
Product 43 - Cliche Novel

In D/Z SAGA, much like many other RPG games in the field hunting genre, terrain effects play a significant role.

However, D/Z SAGA distinguishes itself by immersing players in its own unique universe, whether it's meticulously replicating historical details or indulging in peculiar obsessions. When it comes to hidden surprises and Easter eggs, this game goes above and beyond.

During the spring season, two status effects come into play: "Water Resistance Weakened" and "Food Effect Increased." These effects are attributed to the seasonal characteristics and affect all students. To resist these effects, one must possess a minimum willpower of 17.

But that's not all that makes spring special in D/Z SAGA.

On the outskirts of the Eastern forest area, created by the Great Founding Emperor, the entire map transforms into a floral sanctuary. In this whimsical field, fairies dance and the air is filled with the fragrance of flower pollen.

However, a problem arises as this pollen drifts towards the academy, and the defensive barrier built by our ancestors fails to identify pollen as a hostile element.

Soon, everyone begins to sniffle, their eyes water, and their mouths drool as they suffer from a severe case of hay fever.

The first side story in the game revolves around this affliction, introducing players to the challenges of dealing with this hellish hay fever.

"It was a blind spot. Given the seasons, it's only natural for side stories to unfold."

Typically, when it comes to side stories, a message pops up saying, "Main Episode Completed. Side Story Unlocked," allowing you to check them out whenever you're bored.

However, in reality, they progress in real-time. The one who suffers the most in this hay fever episode is Eve von Roengreen, my registered mate.


The Jephryn Student Competition.

The winners of the Martial and Magic categories were "Jewel Sword Izolde" and "Black Obsidian Aila," respectively.

Black Obsidian Aila Tristar's flawless combat performance made a profound impression on everyone. In contrast, Jewel Sword Izolde's performance was polarizing.

Jewel Sword Izolde wields magical swords made from gems, starting with the lowest level, Topaz. As each sword breaks, a higher-level magical sword is summoned.

There are restrictions, but if left unchecked, the sword becomes nearly unstoppable.

In the Martial finals, she brought out her fifth sword against a senior with the nickname "Iron Wall," leaving craters all around the arena as if it had been bombed.

Naturally, the arena required immediate repair, so they contacted the labor office, and work began immediately.

"Eat up and get to work!"

"Let me finish this first!"

Nephti, who was inspecting the damaged areas, removed her gloves and helmet, and sat down casually.

"What's on the menu today?"

"It's the same as always."

"I see. A simple cream stew with black bread, huh."

Nephti nodded. It was better than grazing but still somewhat lacking.

After receiving her meal, Nephti began to eat slowly but steadily. The laborers were amused by the young girl who seemed more adept on-site than they were.

"How much do you make a day?"

"I got a raise recently. Now it's eighty thousand."

"Wow, already? Are you going to be considered skilled labor soon? How many sites have you worked at?"

"This is my second."

"What do you do with the money? Buying clothes like kids these days?"

"About the money…"

Nephti began to eat more comfortably and spoke just as comfortably.

"I send it home."


"…Ah. I see. Tough situation at home?"

"Hey, don't probe. If she doesn't want to say, she doesn't have to."

"No, well, it's just that…"

"My family is struggling, but we can still make ends meet."

"Ah, I see."

Nephti continued her conversation nonchalantly.

"I got a letter from home recently."

"Home? What did it say?"

"My siblings want to attend Jephryn. So, this money is for their tuition."

"…I see. Tuition for your siblings."

"Yes. I want to support my siblings' dreams."

"Wow. And here I was, talking about clothes. You're strong, really."

Nephti finished her meal leisurely and stood up. The epaulettes on her shoulders shone beautifully in the spring sunlight.

"We should work hard before it gets hot. You have to earn a lot in spring!"

"Right, before summer comes… Ah, summer."

"Hm? What's the matter?"

"No, just thinking that summer is coming… That means it's the season for flowers to start their biological activities."

"What's that?"

"Pollen will start to fly like crazy. It's already that time… I should ask the senior for advice later."

With that thought, Nephti stood up.


While contemplating the impending pollen allergy season, I heard a knock on the door. A quick glance out the window revealed a familiar brown-haired girl gazing in her direction.

"Come in."

"Excuse me."

Nephti walked into the convenience store, sporting a safety helmet, work gloves, work boots, and ankle wraps.

Typically, folks like her would grab energy drinks at convenience stores, or perhaps opt for makgeolli and pre-packaged pork feet. In my case, I remember getting scolded for sipping on cold brew coffee during an errand.

"So, what are you planning to get?"

"Huh? I didn't come to buy anything."

"…Then why are you here?"

"Wow, that's a bit harsh. Well then, give me something sweet and cold to drink. You know, the one with ice floating."

Her way of speaking had genuinely transformed into that of someone who worked on-site. Well, she actually does. As I handed her an iced smoothie, Nephti flashed a grin.

"Thanks. I'll enjoy this."

"So, what brings you here?"

"Do you know about the pollen season affecting the flowers?"

"Are you talking about that too? Of course, I'm aware."

"Well, I tend to feel unwell when pollen is in the air. Do you have any medicine to boost immunity?"


"What are allergies?"

She must lead a carefree life.

"I don't have any allergy medicine. Just wear a mask."

"Masks are monopolized by Ygdrasil, so they're expensive."


During this pollen season, allergies and sneezing could mess with your aim and even cause stiffness.

That's why I remember buying masks for the key characters and going hunting.

But masks are quite pricey even in the original story. At that time, the price was around two thousand rin.

"What's the cost per piece?"

"Two thousand rin."

"That's insane."

Might as well just brave it out with the pollen.

"So, are you asking if there's something wearable?"

"Yes. Technically, I could afford it with my current salary. But this pollen season makes the atmosphere in Jephryn tense."


"Yeah, nobles usually don't mind spending two thousand rin on masks, but commoners like us can't afford it."

"Even though the foundation of Jephryn is equality for everyone except the student council president."

"But the money we bring in isn't equal, so how can it be equal? Despite knowing this, the atmosphere still feels strange."

Nephti's words made me nod.

"Then we have no choice but to meet."

"Meet who?"

"The only student in this school who has a rank."


Although already dethroned and on shaky ground, a prince is still a prince. Roengreen Castle isn't going anywhere, so I used a bit of cunning to request a meeting with Eve, which was readily accepted.

Sitting in the office, waiting for Eve, I leisurely sipped a cup of tea.

People were staring at me, and it felt stifling. Come to think of it, I nearly ruined this academy, so coming here is almost like asking to be punished.

But Eve didn't mention any intentions to harm me, so there's no reason to suspect poison in the tea, right? Haha. Right?

Quit giving me those furtive glances, everyone. It's genuinely unnerving.

No, if you're fearful, a concealed blade might suddenly appear the moment you step forward.

Let's go forth boldly, puffing out our chests and shoulders, and wearing a smile.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Yes, yes?!"

The person who brought the tea is a sophomore, and she works under Eve. I know her as someone who's quite friendly with Kelters and does odd jobs.

In the original storyline, she was a kind senior who helped Kelters when he was going through tough times. Her name was Clarisse or something like that.

"From your perspective, following Eve, I must be an annoyance. Did you poison this tea?"

"No, absolutely not!"

Clarisse shifted nervously in her seat as she glanced my way. I highly doubted she would do such a thing. If anyone else had prepared the tea, maybe, but according to her character profile, Clarisse's hobby is actually making tea.

"It's just a joke. No need to be so tense."


I reassured her and chuckled as I downed the entire cup of tea in one gulp. Now everyone would see how fearless I was. Look, this Wolfram doesn't run or hide.

"That was some good tea. With a bit more practice, you might even be fit to work in the royal palace."


Clarisse's face turned an odd shade of red. What was going on?

"If you're going to do something, could you at least not flatter someone else's servant? It sounds like the antagonist from one of those generic romance novels you find in bookstores."

As I scratched my head in confusion at her reaction, the office door swung open, and Eve walked in.

Is that really Eve?

Her entire face was concealed by a white-based, gold-bordered helmet, and her voice echoed from within. Her height and build, and even the exclusive cape of the student council president, left me baffled.

It was more like…well, Darth Vader.

Let's just call it a gold full-face helmet.

"Golden Eve?"

"Who's Golden?!"

Eve exclaimed and dramatically removed the full-face helmet, tossing it onto the floor.


It rolled and rolled away, eventually sticking into something.


I dismissed Clarisse and started a one-on-one conversation with Eve. As I observed Eve's face closely, it was flushed and her eyes were irritated.

It wasn't because she was upset or going through a tough time; she was just extremely sensitive to pollen. This side story revolved around finding a way to alleviate Eve's pollen allergy. And even if she shed tears, there was no need for me to worry. She'd handle it herself.

"Let's get to the point quickly. I have other matters to attend to."

"I understand. I don't want to stare at your face for too long either. Are you planning to put your helmet back on?"

"Get lost."

"Absolutely not."



We exchanged these words and raised our drinks amicably. Wasn't this just like any warm conversation between siblings?

"Anyway, let's keep this short. The 'pollen outbreak' is imminent. You're aware of that, correct?"

"······Yes, certainly."

"I've received some requests and inquiries on my end, and I'm also quite curious. I've come to gather opinions."

"What's on your mind?"

"Is there any solution to deal with the 'pollen outbreak'? Yggdrasil's masks are too expensive."

"······In theory, if everyone reuses and washes their masks, we could manage it within a budget of 1 billion Rin."


Eve glared at me and ground her teeth.

"Last year. Someone. Misappropriated. Funds!"


Let's change the subject. Hello? How's it going? Haha.

"In fact, I've been having numerous discussions about this matter. It's an immediate concern for me as well."

"A significant concern?"

"Look. That helmet over there was specifically crafted for the student council president to protect against the 'pollen outbreak.'"

"That golden helmet?"

"It's a limited seasonal offering designed to shield the student council president from all kinds of pollen, created jointly by Yggdrasil and Maestro."

"······So both of them want to take advantage of you at the same time? I'd just order a 2000 Rin mask and call it a day."

Upon hearing my words, Eve vigorously shook her head.

"As a symbol of allegiance, the recipient should wear it to convey their loyalty to me."

"So you're Golden Eve?"

"Call me that one more time, and I'll make you glow by skewering you with a light spear."

"Hmm. Hmm."

Well, this girl's pedantic nature hasn't changed, whether in the original story or now. That's just Eve for you.

"So what's your plan for dealing with this 'pollen outbreak'? Are you just going to let it happen since it's the season?"

"Tsk. Whose fault is this? ··· Initially, we did plan to do just that. But recently, a good idea came to mind."

"A good idea?"

"Yes, all thanks to Wolfram. I have to thank him for this."

When I tilted my head in confusion, Eve cleared her throat and explained.

"After 300 years, I want to propose the opportunity for our generation to step beyond the gates, in this era."


Why does that concern me? Don't. Please don't.

"Follow me. I'll lead the way. ··· Someone mentioned that at the Magic Craft Competition."

"Ah, I see."

Eeeeeeek! It didn't feel embarrassing when I said it, but it's incredibly awkward when someone else repeats it.

"Anyway, I was inspired by that statement. Yes, just go out. To solve the problem, just step outside. Like that person suggested. Even without the 'ticket' that person mentioned, let me be the guide. Let's head to the sanctuary of the flowers!"

"······And then?"

Eve chuckled and snapped her fingers.

"We're going to burn it. If there are no flowers, there won't be any pollen to spread, right?"


I hadn't thought of that.