
Healing A Broken Heart - Lee Felix FF

Kat and Felix are in high school together. Later they move in together, and suddenly Kat's massive crush on Felix slowly becomes more noticeable. Eventually they decide they both would like to be in the entertainment industry. What happens when they meet 8 other boys who wish the same, and do they pursue their career? Disclaimer- I started writing this book a while ago, so then I added a character named Felix. After I added him, it was easier for me to think of things Felix would say and do while I was writing, but I couldn't write them, bc it wasn't a FF before. But now it is! Hopefully you like it!

hailesuwu · วัยรุ่น
16 Chs


I woke up tangled in blankets, I felt arms around me. I had forgotten that Felix spent the night. It was around 4:00 AM, I woke up before my alarm. I felt like puking, so I got up and rushed to the bathroom to make it to the toilet in time. I tried not to wake Felix, but apparently I had. As soon as I got to the toilet, I immediately felt everything in my stomach come up, before officially puking, I always had the first habit to cry. Throwing up every bit of anything in my stomach, I cleaned my face and washed my mouth, I turned to go in my room to get clothes for a quick shower, but when I turned I saw Felix. "D-did you just witness that entire scene?" I managed to studded out that question. "Yea um...I was just coming to see of you were okay- needed any help." I nodded, pushing past him to proceed with my mission to get clothing.

"So I take it today you're not going to school?" He said, still questioning. I was just getting out of the shower and finishing brushing my now dry hair. "Yea, I'll be home today." I said. I sighed and walked over to where he was now sitting on the bed, and I sat next to him. It was now 5:20 AM, the time I'd usually wake for school. Suddenly my alarm went off as loud as ever, causing me and Felix to jump. He reached over and turned it off. "I'll get us some water, and then we can go back to sleep." He said, getting up and exiting my room. I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. He was still in his school uniform, so I decided to go get him some of my dads old comfortable clothes. My dad had died when I turned nine, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

When Felix came back, I handed him the clothing I picked. "Change into this, I know it's uncomfortable having your uniform on." I told him. He took the clothes and proceeded to change in the bathroom while I sat in thought. I had always remembered, when Felix was still tired in the morning after sleepovers, he wasn't much of a talker. But once he was energized enough, he would talk and joke around a bunch. "I wonder if he remembers our nicknames for eachother." I thought. When we we younger we had nicknames for eachother, I called him "Fe" to shorten his name and he called me "Kitten" because of my original name, Kat. Right as I was thinking, I was snapped out of my thoughts by my phone ringing, I picked up the phone to see who was calling, and it was just my mother. I answered and had a ten minute conversation with her. I had let her know that I was sick, but Felix was over to make sure I was fine and keep me company. After I hung up the phone I had a thought. "Felix, your parents know where you are, right?" I asked, a bit of worry in my voice. He nodded still evidently tired.

I had finished drinking my water, and by this time Felix had already fallen back asleep next to me. I was still up, reading. I put my phone on its charger and rolled over, now facing Felix, and closed my eyes. I was about to fall asleep, while I suddenly felt him pull me towards him, and start cuddling me. It was like when we were kids, but, now we're older. I cuddled him back nicely while falling back asleep. It's been a while since I've felt so close to someone like this.

At about 1:00 pm I finally woke up. I took the small amount of time I had to admire the features on Felix's face. It was an understatement to say I didn't like him. After a minute or so, Felix woke up and we decided we wanted food. We ordered a Pizza, and just relaxed the whole day. I was thinking about just dropping out of school at this point. I almost never attended anymore. Either cause I'm bullied or I'm sick. "So I was thinking of just dropping out of school." We both said at the same time. I looked at him surprised and we laughed at the timing. "Well, we could drop out together and go get an apartment or something." He said. "Felix, we're 15, we can't even legally drive yet!" I almost yelled. "My uncle owns a apartment complex, I'm sure if we both found a place to work, like a cafe, we could pay him every month and he'd let us have an apartment." I nodded, that would be a great idea. "Good idea, Fe." I said while smiling. "Hah! You remembered the nicknames, Kitten!" He smiles brightly. "I did!" I said with a small laugh.

We just watched movies all day, with me occasionally getting up to puke. By the time it was 6:00 pm Felix had decided to make some more chicken noodle soup for me. While eating, we had a small conversation about our old memories. I really missed him.

         It's been a few hours since we finished our food, and I had gotten a phone call. It was from an unknown number. "Hello" I answered. "Kat, you better be at school tomorrow. If anything, we really miss using you." The person on the other end said with an even laugh. "H-Hannah?" I questioned..I shouldn't have stuttered. "You're right." She said and hung up the call. I just walked out of the kitchen and was greeted my my empty house. Felix left about an hour ago to go get some clothes, he was still planning on coming back.

       After that call, my confidence level went down a lot. I stepped right into the bathroom, and grabbed my blade again. Before running it across my wrist again, I remembered telling Felix I wouldn't do it. I cried while breaking my promise. While sitting and crying, I heard the door to my house open, I knew it was Felix, but I had no mental or physical energy to get up and stop crying. At this moment I knew I fucked up.

"Kat!" He called for me "Kat!?" He called for me again. I could here him coming down the hall to find me. I accidentally sniffled, and that's when he found me. The cut had stopped bleeding by then, it wasn't deep enough to bleed to much. "Kat!" He yelled my name and pulled me off the ground. "I'm sorry!" I said while sniffling a little more. He pulled my wrist under some cold water, to make sure the cut had fully stopped bleeding, and would be cleaned up a bit. "Don't be sorry. I just wanna know, why did you do this?" He asked. "Hannah, she called me, and told me she misses using me." I looked down a bit. He just pulled me to his chest and let me cry. "Well it's getting late. Go to bed." He said to me, practically ordering me to go. I nodded and went.


I decided I'd post this chapter on a Tuesday, so, here we are!

Sorry if it kinda sucks, I rushed through it a little bit.

Hope you enjoyed reading! <3