
Product 41 - Cliche Novel

In the hall, not a single person could speak in response to Wolfram's statement.

Only 5 minutes.

Yet, the antagonist had won over the favor of all the judges present.

Was it the air of noble lineage?


Was it because the words spoken by a man named Wolfram von Roengreen had touched the hearts of everyone?


Those words had pierced the skin, coursed through the smallest vessels, and struck at the very core. The heart.

Rise and shine. Embark on an adventure.

And all of this,

"I aim to bring it to our generation."

That was all it required.

Three centuries.

A full three centuries.

The esteemed founding emperor, revered as a Martial God or Mage God, had declared that the artificial island of Jephryn would be a place where the empire's martial and intellectual prowess would converge to cultivate the foundation of a millennium-spanning empire. So much time had passed since then.

However, the subsequent generations lacked the wisdom and valor of the emperor. Although Jephryn offered various environments for students to gain experience, humanity chose to remain confined.

No one knows what lies beyond the land they currently occupy.

Why shy away from adventure?

Is it because graduates would ultimately return to the empire and assume real responsibilities? Is it because one cannot simply risk their life for the sake of adventure alone? Is it because the distant monsters could never breach the academy?


That's not the essence of it.

Humans are fragile. Their primary desire is survival.

Thus, Jephryn harbored no curiosity about the outside world. Or, perhaps more accurately, it couldn't afford to be curious.

"Follow me. I'll lead you there."

Magical Sweets.

An unexpected tool.

A boost activated by consumption. No advance orders necessary. The face of battle transforms with just recovery and support.

Even a slim chance made the heart quiver.

They didn't hide their trembling hearts. Their hearts told them not to.

The judges are professors. They are graduates of Jephryn. All of them have completed graduate school.

They've spent decades mastering magic and swordsmanship, yet these skills have never been tested in practice. They shudder at the frustration that their acquired knowledge might remain buried in a stagnant world.

And now, long past their prime, they are presented with dreams. It's wicked. It's villainous.

"By the way."

The fallen prince, stripped of everything and hidden away, spoke candidly to the oppressed populace.

"In my era, you are all included."


"I hope you ponder the essence of why Magic Craft is held in Jephryn when rendering your judgment. That's all."

With these words, I stepped down from the podium.

The moment I descended, applause erupted throughout the audience. I couldn't help but smile, witnessing these professors applauding like enthusiastic seals.

A person who secured a full plate of sweet and sour pork from a volunteer lady at an orphanage with nothing but sweet talk.

A person who received payment without undertaking any fieldwork.

No one could match my expertise in sycophancy.

In truth, my final remark was a gamble to see if the professors would feel pleased yet somewhat wistful. And it appears they appreciated it. So, you all would embark on adventures just because I provide you with enhanced snacks? Be cautious; you might strain your back, and the treatment would cost 20 million Rin.

Nevertheless, it's gratifying that they approve.

They must have harbored dreams of greatness as well. The stagnant state of present-day Jephryn could breathe new life into these judges, these professors who have grown old without realizing their aspirations.

I descended to an empty space and covered my face with my hands, releasing a deep sigh.

So, I'm organizing this Magical Party. Selling them this panacea. Persuading them to follow me outside?

"Am I insane?"

Of course, it's a facade.

Actually, I have had such thoughts before.

As I've mentioned earlier, the production team of D/Z SAGA is incredibly meticulous, always demanding significant effort to acquire valuable items.

In simpler terms, valuable items are always found in areas infested with monsters. Of course, if you can master the right combination of skills and their application, you can compete to some extent, but anything beyond that seems impossible.

In that regard, the snack created for this magical party will undoubtedly have a substantial impact.

It will send the entire world of Jephryn into chaos.

Monsters with levels 19 and 20 will seek me out for new adventures, to turn the unknown into knowledge and gain power by exploring uncharted territories.

Those daring individuals drawn to that power. Will they really come all the way to Zone 8?

Will they come searching for me, who only has 2 stamina?

Are they out of their minds?

If I refuse, Amethyst's jewel sword Ezolde's starlight will pierce my neck, Regina Ceil will attempt to restrain me, and others like Chatrone and Agripa, even Hyeolmahee, will come looking for me.

'I must survive.'

However, even as I say this, I have no intention of releasing this item to the world. Absolutely not. It's a situation that will never happen.

I did well to accurately assess the situation in Jephryn through conversations between Eve and Aila. This is a crucial turning point. If I make a mistake here, all sorts of people will come to the convenience store. I want customers, not thieves or robbers.

Of course.

Of course, I say.

Ironically, it's not that I lack such dreams.

Venturing outside the academy to gather materials?


It's something I've always wanted to attempt.

I'd love to showcase more magical tools at the convenience store, and when someone asks, 'Do you have any items to defeat Mossman?', I want to say, 'If we're out, we're out. I'll make some by next week.'

Drawing a magic sword with a single stroke by striking the Twilight Chilseong stone in my hand with Myeolni? I'd like to try it.

But now is not the time. It's not the right moment for that.

Let's not rush; let's take it slow and equip ourselves one step at a time. I'm not in a hurry.

Selling this dream to the judges is a sweet deal. It might come true one day, and selling such dreams could lead to the project's failure.

First, let's neatly divert five million Rin. Considering there are five judges, it's like paying one million per dream, right? It's a win-win for both parties.

'Alright. Let's get out of here before others catch on.'

Just as I think this and head toward the waiting room—

"Your Highness, may I have a moment to speak with you?"


Regina Ceil spoke.

Leave me alone, seriously.

"That is…"

"I won't take up much of your time. I felt the need to speak with you after seeing the item you've displayed today…"

Seriously annoying, this annoying heroine. You should go annoy Kelters or something.

"I don't want to."

"Please reconsider. It would be an honor to have a conversation with you, as representatives of the Ceil Commerce Company…"

Just as I was about to refuse again—

"I can't grant you that honor."

A stronger refusal echoed in the waiting room.


The magic tournament has concluded.

Aila Tristar emerged as the victor. However, this victory failed to evoke any excitement within her.

Eve von Roengreen, boasting a magic level of 22, abstained from participating, while Regina Ceil, with a magic level of 20, announced her entry into the Magic Craft competition.

Certainly, her final adversary shared a magic level of 19, the same as Aila, but that was of little significance.

What distinguished him from her was the efficiency of magic.

Aila, who had triumphed by thrusting a spear in a single blow, and he, who had consistently engaged in splendid magic battles, operated on different planes.

So, she secured victory, broke records, and found herself with some spare time.

Instead of accepting her award and posing for photographs, Aila lamented the post-competition fatigue and hastily retreated to her dorm, requesting the award be delivered there.

Her own victory held little importance.

She yearned to witness his battle.

And it was not too late. She arrived in time.

The Magic Craft competition did not boast as many participants as one might expect.

Even those who did participate often hastily assembled something, received a few comments, and withdrew.

There was no need to ponder the reasons. Regina Ceil was too formidable. She never tasted defeat. Hence, inevitably, it was her solo performance.

However, Aila Tristar was more intrigued by the impending showdown of Wolfram von Roengreen, who had claimed assured victory, than her own maiden championship.

Upon her arrival, Regina Ceil's presentation had just concluded.

She remained oblivious to the nature of the presentation, but it was likely something profoundly impressive, met with polite applause from the judging panel.

None of that held any significance.

Not the slightest bit.

She had not journeyed here to witness the offerings of the top student in the class.

"…I'm not too late!"

The moment she absolutely needed to witness was on the verge of commencing.

And then, he uttered,

"I want to dub this snack a ticket."

"A ticket to explore every corner of a Jephryn that has long forsaken the notion of venturing beyond."

"A ticket that permits you to step out the door after 300 years."

"I wish to extend this opportunity to our generation, to this era."

"Ah, ah…"

Overwhelmed with emotion, she couldn't contain herself.

This was Wolfram's act of rebellion.

The future he envisioned.

Bestowing wings upon those who had forgotten to dare.

Kick the world, traverse this habitation zone, and embark on an adventure towards the sapling unquestionably planted by the first emperor.

Now, all the pieces had fallen into place.

"Yes. That's the whole plan… It's all part of a unified scheme."

Why the initial endeavor targeted 'graduate students who had abandoned their dreams' and 'freshmen aspiring to dream.'

"Wolfram will spin the thread and weave the wings."

Yes. And thus, he would justly affix wings to them.

Encouraging an expedition beyond the boundaries of Jephryn, urging them to extend their wings beyond the canvas.

And soon, everyone would realize.

That without Wolfram von Roengreen's consent, they could not spread their wings.

That without Wolfram's permission, no one in Jephryn could pursue their dreams!

"Follow me. I'll lead you there."

In response to those concluding words, Aila did not merely nod.

She simply smiled.

She was already one of those accompanying him.

From the start, she was among the chosen few in the rebellion.

So, her role was not merely to follow.

It was to stand beside him, supporting his rebellion to ensure its success.

What did Wolfram say?

"Yes. That's right."

Aila had a rather precise understanding of her current role.

The rebellion would be clandestine yet monumental.

The grand rebellion would be orchestrated by Wolfram von Roengreen.

In that case, she herself had to ensure that it remained covert.

She needed to become like black obsidian, absorbing all light.

It was incredibly straightforward, intriguing, and even enjoyable.

"Should I then proceed to offer my congratulations to Wolfram?"


When Aila suddenly appeared, I tilted my head in confusion.

Where have I seen that enigmatic expression before…?

Ah, yes.

It's the expression Aila Triasta wore during the boss battle of Act 3 Scene 3, particularly in the final phase.

I still recall her lines from that moment.

-If I lose this battle, it would be my end… but a future where I lose does not exist for me.

-I will stake my entire fate here. Shall we raise the curtain on a dazzling rebellion?

The ensuing battle was intense. Ah, it still sends shivers down my spine.

But why is she wearing that expression now?

"Aila Triastar… this is a conversation between the Prince and me."

"No, it's not. First, let me inquire: Ciel, you intend to discuss the rights and distribution of Magical Sweet, correct?"

"…You're aware of it. Since it's an important business discussion, could you please step aside?"

"I'm sorry, but that won't be possible."


Aila flashed a triumphant smile and pulled my arm towards her.

Hey, what are you doing to someone with stamina 2?

"The rights and inventory management of all Magical Sweets… were pre-invested by the Triastar family. Actually,"

Aila continued with a broad smile,

"It is solely in the hands of Aila Tristar. Anyone without authority should step aside."

"…Prince, is this true?"

Ciel regarded me with skeptical eyes, and Aila appeared somewhat anxious.

Is it true? Well…

"Regrettably, Aila is telling the truth. Step back, scion of the Ciel family. You don't even have the right to intervene."

"…Understood. If you change your mind, please feel free to contact me at any time."

With these words, the annoying girl departed, shaking her fist.

Nonetheless, cooperating with Aila is much preferable to getting entangled in her affairs.

"Hehe, I won. Look at that. Hahaha!"

Saying so, Aila covered her mouth and laughed.

She truly resembles a villain. How can she laugh like that?

While she enjoys herself, I must engage in the necessary discussion.


"What is it, Wolfram?"

"Just so you know, I have no intentions of releasing this to the market right now."

"…I understand. Of course."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Everything is for the Black Moon night that will eventually come. The day when the wings of rebellion spread, right?"


"I know everything. You haven't forgotten the promise. Hehe, as expected of Wolfram."

With that, she covered her mouth with her right hand and whispered.

What is she referring to?

Nevertheless, since her final boss mode had dissipated, I decided to play along for now.

"Yes, it's for rebellion."

"Right? Right?"

"Yes. Rebellion."

"Exactly! Yes! I know! Leave the covert operations to me!"

"Rebellion, rebellion."

"Yes! Yes!"

She really is a simple-minded person.

How can she live so carefree?