
has been cancelled

After his master died in the hands of the Azure lightning sect, Frank escaped to another another Continent to start his rise in power to avenge his masters death with the sect and all participants. using the fallen black lightning manual they killed him for ,Frank sets to rise in the martial arts world but distrustful towards man he grooms Demon beasts as his aides and companion in the journey taking the cultivation world a storm with his wits and battle power. . . stay as he journeys the martial world to find it's mysteries while fighting adversity with little plot armour. . I'm new to writing so do forgive me if I suck too much. Also English isn't my base language so I will fuck up a lot of spellings and stuff ,I apologize in advance book should get better as I progress ,so there is little development in the first chapters of it . Feel free to criticize, curse and advise me . I welcome all thank you should you read my book .I'm so bored over here just so you know I'm improvising the whole thing ryt now so ignore the plot holes *if u looking for some smut chapters I'm working towards it won't be much though*

broken_pen_ · ตะวันออก
24 Chs

Chpt 7, sect entrance exams

The eight each went to finish ab elder to get tested the while almost half had yellow grade talent and were disqualified. The majority lit the stone in varied shades of green representing earth grade talent.There were a few shining light blue for low sky grade talent. The crowd went on Soon some rich dressed guys went to the stage.

Hey ain't that Siya from the Thema clan, it's said he's one of the top 3 talents in the Thema clan wonder how his talent will grade ,heard one guy from the crowd saying obviously it'll be sky grade like Sonia and Chris ranking with him another said. He went to the elders to get tested and the stone shined a deep blue, hey look his got high sky grade talent. Two more shined blue seemingly mid sky grade talents from 2nd class families.

The line went on Soon Derrek and his lackeys went to stage Derrek had mid sky grade while his lackeys had earth grade with one sky.

the tests kept on with several more sky grades showing up mostly even 7 high grade sky talent from unknown cultivators and then some local know rogue cultivators and of course the 1st and 2nd grade families .

When our turn came ,me, James, Drew and Seth with 4 others went to get tested. Reaching the elders they handed us the stones James and the rest took it without hesitation James and seth got high sky grade, while Drew was mid sky grade. One low grade on the side with the 3 earth grade. I knew my talent being heaven grade but that would cause too much trouble.

I held back my absorbing rate and stopped at peak sky grade talent, shining a deep blue. Wow a peak sky grade talent last how come no one knows about this guy with the wooden mask .The elders looked at me with a little intrigue ,The test went on another peak sky talent came from as from Cecile of the Langa family. The by test was over at the afternoon with 1354 qualified for the second test.

The second test will be held tomorrow at 11 in the morning the elder said then they left for the tents. Some people left some stayed in the park finding spots to cultivate I found a tree and tied up hammock on it branches made for beast skin. Made it back in my six months in the forest ,James and the rest sat below the tree to meditate.

I spent the time comprehending the manual till morning came ,we reached went back to the stage and I saw 3 elders setting up a formation around the stage laying flags there and there. 10:30 they were done with it ,and the lead Elder came on the stage. Morning now that you're here we're ready for the second test as you can guess you'll be put in a illusion formation the longer you last in it the better .

The last 600 to wake from the illusion will be moving on the rest will face elimination. Now then everyone get on stage and wait for the right time. People jumped to the stage and sat down i sat near a corner. 30 minutes passed and the Elder Zhan's voice sounded again the exam will now begin then white mist soon covered the stage and everyone fell into the illusion .

I woke up in the illusion I was in a Desert barefoot it was scalding hot looking around I saw nothing but sand and a few shrubs surrounding me. With nothing to do I started walking forward I walked and walked but nothing changed all was sand and more sand before me .I kept walking for hours I was starting to sweat but I just kept walking soon night came and the dessert suddenly went cold felt like I was walking on snow instead of Sand .

Been walking for seven days here facing sand storms and all brutal weather from the dessert my clothes now nothing but rags and my feet red from the torture I just kept on walking at some point I wanted to stop and give up .

12 Days in the illusion now I start to come across people offering to help me and asking me give up. First was a beautiful woman on a horse offering to help and herself to me if I quit walked past the bitch. But a day later came a guy promising to give me riches if I give up and work for him ,then a king offering his kingdom for me to succeed if join him. Then was several more women offering temptations on me.

obviously didn't take any then soon the illusions started changing to different cases of giving me choices and questioning my drive to cultivation 20 days later I was still walking in the desert my feet were already bleeding and I was skinny from lack of nutrition, Day 21 I couldn't support my weight and was crowding and soon i died .

when I woke up from the illusion I saw i there were only 23 people left with me and we woke at around the same time seems they also went on till death. Jumped off the stage with the others while shivering after recalling the experience, Siya ,Drew and Cecile where in the final twenty off the stage. Soon after Elder Zhan was back on the stage to explain the last stage of the competition.

Well congratulations to the 600 moving on and now to explain the next stage will be held for around 3 Days in the city coliseum .

The competition will be an elimination with a battle 15 man battle royal to start then with one on one fights where loosing 2 out of 3 fights will be a elimination the matching will be random so luck will be a factor in here.

The final 200 in the fights will be the ones joining our sect but the elders will get to select 50 more based from discussion to move on so prove yourselves worthy .the fights will start tomorrow morning there is no outside help such as talismans and formations unless made by you personally and no weapons above yellow grade either .