
Product 4 - Cliche Novel

Phil had made the decision to hand over everything in the grocery store, including the deposit, to me. The arrangement was to exchange a sword and clothes for it.

However, the deal seemed to be more in favor of Phil.

Both the sword and the clothes were priced at Maestro and Yggdrasil, so I ended up with a significant loss.

The issue was that the buyers wouldn't purchase from 'Wolfram,' but they would buy from Phil if he was willing to sell.

Nevertheless, even after buying this grocery store at that price, there should still be at least twenty million left over. It would certainly surprise Phil.

"Hmm. It seems I'm making quite a profit."

"Well, why don't you leave me with some then?"

Now, I decided to take a look around the grocery store as the previous owner had instructed.

The interior was clean and the shelves were organized neatly.

It was evident that the former owner had put in a real effort to run the place well.

However, there weren't many items in stock, and the fact that there was enough black bread to spoil indicated a problem.

"There seems to be a bit of an issue."


Phil nodded in agreement. There were originally too few items in the store.

There were around a hundred lower healing potions and various decent consumer goods like pens, paper, black bread, and water.

As I silently examined the items, Phil chuckled and scratched the back of his head.

"The quality and quantity of the items themselves are not bad, but they are a bit old."

"Hmm… What do you mean?"

What on earth was he trying to say?

Was he trying to recover some capital?

Is it not bad?

"Okay, let's do this. You need at least the cost for the next item order, right? I have five hundred thousand Rin with me now. I'll give you that too."


So, the actual cost of acquisition would be seven and a half million Rin.

Considering the deposit and prepaid rent for this store, the price seemed fair.

It felt like I was receiving an inflated certificate ten times its worth and items that couldn't be converted into money no matter how much I held onto them.

"Sounds good. Let's do it that way."

I nodded. It seemed like this arrangement would somehow work.

And thus, the glorious revival of Wolfram would commence.

"Oh, right. The building owner mentioned wanting to be present for the contract."


No, just let me start.


The building owner?

It was rare for the building owner to personally witness a contract for such a small store.

Was Phil someone important?

No, I couldn't recall such a person.

So why would this building owner be interested in this small store contract?

"They said they would come immediately upon hearing your name. They seem to be quite a friendly person."

I see.

A friendly person who showed interest in the beginning of Wolfram von Roengreen.

A faint face crossed my mind for a moment, but I quickly shook my head.

She was someone who earned money on her own and didn't lack it due to the influence she wielded.

"Who is it?"

"You'll find out when you see. Anyway, I'm off to cash in. Good luck."

No, tell me, you bastard.

I glared at him, but Phil left to cash in his items.

And he never returned.


If I were to be evicted from the building like Eve, who was obsessed with justice, what would I do?

Am I really doomed?

I was on the verge of hitting the jackpot in life, and now I'm getting screwed over like this?

As the building owner who would judge this deal entered the grocery store, my eyes widened in disbelief.

"I'm a bit late."


I closely examined her face.

No doubt about it.

A plain, yet undeniably beautiful face.

Her long black hair cascaded down to her waist, and her eyes, like dark amethysts, exuded a cold aura.

At first glance, she appeared indifferent or emotionless, sporting a perfect poker face.

Eyes that revealed no emotions.

Aila Tristar.

The second daughter of the Tristar Baron family and the second-ranked student in the third grade of the Department of Magic.

A named character I knew of.

Her detailed specifications, status, and skills appeared in my mind. I could even recall certain aspects of her character background.

A monster with an innate magic power of 19.

The second daughter of a merchant family that controlled 20% of the market in the Roengreen Empire.

An incredible intellect.

Already proficient in using Tier 3 magic.

As I scrolled through all of this information in my memory, a very faint sentence glimmered in the corner.

"You really hit rock bottom, Wolfram."

The mid-boss of the Merchant Route Act 3.

"Do you have any more use for me?"


And, Wolfram's betrothed.


When people encounter something unimaginable, their thoughts halt, and they struggle to find words.

Just two days after becoming Wolfram von Roengreen, I felt on the verge of losing my mind.

From being a refugee at school to unemployed, I thought I had seen it all.

But this, this was by far the most surprising turn of events.

Isn't it astonishing when a fiancée I don't even remember suddenly appears?

"Try to say something, Wolfram."


I stared at her blankly.

So, the landlord of this newly occupied dilapidated building is my fiancée and also a mid-boss in the story, right?

Wow, I must be losing it. Why does it feel harder than fighting the final boss with my bare fists?

"I've heard about it."

"What did you hear?"

"You got expelled. Student council president."

"Yeah. That happened."

I would rather feel the pain of a body filled with anger than endure this.

"So, when I first heard that the new tenant's name was you, I was quite surprised."


"You're still at the academy, huh? If you were the Wolfram I knew, you couldn't have endured the humiliation and would have run away."


"Did you not leave because you were afraid of potential retaliation from the faction you abandoned?"

Wow, she is undoubtedly my betrothed.

How well she understands Wolfram.

"Answer me, Wolfram. Why did you stay? And why did you come to find me?"

"...Find you?"

"Hmph. Buying this grocery store is a message to me, isn't it? A plea for me to save you? Or is it an order?"


"A man whose only redeeming quality was his ambition had his position snatched away by his younger sister, and now he's relying on his fiancée? How far do you plan to fall, Wolfram von Roengreen?"

Wait a minute. Stop. Just wait a minute. Let me think.

Regardless, I don't know how much resentment you hold towards Wolfram. You should address that with Wolfram himself.

"Anyway, I reject this deal. Please disappear on your own before you become more pathetic."


No, that's a problem.

I can't leave.

If I do, it will lead to a bad ending.

Resurrection as a zombie.

Death by my younger sister's kick.

"Aila Tristar."


Aila is the mid-boss of Act 3.

Her main skills are dark magic and crystal magic.

She's quite a formidable enemy based on Act 3.

Whether it's now or then, her combat power wouldn't have changed much. If she fights with all her might, I will die here.

But I have a weapon called thinking.

In order to survive as Wolfram, who has no health or magic and is surrounded by the threat of death, I have to make the best judgment using thinking as my weapon.

Don't stop thinking.

Each character in Jephryn is vibrant. And fortunately, I understand the characteristics of most characters.

In my mind, conversation scripts with the characters were passing by.

[Act 3 Chapter 2. The Witch of Rebellion.]

What was Aila's character like?

Ambition. And chuunibyou1.

I've come to a conclusion.

Immediately after, I leaned back comfortably in the chair, wearing a leisurely smile with my fingers adorned with rings, and opened my mouth.

"How amusing."


"Was this building yours? Investing in a place like this is not a smart move."

"Ha! Nonsense!"

Ah, this is the kind of dialogue that Aila would appreciate.

Aila is ambitious, or in other words, the personification of chuunibyou, a villainess.

She often spouts seemingly profound words, which are impressive but overly serious when observed from the side, making her look like she's immersed in chuunibyou. Add to that, a bundle of ambition.

So, I have to act somewhat grandiose for a conversation to be possible.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"


"Your shallow lies. There's no way you didn't know. You approached because this building was mine, right?"

"Do you think I, Wolfram von Roengreen, have to remember such a trivial building?"


"Listen carefully, Aila. Until just a moment ago, I had absolutely no idea who owned this building. If that sounds like a lie to you, then your proud eyes are blind and your ears are deaf. I am Wolfram, the prince of this country."

"Alright. Let's say I believe that's true. Then why are you trying to acquire this grocery store here?"

Here's the crucial point.

Take a breath, flick a finger. A smile at the corner of the mouth. Fully loaded with arrogance.

"It's for my ambition."


Start with a word that Aila absolutely loves.

The chapter title isn't "The Witch of Rebellion" for nothing. It should have been "The Lady of Ambition."

As a boss, she had countless underlings, and they were all talented individuals without exception.

"I didn't let go of anything."

"Not a single thing…?"

"That's right. My ambition begins now. That's why I wanted to acquire this grocery store."

"Why this grocery store of all things?"

"Shadows need to hide in the most secret places."

"Ha! You're just spouting nonsense without any plan…!"

While saying that, why are you biting your lower lip and shaking? Admit it, you're curious too, right? The atmosphere is too cool right now, isn't it?

Strike at this moment with precision.

"I have a plan."

Let's spout some seemingly profound plan next.

Aila will absolutely love it.

"Alright, alright. Speak up. Now. Quickly. Let's hear your plan."

"No, I can't tell you."

"What? So it's just nonsense…"

"Because you're not on my side at the moment."


With that, Aila tightly clenched her fists. It seems she really enjoys this kind of exchange.

"I have no reason to share information with someone who isn't on my side. You can leave."

"Do you not realize I'm the landlord and can evict you anytime?"

"That's a feeble threat."

"Urgh! Fine, fine. If I become your ally, will you tell me then?"

Is that so?

That wouldn't be too bad.

Let's see. If Aila joins my side, I can transform from a tenant with a strained relationship into one with a good relationship with the landlord.

Anyway, I don't need to do anything grand. What Aila expects from me is the 'Wolfram who hasn't lost his ambition.'

Wolfram's ambition must be about the lottery. No, not that lottery. About becoming the student council president.

Let's see.

"I will gather talented individuals on my side."

"…Talents will come to you? Do you even know who these talents are?"

"I do. Starting with that druid girl you care so much about, there's a new student in the magic department specialized in fire magic. And there's also a guy in the knight department who shows great potential as a future swordsman."

"H-How… How did you know…"

"Aila. Aila Tristar. Do you know who I am?"

"Wolfram… Wolfram von Roengreen. The exiled student council president."

"That's right. I was the student council president. The former president. But do you think I was simply exiled?"

"What… are you saying?"

"I have eyes everywhere in the academy. In fact, since Eve took my place, I got an opportunity to control the academy from the shadows."

"Can you really do that…? Eve von Roengreen has justification. Can your rebellion succeed against her, someone who upholds the image of a just student council president?"

"A rebellion takes place in the most secretive and quietest corners, and it yields the grandest results."


At my words, Aila's expression noticeably hardened.

This was the conclusion I reached, never ceasing to think.

"A rebellion."

"That's right."

She utters the words she loves the most.

'Rebellion.' That's her identity as the boss.

[Oh my, a rebellion takes place in the most secretive and quietest corners and brings about the grandest results.]

This line was her signature statement in Act 3. I used it first. Sorry. I need to survive too.

"You. You… are still…"

Aila bit her finger hard and glared at me, clearly upset.

Her flushed face indicates just how aggrieved she must be.


It seems Aila both loathes and 'knows very well' about Wolfram.

To her, Wolfram is a repulsive, arrogant man who refuses to let go of his pride.

She now believes that Wolfram has come to her after being usurped by his younger sister and even hopes for her aid. Therefore, she despises him.

But at the same time, there was another hint in her words.

The point being, 'I could appreciate his ambition.'

Therefore, to survive now, Wolfram, the man who has not yet fallen, must display his strength.

"I… can't believe it."

"I never asked you to."

"What… did you say?"

"Belief is an empty word. It's the most insignificant word that follows once the results have been achieved."


"I'm not asking for your help. Just don't interfere. If you do, I won't hesitate to get rid of you."


Aila stared at me with a piercing gaze, then rose from her seat. She continued to shoot me a look of contempt.

"Even in a rat hole, you remain the same. I'll watch as you fall, Wolfram."

With an arrogant wave of my hand, I bid her farewell until the end.

Observing this, she clenched her teeth, headed toward the door, and as she was about to leave, I called out to her.

"Before you go, what are you going to do with this grocery store?"

"If you pay a fair price, there's nothing that can't be sold. That's our TriStar family policy."

"I see. It's a matter of price. Take it."

After that, Aila departed, and I stared at the spot where she had stood for a while before leaning back with a sigh.

"I thought I was done for."

I covered my face with both hands and let out a deep sigh.

"Anyway, I managed to bluff convincingly."

Me, an apostle of rebellion? Are you kidding?

Sorry, Aila, but I'm someone who prefers peace and quiet.

My plan is to gather savings from the convenience store, earn a degree, learn a skill, and live a peaceful life in the countryside.

"Ah… I'm exhausted."

I'm not well-liked by the student council president who is set to lead the next regime.

All the other species avoid me.

I also have to figure out how to revive this old grocery store.

In front of my fiancée, who is a mid-boss, I had to pretend to be a great rebel, and I'll have to maintain this facade in the future.

And yet…

Right now, I am alive.

Though it's meager, I have something to eat immediately, and even though it's cramped, I can sleep in the employee room.

Glancing at the clock, I realized it was past midnight.

Tomorrow, a day I thought wouldn't come, has already arrived.

If that's the case…

"Survive another day."

In this convenience store, I'll survive once again and continue living.

With that thought, I let my weary mind rest and drifted off to sleep.


Chuunibyo (中二病), also known as "eighth-grader syndrome", is a Japanese colloquial term typically used to describe early teens who have grandiose delusions, who desperately want to stand out, and who have convinced themselves that they have hidden knowledge or secret powers. It translates to "second-year syndrome" (i.e., middle-school second-year).

The term chuunibyo was first used in 1999 by Hikaru Ijūin, a Japanese writer and blogger. Ijūin used the term to describe the childish aspirations of elementary school students as if it were some kind of syndrome he had contracted. The term quickly became popular in Japan, and it is now used to describe anyone who exhibits the symptoms of chuunibyo, regardless of their age.