
Product 48 - Cliche Novel

Episode of the Eastern Forest Treasure Map.

I'm not certain why Nephti possesses this map, but in the main storyline, Kelters discovers it in the communal dormitory hall. Subsequently, he selects four friends he has gathered thus far and embarks on an adventure.

This episode holds considerable symbolism.

Before delving into its symbolism, it's crucial to grasp the significance of Act 1 in this game.

From the perspective of the protagonist, Kelters, D/Z SAGA Act 1 unfolds as follows:

A rural boy is born with the potential to become a hero and enrolls at Jephryn Public School with exceptional grades.

In the tutorial, he defeats a third-year senior who cannot be overcome by skill alone.

Act 1 Scene 1: He releases the spirits of freshmen aspiring to graduate from the communal dormitory.

Act 1 Scene 2: Accompanied by his friends, he sneaks out of the dormitory at night, purchases snacks, and returns.

Meanwhile, an extra character named Mille-feuille, encountered in a mini-test, is vanquished by Kelters and subsequently expelled.

Act 1 Scene 3: Despite engaging in a fierce duel with jealous friends, a new friendship blossoms as a result.

Act 1 Scene 4: With these newfound companions, he ventures into the Eastern Forest armed with the acquired treasure map.

Upon closer examination, Act 1 conveys a clear message to both the player and Kelters.

This academy isn't just a place of friendship and love. Friends may part ways, become enemies, and someone might even face expulsion as you climb the ranks.

Right from the start, the theme is strongly emphasized, increasing the importance of choosing allies and paths from Act 2 onward.

Because a comrade who perishes in Act 1 Scene 4 vanishes from D/Z.

It's truly a perilous episode. That's why, at this point, you can't select Eve as a teammate.

That's how formidable and fearsome the boss used to be.

Yes, the boss "used to be" in the past tense.

"It's been a while since I took a stroll. Assuming we complete the secret mission together… Hmm…"

Sadly, I'm not afraid of the boss.


We decided to go on an adventure over the weekend, so we must diligently prepare during the weekdays.

First, I create a buff snack with Magical Patissier.

However, potion crafting is the most crucial skill for this mission.

[Activating the Potion Crafting skill.]

[Checking the ingredients added.]

[Magic Water + Lightning Powder]

[Potion crafting successful!]

[Paralysis potion is created.]

"Phew. Next, I need to concoct a trash potion."

Mixing magic water and mud, the system alert rings, and a product emerges.

[Lowest-grade Poison Potion is crafted.]

After creating various potions, I barely straighten my aching back and wipe off the sweat. It's so exhausting; it could kill me.

"What are you up to?"


"Preparing for the treasure hunt?"

Without responding, I step out into the convenience store's front yard with the potions I've made in bulk.

Then, after steadying my trembling arm, I throw the potion toward the target. The distance is about ten meters.

With a 'ting!' sound, the potion bottle hits the target, and with a 'splash!' it scatters.

"…Going through all the trouble to make it and then throw it away? No, discard it?… No, is there a meaning in the act of aiming and throwing?"

Partrasch muttered something, and the content was sharper than expected, causing me to unintentionally chuckle.

After around a hundred throws, I clench my sore arm. There was no need to throw with force, so I simply rolled it in the end. Nonetheless, it seems there was a throwing assessment.

[Skill Acquired.]

[Potion Pitcher] [9T]

[You can throw potions more accurately. As proficiency increases, it becomes harder for opponents to evade the potion. The effect of the potion improves when thrown.]

I nodded in agreement.

For now, I've acquired the most critical skill. Next… I must await the arrival of the ingredients.

"Your order has arrived, Wolfram."

At that moment, the person I've been waiting for finally arrives.

Aila Tristar.


Aila sighs and carefully places the items she brought on the ground.

"I thought you would use the people from Tristar Commerce? I didn't expect you to bring it personally."

In my presence, Aila's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly broke into a smile.

"Oh, I couldn't possibly allow news of Wolfram von Roengreen's grand rebellion to leak, could I?"


So, could you provide some information about this rebellion?

"Furthermore, there's more to it. By coming in person, I can also hear why these items are necessary. Sneakily listening to the answer? Hehe. So, why do you need these? Can you give me a slight hint about the ingredients for your rebellion?"

"Just a hint?"

"Yes. To be precise, I want just enough to maintain my excitement but also enough to enhance my anticipation."

…If you continue talking like that, you might earn the title of "Miss."

Whether she grasped my unspoken thoughts or not, Aila glanced at the items she had brought and chuckled.

"Lightning ore, Flame ore, and various other attribute stones. Also, items centered around recovery… Are you embarking on an expedition? Unlikely, considering Wolfram's delicate health…"

"That's correct."


"I'm briefly leaving Jephryn. There will likely be some battles."

"…Wolfram? Are you sure?"

"What do you mean?"

"No matter how profound your techniques are, there's no completely safe zone once a battle begins."

"Have you ever been on an expedition, Aila?"

"Isn't it the most natural duty for nobles to address the concerns of their territory? Before enrolling in Jephryn, I accompanied my father to support a goblin extermination team."


Aila gazed into my eyes as she replied.

Her eyes were so clear, like a flawless crystal.

Even in such a world, had Aila fulfilled her duties as a noble?

"That's correct. There's no completely safe zone in battle."

"…Should I join you?"

"No, it's fine. It's just a trip to the Eastern region. If it gets dangerous, I can return quickly. Aren't you also busy?"

"But still…"

"We have midterm exams approaching."


"Don't you have to demonstrate a rebellion against that troublesome Regina Ciel this time?"

"Rebellion. Yes, that's right."

When Aila didn't abandon her worried expression, I had no choice but to shrug.

Everything is fine, except with Aila.

This opponent doesn't mesh well with Aila. So now… I have to somehow sidestep the issue.

"You're undoubtedly strong. However, that doesn't mean I need protection."


"Aila Tristar. If you constantly claim to be my partner in rebellion, accept that you and I are equals."


"So, there's no need for one-sided protection."

At my words, Aila's eyes widened, and she nodded vigorously.

"Alright. If I'm your partner in rebellion, then I must believe in you."


"Then, before you go, can you give me a bit of insight into where and how you'll use these items?"

"That's not too difficult. First, I'm going to brew a potion."

"A rebellion potion?"

"…Well, you can call it that if you wish."

And so, I had a brief conversation with Aila. A simple discussion about the so-called rebellion that Aila often mentions.

Aside from the slightly louder laughter, it was no different from our usual interactions.


And the following day, a boisterous duo arrived.

"Wolfram, Rudika is here!"

"Senior, Nephti has arrived!"

Except for the colorful young chicks, these two are the most vociferous people around me. When they gather together, their combined decibel level exceeds the capacity of a convenience store. Fortunately, at least the little chicks don't visit the store.

"So, have you prepared everything I mentioned?"

"Yes! I borrowed resistance potions and artifacts! Not me, but Senior Rudika did!"

"It was a bit challenging to find, but the Hatsan Shadow clan has plenty of trophies after all!"


Trophies? Who did they defeat to acquire those?

I didn't bother asking. If I make an enemy of the Hatsan Shadow, I might end up getting a beating from Professor Rudika that night. She's a true assassin, capable of taking down even Eve in a surprise attack.

"Alright, let's kick off the strategy meeting."

"Strategy meeting?"

"The creature waiting at the end of this treasure map is quite perilous. We should at least be familiar with some basic tactics against it."



"Why's that?"

"Senior, how did you ascertain that there's a monster… I mean, of course, there are monsters in the Eastern Forest, but… how did you determine which monster it is?"

"That's right. Rudika is curious too. You mentioned having seen a similar treasure map before, but you never specified which monster is there."


Let's say I can deceive Nephti with some excuse because she's a bit naive.

But Rudika is different.

She's genuine. If she starts doubting me, she'll dig into it endlessly.

And during a night ambush, I would probably meet my end from a single blow from Rudika with her skill level of 22.

"Are you keeping something from us, Wolfram?"


"Is there something you're concealing from your friend, Rudika, Wolfram?"

Rudika's eyes turned cold.

But don't worry, my fast-talking ability is on a level that even a parentless blonde ninja would find hard to match.

"Of course, I have something to conceal."


I shrugged and continued.

"You might not be aware, but my current position in Jephryn is quite precarious. Even if we put Eve aside, do you know how many of her subordinates, how many others are hostile to Wolfram von Roengreen? It's only natural I have some hidden trump cards."

"Wolfram and Rudika. Weren't we friends…? Rudika is not hostile to Wolfram."

"I think so too."

"…Still hiding?"

"That's why I'm revealing it, especially now. [Partrasch]"

At my call, a red wolf stretched and approached me.

"Why is that canine here?"

"…Nephti, step back. This isn't a dog. It's a wolf. No, it's even more different."

As expected of Rudika, who possesses a sixth-tier sense of presence detection. Her intuition is incredible.

"Let me introduce. [Guide of the Forest] [Messenger of the Fairy Queen] [Red-Maned Fairy] Partrasch."

"A… fairy?"

"Yes. 'He came from the Eastern Forest and formed a contract,' 'lived for over three hundred years,' 'possesses outstanding knowledge,' 'and currently is my servant.' 'There is no lie in this statement.'"

I stated precisely five sentences without a hint of falsehood, and upon hearing them, Rudika let out a chuckle. Rudika's sixth-tier Perception Skill allows her to discern whether the person she's focused on is lying or not. Thus, she couldn't find a single lie in the five sentences I just spoke.

"A fairy…? Seriously?"

"Partrasch, ignite."

At my command, Partrasch's mane turned red, and flames the size of a finger sprouted from it.

"Wow, wow… It's a real fire fairy, isn't it?"

"I didn't lie."

I really didn't.

Rudika's reaction, in contrast to Nephti's amazement, was significantly more intense.

"I see! You've gained knowledge from a fairy that lived for three hundred years! Wolfram! That's impressive!"

Rudika burst into hearty laughter, then wiped away her tears.

"Tsk. Don't doubt people so easily. I could've just told you."

"…Yeah. I apologize. I, Rudika Hatsan Shadow, in order to make amends for doubting a friend, will accept a request just for you."

Saying so, Rudika extended her hand towards me.

"No need for a task. Just do me a small favor in the future."

"It's not a big deal. We're friends, after all."

"…Ahem. Let's begin the strategy meeting then. The boss we're dealing with is as follows."

As the strategy meeting progressed, the expressions of the two gradually grew more serious.

"…If it's based on your knowledge, Wolfram, we definitely need to go together."

"But isn't one of us bound to face danger in this operation? Though it seems there's no other way."

"Yes. And the most perilous part is…"

The two gazed at me intently.

Indeed, if things go awry in this operation, I'll likely be in the greatest danger.

"Should we abandon the plan? Sell the treasure map and move on?"

"That might be a good idea. Getting hurt would be a bit…"

What are you talking about?

The item we can acquire there is invaluable.

I've already ordered the ingredients, and the payment is due!

"It's okay."


"Don't I have the protection of Mother Nature?"

"Could it be…"

"That's right."

"Yes. If it becomes dangerous, Partrasch over there will take the attack on my behalf."

The three of us silently looked at Partrasch. Suddenly the center of attention, Partrasch, who had been yawning, froze. Then, lifting his front paw, he pointed at himself.




