
Harry The Harem Lord-1

"What if the Harry Potter world was not just for children and teenagers, but of an adults?" Beautiful witches wearing short miniskirts, and hiding her legs with erotic stockings (Due to school's stupid rule), and looking for a strong and compatible wizard(in a magic sense), where Harem lord will go to conquer the heart of every one of them! Then this is the novel for you! Sexuality and harem are everywhere, but Harry wants to become Harem Lord. Harry wants to have all beauties for himself, even if he has to steal from others! Harry's ultimate goal is to become the Harem Lord, with help of the system, he will join the school, the first year of Hogwarts, this year. Join the adventure of Harem Lord to discover the changed wizard world! Even if you haven't read a previous book, you can easily enjoy this one! The provisos book: System: Harry The Harem lord https://www.webnovel.com/book/12286043505200605/System%3A-Harry-The-Harem-lord

great_gamer · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
47 Chs

Indirect Use of Liquid Luck Ability!

Harry was the first one among them to come out, and Jessica stayed behind to clear the mess, and also to rest, of course.

No matter how many times she has made love with Harry, she becomes a mess, as a result, but in a good sense of course. And she loved this feeling of being messed a very much!

She took out her wand, as she wasn't proficient in the wandless magic. Not everyone could perform wandless magic!

She redoes all the magic spells done by Harry. She also took out a mirror from her spatial ring, which was a gift by Harry —proof of their love!

She had too little time for her liking to do makeup once again, but she still wanted to look good for Harry, so she spent some more time with it.

But to her surprise, she didn't hear the call to hurry up. She finally came out of the cart after five minutes Harry had come out.

The first thing she saw was that the other cart was 50 meters ahead, which means they had to walk back from the track as there was no platform there.

The second thing she saw was that the giant was puking on the goblin!

The goblin was so short, to begin with, and with the size of Hagrid and his vomit, the goblin was covered from head to toe in Hagrid's vomit!

It was disgusting and funny at the same time!

Jessica was speechless, but she saw Harry, standing near her, was laughing!

Well, it was funny, but she didn't know what really happened. That killed all the fun, but she still chuckled by watching the scene.

Her face looked a little bit red, which matched with all other things colored red.

Harry smiled at her. He was charmed to see her. "That is my girl, alright!" She looked extremely sensual! Especially with an afterglow of sex!

At the same time, Harry was also proud of himself, as his sperm have many side effects than just baby-making!

Harry's sperm could increase the magic power of his partner.

The other side effect was like an aphrodisiac. It was similar to mild doses of a love potion! The more sperm they get, it would be more difficult to live without it!

Also according to some of his women, his sperm was the best dish in the world! Being the foodie Harry asked them what kind of taste it had, but they were lost for the world! They just repeated that it was the best dish, and couldn't be described in words!

It was the most addictive drug!

Harry was even tempted to drink his own sperm while hearing all the praise, but in the end, he decided against it.

The last side effect was the most sought for! The sperm makes their skin softer, younger and even glowing!

Which women didn't want to look younger!?

So the glow on Jessica's face was his hard-working, and thus he was proud of his hard work!

Her shy expression was also hard to resist combined with that sexy body and enticing red colored clothes. She was the walking sex bomb. HIS sex bomb.

Harry was also proud of his woman too.

Harry returned to reality as Jessica was asking again how that funny sense came to be.

"Oh...emm...well, you know about my great luck, right? asked Harry, as he wasn't sure how to say that so he decided to start from the beginning.

"Ah, yes. You told me that you had this special kind of luck, which will never let you get a short side of the stick," replied Jessica, as she remembered that once they were on a shopping spree, well mostly it was her and Harry was there to carry the bags, and there was this dress she liked which was weared by someone in the history once, which was, of course, red in color, but the problem was that it was a little pricey. The shop had a fixed price and the dress was worth a few million Pounds, and she was just about to buy it after thinking about it for fully half a minute! But, suddenly, one of lady attendance came near them, precisely near Harry, and whispered that the back story was false, and it was worth only a few hundred at most. It was a scam!

It didn't happen just once, but the same kind of things happened many times, over and over again!

In the end, Jessica knew it was related to Harry, and then Harry told her about his special kind of luck.

This was Harry's special ability, Liquid Luck!

Harry got this ability from a hidden mission when he drank a special Liquid Luck Essence from the system.

This special ability allows Harry to have luck equal to that of Liquid Luck potion!

Unlike Potion's side effects on the longer term, Harry's ability doesn't have any drawbacks for the user!

Well, there is one, but not on the user. It was that every time Harry uses the luck, it will be reduced from someone else!

In simple terms, if Harry is lucky, someone else will be unlucky!

And that wasn't the scary part of the ability!

The scary part was that Harry could choose a target!

In that shop incident, the shop owner was hitting on Jessica, and ignoring Harry. To deal with Harry, he took out that shitty worthless, but attractive dress, so Harry would suffer the loss while the shop owner could please Jessica with the dress.

It was a good plan from his side, but he made an extremely terrible mistake — he made a move on Harry's woman.

Harry, of course, didn't care about the few millions in exchange for his woman's happiness, but that mistake couldn't be overlooked. He knew Jessica was so sexy that she would draw a crowd larger than Harry could, and Harry had full faith in her, and vice versa. And that was why they could form the soul-link, which requires absolute trust from each of them.

Harry didn't want to make a move personally against the Muggle, so he only activated his Liquid Luck, and made the shop owner target for the curses.

Later one of his people told Harry the truth about the dress, which saved them money, as Jessica had no interest in that dress afterward because she didn't like people who dare to make a move against Harry. They left the shop thinking it was beneath them to make a move against lowly Muggle, as both of them were wizard and witch.

But, who knew that just a few minutes later, the shop caught fire, and burned down everything!

The shop owner lost everything inside, and the lucky thing was that there was no casualty of people.

So, Harry would get revenge every time. And sometimes even without knowing it!

Harry would usually keep his ability on, and the target would be random.

But when they sat on the cart, Harry knew what knew would going to do, and to help Harry the ability would definitely be used, as Harry wasn't used to sneaky sex. So there would be a random target for misfortune.

Here, there were only four people — Harry, Jessica, Giant, Goblin.

Harry would never hose Jessica as misfortune's target, and Giant was his new friend, so that left Goblin, which Harry choice.

Harry now begins to tell Jessica, "Well, you were a little louder considering over adventure's them. So my luck must have come in, that's why they didn't hear it. The next time you scream as if you want to shatter the glass, well, I can't blame you actually, as I was just that good." Jessica even got redder up to her ears! In her embarrassment, she pinched Harry's waist.

Harry screamed loudly as if he was mimicking her, "AAAHHHH..."

Luckily, the giant and the goblin were busy, so they didn't notice Harry and Jessica's intimacy.

Jessica pinched Harry again, but Harry accepted it silently as he knew his teasing was too much for her.

"So, my luck helped us, and the misfortunate one was the goblin. First, look at their cart," Harry pointed at their cart." Even when they tried to stop, it dragged them a little further. Which resulted in them walking back, and Hagrid being scared of heights couldn't take it anymore, so throw up on the goblin — the sense just happened. It was really funny but somewhat disgusting, so I don't wanna see that again."

Jessica started laughing loudly without caring about her image or the feeling of Goblin or Giant. "Hahaha..."

Harry was also smiling at Goblin covered in vomit from the toe to the head.

Harry knew his ability sounded all great, but there was one drawback where he had to clearly think about what he wanted to happen. Here he wanted to have sneaky sex and didn't want to find out, so it was easy. If he didn't think clearly then his ability would work properly, so it was a 99% sure-fire kind of ability, with 1% unknown.

Power stones for the Harem Lord!

There might be some weird thing happening around Harry, so it would be thanks to this ability.

Hope you like this ability!

great_gamercreators' thoughts