
The People- PROLOGUE

It was another boring day in Aidan Darrell's pathetic life. He dozed as the teacher explained the reason why molecules and atoms were together. Then he stood upright when a paper airplane was thrown towards him. He opened it.


He did and wanted the ground to open up and swallow him when he saw the most popular girl in school, Bianca LeRoy smiling at him. He couldn't smile back.

Then another paper airplane landed from his left. He turned and saw Jackie Deri, Bianca's partner in crime, smiling at him.

Now he was terrified. The two most popular girls smiling at him? Even though he helped them with their homework, they never smiled; just nodded and murmured a 'thank you'.

Jackie indicated the paper.


He nearly knelt and begged the ground to open.


After school, the two girls met him as he was shutting his locker. Bianca in her black jacket with 'J' written, and Jackie in her blue jacket with 'B'. They were the craziest girls. 'Hey Aidan'.

'Uh...hey. Excuse me'. They blocked his way. 'You saw our letter. You're next'. 'For what?'. 'For a status update. I think it's time we helped you. You help us with our homework already. We have to compensate you'.

'I don't need your compensation'. 'And why?', Jackie said, obstructing him again. 'Because I'm okay. Besides, you are girls. I'm a guy'.

Their faces changed. 'What do you mean by that?'. 'I mean...'.

'We're the main reason why you aren't bullied. Without us, you'll be in trouble with Troy. Do you know that?'. 'I don't care'.

They moved back. 'Okay. You don't want us to help'. They turned to each other and then at him, then stalked off. He exhaled his held breath. Then drew some in again as a bully walked past him. He started to walk home, then stopped when he heard someone crying. He looked around. The school was already empty.

'Uh, is anyone here?'. The sound was coming from the janitor's closet. He walked up to it and peeped. Taylor was sobbing. 'Taylor?'. He opened the door and went in. 'What are you doing here?'.

'I can't go back home Aidan. I don't have the money for it'. 'Money for what?'. 'My mother's treatment. She needs it urgently. And the only money I have is the one I am using for the project. I wish my dad were here'. She cried more.

He sat on the floor beside her. 'How much do you need?'.

'500 dollars. Minus the other expenses; drugs and all'.

'Whoa. That huge huh?'. He passed a hand through his hair. 'How about this? You come out of here and we'll...talk about it on the way home. How about that?'.

'Are you going to get the money for me?'. 'Well, uh'. 'Oh Aidan!'. She jumped up and gave him a peck. 'Thank you so much. Thank you'. She ran out of the closet happily.

Aidan didn't know whether to tell her the truth; that he just wanted her to get out of there.

'Jeez', he said as he took his bag, 'Women'.


Jackie and Bianca stopped in front of the hill. 'I'm not ready to go home', Bianca said, sitting down on one of the huge stones. 'Neither am I. Let's just rest here'. Jackie dropped her bag. Then they heard footsteps. They turned, then groaned when they saw Taylor with a hankie in her hand.

'I just wish I didn't have to see someone like you in my life. What are you doing here, you ant?', Bianca said, bringing out her sketchpad. Taylor looked down. 'I was resting. Excuse me'. She began to walk away fast but was stopped by sounds of running footsteps. Aidan made his way toward them, then hid behind a big rock. 'If anyone asks of me, tell them I went the opposite way'.

'And why should we do that?', Jackie said, folding her arms. Bianca moved his hands from her shoulders and turned to him. 'Yes, why should we?'.

'Come on. Alright I'm sorry for what I did, and said. Just please do as I...'. 'Darrell, I'm coming for ya', Troy Detroit's loud voice spoke.

Aidan went even lower. Troy appeared and walked up to the three girls. 'I know you must have seen Darrell. Where is he?'.

'Why do you want to know?'. Bianca and Jackie folded their hands.

'Just tell me where he is, girls. I'm very sure you know where he is'. Troy said.

'Let's strike a deal. You leave him for now, and face each other in school. I mean, here's not the best place to fight him. And he is a coward, you know that. He can't run away from you in school. Deal?'. Jackie stretched her hand.

Knowing she wouldn't take no for an answer, Troy sighed and shook it. 'I'm only agreeing to it because of you two girls. And if you find that tramp, tell him we have a meeting tomorrow'. He walked away. Taylor's bated breath exhaled slowly. Aidan came out.

'Jeez, I didn't know you would do that'.

'Do you want us to call him out for you?'. 'No. no'.

Bianca and Jackie laughed.

Blake Wayne walked up to them angrily from the other side of the hill. 'I'm sorry to interrupt but uh, please reduce your noise. I can't hear anything'. 'So what should we do?', Jackie replied nastily.

'I don't like talking'. 'Whatever'.

'Uh Bianca, you have a stain on your jacket', Taylor said and advanced towards her. Bianca looked at it. 'There's nothing here. You...'.

'Hold on'. Taylor picked her sewing pin from her bag and tried to pick out the little gum on the jacket. By mistake, she pulled out the thread, then started to unravel it until...

'Oh my gosh! Taylor!'.

Taylor jumped back in fright. 'I'm so sorry'.

There was a line on the jacket, indicating the thread Taylor had unraveled. 'You...you...Jackie, please let's go before I pull someone's eye out!'. Bianca stomped in anger.

Blake heard the low rumble underneath him. 'Bianca, please don't do that again'. Bianca was annoyed. 'And if I do?'. She jumped up and down again, and the five teenagers fell into a hole that opened from a crack.