
Chapter 39

“I’m sorry I wasn’t here the past few nights, but we had to take a group down south,” he said, as if the animal could understand him and talk back. Dakota, thankful to be out of earshot of Lieutenant Soto, took the opportunity to tell Buddy what had happened and what the colonel predicted.

Buddy finished his meal and stretched out on the dirt, facing Dakota, head and ears up. Dakota didn’t understand his need to talk but Buddy seemed to be a good listener. He continued venting his frustrations at Grayson, being torn between the colonel and Chip, and fear for his family.

A shout from Soto snapped his head around. She waved at him and pointed toward the colony. They had to get inside the barriers before sunset.

Dakota stood, looking at Buddy. Would he be safe when the scavengers attacked? He wanted to hug the animal, protect him, save him. “Be safe. Stay out of sight. The scavengers are expected to attack tonight.” He turned and ran back to the colony with Soto.