
Product 35 - Cliche Novel

It just happened that the following day was the start of the weekend, so Mille-feuille dropped by in the morning.

"Come on in."

"Excuse me."

Naturally, I temporarily closed my store for the items I was planning to submit for the Jephryn Student Competition and sought refuge in the convenience store.

"Have you had breakfast?"

"Ah, no."

"Good. You're going to eat a lot today, anyway."

"Yes, yes! I'll do my best!"

I nodded as I looked at the enthusiastic young girl with pink cheeks who clenched both hands and nodded her head.

"But before that, let's go over our clear goals and current situations once again."

"Yes, yes!"

First, my situation:

The rent for this convenience store is too high, so I'm entering the Jephryn Student Competition, specifically in the Magic Craft category, to win and get the prize money of 500,000 Rin.

And regarding Mille-feuille:

Although he failed due to academic reasons, the professor looked favorably upon Kelters, granting a rematch against Mille-feuille.

She must win the duel scheduled two weeks from now.

The way to do that is with this buff-type snack I've created.

By consuming it before the match, using the Magic Patissier skill, she can secure victory!

"I have a question."

"Yes, yes!"

This young girl isn't new to the convenience store, but she looks surprised when I call out to her while she curiously looks around.

"Will you be expelled if you lose the duel?"

"…Well, I'm not sure? I did pretty well on the initial entrance mini-tests."

"I see. Understood."

Her destiny has already changed.

Thinking about it, since she got defeated by Kelters right after admission, not only would she not have performed well on the written exams, but she probably also lost a lot of practical points.

In other words, as long as she doesn't lose terribly to Kelters this time, expulsion won't be on the table.

"But I want to win."


"Ah, no. What I mean is… wouldn't it be good to have the desire to win?"


That's true. Even if the opponent is the top of the class, accepting defeat is the end.

I, too, have to beat Regina Ciel, who is the top of the third year.

"Alright, let's do it."

"Yes, yes!"


Magical Patissier is an 8th-tier skill.

In fact, while 9th-tier skills are trivial and can be learned as hobbies or for socialization, 8th-tier skills have a different significance. They serve as 'milestones' on the path one can take.

If you focus on honing an 8th-tier skill, it opens up a path of 'growth,' and you'll find your route. Naturally, there's a proficiency level and unlocking involved.

In other words, if I concentrate on Magical Patissier, after acquiring the 7th-tier Shining Patissier, a challenge quest for the 6th-tier Miracle Patissier appears.

You might become a Wolfram that is fluffy, sweet, round, and bulging. However, it's not a bad skill. I've even tried the 6th-tier Miracle, and it was certainly good as a buff item.

The method for leveling up is also simple; it's fun to make snacks and throw them using the Potion Pitcher skill from the back.

Anyway, the reason why I'm saying this is due to the characteristics and training methods of Magical Patissier.

[Make more snacks]

[Make higher quality snacks]

[Make more magical snacks]

[Make higher quality magical snacks]

Because the order requires more effort, to hone Magical Patissier, you should aim to imbue the highest quality snacks with magic.

Donuts are considered the lowest-tier snacks, so using Magical Patissier on them yields few experience points.

Therefore, it's more efficient to use it on the new snacks I've created.

Furthermore, the success rate of Magical Patissier is influenced by the 'Talent' status, not 'Magic Power'.

Think about how advantageous this is for Wolfram. Talent affects the success rate, but it does consume Magic Power.

It costs 1 Magic Power to use, so with my Magic Power, three times is the limit. After that, I have to take a break.

Wolfram's magic power recovery rate is 1 per hour.

So, at most, I can only make twenty-four in a day.

Therefore, I must put my belief into a single snack. I have to make the most out of these three chances now.

[Imbibing the new snack with 'magic.']

[The snack glows intensely red before evaporating and disappearing.]

Of course.

I never said it would definitely succeed.


[Successfully created!]

[8T Magical Patissier's proficiency increases!]

[Successfully created!]

[8T Magical Patissier's proficiency increases!]

In the end, one failure, two successes.

Since I made it myself, I can read the description. The description of the product reads:

[A premium snack enchanted with magical effects.]

Yes, that's the problem.

The exact buff effect is not indicated. This is the limit of an 8th-tier skill. If it becomes a 7th-tier Shining Patissier, the values will be exact.

Although it's not bad, it's still frustrating.

And that's also why I specifically chose the pink chick among all the chicks.

It's like a chick appraiser entrusting appraisal to a chick, but what does it matter?

"Go ahead, try it."

"Yes, yes!"

The chick eats it as if pecking at grains.

"What's the effect?"

"Um, well… How should I explain this?"

"How would I know?"

"Exactly, so, I feel like I can handle heat well now."

"I see, so it's fire resistance. Then try this one too."

"Yes, yes! Uh, this one… feels like I could dodge arrows?"

"Physical projectile resistance? Or is it evasion?"

Anyway, being sensitive to mana is a good trait.

Can you feel the buff like that on your own?

Thanks to this, I also know where my training level is at now.

"Two in a row, resistance and evasion. It's just beginner level even if I praise you."

"Yes, yes?"

"No, never mind. Let's make the next one."

"Yes, yes!"

[Insufficient user magic power.]

[Attempt to create failed!]

"…Let's take about an hour break."

"Um? Yes."

Damn it.


The student competition registration area was incredibly crowded.

The competition, which accepts up to 400 participants in each category, has an entry fee of 50,000 Rin.

If you're a student, you can get a chance to participate by stretching a bit, and the first-place prize is 5 million Rin.

"Yes, Ms. Aila Tristar. Your participation in the Magic Battle has been confirmed. We've confirmed the entry fee."

"Always a profitable business, isn't it? With the system perfectly in place, a lot of money must be flowing into each guild and department."

"Ha ha…"

The receptionist offered a forced smile, and Aila shrugged her shoulders. After all, this person was just a part-time worker earning 3,000 Rin per hour. Getting upset wouldn't change anything.

The reason she felt on edge at the moment was likely because of Wolfram.

Highly unusual for Aila Tristar. Rebellion should be subtle and deadly. Constantly displaying emotions isn't like her.

"Ah! Miss Tristar!"


Then, from a distance, another person who stirred her emotions approached with a smile.

"Ciel, long time no see."

"Yup! Miss Tristar, are you participating in the competition too? What category?"

"Magic Battle."

"Magic Battle! Wow… I find participating in combat really intimidating!"

"I see."

Regina Ciel.

Her title is Magic Merchant.

And she's the top student in the third-year Magic Department.

Aila had always found this woman irritating.

She might have shiny blond hair and look innocent, but beneath the surface, a cunning individual lurked.

"So, are you also entering the competition, Ciel?"


"Your category is… Magic Craft, without a doubt?"


"You plan to win again this year without losing?"

"I've been fortunate to win up until last year, but this year is truly uncertain."

Saying so, she covers her mouth with her hand and chuckles softly.

"This year is uncertain, huh? The materials refined by the Magic Artisans of the Weiha are recognized as top-notch even in Jephryn or the Imperial Capital. Who could beat you?"

"Oh, then it would seem like I'm cheating. According to the rules, if I assemble it, it's my entry, right?"


That's just like Regina Ciel.

She meticulously studies the rules, identifies the loopholes, and exploits them to her advantage.

'Only take the fights you can win.' That's a merchant's philosophy and aesthetics.

That's where the contrast lies between the Ciel family, leaders among the imperial merchant families, and the Tristar family.

If Tristar dares to challenge and faces failure, Ciel does not dare.

'That's why I don't like it. There's no sense of adventure.'

Anyone who stands at the pinnacle should dare to challenge and inspire dreams in others.

"Looks like it'll be a solo performance for you again this year."

"Hehe, you flatter me. But someone might come along who stirs my heart, you know?"

"I see."

"Yes, I hope someone like that comes along. Hehe."


After Regina Ciel's participation was confirmed, students heading to register for Magic Craft paused in their tracks.

She'll win again this year.

It was a predictable outcome.

"I've come to register."

"Yes, yes!"

Shortly after, a solitary individual approached the registration desk.

A fragile-looking physique but eyes that gleamed sharply. A soft-spoken manner. Graceful movements and actions. Vocabulary unique to the royal family.

"Wolfram von Roengreen. Participating category."

He stated it matter-of-factly and then stood there alone.

"Magic Craft."


Ugh, the registration fee is 50,000 Rin. It's really annoying.

No matter how I think about it, the department is left with ten million Rin. Do you really think the prize money alone amounts to ten million Rin? Of course, it's taxed and receives grants from the empire to enhance student competitiveness.

So, almost all of the registration fees remain as profit.

It's a clever way for Jephryn to generate revenue.


"Prince Wolfram von Roengreen…?"

As I completed the registration and was on my way out, two voices called out to me simultaneously.

"…Aila? And, the daughter of the Ciel family?"

"You don't have to call me that; we're in the same grade. Just call me Regina."

"I don't want to."

"······Yes, well, alright then."

Regina and Aila widened their eyes. Regina Ciel was indeed a hidden heroine, and you had to know her for quite a while to go down her path.

But she's really irritating. She takes the top spot for being irritating. Hello, Miss Irritation. Goodbye, Miss Irritation.

"What are you doing here, Wolfram?"

"Can't you see? I came to register for the Magic Craft competition."

"···Really? Magic Craft?"

"Yes. See you at the competition."

I was about to step back and leave.

"Um, Prince Wolfram von Roengreen, Regina Ciel would like to speak."

"What is it?"

Ah. Don't talk to me, irritating one.

"Magic Craft is truly the essence of magic."

"I know that."

"···Although being in the Magic Department, participating itself has significance, and that part is commendable···"

"Cut the small talk and get to the point."

"I'm afraid that you may dishonor yourself by creating a subpar item."

Why is she like this? Knowing Regina Ciel, why would she say this?

Ah, I get it. She's just as irritating.

"Hm. That makes sense."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"So, in short, you're saying don't make something useless and disgrace myself? And is this based on the calculation that it would be irritating if my anger affects relations with the royal family?"

"Yes, y-yes?"

"You think you can overwhelmingly defeat me, so you're worried I'll make a fuss and disrupt the relationship with the royal family. That's a reasonable thought. You're smart, a great merchant. You only want to be on the side of victory."

"······N-no, that's not what I meant."

Sure it is. She probably thinks she can completely overpower me and is concerned that after I graduate, I'll complain about how 'I got defeated in my third year in the Magic Department' and pester the Ciel family.

"So what are you getting at?"


"Do you have any information on what I will create or do?"

"I don't, but I have won the competition in the years before last and last year."

"That's impressive, well done."

"Thank you? That's not what I meant. Maybe next year you can submit something that suits the royal family."

"Smart. I may really not participate next year. Or maybe by then you can strengthen your family enough to push someone like Wolfram aside."

"N-no, how could I dare?"

"But now you're only looking at Von Roengreen, not Wolfram."

"Your Highness?"

"Do as you wish. I won't withdraw my participation. Just don't be irritating."

"Yes, y-yes?"

"Don't later turn around and say 'Why did the prince participate back then! I lost because I didn't want to antagonize the royal family!' and punch a giant rabbit doll in your room."

"·········I understand. This Regina Ciel will do her best."

"Do that."

I shrugged my shoulders.

Well, she is strong. That's true.

She's no joke when it comes to producing items.

But here's the thing.

Have I really never defeated her in my freshman year?

'Then I'm not a veteran.'