

Kaia Crestfall is the youngest CEO of Crestfall Industries, a leading business in the entertainment world. But despite being capable of such a high position, she still needs to constantly watch her back. Especially with a fiance who has ulterior motives… One day, after calling her mom to call off the engagement for the umpteenth time, she almost gets run over by a car. Narrowly escaping death, she is pulled into the arms of the last person she expected to meet. The one person who had broken her heart...the one person who will brighten her world...the one person she should never be with… Why? Because he’s her enemy. But for some reason, while she is stunned by the man in front of her, he tells her, “Marry me…” *End: Cliche synopsis plot (only as a set-up for the rest of the story!!!)* *Start: The storyline after they get together* Despite many hidden secrets along the way, the secret relationship between her and the love of her life—Alexander Sabor—continues to grow. But as fate may have it, due to a dangerous man playing a dirty trick behind the scenes she is once again torn away from Alex. This time not of a broken heart from betrayal, but one of love and endurance. As you read, get ready for some cute and heartwarming, as well as some heartbreaking scenes. But a good story will always have its heart-wrenching twists and turns! ***“FLUFF” WARNING (a.k.a “the birds and the bees”): Chapter 7: The First Time & more to come in the future ;) Special thanks to Editor/Proofreader TomoChinYan

IluvbloodNcookies · สมัยใหม่
80 Chs

Meeting The Sister

That morning Kaia woke up early. She put on a tannish brown dress with a pair of leggings and ankle boots. She also threw on a tan winter cloak that was lined with wool on the inside. She had her hair pulled up into a high ponytail.

Today Kaia had to return to the hospital for another check-up. Since the Aplastic Anemia was cropping up again, the doctors wanted to run a few more tests to determine if it was aggressive or not.

Kaia walked down the stairs. She couldn't stop replaying the conversation with Alex last night in her head. She also couldn't stop thinking about how Alex had said that he was going to buy the main shares of her company. Even though he was buying most of the shares in her company, she sensed that he had good intentions. She just wished she knew why she felt that they were good, even though she knew it was bad news for her as CEO of Crestfall Industries if Alex took over.

Once she reached the bottom of the stairs, she stopped. Alex was standing right next to the staircase, looking up at her with a smile. Kaia looked at him and blinked. "W—what is it?" she asked, reaching up to her face. Alex leaned against the railing. "Let's go out together," he said with a grin. Kaia blinked, looking at him. "Unfortunately, I have things I have to do," she announced, walking right past him. Alex's grin faltered slightly, and he frowned before gently grabbing her arm as she walked past him. "I'm pretty sure whatever you're doing won't take all day, so let's go out together when you're done." Kaia sighed, looking back at him. "Ok. I'll meet you at your company at noon. Can you please let go of my arm now? I really need to go, or I'll be late," she said, pulling her arm away before walking to the door.

Alex nodded with a smile. "Ok then, it's a date! If you don't show up, I'll go looking for you. I'll make sure to find you, even if I have to infiltrate your company!" he said after her. Kaia turned around again and blinked at him before letting out a small laugh. "You sound like a kid. See you later." With that, she left the house and got in her car. She didn't take the company car because she didn't want Zac to know where she was going.

Arriving at the hospital, the doctors and nurses were already ready for her. This time, her parents were there as well. How did they even know I had an appointment? Kaia's mother looked at her with a sigh. "I figured this would happen, that's why we want you to step down. Once you marry Caine, he can take over the company for you," she calmly said. Kaia's face contorted slightly with disgust towards her mother. "Mom, I said this before, I won't marry Caine! Besides…" She took a deep breath, her next few words coming out in a mumble. "I'm married already…" Her parents both stared at her in disbelief. "YOU'RE WHAT?!?" they both exclaimed at the same time. Kaia let out a nervous laugh while holding up her ring for them to see. "I'm married now, just like you wanted, so don't mention Caine to me anymore." Her father scowled at her. "To who?" Kaia looked down at her ring before staring at them straight in the face. "It's a secret," she said before getting called by the nurse. She quickly got up and walked as far away from her parents as possible.

Kaia's parents didn't like waiting, so they left as soon as she left. They were completely shocked. Her mother got on the phone, calling some people and trying to pull some strings in order to figure out who she had married. But no matter who they asked or where they inquired, she was unable to find out anything. Even at the marriage office, Kaia's mom was unable to get any information because Kaia had paid a reasonable sum of money for them to keep her marriage under wraps.

After all of her tests were done for the day, Kaia was finally able to leave the hospital. She pulled out her phone to check the time. She sighed when she noticed that it was already noon. She looked around before getting into her car and going to Alex's company. She told him she would.

Once she arrived outside Sabor Sights' main branch, Kaia stepped out and pulled out her phone to call Alex. When he picked up, she took a deep breath. "I'm here." Alex grinned and stood up from his desk, walking out. He came down through the secret entrance, meeting her at her car. Alex grinned and said, "Let me drive." Kaia didn't argue with him. She moved to the passenger seat.

Alex got in the car and began to drive. Kaia sat quietly for a bit before looking over at Alex. "Where are we going?" Alex looked at her with a smile. "We're going to my sister's house so you can meet my niece and nephew." Kaia smiled at this. She loved children.

Alex tilted his head and noticed something behind Kaia's ear. He glanced at it whenever there was a red light, trying to get a closer look. But he often had to shift his eyes back on the road. He gave up trying to figure it out and decided to ask Kaia herself about it. "Kaia, when did you get the scar behind your ear?" he asked. He never noticed it before, so it made him curious. Kaia blinked and reached her hand up instinctively to touch the scar that resided behind her ear. "This? Oh...well, I got it when I was little." She gave him a fake smile. Seeing how she didn't want to talk about it, Alex decided to redirect the conversation to a different topic.

Once they arrived, Alex stepped out of the car. He walked over to open the passenger door and help Kaia out. Kaia smiled, stepping out of the car and looking around. Alex placed his hand on her back, gently leading her to the front door. It was a small and simple one-story house compared to Alex's villa, but it still had its own charm to it. The house was white with sky blue shutters that framed the windows. The house also had a few Christmas decorations here and there which made Kaia smile. No wonder he wanted to decorate for the little ones, she thought to herself before looking up at him. Alex grinned back at her and knocked on the door.

A minute later the pitter-pattering sound of footsteps resounded on the other side of the door. A small chubby boy with curly blonde hair and glasses answered the door along with a blonde-haired toddler girl who latched onto his leg. Once they saw who it was, they practically jumped up and tackled Alex with hugs. "Uncle Alex!" Kaia smiled while watching them. They were so cute and they seemed to adore Alex. Kaia turned her attention back to the door as a dirty blonde-haired woman, Alex's sister, Kita stepped into view. "Excellent timing Alex!" She smiled at him being looked over and seeing Kaia. Kita looked back and forth between Alex and Kaia with a suspicious glance. "Alex?" Alex looked up, seeing his sister's reaction, and grinned. "Kita, this is my wife, Kaia." Kita stood there frozen for a moment. "You got married?!" she practically shouted with a glare. Alex chuckled and nodded. The kids retreated back inside the house while they stayed outside. Kaia held her hand out to Kita. "Um, hi. You must be Alex's older sister, I'm Kaia…" she said hesitantly, somewhat startled by Kita's glare. Kita looked her up and down. "Where did you come from? Where do you work? Do you cook and clean?" Kaia blinked, glancing up at Alex as she was bombarded with questions.

Alex just laughed. She looked at Kita and smiled. "I haven't fully introduced myself. I'm Kaia Crestfall and I work at Crestfall Industries. I'm actually the CEO. I can cook a little, but Alex seems to like it more than I do so he's mainly in charge of cooking. I'm mainly in charge of cleaning and doing the laundry." Kita glared at her then turned her attention towards Alex before smacking him across the back of his head."You married your rival!! What were you thinking, you big idiot?!" Alex laughed and shrugged it off, although his head throbbed a bit from the slap. "Can you blame me? She's self-sufficient, hardworking, and just look at her. She's adorable!" He grinned. His words made Kaia blush slightly.

Kita sighed and walked back into the house. "Fine, but if I hear about any foul play, I'll swat you both!" Kaia looked at Alex with a look that basically told him his sister was crazy. Alex laughed even harder, which made Kaia smile as she nudged him in the side while Kita's back was turned.

^_^ I hope you enjoy!!!!!!! Thanks for the Support <3 much love.

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