
Product 37 - Cliche Novel

"Senior, I'll be going now. Thank you very much for today! Thanks to your guidance, I've been putting in a lot of effort."

"Of course, keep up the good work."

"Um, Senior…"

"What is it?"

"Well… Um…"

Just as Mille-feuille was about to speak, the door to the convenience store swung open, and someone walked in.

Eyes resembling gemstones.

Long hair flowing down past the waist.

An expression devoid of color or transparency.

Eyes that revealed nothing.


It wasn't the Aila Tristar that I knew, but rather, someone who reminded me of Aila Tristar, the third-act boss.

Aila spoke in a chilly tone.

"Hello, Wolfram."

"Didn't we see each other earlier today?"

"Yes, we did. So, Wolfram, may I ask what you're doing right now?"

"What? Oh, I see."

"Yes, let me explain…"

This could be misconstrued.

Summoning a junior to a convenience store in the middle of the night.

Desserts piled up on the table, and the junior keeps indulging in them.

Yes, anyone would think…

"Is this Akgibari*?"

"What's that?"

"Oh, it's slang in Shikgomun. No, it's nothing. I was just conducting a small test. All done with consent."

If I get summoned to the academy's human rights committee, I'm in trouble.

"What kind of test?"

I began explaining step by step under Aila's skeptical gaze.

And as the explanation continued, I saw Aila's expression soften. Internally, I chuckled.

This girl. She was worried I was bullying my junior.

"That's the situation."

"I see. You're practicing Magic Craft. And you are Mille-feuille, right?"

"Yes, yes!"

"You have a skill called Mana Sensitivity. Hm, understood. Sorry for the late introduction. I am…"

"A senior in the third year, Black Obsidian Aila Tristar!"

"Oh? You know me?"

Mille-feuille clenched her fist and beamed.

"Yes! You're really famous!"

"Hm, well, good. Your discernment seems to be excellent since you know me."

Aila chuckled when she realized that a freshman recognized her.

When I looked at her with a grin, Aila turned red.

"What is it, Wolfram?"

"Nothing, you just seem happy that a freshman recognized you."

"Hmph. I may be famous, but that's due to the Tristar family name. How many people would actually know me?"

"I know about you, Senior."


"At the freshmen welcoming party, after seeing your almost perfect combat, I thought I want to be like you."


"Because I'm sensitive to mana and was watching from a distance, I could notice. Everyone saw Kelters breaking through your Black Obsidian barrier and thought you snared him with a reformation, but I didn't see it that way. No matter where he came from—side, top, breakthrough—you could have stopped Kelters's attack, right? You were fully prepared."

Mille-feuille's analysis left me astounded.

I wasn't present, but considering the original Aila, she probably could have defended from any side or from above. Even in the tutorial, there was a section that mentioned, "Break through the barrier and ambush!"

However, knowing this as a player and analyzing it as something virtually impenetrable, even when observed from the sidelines, are entirely different things.

To be honest…

I couldn't come up with a viable strategy to defeat Kelters based on Mille-feuille's stats.

However, when there's such a clear advantage, you never know.

"So, were you watching closely?"

"Yes! I'll also have to face off against Kelters soon, so I've been closely following your battle, Senior Aila, which was so stunning and dazzling."

"I see. I see. Hehe."

Aila smiled with delight and stood directly in front of Mille-feuille, gazing intently at me.


"What is it?"

"Give me this chick."

"What, what?"

"Hmm. It's a chick now, but I'll take responsibility and turn it into a splendid chicken!"

"What do you plan to do with the freshman?"

Send the chick home safely.


After safely escorting the frightened chick home, Aila enjoyed the cake I had prepared.

"Yes, there appears to be some magical protection. Though I'm not sure what kind of protection it is."

Then, she became serious.

"Wolfram, you mentioned that you've learned the Magical Patissier skill, right?"


"That's a new skill to me. Is making magical pastries your forte, Wolfram?"

"First time?"

"Yes. As far as I know, no one has possessed such a culinary skill."

The requirements for acquiring it aren't that challenging.

However, it's only natural that no one has acquired it.

Even Eve Von Roengreen would reveal the location of a northern base for a few sweets; this world lacks culinary expertise.

High-quality ingredients come from lands brimming with magical power, but humanity has chosen stagnation.

That's why Nephti, Aila, and Rudika frequent convenience store.

Stagnant humans initially abandoned the art of dining.

"Wolfram, what is most needed to commercialize this skill?"


"I want to sponsor your Magical Patissier. Now, tell me."

"Not enough magical power."

"Tell me something I can help with."


That's right. Even increasing magical power by 1 requires an item of national treasure-level quality. Other stats can be raised somehow, but magical power truly belongs to the realm of the divine.

"I'll need mana recovery potions."

"Alright. They're quite expensive, but I'll procure them for you. In return…"

"In return?"

"When you're ready to commercialize this skill, grant me the first rights to negotiate for the copyright."

"That's not difficult."

"Great! When should I have the potions ready by?"

"Tomorrow morning."


"Tomorrow morning."


"Is it impossible?"

"Ha! There's nothing that's impossible for Aila Tristar! I'll get it ready! Keep your promise!"

With that, Aila confidently walked away.

The following day, I received four boxes of mana potions.


Eve Von Roengreen's day is quite hectic.

She can't even be compared to other academy students.

First, she wakes up at 4:30 in the morning, does some light exercise followed by meditation, finishes her morning routine by around 6, and then heads to school.

The idea of resting when there are no classes isn't even an option. She goes straight to the student council office and issues orders.

After classes, she either goes to the lab for research observation or meets with student leaders from other departments for consultation.

"I admire Student Council President Eve von Roengreen."

Today is one of those consultation days.

She has a meeting with the high-society young ladies of the academy.

In the Bondi Empire, financial power can't beat real influence.

If she had to rank these young ladies, they wouldn't even make it past Tier 6.

They're trying to imitate a salon, perhaps? The conversation continues with laughter and jokes, but it's all rather tedious talk.

The snacks they bring are also incredibly bland. She thinks a donut made by Wolfram would taste better.

Eve scans the room with a bored expression, and everyone puts on a forced smile.

"Are you bored? If you're not pleased, we can arrange something else for you."

"It's fine, Regina Ciel. Thank you for your consideration."

"Ha, consideration."

The one who approaches her is a girl from a merchant family, who lets her blonde hair hang loosely and smiles warmly. To be honest, she's quite irritating.

"By the way, the Jephryn Student Competition is coming up soon. Thank you for your preparations."

"What are you talking about? It's just something I have to do."

Regina grins in response to Eve's intense gaze, urging her to get to the point.

"What division are you competing in, President?"

"I am not participating. I have to oversee the overall management on the day."

"Oh my, if you competed, you would easily win."

Well, yes. That's the implication of having a magic power of 22.

"I'm competing in the magic-craft division. Please visit if you get the chance, President."

"Yes, if I get the chance."

"There's something I'm concerned about."

"What is it?"

"There's one person on the list of participants in the magic-craft division. A rather unique individual."

"A unique individual?"

"Yes, the former Student Council President, Wolfram von Roengreen. He's participating in the magic-craft division."

"…What is he doing?"


"Nevermind. Go on."

"Well, I am taking this competition seriously, and I'm worried that defeating Prince Wolfram might cause some trouble. Wouldn't it be considered disrespect towards the crown?"

Regina wants to draw a line just in case defeating Wolfram damages his pride, and he takes it out on the royal family.

Eve quickly grasped Regina's intentions and sighed.

She wished students would behave like students and not like seasoned politicians.

"Do as you please. I don't care if you defeat him or not. The honor of the royal family won't be tarnished if Wolfram falls."


"Is that clear, Regina Ciel?"

"I will take your words into account, President."

Eve von Roengreen pondered.

About how Wolfram had changed since before her rebellion.

The man who stands above her in the family register, who had transformed the unknown into wisdom.

"If Wolfram claims he will emerge victorious, don't underestimate him."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Irritated, Eve dismisses Regina Ciel with a wave of her hand.

'He's participating in magic-craft?'

She wondered what he's thinking.

'I'll need to go on an inspection tour once this tedious salon is over.'

Perhaps grab a snack as well.

Thinking like that seemed to ease the tension at the corners of her mouth a little.


While sipping the Mana Potion I received thanks to Aila, I continued to activate Mixweet.


[Calculating the applied magic.]

[Two spells faintly shine in silver.]

"Another half-hearted one."

I reach for the Mana Potion beside me, take a sip, and prepare to activate Mixweet again.


"Are you alright, Wolfram?"

"Are you okay?"

Aila and Mille-feuille simultaneously send concerned glances.

These two have quickly grown close. Or should I say, since Aila found out that Mille-feuille is fighting against Kelters, she has been offering tactical advice.

"I'm fine. I just drank too much potion, that's all."

"It's only your third bottle, isn't it?"


Keep this in mind.

Three bottles are a lot for Wolfram.

However, certainly… Grinding skills while replenishing Mana with Mana Potions is something that's only possible in games. The human digestive system has its limits.

"But I have to do it. That's my job. You two get ready to face Kelters."

"Got it. Now, Chick, pay close attention. That guy can definitely pack a punch. But you're lacking in stamina and strength, so you'll need to dodge and aim for a counterattack."

"Is, is that so?"

"The average stats for that guy would be close to 15. What are your strength and stamina stats?"

"Stamina is 9, and strength is 8."

"One hit, and you'd go flying."

"But my magic power is 11!"

"Do you know any magic?"


Whether the two engage in mock combat or not, I continue to activate Mixweet and create new cakes.

Please, let it be successful.

I'm really running low on ingredients.

If I can't make 5 million rin, I'm in big trouble.


[Calculating the applied magic.]

[A spectacular success in iridescent light!]

[The two spells mix intensely!]

[The blessing of sweets shines brilliantly!]

[A single, significant blessing is granted to the sweets!]



I've finally achieved it.

How long had I been waiting for this message?

"Wolfram? Are you okay?"


Without responding, I motioned to Mille-feuille. She took a bite of the cake I offered and swallowed it without even chewing a few times.

She must be tired of the sweetness.

However, her reaction right after was on a completely different level.

"······Huh? Wh, what. What's this?"

"What kind of buff did you get?"

"Wh, what I mean is. This, this is…"

The most significant transformation of Mixweets.

When two intermediate-level buffs have a 3% chance to be multiplied together, it results in a spectacular success.

"My magical power, it doesn't feel like it's recovering at all. It even decreased. Is it zero…?"

"Instead, you should sense something else. How does it feel?"

And the most substantial buff one can obtain from the 8th-tier Magical Patissier possesses an ability so incredible that it doesn't seem to belong to the 8th tier.

"Yes, y-yes. But uh… uh, this is… like, like this?"

Instead of describing the change, Mille-feuille pressed the desk with her finger. Then there was a click, and her finger sank in.


As I suspected, it seems that the buff has been applied.

It turns her magic power to zero and allocates half of that to her strength and stamina.

Half Berserk.

In other words, Mille-feuille currently has an additional 5.5 points added to both her stamina and strength.

Her future growth? Naturally, it will be postponed.

The buff only lasts for 20 minutes.

But even if it's a fleeting moment.

At this moment, Mille-feuille, with stamina at 14.5 and strength at 13.5, can face Kelters head-on.

An extra who should definitely be written out can now face the main character.

"This is 14···."

"That's where the top freshman Kelters stands. No, maybe even higher."

"···Yes. So this is how strong it is."

A smile appears at the corners of Mille-feuille's mouth. A tear forms in her eyes.

Right now, Mille-feuille is undoubtedly reveling in the sense of omnipotence given by the difference in stats, and she is also despairing.

"Think you can win?"

"···I don't know."

Saying that, Mille-feuille clenches her fist tightly.


The desk shattered. And then it turned into dust and scattered from her hand.

"But I want to try. Even if I crash thousands of times and turn into dust, I still want to try."

That's a good answer.

Looking at Mille-feuille, and looking at the desk (which was a desk) scattering into dust from her hand, I smiled.

"Go ahead and change."
