
Product 22 - Cliche Novel

With exams looming ahead, I decided to temporarily suspend my morning market run to focus on my studies. Overexerting myself might lead to burnout, and dropping out was not an option I could afford.

"I won't be taking any part-time jobs or gigs for a while."

"Why's that?"

"I need to study for the upcoming mini test. I'm swamped."

Nephti, who had come seeking work, seemed disheartened by my response.

"Don't you have exams at the Knight Academy too?"

"I've already cleared them."

"Wasn't that too quick? What was the test about?"

"It was a survival test where I had to endure three days in a designated mountain range without any monsters. Just me and nature."

"And then?"

"After successfully building a log cabin and a hammock woven from tree trunks, they allowed me to descend on the first day."


Well, that does sound reasonable.

"So, I was thinking of taking up a part-time job for the remaining days, but I'm unsure about what to do. My living expenses for this month are at risk."

"How did you spend that much money so soon after the mountain hike?"

"I managed to save enough until I sent some money home. But after buying the materials for the new term, I was left broke. The Knight Academy consumes a lot of resources. Even wooden swords cost money."

That's quite a predicament. It's a different perspective from the gaming system.

However, I can't force her to take a job.

"This convenience store of mine isn't doing well."

"I know. That's why I thought I could work here comfortably."


Her honesty is still striking.

I pondered and came up with a suggestion.

"Alright then, would you like to take over my job for a while?"

"What job are you referring to?"

"It's not a major role. Just selling donuts and drinks to magic school graduate students in the morning using a handcart."

"That doesn't sound too difficult. I'll do it."

"That was a quick response."

Nephti grinned.

"Yes, now let's talk about the pay. What's the hourly wage?"

"It's an early morning job and lasts for about three hours."

"It seems doable. So, what's the average wage?"

"Yes, the hourly wage is 8,720 rin with a direct commission method. You don't need to pay any fees to the Knight Academy."

"Perfect. I'm fine with that."

"However, since it's an early morning job and unique work, I'm planning to pay 1.5 times the normal wage."

"13,080 rin…! You truly are Wolfram. A person worthy of the great royal family!"

"No, I'll give you 40,000 rin for those three hours."

"I'll devote myself to you. My faith will follow the path you tread."

Nephti knelt down, pledging her allegiance to me.


And so, I entrusted the morning market run to Nephti. I was concerned she might take some money for herself, but being a student with the title of a knight of faith, she seemed to live conscientiously.

She's just a bit too eager for money, but she isn't the type to steal. I'll be the one checking the inventory.

Regardless, Nephti left, and my studies continued without interruption.

Every now and then, Rudika appeared demanding spicy soup, so I had to hang a sign that said 'Closed for visitors'.

"Why do you even have a store here if you're not going to run it, Wolfram!"

She hit where it hurt.

"The store will remain closed for a few days due to personal reasons."

"In that case, sell me some red potions! I'll make do myself!"

"No problem."

And so, Rudika purchased a bunch of red potions.

Each potion cost 20 rin in the game, and I believe I sold them to her for about 60 rin.

What a sucker, buying a stats recovery item at triple the price…

"Rudika, how are your exams going?"

"Hmm? Rudika is doing fine. No need to worry too much."

"I see."

"Rudika studies diligently. Do you know why Rudika joined the Magic Department?"

"I'm not sure."

It wasn't mentioned in the guidebook.

"All the guys in the Knight Academy are much weaker than Rudika. To be honest, there's hardly anyone who can stand a chance against Rudika in a fight, except for those at the level of Isolde from nearby grades."

"I see."

"But it's different for the Magic Department. Magic defies an assassin's predictions. That's why Rudika joined the Magic Department. That's why I'm thoroughly studying magic. Rudika is the pride of the clan."

Rudika smirked.

The Knight Academy is easy for her, and the Magic Department poses an unknown challenge she must face.

So, Rudika chose the Magic Department, the harder path, over the Knight Academy, where she could easily excel.

To overcome her weaknesses. To embrace the unknown.

What an admirable way to live.

"Rudika, take this broth too. We're friends, you know."

"Wolfram, you're a really nice guy."

"And try not to visit until the exams are over."

"I got it! I'll try my best! Good luck with your exams, Wolfram!"

And so, Rudika vanished like the wind.

And she truly didn't visit until the exams were over.

Good girl.

Is language her only struggle?

'Wait, so you can attend advanced magic classes, but you struggle with speech? Is that even possible?'

I had a strange feeling but quickly dismissed the thought.

Let's not delve too deeply.

'Interfering with an assassin's affairs can be risky.'

After all, life is precious.


After that day, Aila kept enjoying her energy drinks, and we continued our study sessions.

Our incredible teacher Aila, while studying herself, effortlessly assisted me with my studies and gave a nod of approval after grading on the last day.

"Yes, you should have no problem passing at this rate. You'll most likely do well in the multiple-choice section, but the subjective part… I'm not so sure."

"That uncertain?"

"I suppose the professor appreciates diverse perspectives rather than straightforward answers. He's a natural scholar."

"I see."

"That might work in your favor, Wolfram, given your unique viewpoints on everything."

"That's a compliment."

I casually brushed off Aila's comment, but upon reflection, it was a thoughtful observation.

"Let's call it a day for studying; the exam is tomorrow."

"Aila, thanks for all your help with my studies."

"Oh, look at that, a heartfelt thank you from the mighty Wolfram."

Aila laughed, covering her mouth with her hand.

"How's your studying going?"

"When you're among the top ranks, it's less about cramming information and more about minimizing mistakes. Teaching others is an excellent way to review."

Aila's hands trembled slightly as she spoke.

Is it the side effect of the energy drink…? Or perhaps she's just nervous.


What should I do now?

I've gained some knowledge and would like to return the favor…

"Oh yes, Wolfram. The Maso freezer will be delivered after the exam. I tried my best to expedite the process, but unfortunately, it couldn't be accelerated."

"I understand. That's alright."

Oh, I almost forgot, I had also agreed to receive the Maso freezer.

In that case… Ah, I have an idea.


"This exam will surely…" 

"Yes, what is it?"

"When the Maso freezer arrives, I'll prepare a delightful snack."


This should help ease the tension a bit.

Aila's face brightened with a smile, but she quickly composed herself, cleared her throat, and looked at me with determination in her eyes.

"Wolfram, I'll hold you to that snack after we successfully rebel."


That's just Aila being Aila.


As expected, the exam proceeded as scheduled.

"Let's begin the exam."

[Q1. When the enemy is employing a high-speed encirclement strategy with a core of 200 cavalrymen, how should a level 4 warlock, part of an allied force of 1000 with 50% infantry, be strategically deployed? (Assume that a level 4 spell can be used only once.)]

It was an objective exam that assessed how warlocks should be utilized in battles within this world.

There were nine objective questions and one subjective question. I wasn't entirely sure about the grading, but I felt confident in my answers for at least six of the objective questions.

If I could answer those correctly, I should get a good score. Even if I only managed six, it wouldn't be a complete disaster.

I tackled the objective questions with certainty. Then, when I moved on to the subjective question, I was surprised by its unexpected nature.

"What's this…?"

[Discuss other potential applications of a warlock on the battlefield, presenting a logical argument.]

Well, well. It's a question where I can write whatever I want as long as it's logical? As someone who loved books and admired Mr. Hypocritical Logician, having read all three volumes, I was well-prepared for this.

How could a role-playing enthusiast and setting-obsessed gamer resist such an opportunity?


The exam proceeded smoothly, and the grading was swift.

Isn't the next-day announcement too quick? Considering there were around fifty students, did they grade leniently?

No, that couldn't be the case.

Just look at the tired eyes of the teaching assistants standing next to the professor. They must have worked hard all night under the professor's direction.

Anyway, I didn't need to sympathize with those unfortunate graduate students; the professor calmly started announcing the results.

"The following students have not passed: Mubl, Reaperly, Endor, Quark…."

So many students failing out of fifty?

Is this the ruthless reality of the Middle Ages?

They should have just discreetly communicated the results or only announced the top achievers. Look at poor Phil's face, he's about to cry.

Even Wolfram looks like he's about to cry!

As the names of the failing students continued to be called out one by one, my heart pounded with anxiety.

"That concludes the list of students who did not pass."


My name… isn't there?

"Next, I will announce the scores ranging from the middle to upper-middle class. Well done to Io, Stratis, Polka, Evelyn, Pilgrim, Wolfram, Latua."

I tightly clenched my fists.

I made it.

I passed!

Though they said it's somewhere between the middle and upper-middle class, I don't know exactly where, but at least I've made it through.

"Finally, the top scores."

Aila and I are in different subjects, but when they mentioned the top scores, her face suddenly appeared in my mind.


I made it through. Let's just say I made it through.

But what about Aila?

And then…

"That concludes the announcement of all exam results. Everyone, you've worked hard. Especially in this open-ended question, there were some very intriguing answers. I've always supported my students' growth and development. I want to evaluate them based on their attitude towards learning, not the biases they may face. If you're interested, graduate school awaits you all."

Why is the professor looking at me while saying that?


When I returned to the convenience store, the sun had already set, and there it was—a new arrival.

'Did they finish installing it already?'

The giant freezer stood in place upon my return.

Gazing at its immense size and presence, I found myself nodding involuntarily. It was truly an impressive sight.

'I don't know Aila's result… Should I whip up a quick snack for the occasion?'

I decided to make orange juice by blending orange beans and aqua beans, added some sugar, and put it in the freezer. Then I prepared cream beans and placed them in the small compartment of the fridge.

An hour passed in this manner.

I sensed someone approaching the convenience store.


"You're here."

Aila had arrived, and I immediately looked at her face.

It didn't seem particularly bright.

Did she not succeed? Did she come in second again?

But there's nothing I can do about that.

Regina Ciel, the top student in the third year of the magic department, is an extraordinary individual even among the elves. She's the current master of Yggdrasil and an undeniable genius.

"Did you lose? Don't be too disheartened."

"I didn't lose!"


"But I didn't win either."

That means…

"You tied with Regina Ciel?"

"Yes… they said they couldn't give more than a perfect score."

"I see."

"Huh. The other person is already first, and if I, who am second, tied, shouldn't they add a point for the spirit of rebellion and give me 101 points?"

"What kind of grading system is that?"

Aila grumbled while I gazed at the significant change before me.

Aila, who should have been written out in Act 3, who suffered a severe blow from Kelters in the opening, had undergone a transformation.

Quietly and steadily, she grew, and before I knew it, she was now on par with characters who could play a crucial role even in the final act.

I have knocked this character, or rather, this Aila, down countless times.

But I can confidently say that I have never seen this version of Aila before.

"You caught up with someone you couldn't catch. It's quite a rebellious feat."

"Do you really think so? If Wolfram says so, maybe it's true. Yes, that's right. I succeeded in my rebellion!"

Look at how quickly she turns things around.

"Just wait a moment. As promised, I'll make a wonderful snack."

"Oh right, how did you do on the test?"

"They said it was somewhere between the middle and upper-middle class."


The professor's lingering glance bothered me, but I decided not to mention it.

I started to prepare a fruit sherbet topped with fresh cream for Aila.

A treat for her brain tired from the exam. Soft sherbet squares topped with plenty of fresh cream.

It may not be the healthiest option, but her brain needs it, and her taste buds will surely enjoy it.

Aila left a review for this snack.

"It's the sweet taste of rebellion!"

"What does that even taste like?"

"It's the taste of rebellion!"

In any case, it was an act of rebellion.

But today, I decided to play along. She did work hard, and in many ways, she really did achieve a rebellion.

"Yeah. It's the taste of the rebellion you achieved."

"No, no, it's not!


"It's the taste that you and I, I mean, we achieved together!"

Aila extended her spoon, and at the tip, she tapped it against my spoon, chuckling.

The sound echoed pleasantly.