
Chapter 1

Diagon Alley was crowded, as always. His guardian, Ravan, was hovering behind him, alert amber eyes scanning for danger in the crowd. As future werewolf king and heir to the noble house of Strass, Canyon made a nice target for anyone who knew of his identity.

He was here for his school supplies and he had gotten everything he needed, except one. Canyon flicked wands impatiently as he waited for one to react positively to him. When one finally did, both he and his guardian gave a sigh of relief.

Barely listening to Ollivander's description of his wand, he holstered it in the dragon hide he had attatched to his forearm. He headed out of the store, wind catching his light blond hair as he squinted steel gray eyes.

As he exited the store, a pair pushed passed him and he glanced at them, his eyes being drawn to the towering half-giant. And beside him, his eyes widened slightly. The wind had pushed the messy black curls in such a way that the lightning shaped scar had become obvious, Harry Potter.

Canyon stopped and glanced at Ravan. From the look in his guardian's eyes, he had seen him too, "What's the prophecy brat doing with that big oaf?" he growled suspiciously, eyes tracking them as Potter waved wand after wand. It was well known that the werewolves hated anyone associated with Dumbledore, the groundskeeper included.

Canyon shrugged, "I dunno but it's interesting. I don't recall ever seeing Potter at Diagon Alley before."

Ravan shook his head, "I'd remember that scent."

He hummed quietly, "Whatever, come on, I still hafta get an owl," he said, turning his back dismissively to the two.

Ravan gave a silent nod and the two headed to the owl emporium. There, Canyon picked a giant black eagle owl he had named Velox, which meant swift, rapid in latin. Ravan shrunk Velox's cage after a murmured command to meet the two of them back at the mansion.

With his wand holstered and all of his supplies in the shrunken trunk in his pocket, Canyon set off for the fireplaces to head back.

He picked up a pinch of floo and tossed it in, "Strass mansion!" He stepped in and his sight was engulfed in green flames. Canyon stepped smoothly out of the fireplace and quickly stepped aside as Ravan emerged.

Canyon locked eyes with his guardian and after a minute, Ravan sighed, "We'll talk at dinner," with that, Ravan turned and walked away. Canyon walked up to his room after checking up on Velox in the owlery to check out the supplies he had gotten.

He unholstered his wand and examined it. 13 inches, dragon heartstring, firm, unyielding. He gave it a few practice swings before sheathing it again after feeling utterly ridiculous. Canyon glanced around and picked up a book on potions before collapsing on his bed, resolved to study until dinner.

A loud pop in the room broke him out of his focus, his eyes darting to the house elf now in his room, "young master Canyon is requested for dinner," he spoke in his high pitched, squeaky voice. Canyon gave a nod of acknowledgement, bookmarking his page and sliding it back onto the bookshelf.

The elf popped away and Canyon pushed himself off the bed, heading to the dining room. He arrived to see the food already set and Ravan waiting for him at the table. Canyon pushed his chair back and without a word, both helped themselves to the food set out in front of them.

After the plates were cleaned up, Ravan's eyes locked on Canyon's. "Canyon," he spoke with a sigh.

"If you're gonna say any variation of be careful, I've already heard it," he said, grinning in amusement. It was true, the amount of times Ravan had lectured him about it was now unable to be counted on both hands.

Ravan gave a tired smile and sighed, "I suppose you got me there. Let's change the suject then, what house do you want to be in at Hogwarts?"

That was easy, he had known since he learned of the four houses which one he would be in.

1.) Gryffindor, he was brave and never faltered in the face of danger

2.) Slytherin, he was cunning and willing to do whatever it took to get what he wanted

3.) Ravenclaw, he was smart and intelligent

4.) Hufflepuff, he was caring and loyal to those he loved

Updates depend on participation and on my schedule. Hope you all enjoy and participate! Chapters might be on the short side.

flare_firecreators' thoughts