
He Is My Butler

Love is flawless. Being the butler, for almost four years, Jacob was entitled to serve Rhea until the last of his breath. But there was something he was unable to comprehend. The fierce gaze of Rhea which was slowly attracting a weird pull between them. Something which was beyond his strength to control or fight.

A_sowon · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

Chapter 4

On the verge of breaking the alarm clock for the millionth time. Or maybe be more. I felt like kicking it off until the thought of waking late and the lesson from James like the other time made me groan.

You're big enough to know your responsibility. Rhea. The hard speech from James roams around my mind like a fucking roller coaster.

James had very bad things when related to being punctual and I was more of a woman being lazy all day rather than running across the way freaking out or lashing anyone in my sight. For God shake now my company is in better condition. I want to sleep more.

Kicking the warm duvet cover off my body I felt the coldness in the atmosphere. When did my room get so cold all of a sudden I sure turned the heater on last night. Or maybe not. Eyeing the none touch remote in the middle of the coffee table near the couch.

" Rhea. Are you awake? " The morning raspy voice of his deep masculine tone made me shiver. How the fuck was his voice this intense? Guess it was always there and I never noticed.

And noticed to be precise. Ignored. I ignored him mostly all the time the day I let him in my house. It was still fresh the memories of his wet cloth sticking on his lean frame. Dirty and tormented with blood. His eyes never raised to stare at me. His voice never came out more than a small whisper. It was difficult to communicate with him but slowly he was letting himself out. Talking or was it saying two or three words a day?

" Yeah! All up like a morning bird " I shout. It was true though I was awake well if not that my legs were still inside the warm cover of my duvet and my body wrapped like a burrito.

The morning chill held me up after struggling to pull myself off the comfort of my bed. I slide out of the warm duvet pulling the sleeves of my shirt and covering my fingers which were slowly losing their warmth.

Finally doing my every chore. I left my room. Closing the door with a small thud. I heaved a deep sigh. Following my gaze towards the room down the semi balcony inside the house. James' room was noticeable from up here. His wooden colour door closed shut.

He usually be working out at this hour or might be in the kitchen cooking. And when the sweet smell of pancakes filled in my sense I knew he was early cooking breakfast.

" Good Morning " He asserted. Turning his gaze towards me head bobbing a little, comprehending I heard him. My lips curved up greeting him back.

James had an apron tied around his small waist. His damp hair fell over his eyes. While the white hood and black trousers peak his tanned skin. His sunburned skin was all in glory the moment he pushed his sleeves up. His good damn veins seemed like a work of art and I didn't realize I was ogling him for so long.

" You have an appointment this noon," he said breaking the silence and I hummed loss of words taken by his sudden gravelly voice.

Not getting any response from me he turned around eyeing me before shifting back to his word. Did I get delusional or did he just eye me up and down? Yeah. Sure my delusions.

" Okay " I voiced out. A little louder and clear to let him know I heard him. His broad back was facing me and for a moment I wanted to know how would he be reacting to all my answers.

I sighed pulling the chair back to have a seat before throwing my head back and letting out a sigh. What the hell am I even thinking?

" Your coffee "

My eyes slowly open watching his face upside down. My head pushed back while he watch me with his unemotional dark gaze. Damn his eyes.

" Smile " I blurt out unknowingly but the way his brows raised surprised me at my sudden bid. For a second I was ready to laugh out but instead pushed the idea back. " Forget it. You would look weird if you do "

Or maybe not. I straightened my head picking up the glass up to my lips before tasting the hot taste of coffee mixed with sweetness. Exact to my liking.

James didn't utter anything but his long strides toward the kitchen before bringing the plates of food in front of me. I eyed them taking in the texture and colour. The mouth-watering scent made my stomach grumble.

There was a time he didn't even know the basics of cooking. Less cook something for both of us. The small boy who had never glanced up at me. Less speak to me about his thoughts. Not that I ever cared.

" I tried something new. I hope you would like it " He said eyeing me unusual as if want me to praise him with anything. He was good at cooking. He should know that. At least I hope he knows that.

" Okay " But I failed to say anything more than this to his face. He nods before taking a seat on one chair away from me.

Eating in silence while I can't help but look at him. Maybe he was conscious of my gaze on him. The moment his hand halted in the middle before digging into the food on his plate.

You can look at me. At least for now. I sighed. My mind was unusual and I felt the need to stay away from him. Pushing myself off the chair. James' gaze shifted towards my untouched food before meeting with mine. His brows frown. A weird emotion playing in his orbs. And I wasn't able to get it.

Was he angry? furious? sad? or..distressed?

But I didn't care. However, I tried not to care. Turning on my heels ready to stalk back to my room. A tight grip on my wrist made me halt. take be surprised by the sudden touch or was it the tingling on my skin where he had rolled his lean fingers around?

" What--- " " Are you mad at me? " His question made me frown. Mad at him? Me.

That was never possible. But I wasn't going to tell him. Never.

" No. " I exclaimed while his dark eyes narrowed at me. Staring at me as if not able to understand the word I blurt out. Instead, his grip tightened almost making me winch.

" You didn't even touch the food. Should I cook something else? Please wait I'll--- " He starts to rumble before slowly losing his grip about to head towards the kitchen.

" No. Don't " I yelled panicked. Shooting my hands to grab a hold of his stronger ones. I knew I was being a drag. But then it was me. Fool to think any of these unnecessary thoughts.

" I'll have it "