
Having Fun in the Multiverse

Novice_artist · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

England - Around the World : Anything You Want Food Truck!

Getting up the next morning, I started with my morning routine, got ready and headed off to the first destination of the day.

As I was starting in london, I decided on all the central locations first and then the museums, art galleries, and other tourist locations like the Harry Potter film set.

I started with the London Tower, seeing the crown and White Castle, after which I roamed around on the Tower Bridge.

Leaving the bridge, I then went on to the Shard for a magnificent view of London. I left the London Eye and the HMS Belfast for evening and went on to the Houses of Parliament by the river boat to the Westminster pier.

It was rich with history and fascinating to watch. By the time I came out, it was almost lunch time, so I decided to set my food truck on the south bank of Thames near there.

The people coming and going were certainly interested in the title of the food truck, so after a while, they started to come near to try some food.

That might also have to do with the fact that I started cooking with a show of fire and cutting various ingredients in style and throwing it up in the air. The name of the food truck was also eye-catching which attracted some.

The truck was named Around the World : Anything You Want Food Truck!

As I can make any dish, I made it so as that will also be a change compared to regular food trucks.

The first dish I made was for mainly myself as after the breakfast I had before leaving for the tour, I hadn't eaten anything. As I wanted to experience the culture and enjoy the tour to the fullest, I decided with traditional english lunch of roast beef with Yorkshire pudding.

The taste was really good as expected from the best quality ingredients and world's best chef.

The dish did the job though, which was both filling my stomach and spreading the scent and attracting the onlooking ones.

As soon as I was done with my meal, a family of four, looking to be tourists from what I saw, approached.

"Your skills are really good! What's the menu here?"

The Dad asked.

"Thank you, but as you can see on the name of the truck, you can get anything you want. Any dish. You name it and you get it."

"Really? Anything? Then can you make an italian margherita pizza?"

"Yeah! then I want pasta Carbonara!"

Said the two kids who were a boy and a girl, both around the same age so maybe twins.

"Sure! What about you two?"

I smiled at the two kids and asked the parents.

"Well, if you can really make it, then I want to try something from here. Can you do Shepherd's pie?"

"Okay then I'll try fish and chips as I heard it is a traditional english lunch."

"Then Shepherd's pie for the lady and a fish and chips for the gentleman. I'll be done quickly so please be seated."

With the orders ready, I started making the four things simultaneously and fast as I had a magical truck to help me process the food cooking time almost instantaneously and my own speed for cooking was high due to the perfect cooking level.

In five minutes, I was ready with their order and called them.

"Order ready, please take it from the counter as it is self service."

"Well, the speed service is certainly admirable, along with the presentation and aroma. Now let us see if it tastes as good as it looks. Haha!"

Was the dad, who took the food with his wife to their table, which was provided by the food truck so no guest have to stand and eat. Man this is awesome!

After settling down, they started eating, and by the reactions they gave, theey certainly liked it.

They then tried each other's food and liked it so they ordered the italian dishes again.

With that, the rest of the guests couldn't wait as they had also smelt the aroma and were hungry due to the lunch hour and I started receiving orders from all around the world.

After around two and a half hours, the guests finally slowed and stopped at three hour mark, by which even I was a bit tired, so I made myself a steak and kidney pie.

I then resumed my tour of London, with Westminster Abbey, followed by Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, the Tate Modern Art Gallery, and across the Millennium bridge for a visit to St. Paul's Cathedral.

By evening, I went to the HMS Belfast and the London Eye. The view was magnificent especially with the night lights and dark night sky.

I again set up the truck on the night streets of London, which was again a blast of food cultures around the world at one place, which earned me some fame by the travel bloggers and live broadcasts around there.

There were also some emotional moments as some people requested some dishes made in a specific way, which reminded them of some cherished memories. The smile and satisfaction on their faces was worth it me being busy.

The thing that helped more was that the price I set was quite cheap so more people were able to enjoy the food, which only assured me that my decision was a good one both for me and everyone around me, whom I will meet through the food truck.

The dinner stall was set up till late into midnight as all sorts of wines and alcohols brewing, mixing knowledge was also included in the cooking one. It being of high quality and cheap only served to further increase the customers.