
haugbúi : The Knights of Horror

In a realm steeped in medieval mystique, the land of Windmere faces an unprecedented threat: a zombie apocalypse in the midst of ancient times. Amidst the chaos, Sir Everard, an unassuming knight of average rank, finds himself thrust into the role of a reluctant hero. As the kingdom grapples with the outbreak, King Arion makes a fateful decision to contain the panic and secrecy. Sir Everard and his companion, Lady Eveline, embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the plague and its origins. The revelation of a forgotten prophecy, whispered through the annals of history, hints at the cyclical nature of the calamity. With courage and unwavering determination, the knights delve into the shadows of their past, racing against time to decipher the enigma that haunts their realm. As they forge ahead, they encounter eerie whispers from the concealed past, unearthing hidden truths that have been obscured by manipulation and deceit. While the villagers remain blissfully ignorant of the looming threat, King Arion gathers his forces to investigate the outbreak's source. The knights stand at the crossroads of their destiny, bound by the weight of ancient prophecies and the urgency of their mission. Amidst camaraderie and unsettling encounters, they must confront not only the undead menace but also the unraveling threads of history. The realm stands on the precipice of change, its fate teetering on the brink of destruction or salvation. With each step forward, the knights inch closer to the heart of the mystery, driven by the echoes of the forgotten past. As the kingdom's secrets and truths converge, the battle for survival transforms into a quest for illumination, where the past and present collide in a story that defies time itself.

Giovanni_Rosario · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 6: Shadows

Returning to their barracks, Sir Everard and Lady Eveline shared a heavy silence. The revelations of the king weighed heavily on their minds. As the night unfolded, they found themselves immersed in thoughts of the looming enigma and the layers of history that seemed to obscure the truth.

The next day, the sun rose with a deceptive calm over Windmere. Birds sang, and the villagers went about their routines, blissfully unaware of the dire circumstances. No news of the messenger's revelations had spread; the king's decision to keep it contained had prevented unnecessary panic.

In the heart of the castle, however, King Arion was already making preparations. Gathering his advisors and trusted generals, he outlined a plan to send troops to investigate the other village. With a heavy heart, he realized that action was now inevitable, and the hidden truths must be brought to light.

Sir Everard and Lady Eveline joined the assembly, their faces etched with determination. The room was filled with a tense energy as the king's plan was discussed and finalized. The once-muted rumors had transformed into a rallying cry for action.

As night fell, the castle's courtyards buzzed with the preparations of troops and supplies. The villagers remained blissfully unaware, the serenity of their daily lives in stark contrast to the gathering storm that was about to engulf the realm.

In their barracks, Sir Everard and Lady Eveline stood by their weapons, a silent understanding passing between them. The weight of their shared history and their newfound knowledge bound them together in this pivotal moment.

As the moon climbed higher, casting eerie shadows across the land, the realm stood on the precipice of change. The night air was heavy with anticipation, an unspoken agreement resonating among the knights. The echoes of their past and the whispers of the forgotten prophecy reverberated in their minds, guiding them toward the enigmatic truths that awaited discovery.