
Destinies Intertwined

"Brown, Lavender" was called next and went to Gryffindor. The table to the far left exploded, and her tie transformed into gold and scarlet red. As the girl sat down, Fred and George jokingly catcalled at the girl, while Ron placed his head in the palms in his hands, clearly embarrassed.

"Bulstrode, Millicent" was the first Slytherin. Like the others, he tie magically transformed into green and silver. When I saw the people sitting at her table, I instantly understood there reputation. Some looked...unpleasant. Me and Harry exchanged glances as the sorting continued.

"Corner, Michael" Again I looked over at the boys. The same process played out as they all seemed to be holding there breaths. Again they were relived as Michael was sorted into Ravenclaw, he and Terry hugged.

"Crabbe, Vincent!" I recognized the last name and noticed Harry and Ron staring. This was supposedly one on Pale Boy's bodyguards, and he looked the part. Large and intimidating I decided I'd try a little harder than Harry to...avoid Draco Malfoy's ire.

The sorting continued and I turned to Harry, who was looking more nervous by the second. I took his hand and squeezed it, and he gave me a smile.

"Finch-Fletchley, Justin!"

"What if were separated?" Harry asked me worriedly.

"We'll still be twins Harry, no matter what that hat says." I told him, he nodded.


"What if I'm in Slytherin?" He asked me, clearly not wanting to be.

"What if I was?" I asked.

Harry froze at the thought. Clearly he couldn't picture me in the house.

"We'll cross that bridge if we come to it." I told him, he nodded and the sorting continued.

The sorting continued, and I noticed that not every kid was sorted instantly. For example, "Finnigan, Seamus," the sandy haired boy who stood in front of Harry in line, took nearly a minute before he was placed in Gryffindor. While others were instant.

"Goldstein, Anthony."

Anthony walked up to the hat, Terry and Michael watched nervously from the Ravenclaw table. There worry didn't last long as Anthony was placed into Ravenclaw instantly.

"Goyle, Gregory!" The other bodyguard of the pale boy stepped forward, as Harry and Ron glared again. He was taller than Crabbe, But less fat, still I reckoned his punches would still hurt...

"Granger, Hermione!"

The girl who was also helping look for Neville toad, and knew a lot of facts and spells, raced to the stool. She took nearly four minutes, until...

"GRYFFINDOR!" the hat declared, which caused Ron to groan in annoyance.

"What's wrong?" I asked him confused.

"She came into our compartment while you were gone, she's annoying." He told me, I looked at the girl, who clearly was enthusiastic to be here, and...couldn't understand how Ron couldn't like her. I didn't say anything and turned back to the sorting.

The next student sorted was a Daphne Greengrass, who was quickly placed into Slytherin. After her Neville was called and I watched in sympathy as he fell over on his way to the stool. Like Hermione, Neville took a long time, nearly five minutes. Finally he was placed in Gryffindor. Again I winced as he forgot to take the hat off, and had to bring it back and handed it to "MacDougal, Morag." Who was a white haired girl also placed into Ravenclaw.

"Malfoy, Draco!" I curiously watched the "pale boy." That Harry had offended. He did seem very...confident, as he casually walked up to the stool. Harry and Ron again glared as the hat was placed on Draco's head. Instantly he was sorted into Slytherin, and he strode over to join Crabbe and Goyle.

Mine and Harry's name kept getting closer.

"Moon, Lily"

"Nott, Theodore"

"Parkinson, Pansy"

All were sorted into Slytherin. Next was another set of twin, and me and Harry both watched in interest. Could twins be separated?

"Patil, Padma!" Was called, and placed in Ravenclaw.

"Patil, Parvati!" Was next, the hat placed her into Gryffindor and Harry looked more nervous than ever.

"It'll be fine." I whispered to him.

"Perks, Sally-Anne!"

"Just...please not Slytherin. Not for either of us." He replied. I nodded, though if the hat thought so..

"Potter, Harry!"

As Harry stepped forward the whispers began. I looked at Ron in annoyance who just shrugged. I noticed Lisa look at him, then me again. Clearly Anthony and the other's had told her the full story.

"Potter, did she say?"

"The Harry Potter?"

I noticed people from across the hall were doing everything in there power to get a good view of Harry. He placed the hat on his head, and the room went silent. Next to me I heard Ron clench his jaw, and under his breath kept saying. "Gryffindor."

"...GRYFFINDOR!" The hat finally shouted. The room burst into the loudest applause of the night as Harry began to shakily walk towards the Gryffindor table. I gave him a little smile, and he nodded. When he reached the table Percy Weasley shook Harry's hand vigorously. While Fred and George both shouted. "We got Potter! We got Potter!" While Harry sat down opposite one of the ghost's we'd seen earlier.

"Potter, Sarah!" When my name was called the room again went silent. Though this time people at least expected me, I sat down and the last thing I saw was Harry looking at me. Half hopeful, half nervous as the hat went over my head. Everything was black...

"Well, well, the other Potter." I heard a voice in my mind. I decided to be polite with the hat...

"Hello...sir." I thought.

"Politeness will not get you placed wherever you want. No, your mind, your personality, your values, they shall determine that."

"Tell me then?"

"Eager to know...let's see here. Very good brains, a desire to learn of our world. The world of your parent's though you are willing to sell off your brains for protection, not very fair minded or noble of you."

"I didn't want to get beat up." I snapped back.

"True. But you still have that same mindset."

"I admit I'm not brave." I admitted, slightly ashamed.

"You are braver than you think, still, it's not your defining trait. As for Slytherin, while you do have a history of self preservation, you have no desire for power. Tell me, like your brother, do you have any...requests?"

"Harry requested something?" I asked.

"Not to be in Slytherin. Do you have that same desire?"

"You know where I belong, I'll trust you judgement."


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