
Heal Me (HPxTwilight)

In the aftermath of the wizarding war, the Light side emerged victorious against Voldemort's forces. However, the conflict had taken a heavy toll on everyone, regardless of their allegiances. Among those who needed time to heal was Selene Lovegood, the elder sister of Luna.  Seeking solace, Selene decided to leave Britain behind and start anew. Unbeknownst to her, fate had a different plan in store. Selene was destined to cross paths with the resident pack of shapeshifters, vampires, and another upcoming war that threatens her peace. Will she heal? Or will she drown?  *** an: This is a crossover fic of the wizarding world of Harry Potter and the supernatural world of the Twilight series. Set before Eclipse and a few months after the final battle at Hogwarts. This is a 1x1 HE. No Harem. This is purely written for my wild fantasies and delusions. lol

NobleVillainess · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
8 Chs

Chapter 3 - A Girl, A Vampire, and Huge Wolves

The golden rays of the early morning sun filtered through the sheer curtains of Celestina Cottage, casting a warm glow over the newly arranged living room. Selene stood in the middle of the room, admiring her handiwork with a satisfied smile. The week had been a whirlwind of activity, but now, every piece of furniture was in its perfect place, and the house radiated a cozy and warm atmosphere that felt like home.

The plush, deep blue sofa was adorned with silver and bronze cushions, reflecting her Ravenclaw pride. A soft, cream-colored rug lay beneath a rustic coffee table, which held a vase of freshly picked wildflowers from the nearby woods. The scent of lavender and chamomile wafted through the air, a calming presence that Selene found comforting.

Her gaze drifted to the wall beside the fireplace, where Mrs. Weasley's gift—a magical clock with Ravenclaw colors—was proudly displayed. The clock was a beautiful piece, its face surrounded by intricate designs of silver and blue, and it felt like a piece of home here in Forks. It had three hands: one for her, one for her dad, and one for Luna. Selene's hand pointed to "home," while Luna's was at "school," and her dad's silver hand indicated "work."

She approached the clock, her fingers lightly tracing the delicate craftsmanship. The fireplace was a gentle reminder that she can use the Floo Network anytime. Traveling to St. Mungo's for her job as a Healer would be convenient, though she preferred it over Apparating, which always left her feeling slightly disoriented.

As she stared at the clock, memories of the war crept into her mind. 

Her father betrayed Harry to the Death Eaters. 

He had done it out of fear, out of desperation to protect his daughters, but the betrayal had cut deep. The torture she and Luna endured had been harrowing, but they had remained steadfast, not giving in to their captors. Her father's actions had felt like a betrayal of their bravery and sacrifice. She understood his fear, but the wounds—both physical and emotional—were slow to heal. 

She turned away from the clock and walked to the kitchen, where the aroma of freshly brewed tea filled the air. She poured herself a cup and took a seat by the window, gazing out at the lush greenery that surrounded her new home. The gentle rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds created a serene backdrop, a stark contrast to the chaos and fear she had left behind.

Selene took a sip of her tea, allowing the warmth to spread through her. Her thoughts drifted to her sister Luna, who was still at Hogwarts. Luna had always been a beacon of light in her life, and Selene missed her dearly. 

A small smile tugged at her lips as she thought of Luna's quirky wisdom and unwavering support. The magical clock's hand pointed steadily at "school," a comforting reminder that her sister was safe and continuing her education.


After finishing her morning routine and changing, Selene laced up her sturdy, muggle hiking shoes and donned a lightweight jacket before setting out for a hike. The morning air was crisp and the sky clear, promising a beautiful day for exploring the woods around Forks. She had two more weeks of freedom before returning to St. Mungo's as a full-time Healer, and she intended to make the most of it.

With her wand securely tucked into a concealed pocket, she stepped out into her backyard, inhaling the fresh, earthy scent of the forest. It was a habit she'd developed during the war, always keeping her wand within reach, a reminder of the vigilance that had been necessary during those dark times.

She started her hike at a leisurely pace, allowing herself to be immersed in the natural beauty around her. Birds chirped overhead, and the sunlight filtered through the canopy, creating a dappled pattern on the forest floor. As she walked, she hummed a tune, a habit she'd picked up from Luna, who often also sang in riddles to pass the time.

After about an hour of hiking, Selene found herself in an open meadow. It was desolate, a stark contrast to the lush forest she had just traversed. The ground was barren, the grass brittle and brown, and the air felt strangely still. She paused, curious and slightly unsettled by the sudden change in landscape.

Selene closed her eyes, taking in the silence. There was a certain tranquility in this emptiness, a moment of stillness that allowed her to reflect. 

Her mind drifted to the memories of the past weeks—spending time with Luna before the move, organizing her new home, and now, exploring this new land. The solitude of the forest had a calming effect on her, a stark contrast to the chaotic aftermath of the war.


Selene snapped her eyes open as she heard footsteps on the brittle grass behind her. She turned swiftly, her senses heightened, but what she saw was a girl with chocolate-colored hair and matching eyes, around her age. 

The girl was pretty, Selene thought, but something was clearly wrong. Her expression was pained and distant as she stared at the meadow, almost as if she was reliving a memory.

Selene observed her for a moment, noting the tension in her posture and the way her eyes seemed to glisten with unshed tears. The girl appeared not to notice Selene, lost in her own world of sorrow. Suddenly, the brunette's knees buckled, and she collapsed onto the ground.

Alarmed, Selene hurried over, her healer instincts kicking in. She knelt in front of the girl, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?" she asked, her voice soft but filled with concern.

The girl finally seemed to register Selene's presence and looked up, her eyes wide with surprise and pain. "I..." she began, but before she could continue, her gaze shifted to something behind Selene, and she let out a gasp.

Selene's heart raced as she processed the girl's reaction. She felt a sudden chill on her back and goosebumps prickling her skin. Her instincts screamed danger and she turned around swiftly.

Standing not meters away was a beautiful man with dark skin, long dreadlocks, and bright red eyes that glowed with a predatory hunger. 


Selene recognized the signs immediately, having studied magical creatures extensively at Hogwarts. But this was different. He radiated a malevolent aura, one that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Stay behind me," Selene whispered to the brunette, who was now trembling. She took out her wand and raised it, her mind already racing through spells and defensive measures.

The Vampire was in front of them in a flash and took a step forward, a cruel smile spreading across his face. "What do you think a stick can do?" he scoffed, clearly unfamiliar with witches and wizards.

Selene didn't answer, maintaining her defensive stance, her eyes never leaving the vampire. She could sense his predatory intent, and she knew she had to protect the girl behind her at all costs.

The Vampire's smile widened, revealing sharp teeth. "My business is with the girl behind you," he said, his gaze shifting to the brunette. 

"Hello, Bella."

The girl—Bella—eyes widened further, and she stammered, "Laurent? Why are you here?"

The vampire, Laurent—noting their names—began to stalk around the girls, his movements smooth and calculated.

"Victoria has a plan, you see," he said, his tone almost conversational. "She's quite upset about James. She wants to make you suffer, Bella. But I noticed the Cullens are gone. You've been abandoned."

Selene furrowed her brow in confusion. Victoria? James? Cullens? Who were these people? How does Bella know this Vampire? Why do they want to kill her specifically?

Bella tried to deny it, shaking her head. "No, they haven't abandoned me."

Laurent's eyes gleamed with amusement. "Oh, but they have. And Victoria's plan is quite... drawn out. Painful. But I'm not so cruel. I'll make it quick. Painless." His gaze shifted to Selene. "And you," he said, his eyes raking over her, "are an unexpected bonus. Additional food."

Immediately after stating his intent, he moved to grab Bella, his speed blurring his form, but Selene didn't hesitate. 


Her wand emitting a bright red light that struck Laurent squarely in the chest, sending him flying backward.

She heard Bella gasped in shock behind her, her eyes wide with disbelief as she watched the vampire being thrown back by an unseen force. Laurent got up quickly, his expression a mix of pain and confusion. He clutched his chest, feeling it actually throb from the impact. He stared at Selene, his own disbelief evident.

"What did you do?" Laurent demanded, his voice tinged with both anger and astonishment. "What are you?"

Before Selene could answer, Laurent whipped his head to the side, his red eyes narrowing. Selene followed his gaze and saw huge wolves slowly emerging from the trees, their growls vibrating through the air. They were enormous, unlike any wolves she had ever read about or imagined. They moved with a predatory grace, their eyes locked onto Laurent, ready to attack.

The sight shocked all three of them, but Selene felt an extra layer of bewilderment. Why had she never learned or heard of these massive wolves before? They were unlike any magical creature she had encountered in her studies.

Before she could observe them further, the black wolf at the front leaped forward, charging straight for Laurent. Selene's amazement grew as she realized the wolf wasn't heading towards her or Bella, but the vampire. The rest of the wolves followed, their movements synchronized and deadly.

As they passed by, the last wolf—a huge russet-colored one—slowed down, its eyes locking onto Bella for a moment before it shifted towards her form. 

For a split second, Selene's eyes met the wolf's. 

And suddenly the wolf froze, like it was petrified—its eyes widening as it met Selene's gaze. 

Selene felt a surge of wild magic within her, a powerful force that simultaneously calmed into a serene warmth, spreading through her entire being. She stared back at the wolf, feeling an inexplicable connection, something deep and unspoken passing between them.

The moment was abruptly broken by a whimper and a growl from the black wolf, who was thrown by Laurent. The russet wolf finally turned away from Selene, joining the fray with its pack.

She turned to Bella, her voice gentle but firm. "Let's get out of here," she said. "It's not safe." 

Questions later. Safety first.

Bella nodded, her expression dazed. "What... what were those?" she asked, her voice shaky.

"I don't know," Selene admitted, "but we'll figure it out. Together."

As they made their way back through the woods, Selene couldn't help but glance back, her mind racing with questions. Her fresh start in Forks was turning out to be far more complex than she had anticipated, but she felt a newfound determination.

Whatever challenges lay ahead, she knew she had the strength and resolve to face them.