
Product 32 - Cliche Novel

And so, I drifted off to sleep next to the illuminated signboard.

The following day, to my surprise, I felt rejuvenated and proceeded with my morning routine as usual.

"It's been a while."


"Yes. I caused quite a commotion the last time."

"Don't concern yourself about it."

"…Thank you, Wolfram."

"How have you been lately?"

"That's precisely what I wanted to discuss…"

I heard that Zolf is still pursuing his research in Professor Laticia Grace's laboratory.

"…Are you doing well?"

"Yes, I'm doing fine."

No matter how much I pondered it, falling out of favor with the professor would likely disrupt his life in the laboratory. Nevertheless, Zolf appeared composed.

"If things don't work out, I can always find employment."


Did he hit the bottle or perhaps suffer a head injury? I furrowed my brow in confusion, but Zolf simply chuckled.

"Just kidding. Life in the laboratory is becoming more manageable."

"What do you mean?"

"That's what I wanted to discuss…"

Zolf continued:

Eve von Roengreen has taken the graduate students' rights to the royal family's attention. The Ministry of Justice has approved some, while the rest are still under review.

The investigation has uncovered the reality of Professor Laticia Grace's laboratory and its reputation has reached influential figures.

The professor's laboratory is under scrutiny, and while he's working to defend himself, he's also looking out for the graduate students. If Zolf, who was the primary victim of this incident, chooses to forego his Ph.D. and seek employment, it would spell trouble for the professor.

"But there's a time limit."

"Yes, indeed. Once the audit period concludes, the laboratory will likely return to its previous state. But until then, I can enjoy some peace, with a guaranteed 6 hours of sleep each day."

"Is that so?"

"Given the public sentiment, the professor might want to expedite my graduation for his own reputation. He mentioned that he will review the thesis I submitted last year within this week."

"…I see."

Zolf expressed his heartfelt gratitude.

"Thank you, President Wolfram."

"…I'm not the student council president. Just an ordinary student. And you should be thanking Eve."

"No, I genuinely appreciate you, regular student Wolfram. During those darkest moments when I was yearning for my diploma and graduation ring, I'll always remember what you said."

"…Just return to your laboratory."

"Yes, I will do that."

With that, Zolf departed.

Before leaving, he imparted one piece of advice to me.

"Wolfram, this might be the only advice I can offer you."

"Let's hear it."

"Even if you graduate next year, never pursue graduate school. Never."


"You must protect your rights."

Well, that's compelling.


8th-tier skill, Magical Patissier.

Actually, to put it this way, I acquired this skill as Kelters and decided to make it my primary auxiliary skill.

The way to increase the affection of the magical heroine, Eve, was to cook for her. So, I attempted to whip up some delicious snacks to gift her.

In the game, the efficiency of this skill was… rather unusual.

It had some usefulness, but the major issue was the 'inventory limit.' The more snacks I produced, the more my inventory would fill up. Eventually, I couldn't make any more snacks.

But since I possessed a high-tier skill, why not make use of it? If my inventory overflowed, I just needed to find someone to help manage it.

I considered entrusting them to Nephti, but even Nephti had her limitations, and I suspected Eve wouldn't accept them because she's tricky.

And that's why I found myself here.

In front of the freshmen dormitory.

"Wow, it's senior Donut."

"He's selling today!"


The three regulars at my cart.

Thanks to the chatter of these regulars, I got a sense of when Act 1 Scene 1 had begun, so I began preparing donuts right then and there.

"Here you go."

"Huh, we didn't place an order. Did you fry them in advance because we come here often?"

"Um, do we visit that frequently? Really?"

I felt like the owner of the hot dog stand at the end of my line of sight, who fried in advance whenever he spotted a loyal customer.

"Thanks, but this is too much, senior!"

"Isn't it?"

… It's somewhat similar, but…

"No, it's on the house because you're regulars."

"Wow! You're the best, senior!"

"T-thank you."

Saying that, the two began devouring the donuts as if they were ravenous. First-year students certainly had hearty appetites.

The regulars glanced at each other and tilted their heads, and I didn't respond.

In truth, I recognized these regulars.

To be specific, I remembered playing with them in a game.

"I'd like another sugar donut, please!"

"Can you really eat another one?"

"I'm going to do some smithing later, so it's all good!"

The cheerful dwarf girl who frequently ordered sugar donuts went by the name Vanilla.

"Then, I'll have one more strawberry donut as well."

The quiet elf girl who often ordered strawberry donuts was known as Yogurt. Together, they formed the Vanilla Yogurt duo.

As for how they ended up with names like Vanilla Yogurt?

Well, that's the charm of D/Z SAGA.

It's a game that pays attention to peculiar details while also incorporating Easter eggs, quirky memes, and personal preferences.

Anyway, Vanilla, being a dwarf, excels as a vanguard or blacksmith. Yogurt is quite proficient as an archer, spirit, or even a spirit archer.

They're potential partners for the future and are also promising first-year students in the game. They can be leveled up to tier 3. I've developed a liking for these characters.

I can't help but think that if I provide them with freebies now, they might come to my aid when Wolfram is in trouble… Well, maybe.

I glanced at the remaining individual and inquired.

She appeared timid and had an innocent face.

Strangely, I couldn't recall her clearly. I had no memory of leveling her up, yet she seemed oddly familiar…

Who could it be?

"What would you like to eat?"

"Uh… I'm not sure."

"Alright. I'll whip something up for you."


Ignoring the hesitant response of Chick No.3, I adeptly crafted a donut and filled it with cream from a piping bag. The safest choices are chocolate or white cream, but this one's on the house. A new flavor should be fine.

"Here you go."

"I, I don't have any money…"

"It's a taste test for a new menu item. Just enjoy it."

"Oh, okay!"

Chick No.3 accepted the donut, offered a shy smile, took a bite, and widened her eyes.

"What's this flavor? It's my first time trying it!"

"It's a green tea-flavored cream. Can you provide more details on your thoughts?"

"Well, it's very rich and refreshing. But there's a slight bitterness, which I personally enjoy."

That's a pretty solid review. She could have simply said it's delicious and asked for more.

Yet, I still couldn't recall her. There was a nagging feeling that I should…

"Senior, we'd like to try it too!"

"Just savor your donuts."

As they gazed hungrily at the green tea cream donut, it suddenly clicked.


"Yes, that's right. I'm Mille-feuille Phonsabre."

"I'm Vanilla!"

"… And I'm Yogurt."

I knew both of you.

"I see. …Alright, please assist in taste-testing the new menu items."


"… Yes."

"T-thank you so much."

All three of them bowed in gratitude before indulging in their next meal.

Yogurt was lively, Vanilla was reserved but efficient, and Mille-feuille was unassuming.



"Hmm. This tastes like chocolate. The flavor lingers pleasantly in the mouth."

Only now did I recall who that kid was.

Mille-feuille Phonsabre.

She was Kelters' classmate who got expelled in Act 1 Scene 3.


After completing my business, I returned to the convenience store and found myself lost in contemplation.

Mille-feuille Phonsabre.

If you're wondering why I couldn't remember this character, there's a valid reason for it.

To start with, Mille-feuille isn't a character one would consider a colleague.

You see, it happens quite frequently. As the story unfolds, there's always a character who eventually exits the narrative.

That character was Mille-feuille.

To put it plainly, Act 1 Scene 3 is the mid-term exam segment.

It's divided into three main parts: a written exam, a survival challenge, and a duel. In the story, Kelters faces off against Mille-feuille during the duel.

Kelters easily bests Mille-feuille, and with her borderline grades, Mille-feuille ends up being expelled.

She serves as a character who once again underscores the harshness of Jephryn while simultaneously providing a stepping stone for the protagonist's convictions.

That was Mille-feuille Phonsabre.

'I've come across a rare character.'

To be honest, that's my sole impression.

It's unfortunate that she was expelled, but she can always return to her hometown and lead a normal life. That's how it goes for everyone else.

At least the rest of them still have a chance. For Wolfram, expulsion would mean the end.

'Anyway, I have my responsibilities to tend to.'

First and foremost, I should examine the magical Patissier's creations.

Enhancing various creams like green tea cream and custard cream, or experimenting with iced tea. The list of potential improvements is endless.

While I was engrossed in my work, I heard a knock.

Could it be the wind? It's unlikely a customer has stopped by, as the wind has been quite steady today.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Three more knocks.

It's definitely not the wind. So what could it be…? Is Nephti coming because she's short on cash? Or is Aila requesting an energy drink? Rudika and Eve have no reason to visit at this hour.

"Tsk. They could have just entered."

Whoever it is, not responding would be rude.

With that in mind, I opened the store door and was met with an unexpected face.

"Mille-feuille Phonsabre?"

"…Yes? Yes! Hello, Senior Wolfram."

Mille-feuille greeted me with a polite bow. I was taken aback.

Why is she here? Is she a customer?

Is she the first memorable customer of W.R.?

In an attempt to calm my racing heart, I mustered a smile and asked,

"…Hmm. Did you come to make a purchase?"

"Eek! No, no. Not that."

If not that, then what…? Leave.

"Um, senior… This…"

"What is it?"

"Well, I've written down the flavors of the donuts we had earlier. You mentioned they were test menu items, and since I sampled them, I thought I should provide some proper feedback."



Why is she so nice?

"···Is it okay if I give this to you? If it's bothersome, I'll just, um, leave."

"Come in. I'll at least serve you some tea."

"Thank you!"

Mille-feuille glanced around the convenience store with a look of wonder, and after sipping the tea I served, she let out a satisfied sigh.

"The aroma is really nice. What's this tea called?"

"It's mint tea. It's one of our test items, so it's on the house."

"Wow… I think it would pair well with a chocolate doughnut."

······Did I make a mistake by letting her in?

No, there's no right or wrong when it comes to personal preferences. Perhaps mint tea and a chocolate doughnut make a good combination.

If a customer says it's good, then it's good, right?

"Let's get to business."

"Oh, right. Here, I wrote this report. I put it together in a hurry, but I tried to remember everything and be honest."

With that, Mille-feuille handed me the report. I quickly skimmed its contents.

Neat handwriting. There were sections highlighted with a fluorescent pen.

[Chocolate Doughnut ★★★★☆]

[Sweet with a deep flavor. However, there's a slightly sticky aftertaste, so maybe something refreshing to drink would be good?]

[Green Tea Doughnut ★★★★★]

[The rich flavor is dangerously good!]


"How, how is it?"

"It's impressive, especially considering you wrote this in such a short time."

"Th, thank you. I'm glad I could help."

Mille-feuille nodded politely.

But does she have time for all of this now?

From what I recall, even before the final test in Act 1 Scene 3, Mille-feuille had a run-in with Kelters.

During a practice round to assess new students' abilities, she was soundly defeated by Kelters and also failed a written exam.

Hmm. Afterwards, in the midterms of Act 1 Scene 3, she failed the written test, the survival test, and was brutally defeated by Kelters in combat, resulting in three F's and expulsion.

What on earth happened?

Instead of asking, I decided to boast a little about my former position.

"It's indeed helpful, but as a former student council president, I'm a bit concerned."

"What concerns you? Is the content not good?"

"No, the content is excellent. It's just that freshmen are usually incredibly busy. There's the combat test, written exams… Do you really have the time to write all of this?"

"Well, the thing is, the student I was supposed to fight in combat was Kelters. I was really nervous since he's the top of the year, but…"

I knew it.

Seeing my cue to continue, Mille-feuille gave a sheepish laugh.

"Due to the injuries he sustained from a powerful 3rd-year wizard during the entrance ceremony, he had to take a break. So, my initial combat match was canceled and postponed."


"Then, when it was rescheduled, he sneaked out against the school's lockdown rules and was suspended for two weeks for violating the president's orders…"


"So, the combat match was eventually forfeited in my favor. A series of fortunate coincidences, I guess."

I see.

What a peculiar turn of events.

Isn't it?