
Have No Shame [GL]

An Amazon Princess gives herself to the female commander of an invading dark-elf army in order for her people to be spared. --------- ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This story leans in heavily on sexual abuse on the first chapter but it will gradually lessen and evolve into romance. I like to describe this story as a Romance/Erotica/DnD loosely inspired Adventure hybrid. There will be action and there will be copius amounts of sex. There is hand holding. It involves lesbians and Futa(Female with male genitals). Discord is here : https://discord.gg/53q5F9kC If you liked my work the please consider buying me a coffee at : https://ko-fi.com/bamboo_gossip Cover is not mine. Got it from : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3o98WA

Bamboo_Gossip7 · แฟนตาซี
186 Chs

A Queen's Authority

"You don't understand, there is no reasoning with my mother. If she wants to fight with you, you will throwdown to the death."

Ready to depart, Alara wondered why is it that Ellamir prevented her from meeting this Mad Queen? Perhpas the bond of blood still makes Ellamir care for her crue mother?

"Don't worry, If it comes down to that, I'll try to leave your mother within an inch of her life." Alara declared with confidence. An avatar of Lolth, aye? Let's see how her maleficence would fare against a Frost Giant's might.

Uncrossing her arms, the resident werewolf spoke. Her usual stoic demeanor replaced with fiery determination as seen in her eyes, "I owe each and everyone in here a favor. If helping you rescue Maessha will pay some of it, then count me in the coming battle. Naya, my tribesmen call me Shatter Sound. We can have Maessha ride me as our getaway, no vehicle, be it a carriage or any wyvern shall outpace me."

Of course, Naya was not there to taste the bitterness that Zorrla instilled upon them during their mind flayer drug bust operation. She is curios as to why her usually brave party members, save from Ellamir refused to do battle with this woman.

"You don't get it!" Ellamir slammed her hand onto the table. "You can kill her, by the nine hells I'm even rooting for you to! But with mother gone, someone has to take the mantle as Lolth's chosen, as Queen. And it sure as shit won't be me!"

Raise Ellani in the backstabbing, power-hungry ways of her kind? Fuck that! Ellamir would rather abdicate her right as the next in line for the Throne! And that leaves her poor little sister to carry the burden of not just their kingdom but also Lolth's maddening whispers.

"Sister..." Antani chimed in, about to deliver her perspective on the situation. "...do not be upset but I think we should leave Maessha be. For the moment, that is. For now, it is for the best if we respect her decision."

"I refuse, if this woman is as black hearted as Ellamir's tale, then there is not a single moment that I would waste until I have her beside me again. I shall give her a future in the Amazoness Isle."

"Whoa, whoa. I am letting you rescue Maessha but that doesn't mean I'll have you whisk her away." Ellamir glared. She had tolerated them banging ceaselessly under her roof, what Ellamir would not is Alara's decision to suddenly elope with Alara.

"Well, you whisked my sister away, I really don't think your objection has any ground to stand on."

"Our situation differed from yours!"

"It's really not, I love Maessha as you love Antani. Give it time, and we will have whay you have right now. A daughter of our own, a family."

While she is glad that Alara finaly found love in the arm of Maessha, there is one vital detail that her sister missed.

"Sister, although your intentions are noble..."

Noble? Please, Ellamir would have a word, "No it is not, she is planning to kidnap Maessha and have her live on your island!"

"What, kinda like how you held me and had me live together with you in the underdark?" Antani chuckled.

"That's...that's...!" Ellamir could not refute. "That's low of you to even mention that!"

"It really not, my love. Now let me finish." Antani coughed, her attention now back to Alara. "As I was saying you missed one vital detail in your plan."

"Impossible, what could it be?"

"Maessha's say in this matter. She is not some child that you can make the decision for. And let us not pretend that you can bring Maessha into our isle without attracting ire from the rest of our tribe. You know the history we share, do not let your love blind you."

"Hah, exactly as your sister says!" Ellamir rejoiced ay her lover taking her side, an 'in your face' moment against Alara as Antani figured out in part what Ellamir wanted to say.

And what of it? As long Alara pursued Maessha's safety, they shall soon see the reason behind her insistence in bringing Maessha back to their island.

"I'll be hearing enough of this." Alara stood, ready to perform this heist to steal the jewel of her heart from the clutches of this Malevolent Queen. "We shall soon decide once I bring Maessha back to this house."

Enough to stir the hearts of everyone in the room, they could all sympathize while thinking of accompanying into the belly of the beasy...or shoild I say belly of the spider.

Pouring on for the giantess' bravery, Yulia raised her glass for Alara. Had she not have some important matters that need tending soon, she wouldn't have mind another scuffle with Zorrla so long as she could back Alara up.

"Well, Good luck on your quest. I'll have to head into Zariel's temple soon, Head Priestess is about gather the new recruits for initiation." Yulia's gaze turned to Stefano and Gloria. "How about you two? Alara would be more than a match for Zorrla but a few back up won't hurt."

"No, the werewolf and I will do. It's a quick extraction, more bodies might impede our escape."

And thus, Alara with her werewolf back up were about to head for the door.

Unlike Maessha who had a special connection with Zorrla through their Shadow armor, Alara could only sense the presence of this warrior whose skill and battle experience exceeded her own. A warrior heralded by their tribe as the greatest. A warrior chosen by Artemis.

Left with no recourse, Alara opened the door.

Their mother greeted her daughter with a smile.

(Aw crap, there goes my plan of rescuing Maessha!) Alara forced herself to welcome her mother with a jovial demeanor.

"Well, aren't you going to let me inside?"

"Come on in!"

Bringing only a few guards, Ysbeil's charisma and grace are all she needed to exude an aura of royalty.

And of course, Moja volunteered, begged even to be temporary relieved from her post to act as the Queen's personal guard for the trip.

The party's gaze followed the Amazoness Queen as her elegant stride approached them.

"Mother, you're here!" With excitement unbound, Antani poised for a welcoming embrace that Ysbeil granted with delight, locked in the reunion of their embrace, Antani questioned. "I'm so glad you found us but how did you manage to?"

"The benefits of being a Queen. Simply put, I can demand information from your guild."

The fact that Ysbeil used her authority to locate them bothered not Antani and Ellamir in the slightest. Ysbeil had every right to see and hold her grand daughter. Zorrla on the other hand...

"Come, Mother, let's have you meet Ellani! Wait here just a moment!"

As Antani left momentarily to retrieve her daughter, an awkward but tranquil air brewed between them. Blowing this air away with her confidence, Ellamir greeted Ysbeil.

"Took you long enough to visit, Mother."

"Forgive me, my daughter. This past year has been busy, between managing the isle and preparing for Alara's ascension, only now am I free to gaze upon this lovely Grandchild of mine."

Pleasant to be around, normal. Ellamir maybe smiling, but she cursed underneath her breath, why can't Zorrla be like this?

And at last, Antani has retuened with little Ellani in her arms.

"Ellani, say hello to your grandmother, go on."

Feeling it in her blood, coursing through her chest, Ysbeil witnessing the seed of her own child alive and well had invoked this joy that she found hard to express into words. Zorrla simply smiled at Ellani.

"Hello, grama!" Ellani greeted while grinning from ear-to-ear.

"No, Ellani, it's grand-ma."

"Let her call me however she wishes. Now, let me hold my grand daughter."