
Natural Occurrences

Mia had no time to react before he kissed her in public. Not that there were that many people around, but those who were saw it clearly.

Yuzuru wasn't lying when he said he didn't care if people knew, even if she wasn't very sure of what exactly they were.

"Go" he said eventually, breaking her out of her daze and fumbling with Alex's hair for a few seconds. "Enjoy the show, buddy."

They let themselves be led by the lady and soon enough found their seats, right in the front row as Yuzuru had mentioned before.

The view of the rink was unreal from there and Mia could see just how excited her son was to see his first ice show live.

All around her were mostly Japanese women, a lot of them careying pooh bears or other items than she quickly identified as Yuzuru merch when his name was visible in them.

The man truly was a superstar and Mia wasn't sure how quickly she could get used to all of it. Maybe never.

The show eventually started and only then she realized that there were far more skaters than she remembered meeting in the halls.

Then again, they were so many that Mia probably lost count.

Mia found the opening fun, and Alex looked like he enjoyed himself too.

One by one, the skaters were introduced. She couldn't tell whether the order was intentional but she anticipated Yuzuru and it seemed like he never came.

Each skater did some kind of trick as their name was introduced and Mia was loving each and every reaction from the boy beside her. From small gasps to sounds of excitement, Alex was without a doubt loving it since the very first second.

Eventually, the awaited skater came and Mia couldn't even explain how she didn't notice him joining the group choreography. Yuzuru was sneaky, even on the ice.

It was clear from the very first moment that people noticed him that he was the star, the one that they had come to see.

Yuzuru did a whole lap around the ice, playing with the audience before launching himself into a cool jump that Mia couldn't identify if she tried.

"A Quad Toe!" Alex exclaimed.

Well, she knows now.

From that jump he just went straight to the choreography with all of his heart, dancing and placing an intensity that no one else did. Yuzuru gave his all on the ice, whether it was a solo performance or a group one and it showed when in comparison to others.

The opening number went by too fast and as a result, Yuzuru was gone for a long, long time.

Don't get it wrong, the other performances were beautiful, but Mia, with a sleepless night under her belt was getting more and more sleepy as time passed.

It got to a point that she was afraid of actually falling asleep and causing the most embarrassment moment of her life.

The intermission eventually came and they left their seats to walk around a little bit and hopefully make her wake up.

Yumi came to them a few minutes after.

"Are you enjoying the show?"

"Yes, it's fun, I'm just a little sleepy since I had a bad sleep night. But Alex is loving every second of it."

"You drink coffee? Maybe it will help."

It was a good idea, but the show was about to resume and Mia figured she could last another hour or so without falling asleep now that she had a chance to stand for a little while.

The show resumed and it didn't take too long for Mia to start feeling drowsy again. Maybe Yumi was right and a coffee had been a good idea.

No getting back now though.

What Mia wasn't expecting was nature pretty much forcing her to wake up from that sleepy state.

It was during the performance of Javier Fernandez, a spanish skater, that they felt the shock. Mia was confused for a second as to why everything was shaking . The stands that held the lights were moving too dangerously and the performance was stopped immediately.

Earthquake, she ended up realizing. It was scary for her and she couldn't even imagine how scary it was for Alex.

This was something that didn't happen commonly in Canada so none of them knew exactly what to do.

Seeing people stay in their places made her slightly more reassured since she knew that this natural phenomenon was more common here and people generally knew how to act.

An announcement echoed in the venue, one that Mia didn't understand because it was in Japanese.

Alex looked at her with a slightly panicked look and she instantly worried that he would have an asthma attack from stress. Taking his inhaler from her purse almost instantly and keeping it at hand.

Mia looked at him with as much reassurance as she could muster and held his hand tightly. Everything will be ok, breathe.

"What is going on?"

"I think it was an earthquake, but it seems like it's over now. Let's just wait and see ok?"

He nodded but looked scared, as it's normal given the unusual situation.

It didn't even take too long before Yuzuru's face graced her view as he came out to check on everyone.

He didn't aproach her directly but went by her and his eyes told her everything. Yuzu was worried for everyone but he was mostly worried for them.

Mia felt the need to reassure him and did so with a small nod. Yuzuru repetead the gesture before getting back inside.

A text was all she got after that.

'Let me know if you want to leave.'

'Are they stopping the show?' she texted back.

'Everything seems to be ok, I think we will keep going '

'Then there's no reason to leave.'