
Product 39 - Cliche Novel

The unstoppable flow of time affects everyone.

That's why humans are constantly getting ready.

Even when you've prepared as thoroughly as possible for a significant task, there's an undeniable sense that time is insufficient.

Nevertheless, if you've given it your all, the next step is to take charge.

"Nephti, will the results be certain?"

"Yes, I've invested all my efforts. Isn't that right, junior?"

"Yes, absolutely! Instructor!"

What does she mean by 'instructor'?

"Mille-feuille, did you take some snacks?"

"Yes, I did!"

"Then we've done everything we can, and we're prepared. Let's proceed."

"…Yes, senior!"

Today marks the day of the duel between Mille-feuille and Kelters.

And it's the day I showcase my Magic Craft.


Since we had some time before the presentation, I decided to escort Mille-feuille to the first-year common dormitory.

When we reached the entrance, Nephti grinned. When I inquired why, she explained,

"I handled the wallpaper and paint in there. Well, actually, it was the Wolves of Sabuten crew."

She said with a mysterious smile.

Well, Nephti has always been that way. She even recently started wearing an armband that reads 'Safety Manager.'

"I have some matters to attend to in the Knight Department, so I'll be on my way. Take care, junior."

"Yes, Instructor!"

"Go ahead."

Nephti disappeared with a contented smile, and Mille-feuille and I strolled through the common dormitory towards the first-year department.

During the unusually quiet walk, Mille-feuille was the first to break the silence.


"I'm all ears. Please, go on."

"Thank you. I'm determined to win."

"That's a commendable attitude."

"And if I do win… for just one day…"

Before she could finish her sentence, a loud voice echoed from a distance, drowning out Mille-feuille's words.

"Mille-feuille! I thought you'd been devoured! Oh. Donut Senior, hey there. You didn't devour Mille-feuille, did you?"

"Mille-feuille, you're safe. Great. Hello, Donut Senior. Did you bring Mille-feuille back?"

"Vanilla, Yogurt…!"

A yellow chick and a green chick approached the pink chick, and the three of them embraced and laughed.

It was a lively 'Peep' reunion.

"Well, give it your all in the exam."

"…Um, senior."

"What is it?"

"I'll give it my absolute best!"

There was no doubt in Mille-feuille's eyes.

Honestly, I'm eagerly anticipating her victory as well.

I wonder how she has transformed in this moment, in this battle, from a character who was supposed to lose and fade away.

Being a third-rate extra like her, I hope Mille-feuille succeeds.


"Yes, yes!"

"Take this."

"…What's this?"

It's the last item I can lend her right now.

I removed the glove I was wearing and handed it to Mille-feuille.

"It will help you."

Mille-feuille blinked, took my glove, held it close, and swiftly put it on her hand.

"…Even when we're apart, we're together."

What does she mean?

Wearing just one glove increases your skills by 3.


Wolfram von Roengreen and Mille-feuille Phonsabre.

Listening to their oddly sweet conversation, Vanilla and Yogurt exchanged glances.

"What do you think, Yogurt?"

"If you had tact, you wouldn't ask, Vanilla."


"That's it."

The two simply gazed at their friend with affectionate eyes.


Practical class.

About a hundred students had gathered in this location, sitting in the stadium's stands.

Except for two individuals.

"Before we commence the class, let's proceed with the practical exams for the two students who haven't taken them yet."

Upon the professor's words, two students stepped forward.

One was a boy with red hair and a cheerful smile, Kelters.

The other was a girl with pink hair who appeared incredibly frail, Mille-feuille.

Holding wooden swords in one hand, the two nodded slightly to each other while maintaining some distance.

"The duel will continue unless one of you is incapacitated or concedes defeat. Do both of you understand this?"

"Yes, Professor!"


The professor offered an approving smile in response to Kelters's enthusiastic answer but gave an unhappy look to Mille-feuille, who simply nodded.

"While there is a difference in stats between the two of you, I can intervene at any time. So, give it your all without any worries. Understood? Now then, let the duel begin. Start!"

"Nice to meet you!"


Mille-feuille merely nodded.

Without uttering a word, she clenched the last piece she had been holding between her molars.


Mille-feuille didn't contemplate.

In fact, she couldn't afford to think. Such a luxury would provide Kelters with an opportunity to strike.

Thus, her first move after the fight began was an unexpected surprise attack.

That's what she had learned.

[The trigger for Magical Patisserie's buff is when the condition of 'one snack' is met. For example, almost finishing a cake and then placing the last chocolate chip between your teeth. Remember this.]

[Mille-feuille's stats is lower than Kelters's. Even if you activate Half Berserk, it will be roughly the same or less.]

Mille-feuille said nothing. She simply bit down, activated it, and charged.


"... Uh, what?!"


Instead of the clean hit sound, there was a collision.

Even after launching a surprise attack, she couldn't land a blow on Kelters, the top freshman.

[If your surprise attack fails, you'll have to go all out again. Once you've initiated the first attack, you can't revert to being passive. The gap in your stats is that significant. Got it, chick?]

"Hyah! Hah!"

"Oh, um, wow!"

Two more sword strikes clashed.

Even while heeding the advice of the senior and persisting with successive surprise attacks, Kelters didn't allow a single accurate strike.

"Ugh… Darn it!"

Nevertheless, Mille-feuille managed to push Kelters back two steps.

The extra had taken two steps away from the protagonist.

However, it didn't mean the extra had the upper hand.

[If Mille-feuille pushes the opponent back, he'll surely use the next skill. Here's how you should react.]

[Nameless Sword: Pierce: Breakthrough]

[Nameless Sword: Pierce: Breakthrough]

The exact same incantation.

The exact same stance.

The exact same charge.

While Kelters and Mille-feuille clashed right at the midpoint, the outcome was different.


Kelters, successfully breaking through, and Mille-feuille, blown away.

With a thud, Mille-feuille rolled several times on the ground.

"Are, are you okay?!"

Kelters, who had unintentionally struck her hard, was in a panic.

However, Mille-feuille, using her wooden sword as a support, looked at Kelters with unyielding eyes.

[The pastry known as Mille-feuille is made by repeatedly folding the dough thinly. When you finally unfold it, it has 2,187 layers.]

"···Now just one more layer. 2,186 to go."

Mille-feuille hadn't given up yet.


From the beginning, the outcome of the fight was predictable.

Even now, no one would claim that Mille-feuille had an advantage.

A battle between an underdog and a top student. There was no need to watch for the result.

[Nameless Sword: Pierce]


Even now, Kelters's attack sent Mille-feuille flying.

Of course, as a shining freshman who had everyone's attention, he rightfully held the top student position. How dare anyone challenge him.

But the atmosphere was peculiar.

"···2,100 more to go."

"Stop, stop getting up. Stop!"

This third-rate, inferior student, this flashy chick, refused to stay down.

On the contrary.

"Stop getting up, I said!"

"2,099 to go."

Now, it was the top student who looked like he might cry, glaring at the chick.


Mille-feuille contemplated.

'My entire body aches. Getting up is tough. Reaching 2,000 layers isn't a walk in the park.'

"Why are you getting up? You can stay down!"

"Because I want to win."

"You can't beat me! My attacks are superior! You keep getting thrown around! Just give up!"

"······You're correct, Kelters. What you're saying is true."


"But I made a promise not to give up until I fall 2,187 times."

"What, what?"

"So, I want to win too."


[Nameless Sword: Pierce: Breakthrough]

[Nameless Sword: Pierce: Breakthrough]


'Even this time, I'm the one getting tossed around. It's really frustrating. What's the deal? I've been strategizing while listening to my senior's advice, but I don't see a chance of winning.'

Mille-feuille thought as she rolled on the ground, got back up, and contemplated once more.

'What do I need to do to win?'

[A way to defeat Kelters?]


It came to her simultaneously.

The conversation she had with that cold, blunt senior who forcefully fed her a bunch of snacks.

[Senior, Kelters' stats are higher than mine, do you think I'll lose if I just use basic swordsmanship…?]

[You will lose. Even if you use Half Berserk, losing is losing.]


[The issue is that you are significantly less skilled. Even if you use the same skill, you'll lose in finesse. That's a given.]


She looked up at the senior with hopeful eyes.

Over the past few days, she had realized that if she made a face that said, "Please help me," he would grumble but kindly explain.

[So you have to pull off a secret strike against Kelters. Before Half Berserk wears off.]

The senior continued to explain tersely yet warmly.

[First and foremost, you have to get up. I'm assuming that as a prerequisite. Start by creating an illusion in Kelters.]

[What kind of illusion?]

"Stop getting up."

"Kelters, you can't bring me down with just swordsmanship. 1,997 to go."

[Then, Kelters will change his tactics. He's adaptable, so he'll maintain his distance and prepare for another attack. That's when the opportunity arises.]

"Damn it. Pierce all the enemies in front of me."

"It's not swordsmanship; it's magic."

Kelters began incanting a spell with his sword held upright.

[Ore: TwoFour: Spear]

With all her might, she dodged.

Thanks to her sensitivity to magical energy, her trembling body narrowly evaded the spear.

[But I'm sensitive to magic; won't I be in danger just from its influence?]

[Half Berserk is already activated, right?]

[Oh, right.]

[If you reduce your magical power to zero, there's nothing to worry about. The only issue is one thing.]

[What's the issue?]

[You must not fear magic. If you dodge Kelters' magic, he will definitely prepare a second attack.]

[So what should I do?]

[Charge in with all your might. Then you've almost won.]

[To win completely?]

[Concentrate on a single point and strike it with all your strength.]

[Where is that?]

[The crown of his head. So, go for a headshot.]

[A, a headshot?]

[Yes. Channel all the pent-up rage you've been carrying and shout. Only look at his head and shout like this.]

[Like this?]


"YAAAAAAAAAH! He, headshot!"

"Wh, wh, what?!"




The outcome was decided.

One person slumped down, while the other lay flat.

What's intriguing is that the one who slumped lost consciousness, whereas the one who lay flat remained alert.


"Mille-feuille, are you okay?!"

"…Yep, I'm fine. Hehe."

She grinned foolishly but couldn't contain her smile.

Mille-feuille just kept on smiling.

"I won, didn't I? I did say 'bang,' didn't I?"

"You goof! Is this really the time to worry about that?!"

"Let's head to the nurse's office. We should see a doctor. Professor, may we?"

"Yes, yes. Go on. Come back quickly."

Vanilla and Yogurt were in a frenzy.

Why were they attempting to move her when she couldn't even move herself? Mille-feuille simply lay there, gazing up at the sky naturally.

In her left hand, she held the gloves given to her by Senior Wolfram.

Thanks to these gloves, she felt like she moved just a little bit faster.

She forcefully lifted her hand to examine the gloves, and Mille-feuille smiled like her usual pink self.

"I made a 'bang,' Senior."