
Chapter 22

They came out of the building the fans started to cheer.

They went to the car and drove back to the hotel.

When they got to the hotel they freshen up and changed into a more comfortable wear a baggy shirt and baggy pants.

They sat down in a room practicing little japanese.

"Li xue we're ready ask us some questions"Cheng Zhixin said holding a selfie stick with his phone, he was streaming the whole thing

"Ok"she said and she took the flashcards

"Zhixin you first what is hello in japanese"She asked

"Konnichiwa"he said

[...Our Zhixin is so smart]

[...cutie how are you feeling today so smart]

[... Zhixin so smart]

comments and likes popped on the screen

"Ok you're right , Xue song what is see you in japanese"She asked

"uh... Jaa..ne jaa ne"he said

"Correct"He said

"Xiu yung what is thank you In japanese"she said

"Arigato "he said.

"Correct"She said

[our boys are so smart]

[I'm not surprised that Xiu yung got it right ]

The comments popped on the screen

"Ok Xi yang what is bye in japanese"She said

His phone rang , he took his phone and walked out.

"It's Bai Bai"Zhixin said.

"Xi yang I'm coming to Japan to pick you"His father said.

"I'm not leaving the band"He said

"we'll see about that "He said

"I'm not leaving "He said and his father hung up

"Hello hello "He said but no one responded.

"argh!"He exclaimed as he put his phone in his pocket and punched the wall in anger.

As soon as Xi yang left the fans started asking where he went to and who called.

"I don't know Xtras but I think it's private I'll go check on him"Cheng Zhixin said as he turned of the phone and went to look for Zhang Xi yang .Xue song , Xiu yung and Li xue followed him.

"Xi yang!"Cheng Zhixin said

He saw him yelling at the phone

"I'm not leaving"

"Hello hello" He punched the wall

"Xi yang"Zhixin said as he went to meet him he wanted to punch the wall again but he stopped him and hugged him.

Cheng Zhixin was known to give the warmest hugs In the group and he was also the closet to Xi yang . Some rumors even confirmed that they gay and were dating.

Li xue looked at the both of them and looked at Wang Xiu yung and Fang Xiu yung they went to them and hugged him. The more she was with them the more she understood them they were more like brothers than band mates. She brought out her phone and took a picture of them.

It was time for lunch already Tong yao went to the cafeteria with Yi Chen .

in Fu Yang Fang office

"big brother where is Tong yao "Mei Lian said

"She's having lunch "Yang Fang said

"Awn such a pity"She said

"You want to eat with her I can call her"Yang Fang said

"It's ok if she's having lunch already"She said

"No you're my sister and you get what you want"He said as he called Shu Chang .

"Shu Chang call Tong yao up here"He said.

Shu Chang went to the cafeteria to call her.

"Tong yao"He said as he sat down beside her

"Yes "She said as she faced him .

"The boss calls for you now"He said

"why"She said

"Actually Mei Lian is the one who wants to see you"Shu Chang said

"I'm ok with what I have I don't want to eat much "She said

"Please can you tell him that I can't come"She said

"Please!!"She begged

"Ok fine but you know you're going to regret it "Shu Chang said

"Ok fine I'll bear with the consequences "She said

Shu Chang stood up and left the cafeteria and went to the office.

"Yang Fang she's not coming "He said

"Is she avoiding me"He blurted out.

"Why will she avoid you"Mei Lian and Shu Chang chorused.

"Nothing"he said as he stood up and walked out.

"Why is the boss here"Yi Chen said

"he's here"Tong yao said and faced back and look front .

"Yi Chen bow your head"She said

"Why"He said

"Just do it"She said.

Yang Fang looked around and saw Tong yao bowing her had he walked to her.

"Tong yao "He called her but she didn't face back she sat down properly looking at Yi Chen.

"I'm talking to you"He said and she faced back

"Yes sir what can I do for you"She said smiling. he moved close to her and every one was surprised.

"Just one kiss and you respect me like this "He said

"Move away from me"she said.

"Come with me or you'll regret what I'll do"He said, she stood up quickly and followed him.

The five of them sat down on the couch in a room . Cheng Zhixin was almost crying but he tried to control himself.

"Xi yang your hand is bleeding"Zhixin said .

"Li Xue can you take care of his hand "Xiu yung said

"Ok"She said as she left the room to look for a first aid kit.

"I'm not going to leave you guys not now ok"Xi yang said

"Yeah someone has to keep an eye out for you two "Fang Xue song said and they laughed.

"We'll talk to your father"Xiu yung said.

Li xue came back with a first aid kit she cleaned the wound and helped him wrap it up.

"Thank you,"He said.

Yumin came in ,she looked really stressed out.

"Right now we are really busy after the concert we also have a show and a tour to one of the places here in japan and don't get me started about when we get to China"She said

"I need you guys full attention right now we can't afford to make any mistakes"She said and they nodded their head .

"Manager min we need to talk to you"Cheng Zhixin said

"What about "She said

"Zhang Xi yang father called and he's coming tomorrow"Zhixin said

"What! Xi yang is this true"Yu min said and he nodded.

"Don't worry min I can handle my father this is only phase"He said

"I hope so I don't want you to leave "Cheng Zhixin said

"You guys get up we'll handle his father it's not a problem"He said

"it's not a problem"Xiu yung said

"yes let's go you guys go for practice the cameras have been set up already , the dance practice is going to be live"she said

"Now come on "She said

Li xue also stood up as they left the room to go practice.

Tong yao and Yang Fang walked into the office.

"Tong yao"Mei Lian said.

"miss Fu"She said as she went in and stood in front of the sofa.

"Sit and what did we say about you calling me Fu "She said

"Sorry Mei Lian "She said and took.her seat

"Brother I asked secretary Li to stay"She said

"Let's eat"She said and they started eating

"Tong yao why were you avoiding my brother"Mei Lian said and she coughed , Yang Fang got her water quickly

"Thank you"She said as soon as she drank the water.

"Mei Lian you shouldn't talk while eating "Yang Fang said

"I wasn't avoiding anyone "She said as she dropped the water.

"Oh ok sorry then"She said

"Le yang asked me for your phone number but I couldn't give him ,I noticed I didn't have your number "She said

"I'll give it to you but please don't give Le yang"She said

"Why ?"She asked

"I think he likes you "She said

"Because..."She didn't complete her sentence Yang Fang interrupted

"Because we are dating"