud and stretches her arms and back.

The sweat glistened in the sunlight.

Seeing Nephty working up a sweat in early spring made me think she's a hardworking young girl, but I pretended not to notice.

We've crossed paths too many times recently. It's irritating when I see her. Don't barge into the convenience store in the middle of the night to discuss profit margins.

"Ah, senior!"


Darn, caught.

"What brings you here?!"

"Nothing special. Are you working? You're putting in quite an effort."

"Not really. You've been working hard too, senior!"


Why are you saying I've been working hard,

As I tilted my head, Nephty chuckled.

"Thanks for the settlement."

"···Hmm. Well, you were in charge of sales."

So I gave her an extra 100,000 Rin. 400,000 for Nephty. 300,000 for Rudika and me.

Rudika said she could take it all, but I couldn't let her.

"100,000 Rin is my daily wage. Thanks to you, my day got a bit longer?"

"Uh, hmm. Is that so···."


Saying that, Nephty chuckled.

I stared at Nephty and then tilted my head.

"Have you always had that hairstyle?"

"Huh? Ah···. I kept it because it's practical."

"I see."

Nephty, with her short hair tightly tied into a ponytail, looked very different from her usual wavy bob. Old Wolfram envies that youth.

"So, where are you headed, senior?"

"Hmm. I'm looking for a workshop. A place that sells affordable and durable blankets or sleeping bags."

"···Ah! I know a place!"

"How do you know? Can you trust it?"

"They supply all our work clothes! They made my gloves and tank top too?"


Well, if that's the case, I can trust them.


After purchasing durable tents, rugged sleeping bags, pillows, and heating tools, along with many other items at the Yggdrasil on-site supply store, I requested delivery and returned to the convenience store.

I gazed at Patrasch, who was lazily yawning at home. He seemed to be inquiring about our plans as he scratched his belly with his paw. What was going on with him?

When I explained the upcoming mountain hike, he appeared visibly displeased. However, I managed to negotiate by promising him half a day of freedom.

"So, you're heading somewhere else tomorrow?"

"Yes. It could actually be risky this time."

"I don't know much about the dormant mountain range, but I've never sensed a strong aura there?"

"The students accompanying me might try to harm me."

"I see. What should we do in that case?"

"Just put me in the rear car and drive away. Don't look back, no matter what."

"Got it. Simple enough."

Anyway, after setting the tone clearly, I activated the manufacturing kit and skills.

"What are you making?"

"Hot packs that last all night."

"It seems like you're making quite a few?"

"Everyone might need them."

"Didn't you mention you'd be sharing a room with people who are hostile towards you?"

"Yes, I did."

"Indeed. Even if they despise you, you're still enveloping them in warmth?"

Patrasch bared his teeth and chuckled, and I responded with a laugh as well.

"I'll sell it to someone who seems deserving."

"I see. Okay, then."


Have you ever seen anything given away for free at a convenience store, aside from trash?


And so, the morning of the exciting camping and mountain hike arrived.

The meeting point was in front of the academy entrance that led toward the dormant mountain range, and since we agreed to gather early in the afternoon, I arrived around noon.

There were Eve and another familiar trainee knight.

"You're here."

"Yes. Did I keep you waiting?"

"No, it's fine. About that… matter."

"What is it?"

Eve hesitated and then let out a deep sigh, speaking rapidly.

"You're early. Well done. You're diligent. That's impressive."


I've never heard such emotionless praise before.

Is this your way of complimenting me?

I'll take it. You are indeed a peculiar one.

"That's enough. Don't do things that aren't your style."

"... Uh."

"I'll handle my own affairs. If you sense something irreversible is about to happen, just protect me."



Even if everyone turns against me, Eve won't attack me.

In that case, it's worth attempting to escape.

"What do you mean by that, Wolfram von Roengreen?"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you imply by 'something irreversible'?"

Sylphia Evergreen Grove, flipping her silver hair and giving me a stern look, is Eve's loyal knight who challenged me when Eve rebelled.

I bet she thought I couldn't survive on my own when stripped of being the student council president.

So, just by looking at the colors around her, I can tell that there's a hostile atmosphere coming from her.

Honestly, she's quite formidable, wielding an elemental sword imbued with wind spirits that's swift and razor-sharp. Definitely not someone to mess with.

Yeah, you don't want to mess with her. Seriously, don't.

"What are you going to do about it?"


"Know your place, Elf. You don't have the right to interrupt a conversation between royals."


It doesn't seem to work, so what's my move here?

My gut is telling me to mess with her. That little bit of Wolfram inside me is screaming, "Screw you! Haha!"


Eve, too, seems to have no choice but to sigh. While she probably wants to emotionally support Sylphia, she must remain supportive of me.

Anyway, the first person to break this awkward tension is Wolfram von Roengreen. Wolfram's really good at lightening the mood in a messed-up situation.

"Anyway, everyone's running late. It's a mountain hike, right? Shouldn't we start early?"

"···Is that so?"

Eve tilts her head.


Why is she questioning this?

"Sleeping Mountains. I don't know where it leads, but it'll take at least two hours just to get halfway up."

"Yes, we're planning to camp."

"Is all the camping gear prepared?"

"Yes, everyone was told to bring tents and bedding."

"Food is also sorted."


Somehow, it feels ominous.

"Then, let me ask one more thing. Have you assigned a night watch? What about a bonfire? Any auxiliary tools for security or insulation?"


Eve tilts her head once more.

"Hmph. It's just the Sleeping Mountains. Even if a monster shows up, how tough can it be? And it's spring. How cold could it possibly get at night?"

"······What do you think, Eve?"


Sylphia completely agrees with her perspective, but it's only now that Eve's face turns slightly pale. It's only now that she grasps where we're headed.

"Let me ask one more thing. Eve, is this your first expedition outdoors?"

"···I've been on one under the guidance of a professor."

"Was that not outdoors but a controlled environment created by them?"


When you think about it, it makes sense.

They've never been in the actual outdoors.

They've only experienced similar environments provided by the professor.

It's like comparing Marine boot camp to actual Marines.

Or indoor climbing to real rock climbing.

They're underestimating that the place we're going to is a real battlefield where monsters appear.

"Don't come crying and clinging to me later."

I genuinely have no clue what might happen. These fools.