
Product 28 - Cliche Novel

The days when Wolfram von Roengreen could simply refer to himself as his own.

In other words, before my 29 years of life as Young-jin were disrupted, and I assumed the role of the third-rate villain, Student Council President Wolfram.

His malevolent actions were enough to challenge even the heavens. Most notably, he manipulated both the Magic Department and the Knight Department to consolidate his power.

There exists a location known as the Forest of Afterimages.

Deep within the eastern forest, this place is distinguished by its status as a prime resource gathering site. It's a location where magical logs and stones can be extracted, making it a coveted territory for both the Knight Department and the Magic Department. Notably, it falls directly under the jurisdiction of the Student Council.

Wolfram capitalized on the mining, excavation, and logging rights of this place, engaging in power brokering that resulted in numerous bribes. Not I, but Wolfram. I am Wolfram, however.

So, how could a true underdog like Wolfram, with stamina 2 and willpower 4, manage such feats?

The secret lies in the Tier 1 skill known as Royal Bloodline.

This skill, possessed by the Roengreen family, including Eve, may appear unassuming on its own but becomes exceedingly valuable under certain overlapping conditions.

One of these conditions is having priority in negotiations, which has a more intriguing effect than one might expect.

It's a form of charisma skill that can exert pressure on opponents by comparing one's bloodline to theirs when in a superior position.

Keep in mind that this skill's effect requires about three conditions to be met.

Firstly, your bloodline must be significantly superior to your opponent's, meaning they must be commoners or slaves.

Secondly, your opponent's willpower must be lower than yours; the success factor hinges on willpower stats.

Lastly, a hidden condition not mentioned in the tooltip is that the opponent must have a favorable impression of you.

So, Zolf is a commoner, his willpower stats are lower than mine because he's a rampaging grad student, and he has some goodwill towards me due to the last donut incident. That's how it appears to me.

In the end, I earned the right to engage in a one-on-one conversation with the boss.

I must not show any intention to attack. If I do, it's game over in an instant.

Complete non-resistance is the key. I simply sat down in front of Zolf.

Let's resolve this through dialogue. After all, can't conversation solve everything? We are intellectuals, after all.

"I, Wolfram von Roengreen, solemnly swear that I have absolutely no intention of attacking. Let's begin the conversation, Zolf."


Nephti was left dumbfounded.

She wasn't sure how much longer she could withstand the relentless attacks of the black mana.

She had claimed that she could manage somehow, but in truth, her will was crumbling, and her faith was on the verge of shattering.

Even though she was Nephti, she lacked substantial combat experience, and this marked her first encounter with such a monstrous entity. Her sword was shattered, and the number of people she had to protect had grown.

Then, in the midst of this dire situation, he appeared.

Wolfram's sudden arrival was so unexpected that she couldn't help but question why the prince was there.

And the overwhelming pressure and presence that emanated from him in that moment.

As she observed the black mana, which had been relentlessly assaulting her, suddenly retreat into their main body, Nephti's eyes widened in astonishment.

With stats that didn't even reach 10, he walked toward the creature that could easily end his life and calmly took a seat.

'Prince, you're in danger. Run away.'

Nephti swallowed her words.

In this moment, drawing attention to herself instead of Wolfram might trigger that black creature to go berserk once more at any second. She picked up the longsword that her ineffectual junior, Kelters, had dropped, seemingly in preparation to strike, but she didn't want to disturb the unconscious Eve and Kelters.

Since wielding a sword was necessary to employ a protection spell, as Nephti was about to reach for Kelters's sword…

"I, Wolfram von Roengreen, solemnly swear that I have absolutely no intention of attacking. Let's begin the conversation, Zolf."

Wolfram's words caused her to halt her reach. She gazed up at Wolfram in disbelief. He was calmly addressing a man who had lost his sanity.

"However, refrain from touching the people behind you. Let's resolve this through conversation alone."

Nephti watched, felt, and became certain.

There stood a prince exuding the presence of a ruler, capable of commanding a hundred thousand people.


It worked.

It really worked!

Now, Zolf won't lay a finger on me, Nephti, Kelters, or Eve unless I initiate an attack.

I clenched my fists and took a deep breath.

The plan is straightforward: endure until Eve awakens or until Zolf regains his sanity.

Because Wolfram can't engage in combat!

I have no other option.

That inept Kelters departed and took a tumble, Eve fell unconscious, and Nephti's sword was shattered, correct? If we had Rudika, we might have at least attempted to incapacitate him, and if we had Aila, she could have demolished the dormitory and resolved it brilliantly. But now, neither of them is here.

So, Wolfram will do what Wolfram can, in the manner that Wolfram can.

Let's not abandon reason; let's resolve this with eloquence.

[···I, I have. I truly tried to persevere, I did. Yes. Seriously···.]

He speaks as if he were a forty-year-old man who's downed four bottles of soju while sitting in his place. Good. I've roughly assessed his mental state.

"Well, go on. You can speak openly."

[Hmm, ···Ugh. But, you see? Even if a graduate student toils relentlessly, they can't reap any rewards. Yes.]

I shouldn't respond with 'I understand' here. If I say that, there's a chance he might snap and say something like 'What do you know?' and throw a punch. If that happens, Wolfram will be in jeopardy. So···.

"I apologize for my lack of understanding. What's been challenging for you? It would be helpful if you could elaborate."

[···That's what I'm trying to convey.]

Wolfram von Roengreen possesses the negotiation skill of a 'prince.'

Lee Young-jin is a 'sidekick' who has dealt with all sorts of troublemakers.

We can't do it individually, but together, we can.

[Cough···. What I'm saying is, I···. I desire a degree and a graduation ring··· Cough.]

[I see. Alright. A degree and a graduation ring.]

[Yes. Yes···. I want them···. If I have them, I believe I can find contentment···. Or I want to become a freshman···.]

We've received a clue.

I organize my thoughts while dealing with this inebriated, or rather, this graduate student.

I retrieve a notebook from my pocket and quickly jot something down with a pen.

[···So what I'm saying is, the professor instructed me to submit it by today, so I stayed up until four in the morning to complete it. Then, the next day···. He mentioned that he'd review it within this week···.]

"I see. Alright."

[Then all I have to do is meet the deadline this week, correct!?]


Black mana formed a fist and struck the floor. Debris from the stone hit my cheek.

My body trembled.

Terrifying, truly terrifying. I want to escape.

Calm down. Calm down. Let's converse calmly, buddy.

[The professor was unreasonable. That's right. It's not my fault.]


[Huh. Khuup. Prince!]

Suddenly, the graduate student burst into tears. Seizing the opportunity, I hastily scribbled a note and tossed it low to the ground in Nephti's direction.

Hold on, my strength is 4! Stamina 2! Deliver this note to Nephti!

The note whooshed through the air and safely landed in front of Nephti.

I've done my part. The rest is up to Nephti!

[Move Eve and Kelters to a location beyond his reach right now. If it's near the dormitory entrance, he won't be able to reach it.

Head to the convenience store and promptly retrieve the two items in the first drawer on the left side of the cabinet.

I understand this is a challenging task.

However, if you manage to accomplish it, I will pay an additional 250,000 rin.]

When Nephti laid eyes on that note, she stared at me with a blank expression.

'What's that? ··· Oh, I see. The amount isn't satisfactory? How about three? Will 300,000 satisfy your greed?'

I raised three fingers to indicate my offer.

Then, I heard a rustling sound coming from Nephti's direction, and when I glanced to the side, she was cradling Kelters and Eve in her arms, making a hasty exit from the hall.

[···Um, hmm? What was that sound just now?]

"Zolf, continue your story. Now, let's address your grievances."

[Yes, Huh. So, I mean···. The last time, he summoned me to a food truck at three in the morning! Damn, Damn!]

Bang! Kwaang!

Unable to control his emotions, he once again lashed out at the surrounding black mana, and this time, a slightly larger stone whizzed past right next to my shoulder.


I thought I was really going to meet my end.

"Alright. Let's discuss this while calming down a bit."

[Yes. Kheup. So···!]


I'm relying on you.

Please return before I meet my demise.


Nephti ran.

She wasn't entirely sure about Wolfram von Roengreen's instructions, but there was undoubtedly something crucial at Wolfram's store, the 'Convenience Store,' a place that seemed almost like a miracle.

Three fingers.

That probably meant he couldn't wait any longer than three minutes.

"I would have been happier if you said you'd give me 300,000 Rin," she muttered.

Is there ever an easy moment for a knight?

The Student Council President, Eve von Roengreen, with a magic power level of 22, had fallen with a single blow, and Nephti was frantically defending herself. Perhaps the time Wolfram von Roengreen could buy through conversation was exceedingly brief.

So, Nephti sprinted.

With her inherently low magic power, she could only employ two skills.

But at this very moment, she had to use them.

[Body Strengthening: Power Enhancement: Sprint Specialization]

So, she ran. Ran and ran, then ran some more.

Towards the place where she worked part-time. The place where all of Wolfram von Roengreen's mysteries, wit, and wisdom were compiled.

"Hoo, hoo, haah."

Upon reaching the convenience store, Nephti opened the drawer according to the instructions and inspected the items inside.

There were only two items within it, and she hesitated briefly.

"A magic tool? And is this a scroll…?"

Now wasn't the time to contemplate the nature of these items. She grabbed them and swiftly turned around.

Faster than her arrival.

"I hope you're safe, Prince Wolfram. No, my Lord!"


Zolf's hatred and anger continued to escalate, as if it could reach the heavens.

[Do you know why? Graduate students aren't treated like human beings. They say it's inhuman. Because.]

He rambled, his hands trembling, the power of darkness enveloping him, surrounding stones falling, and it seemed like Wolfram's life was hanging by a thread.

[Graduate students have to study on their own. So, under Roengreen's strict empire laws, they're not considered regular students. I mean, they don't get the support given to protected individuals.]

"I understand."

[Haha, but we're not employees either. Because we're still pursuing knowledge. Because we want to learn, we can't get support as regular citizens. So, we're neither employees nor students, just grown-ups, not even considered human beings!]

Bang! Kwaah!

Oh, a stone just narrowly missed my head.

I'll be done for if this continues.

I'm sorry, Nephti. If you're even a little late, um, it looks like it's really over.

Eve doesn't seem to be waking up either. That useless student council girl…!

[All I wanted was to earn a degree, no, a graduation ring. Or I wished I could turn back into a freshman. What should I do now? Prince, I am…!]

"Um. I see."

Don't ask me what to do.

Although it's a really sad story, I can't do anything for you.

[What should I do!!]

Oh. The black mana is swirling.

This is the final phase of Act 1 Scene 1 boss. It's an outrageously furious phase.

Kya, this is the instant death pattern that comes out when you can't catch it within the time limit.

I see this here.

[I will, I will kill.]

Oh, he's delivering that line too.

In the original, a wide-area skill is unleashed, the freshman building collapses, and it ends.

[I'll kill the professor and purify this rotten Jephryn with fire. Kill them all!]

"You're going too far. Calm down."

[Uh, Ugeogeoeo! No one acknowledged me. Tonight, the professor dies!]

Well, it doesn't matter to me if the professor dies, but I think I might die first?

Even though it's terrifying enough to face death, the royal bloodline's skill doesn't allow for disgrace in any situation, so I sat there, observing Zolf's rampage.

Then, something was rushing toward us from a distance.

The knight I had been eagerly waiting for.

The knight who was never late, holding firm to her belief.

The knight who made 300,000 rin in just 5 minutes had arrived.

"Wolfram!! Are you safe?"

"I'm still safe. The item?"

"Here it is!"

Nephti threw the item to me, and I reached out and caught both of them.

Catching it was no issue because my dexterity is 10!

Upon examining what I had in my hand, I turned to face Zolf, who was on the verge of exploding.

[No one acknowledged me. There's no diploma, no degree, no graduation ring left!]

"I understand."

Phew. It's crucial from here on out.

Homage to the final battle of Jephryn Act 1 Scene 1.

Kelters, not the unconscious one, but the Kelters I played, spoke these words before the fading specter.

-We can't stop.


-We'll carry even your sorrow.

And the vanishing specter responded to the warrior of light.

-Thank you.

In a way, it's a typical ending. The spirit attains nirvana, and the protagonist makes a resolution.

It's just a bit twisted.

It will probably be consumed.

I take a deep breath, infuse my skill with magic, and begin to speak.

Wolfram's magic is at 3, but I should still be able to use it.

[Activating skill 'Royal Bloodline'].

From this point on, when the negotiation commences, it will consume Mana!

A mere 3 magic points won't last long.

"[ I Command]"


Surprisingly, in just that instant, all 3 of my magic points are drained. An incredible toll on my body.

My head spins, but thanks to this, my skill activates effectively, and I manage to restrain Zolf, who was on the brink of losing control.

I gather my breath once more.

Every word from here on out holds great significance.

"By the name of Royal Bloodline Wolfram Von Roengreen, I command. This is your graduation ring."

I hold no real authority,

and it's a graduation ring hastily crafted with a talent stat of 10,

but I'll present it nonetheless.

"As the former Student Council President Wolfram, I will hand over this diploma."

Now I'm just an ordinary student.

It's not a monumental gesture.

Take this too. I penned it with my own hands.

"Accept it, Zolf. You've done admirably."


What Nephti brought.

It's a fake graduation ring meant to be sold to graduate students to improve my dexterity, along with a forged diploma.

But the final sentence is genuine.

Despite the depleted magic, I manage to say it with all my physical strength.

"[Congratulations on your graduation. You've worked hard.]"

[Ah, uh. Ahh.]

Almost immediately after,

the black mana behind Zolf begins to disperse.

His howling expression mellows. The black mana scatters, revealing a graduate student with a serene smile.

To him, I leave a parting remark.

"Find your peace."

In your next life, steer clear of graduate school.