
Product 45 - Cliche Novel

The realm of fairies, the haven of these mystical beings. This realm is exclusively unveiled on the royal path. To be precise, it's a route-specific map that becomes accessible only when Eve's affection level reaches a particular threshold, and she proposes embarking on a small adventure with Kelters after the vacation concludes.

It's quite literally a concealed and bonus map. Without affection for Eve, you're simply out of luck.



However, the instant you step into this map, the world undergoes a dramatic transformation.

Quite literally, it flips upside down. I gasped as I witnessed the breathtaking spectacle in front of me. The gravity of this situation in reality is no laughing matter.

How do I put it into words? It's a forest suspended in the heavens. The clouds serve as the terrain where flowers take root, and a sideways glance gives you the sensation of floating amidst the sky.

Below the sun, dense trees thrive on the clouds, creating an illusion that gives you the sensation of plummeting to the ground with just one step.

Clearly, there's no path for humans here. It's an illusionary space that's not much different from walking if you can't fly.

"So, how do we proceed? Oh, right, levitation magic…"

"Don't use it."

"Why not?"

"Magic won't be of any use here."

My hand halted Eve's attempt to use levitation magic. The passing wolf grinned at my words.

"Correct. You're quite astute, even though your stats are subpar."

"Intelligence is something you can't gauge."

"…Ha! Alright. I like you. You're worthy of being that guy's descendant. Follow me."

The wolf sauntered ahead, and I followed without any tension. As I attempted to step onto the cloud, I heard a small, panicked yelp from Eve.

But there was no need to worry. This is genuinely an illusory place. Because it's 'illusory,' when you step onto the clouds, the sensation beneath your feet is that of solid ground.


Eve soon followed suit, realizing that the ground was level.

"Aren't you afraid of walking in the sky? Ha, you're remarkable. What would you have done if it were actually the sky?"

"Just lead the way, guide wolf."


We silently trailed the wolf and soon arrived at the queen's castle. Crafted by hollowing out the body of an enormous tree that seemed to reach the heavens, the castle symbolized the authority of the Fairy Queen.

"Is the Queen inside?"

"Choose your words carefully, descendant."

"Don't get so worked up. I've also brought a suitable gift for the Queen."

I chuckled and opened the door to the throne room. Inside, I could see the Fairy Queen's face as she sat at a table.

Light blue hair, matching deep blue eyes, and a dress that resembled flower petals. She defied all descriptions except 'beautiful.' Truly, the most beautiful being that could be imagined. The Fairy Queen.

She was about half the size of a human, yet she didn't appear diminutive; instead, she exuded an air of nobility and majesty.


Even Eve, standing next to me, was awestruck by her beauty. To be honest, seeing her in person surprised me a bit as well. However, not even a hint of affection, let alone love, stirred within me.

"Hee-hee. Whoa, are you really a human? You look like a human! Are you a fairy from somewhere? Really, really, you look like a human! Wow, a human! We have a human guest in our fairyland!"

To be frank, as I observed her holding a bottle of liquor and gazing at us, I felt nothing.

"Waha! Are you truly a human? Or a fairy pretending to be human? I can't tell!"

She's just a 300-year-old alcoholic.


Alright, let's consider this.

The D/Z SAGA encompasses multiple regions that exist simultaneously. The ecology of the eastern forests, dormant mountains, and the respective creatures and flora in each are all distinct.

But why is that? There's no gradual transition, and the ecosystems are neatly separated. This couldn't happen naturally.

However, this isn't natural. Jephryn, the academy island we're on, is an artificial island created by the first great emperor. Naturally, there are barriers strategically placed, shaping these distinct ecosystems.

It's an unbelievably massive undertaking to suggest that he did this alone, or even with the assistance of the surrounding sorcerers. Yet, he himself explained that this is why each map is separated.

"A human-like fairy… Or perhaps a fairy-like human! Wow, the resemblance to that person is uncanny."

And this played a part in transforming the Fairy Queen into an alcoholic.

"Your Majesty, a guest has arrived. A descendant of that person…"

"Hah, again! Don't try to deceive me. I, Elpirane, am not easily fooled. Not fooled in the slightest!"

While the wolf muttered something, the Fairy Queen reclined on her throne, swatting the wolf's head with a liquor bottle. Shortly after, the sound of snoring indicated that she had dozed off.

…Elpirane is as predictable as ever.

We paused for a moment, and the wolf, who had just been whacked with a liquor bottle, let out a deep sigh and led us outside.

"Let's step out for a moment."


As soon as we stepped outside, the wolf gave me a pleading look.

"Do you happen to have a cigarette?"

"Do you think I do?"

And even if I did, what would we do with it?


As soon as the queen started her drunken rampage, Eve's hand tensed up. I held onto her hand and moved into the hallway. The wolf let out a deep sigh.

"You've been through a lot."

"Suffering, you say? Don't act like you understand."

I didn't respond to the wolf's remark, and he scrutinized me for a moment before sighing again.

"You have the kind of eyes that seem to know everything."

"Well, to some extent."

"We haven't had a guest in this fairy world for 300 years, but you seem to be quite knowledgeable."


"It's odd, but I get the sense that you truly do know. Not just from your words, but from your emotions as well."

"Wouldn't lies be futile in front of a fairy?"

"…Haha, the human I meet after 300 years is quite unique."

He chuckled. Witnessing the wolf laugh somehow felt peculiar.

"How much do you know about fairies?"

"My knowledge is based on legends and speculation. I think I'm familiar with most of it."

"Could you share it with me? It would be easier for me to correct any inaccuracies."

I shrugged and began recounting what I knew.

"Three hundred years ago, our esteemed ancestor desired Jephryn to become an ideal place that encompasses the environments of the entire continent."

This meant that it included the creatures inhabiting those environments as well. Slimes and goblins in the meadows, sandworms and blue dragons in the desert, and deep within the forest, the realm of fairies.

"According to legend, the Fairy Queen and her followers found this to be a delightful prank and made a bet with our great ancestor. They lost that bet. Since then, fairies have concealed themselves and remained within Jephryn."

"Exactly. And we fairies started to act strangely."

"Because you couldn't leave. You had to continue living in this land."

This is the dilemma with fairies.

Being born from nature endows them with purity, simplicity, and susceptibility to mischief.

They also value their freedom and abhor falsehoods.

"So, the queen, who had the strongest wanderlust, transformed this land into an enchanting realm."

"Everything here is pure fantasy. It's the ideal that fairies long to explore."

I'm aware that in this forest, anything beyond the forest is a realm of fantasy.

"Indeed. After enduring the complaints of the children and preserving this fantastical world, the Queen was the first to give in."


I remained silent. It's common knowledge, and there's no need to state it explicitly. When you find yourself trapped like this, relying on magic, attending to the whining children, and yearning to venture outside but being unable to, the desire for a drink becomes all too tempting. Drinking becomes a habit, and eventually…

"The Fairy Queen, Elpirane Owen, succumbed to alcoholism."

"Damn. You may be blunt, but you're not wrong. However, please don't diminish the significance of this magical realm she created."

"I understand."

This place is a colossal magical barrier crafted by the Fairy Queen over three hundred years. Even if you attempt to misuse magic with a power level of 22, you'll be met with counter-magic and promptly ejected. That's one of the reasons why magic usage here is discouraged.

"So, what's the plan?"

"Hmm? You seem to possess a considerable amount of magical energy."

"Is there no way for the Fairy Queen to escape from here?"



Both of us remained silent. It's not that there's no way out, but it's far from easy. Countless fairies led by the Fairy Queen. 'Fight them with all your strength and emerge victorious.' If you do, the wager with the Fairy Queen will be reinstated, and the fairies can regain their freedom.

"It's too much for you at this stage, especially with your high magic level. It's entirely implausible for someone as perceptive as you."

"I understand."

Perhaps someday, Eve might be up to the task.

"Regardless, we didn't come here to engage in a guessing game with you."

"Then why did you come?"

"I'm here to make a deal. Wake up the Queen, complete the preliminary explanations, and summon us."

"You're quite demanding."

"Or are you not going to do it?"

"…Fine. Give me a moment."

With that, the wolf opened the door to the alternate reality, entered, and shortly thereafter, there was a brief commotion inside.

"Wolfram, how do you know all this?"

"It's also documented in the royal records."

"You don't feel like explaining, do you? I understand. But I see you in a different light now."

"What are you talking about?"

"When you were the student council president, you weren't just fooling around."


"You introduced the concept of a convenience store, conducted research on fairies, and created buff-type snacks. All of these actions point to one thing."


"You genuinely, yes, genuinely wanted to show everyone, including yourself, a world you had only read about in books."


"The reason you collected magical books and swords, even if they were expensive, was probably for that purpose. I've gained a new perspective."

"Uh, yeah. Uh…"

"Let's forget what I just said. Between us, compliments and recognition are simply embarrassing."


Eve grinned.

Well, regardless.

I suppose I did all those things without even realizing it. Impressive, Wolfram von Roengreen.


So who exactly is this Wolfram?


Take a moment to ponder the identity of Wolfram, the revolutionary leader destined to set them all free. The door to the sub-reality swings open.

"Her Majesty the Queen requests your presence."

Following the wolf's command, we entered, and the sub-reality appeared tidier than before. The snacks strewn across the floor had been tidied up, and the bottles of alcohol had been concealed somewhere. Based on the bulging curtain at the rear of the room, they appeared to be hidden there.

Eve quickly averted her gaze, noticing this, and a melodious voice echoed from the throne.

"Descendant of Hark, welcome to the realm of fairies. Cheers."

She attempted to mask her inebriation as best as possible, but the slightly slurred speech and the faint scent of alcohol were impossible to hide.

"It's an honor to meet the Fairy Queen who has honored an agreement for three centuries with our great ancestor."

"Indeed. Your eyes resemble Hark's so closely."

"It's a privilege."

"···You two are really like night and day, complete opposites. Geez."


Is the grudge accumulated over three centuries this deep?

"So, what brings you here? Are you planning to imprison me and make fun of me now? Ha. Sounds amusing. I'd like to give it a try as well."

"We can't engage in a fight unless we wager, as per our agreement."

"I know, alright? I can't leave this place either."

Ah, it's genuinely irritating.

"I've come today to make a request, along with a gift."

"A gift? What is it? I do adore presents, you know."

"First, the request. Please cease your bothersome pranks on Jephryn."

"···Pranks? What are you talking about?"

"I'm referring to deliberately sending pollen to Jephryn through the wind spirits."


Eve widens her eyes, glancing between me and the Queen.

"······You found out?"

"You've been sending it to Jephryn rather conspicuously. Just scatter it naturally."

"······Alright. I'll consider it after seeing the offering."

"This is a confection I crafted myself. Fairies have a penchant for sweets, don't they?"

"That's true, but it's not exactly in vogue these days."

I'm aware of that.

"This confection contains alcohol."

"···Oh, you know me well. In that case, I'll accept it."

I handed a chocolate bonbon to the fairy. The Fairy Queen shook the bonbon in her hand and nodded.

"Does the alcohol burst out when you bite into it? That's quite innovative."


"However, if the alcohol inside is subpar, I won't touch it."

"I can assure you, the alcohol is potent enough to knock you off your feet."

"Is it a liquor I've sampled before?"


"Can you tell me what kind of alcohol it is then?"

I smirked.

I'll need to bring alcohol as an entry fee each time I visit Fairyland, but acquiring alcohol can be quite challenging.

However, if I raid Wolfram's illicit storeroom, I can use the alcohol stored there as an entry fee.

That's why it's like an Easter egg.

The final asset left behind by the useless Wolfram. A prank left behind by the game company. An entry ticket to Fairyland.

A legendary spirit that, if consumed, leads to bizarre antics like fighting with a lamppost, getting slapped by a slab of pavement, and waking up in jail two days later.

I pronounced its name gently.

"Captain Dew."

"Captain Dew?"